
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlgoVisitorVisitor for algorithms
 CIncrementNestingLevelAuxiliary structure to increment/decrement nesting level during walking through the document, and checking circumstances for the algorithm
 CHtmlVisitorHTML visitor interface to walk through Document
 CFootnoteRefStuffAuxiliary struct to process footnotes
 CPosRangeCached position of Item
 CAnchorJust an anchor
 CBlockAbstract block (storage of child items)
 CFootnoteRefFootnote reference
 CHorizontalLineHorizontal line
 CInternalStringTInternal string, used to get virgin (original) string from transformed string
 CItemBase class for item in Markdown document
 CItemWithOptsBase class for items that can have style options
 CLineBreakLine break
 CLinkBaseBase class for links
 CListItemList item in a list
 CMathLaTeX math expression
 CMdBlockInternal structure for block of text in Markdown
 CMdLineDataInternal structure for auxiliary information about a line in Markdown
 CPageBreakPage break
 CParserMarkdown parser
 CPosCacheCache of Markdown items to be accessed via position
 CQStringTraitTrait to use this library with QString
 CRawHtmlRaw HTML
 CRawHtmlBlockInternal structure for pre-storing HTML
 CStringListStreamWrapper for typename Trait::StringList to be behaved like a stream
 CStyleDelimEmphasis in the Markdown document
 CTableCellTable cell
 CTableRowTable row
 CTextText item in Paragraph
 CTextParsingOptsInternal structure for auxiliary options for parser
 CTextStream< QStringTrait >Wrapper for QTextStream
 CTextStream< UnicodeStringTrait >Wrapper for std::istream
 CUnicodeCharWrapper for UChar32 to be used with MD::Parser
 CUnicodeStringWrapper for icu::UnicodeString to be used with MD::Parser
 CUnicodeStringTraitTrait to use this library with std::string
 CVisitorVisitor interface to walk through Document
 CWithPositionBase for any thing with start and end position
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