
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CMD::details::HtmlVisitor< Trait >::FootnoteRefStuffAuxiliary struct to process footnotes
 CMD::details::AlgoVisitor< Trait >::IncrementNestingLevelAuxiliary structure to increment/decrement nesting level during walking through the document, and checking circumstances for the algorithm
 CMD::InternalStringT< String, Char, Latin1Char >Internal string, used to get virgin (original) string from transformed string
 CMD::MdBlock< Trait >Internal structure for block of text in Markdown
 CMD::MdLineDataInternal structure for auxiliary information about a line in Markdown
 CMD::Parser< Trait >Markdown parser
 CMD::details::PosRange< Trait >Cached position of Item
 CMD::QStringTraitTrait to use this library with QString
 CMD::RawHtmlBlock< Trait >Internal structure for pre-storing HTML
 CMD::StringListStream< Trait >Wrapper for typename Trait::StringList to be behaved like a stream
 CMD::TextParsingOpts< Trait >::StyleInfo
 CMD::TextParsingOpts< Trait >::TextData
 CMD::TextParsingOpts< Trait >Internal structure for auxiliary options for parser
 CMD::TextStream< Trait >
 CMD::TextStream< QStringTrait >Wrapper for QTextStream
 CMD::TextStream< UnicodeStringTrait >Wrapper for std::istream
 CMD::UnicodeCharWrapper for UChar32 to be used with MD::Parser
 CMD::UnicodeStringWrapper for icu::UnicodeString to be used with MD::Parser
 CMD::UnicodeStringTraitTrait to use this library with std::string
 CMD::UnprotectedDocsMethods< Trait >
 CMD::Visitor< Trait >Visitor interface to walk through Document
 CMD::PosCache< Trait >Cache of Markdown items to be accessed via position
 CMD::details::AlgoVisitor< Trait >Visitor for algorithms
 CMD::details::HtmlVisitor< Trait >HTML visitor interface to walk through Document
 CMD::WithPositionBase for any thing with start and end position
 CMD::Item< Trait >Base class for item in Markdown document
 CMD::Anchor< Trait >Just an anchor
 CMD::Block< Trait >Abstract block (storage of child items)
 CMD::Blockquote< Trait >Blockquote
 CMD::Document< Trait >Document
 CMD::Footnote< Trait >Footnote
 CMD::List< Trait >List
 CMD::ListItem< Trait >List item in a list
 CMD::Paragraph< Trait >Paragraph
 CMD::TableCell< Trait >Table cell
 CMD::Heading< Trait >Heading
 CMD::HorizontalLine< Trait >Horizontal line
 CMD::ItemWithOpts< Trait >Base class for items that can have style options
 CMD::Code< Trait >Code
 CMD::Math< Trait >LaTeX math expression
 CMD::LinkBase< Trait >Base class for links
 CMD::Image< Trait >Image
 CMD::Link< Trait >Link
 CMD::RawHtml< Trait >Raw HTML
 CMD::Text< Trait >Text item in Paragraph
 CMD::FootnoteRef< Trait >Footnote reference
 CMD::LineBreak< Trait >Line break
 CMD::PageBreak< Trait >Page break
 CMD::Table< Trait >Table
 CMD::TableRow< Trait >Table row
 CMD::StyleDelimEmphasis in the Markdown document
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:46:51 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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