Perceptual Color

1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Lukas Sommer <>
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause OR MIT
4// Own headers
5// First the interface, which forces the header to be self-contained.
6#include "gradientslider.h"
7// Second, the private implementation.
8#include "gradientslider_p.h" // IWYU pragma: associated
10#include "abstractdiagram.h"
11#include "constpropagatingrawpointer.h"
12#include "constpropagatinguniquepointer.h"
13#include "gradientimageparameters.h"
14#include "helperconstants.h"
15#include "lchadouble.h"
16#include <helper.h>
17#include <qevent.h>
18#include <qguiapplication.h>
19#include <qimage.h>
20#include <qpainter.h>
21#include <qpen.h>
22#include <qpoint.h>
23#include <qsharedpointer.h>
24#include <qsizepolicy.h>
25#include <qtransform.h>
26#include <qwidget.h>
28namespace PerceptualColor
30/** @brief Constructs a vertical slider.
31 * @param colorSpace The color space within which this widget should operate.
32 * Can be created with @ref RgbColorSpaceFactory.
33 * Can be created with @ref RgbColorSpaceFactory.
34 * @param parent parent widget (if any) */
36 : AbstractDiagram(parent)
37 , d_pointer(new GradientSliderPrivate(this))
39 d_pointer->initialize(colorSpace, Qt::Orientation::Vertical);
42/** @brief Constructs a slider.
43 * @param colorSpace The color space within which this widget should operate.
44 * Can be created with @ref RgbColorSpaceFactory.
45 * @param orientation The orientation parameter determines whether
46 * the slider is horizontal or vertical; the valid values
47 * are <tt>Qt::Vertical</tt> and <tt>Qt::Horizontal</tt>.
48 * @param parent parent widget (if any) */
50 : AbstractDiagram(parent)
51 , d_pointer(new GradientSliderPrivate(this))
53 d_pointer->initialize(colorSpace, orientation);
56/** @brief Default destructor */
61/** @brief Constructor
62 *
63 * @param backLink Pointer to the object from which <em>this</em> object
64 * is the private implementation. */
65GradientSliderPrivate::GradientSliderPrivate(GradientSlider *backLink)
66 : m_firstColor{0, 0, 0, 0} // dummy value
67 , m_secondColor{0, 0, 0, 0} // dummy value
68 , q_pointer(backLink)
72/** @brief Basic initialization.
73 *
74 * Code that is shared between the various overloaded constructors
75 * of @ref GradientSlider.
76 *
77 * @note This function requires that @ref q_pointer points to a completely
78 * initialized object. Therefore, this function may <em>not</em> be called
79 * within the constructor of @ref GradientSliderPrivate because in this
80 * moment the @ref GradientSlider object is still not fully initialized.
81 * However, a call from the <em>function body</em> of a constructor of
82 * @ref GradientSlider should be okay.
83 *
84 * @param colorSpace the color space
85 * @param orientation determines whether the slider is horizontal or
86 * vertical */
87void GradientSliderPrivate::initialize(const QSharedPointer<RgbColorSpace> &colorSpace, Qt::Orientation orientation)
89 q_pointer->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus);
90 m_gradientImageParameters.rgbColorSpace = colorSpace;
91 setOrientationWithoutSignalAndForceNewSizePolicy(orientation);
92 constexpr LchaDouble first{75, 65, 90, 1};
93 constexpr LchaDouble second{50, 75, 45, 1};
94 q_pointer->setColors(first, second);
96 // Connections
97 q_pointer->connect( //
98 &m_gradientImage, //
99 &AsyncImageProvider<GradientImageParameters>::interlacingPassCompleted, //
100 q_pointer,
104// No documentation here (documentation of properties
105// and its getters are in the header)
108 return d_pointer->m_firstColor;
111/** @brief Setter for @ref firstColor property.
112 *
113 * @param newFirstColor the new @ref firstColor */
116 if (!d_pointer->m_firstColor.hasSameCoordinates(newFirstColor)) {
117 d_pointer->m_firstColor = newFirstColor;
118 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setFirstColor(newFirstColor);
119 d_pointer->m_gradientImage.setImageParameters( //
120 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters);
121 update();
122 Q_EMIT firstColorChanged(newFirstColor);
123 }
126// No documentation here (documentation of properties
127// and its getters are in the header)
130 return d_pointer->m_secondColor;
133/** @brief Setter for @ref secondColor property.
134 *
135 * @param newSecondColor the new @ref secondColor */
138 if (!d_pointer->m_secondColor.hasSameCoordinates(newSecondColor)) {
139 d_pointer->m_secondColor = newSecondColor;
140 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setSecondColor(newSecondColor);
141 d_pointer->m_gradientImage.setImageParameters( //
142 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters);
143 update();
144 Q_EMIT secondColorChanged(newSecondColor);
145 }
148/** @brief Setter for both, @ref firstColor property and @ref secondColor
149 * property.
150 *
151 * @param newFirstColor the new @ref firstColor
152 * @param newSecondColor the new @ref secondColor */
155 setFirstColor(newFirstColor);
156 setSecondColor(newSecondColor);
157 update();
160/** @brief React on a resize event.
161 *
162 * Reimplemented from base class.
163 *
164 * @param event The corresponding resize event */
167 Q_UNUSED(event)
168 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientLength( //
169 d_pointer->physicalPixelLength());
170 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientThickness(
171 // Normally, this should not change, but maybe on Hight-DPI
172 // devices there might be some differences.
173 d_pointer->physicalPixelThickness());
174 d_pointer->m_gradientImage.setImageParameters( //
175 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters);
176 update();
179/** @brief Recommended size for the widget
180 *
181 * Reimplemented from base class.
182 *
183 * @returns Recommended size for the widget.
184 *
185 * @sa @ref sizeHint() */
188 QSize result = minimumSizeHint();
189 if (d_pointer->m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Horizontal) {
190 result.setWidth( //
191 qRound(result.width() * scaleFromMinumumSizeHintToSizeHint));
192 } else {
193 result.setHeight( //
194 qRound(result.height() * scaleFromMinumumSizeHintToSizeHint));
195 }
196 return result;
199/** @brief Recommended minimum size for the widget.
200 *
201 * Reimplemented from base class.
202 *
203 * @returns Recommended minimum size for the widget.
204 *
205 * @sa @ref minimumSizeHint() */
208 QSize result;
209 if (d_pointer->m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Horizontal) {
212 } else {
213 result.setWidth(gradientThickness());
215 }
216 return result;
219// No documentation here (documentation of properties
220// and its getters are in the header)
223 return d_pointer->m_singleStep;
226/** @brief Setter for @ref singleStep property.
227 *
228 * @param newSingleStep the new @ref singleStep. Is bound to the valid
229 * range of the property. */
230void GradientSlider::setSingleStep(qreal newSingleStep)
232 // Do not use negative value
233 const qreal boundedSingleStep = qBound<qreal>(0.0, newSingleStep, 1.0);
234 if (boundedSingleStep != d_pointer->m_singleStep) {
235 d_pointer->m_singleStep = boundedSingleStep;
236 Q_EMIT singleStepChanged(d_pointer->m_singleStep);
237 }
240// No documentation here (documentation of properties
241// and its getters are in the header)
244 return d_pointer->m_pageStep;
247/** @brief Setter for @ref pageStep property.
248 *
249 * @param newPageStep the new @ref pageStep. Is bound to the valid
250 * range of the property. */
251void GradientSlider::setPageStep(qreal newPageStep)
253 // Do not use negative altkluge
254 const qreal boundedNewPageStep = qBound<qreal>(0.0, newPageStep, 1.0);
255 if (boundedNewPageStep != d_pointer->m_pageStep) {
256 d_pointer->m_pageStep = boundedNewPageStep;
257 Q_EMIT pageStepChanged(d_pointer->m_pageStep);
258 }
261// No documentation here (documentation of properties
262// and its getters are in the header)
265 return d_pointer->m_value;
268/** @brief Setter for @ref value property.
269 *
270 * @param newValue the new @ref value. Is bound to the valid
271 * range of the property. */
272void GradientSlider::setValue(qreal newValue)
274 qreal temp = qBound<qreal>(0, newValue, 1);
275 if (d_pointer->m_value != temp) {
276 d_pointer->m_value = temp;
277 update();
278 Q_EMIT valueChanged(temp);
279 }
282/** @brief React on a mouse press event.
283 *
284 * Reimplemented from base class.
285 *
286 * @param event The corresponding mouse event */
289 setValue(d_pointer->fromWidgetPixelPositionToValue(event->pos()));
292/** @brief React on a mouse release event.
293 *
294 * Reimplemented from base class.
295 *
296 * @param event The corresponding mouse event */
299 setValue(d_pointer->fromWidgetPixelPositionToValue(event->pos()));
302/** @brief React on a mouse move event.
303 *
304 * Reimplemented from base class.
305 *
306 * @param event The corresponding mouse event */
309 setValue(d_pointer->fromWidgetPixelPositionToValue(event->pos()));
312/** @brief React on a mouse wheel event.
313 *
314 * Reimplemented from base class.
315 *
316 * @param event The corresponding mouse event */
319 qreal steps = standardWheelStepCount(event);
320 // Only react on good old vertical wheels, and not on horizontal wheels
321 if (steps != 0) {
322 qreal stepSize;
323 if ( //
326 ) {
327 stepSize = pageStep();
328 } else {
329 stepSize = singleStep();
330 }
331 setValue(d_pointer->m_value + steps * stepSize);
332 } else {
333 // Don’t accept the event and let it up to the default treatment:
334 event->ignore();
335 }
338/** @brief React on key press events.
339 *
340 * Reimplemented from base class.
341 *
342 * The user can change the @ref value of this widget by the following
343 * key strokes:
344 *
345 * - Qt::Key_Up and Qt::Key_Plus increments a @ref singleStep.
346 * - Qt::Key_Down and Qt::Key_Minus decrements a @ref singleStep.
347 * - Qt::Key_Left increments and Qt::Key_Right increment or decrement
348 * a @ref singleStep, depending on the layout direction (LTR or RTL).
349 * - Qt::Key_PageUp increments a @ref pageStep
350 * - Qt::Key_PageDown decrements a @ref pageStep
351 * - Qt::Key_Home increments to the maximum @ref value
352 * - Qt::Key_End decrements to the minimum @ref value
353 *
354 * @param event the event */
357 switch (event->key()) {
358 case Qt::Key_Up:
359 case Qt::Key_Plus:
360 setValue(d_pointer->m_value + d_pointer->m_singleStep);
361 break;
362 case Qt::Key_Down:
363 case Qt::Key_Minus:
364 setValue(d_pointer->m_value - d_pointer->m_singleStep);
365 break;
366 case Qt::Key_Left:
367 if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LayoutDirection::LeftToRight) {
368 setValue(d_pointer->m_value - d_pointer->m_singleStep);
369 } else {
370 setValue(d_pointer->m_value + d_pointer->m_singleStep);
371 }
372 break;
373 case Qt::Key_Right:
374 if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LayoutDirection::LeftToRight) {
375 setValue(d_pointer->m_value + d_pointer->m_singleStep);
376 } else {
377 setValue(d_pointer->m_value - d_pointer->m_singleStep);
378 }
379 break;
380 case Qt::Key_PageUp:
381 setValue(d_pointer->m_value + d_pointer->m_pageStep);
382 break;
383 case Qt::Key_PageDown:
384 setValue(d_pointer->m_value - d_pointer->m_pageStep);
385 break;
386 case Qt::Key_Home:
387 setValue(0);
388 break;
389 case Qt::Key_End:
390 setValue(1);
391 break;
392 default:
393 /* Quote from Qt documentation:
394 *
395 * “If you reimplement this handler, it is very important that
396 * you call the base class implementation if you do not act
397 * upon the key.
398 *
399 * The default implementation closes popup widgets if the
400 * user presses the key sequence for QKeySequence::Cancel
401 * (typically the Escape key). Otherwise the event is
402 * ignored, so that the widget’s parent can interpret it.“ */
404 }
407// No documentation here (documentation of properties
408// and its getters are in the header)
411 return d_pointer->m_orientation;
414/** @brief Forces a new orientation and a corresponding size policy.
415 *
416 * @param newOrientation The new orientation for the widget.
417 *
418 * @post The new orientation is stored. The signal
419 * @ref GradientSlider::orientationChanged is <em>not</em> emitted.
420 * The <tt>sizePolicy</tt> property is updated corresponding to the
421 * <em>new</em> orientation; this happens even if the new
422 * orientation is identical to the old @ref m_orientation! */
423void GradientSliderPrivate::setOrientationWithoutSignalAndForceNewSizePolicy(Qt::Orientation newOrientation)
425 if (newOrientation == Qt::Orientation::Vertical) {
426 q_pointer->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
427 } else {
428 q_pointer->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
429 }
430 m_orientation = newOrientation;
431 m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientLength(physicalPixelLength());
432 m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientThickness(
433 // Normally, this should not change, but maybe on Hight-DPI
434 // devices there are some differences.
435 physicalPixelThickness());
436 m_gradientImage.setImageParameters(m_gradientImageParameters);
437 // Notify the layout system the the geometry has changed
438 q_pointer->updateGeometry();
439 q_pointer->update();
442/** @brief Setter for @ref orientation property.
443 *
444 * @param newOrientation the new @ref orientation. */
447 if (newOrientation != d_pointer->m_orientation) {
448 d_pointer->setOrientationWithoutSignalAndForceNewSizePolicy( //
449 newOrientation);
450 Q_EMIT orientationChanged(d_pointer->m_orientation);
451 }
454/** @brief The rounded length of the widget
455 * measured in <em>physical pixels</em>.
456 *
457 * @returns The rounded length of the widget
458 * measured in <em>physical pixels</em>.
459 *
460 * This is a convenience function to access
461 * @ref GradientSlider::physicalPixelSize(). The length is the
462 * size of the widget in the direction of the gradient.
463 *
464 * @sa @ref physicalPixelThickness() */
465int GradientSliderPrivate::physicalPixelLength() const
467 if (m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Vertical) {
468 return q_pointer->physicalPixelSize().height();
469 } else {
470 return q_pointer->physicalPixelSize().width();
471 }
474/** @brief The rounded thickness of the widget
475 * measured in <em>physical pixels</em>.
476 *
477 * @returns The rounded thickness of the widget
478 * measured in <em>physical pixels</em>.
479 *
480 * This is a convenience function to access
481 * @ref GradientSlider::physicalPixelSize(). The thickness is the
482 * size of the widget orthogonal to the direction of the gradient.
483 *
484 * @sa @ref physicalPixelLength() */
485int GradientSliderPrivate::physicalPixelThickness() const
487 if (m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Horizontal) {
488 return q_pointer->physicalPixelSize().height();
489 } else {
490 return q_pointer->physicalPixelSize().width();
491 }
494/** @brief Converts widget pixel positions to @ref GradientSlider::value
495 * @param pixelPosition The position of a pixel of the widget coordinate
496 * system. The given value does not necessarily need to
497 * be within the actual displayed widget. It might even be negative.
498 * @returns The corresponding @ref GradientSlider::value for the (center of
499 * the) given widget pixel position.
500 * @sa @ref measurementdetails */
501qreal GradientSliderPrivate::fromWidgetPixelPositionToValue(QPoint pixelPosition)
503 // We are interested in the point in the middle of the given pixel.
504 const QPointF coordinatePoint = pixelPosition + QPointF(0.5, 0.5);
505 qreal temp;
506 if (m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Vertical) {
507 temp = (q_pointer->size().height() - coordinatePoint.y()) //
508 / static_cast<qreal>(q_pointer->size().height());
509 } else {
510 if (q_pointer->layoutDirection() == Qt::LayoutDirection::LeftToRight) {
511 temp = coordinatePoint.x() //
512 / static_cast<qreal>(q_pointer->size().width());
513 } else {
514 temp = (q_pointer->size().width() - coordinatePoint.x()) //
515 / static_cast<qreal>(q_pointer->size().width());
516 }
517 }
518 return qBound<qreal>(0, temp, 1);
521/** @brief Paint the widget.
522 *
523 * Reimplemented from base class.
524 *
525 * @param event the paint event */
528 Q_UNUSED(event)
529 // We do not paint directly on the widget, but on a QImage buffer first:
530 // Render anti-aliased looks better. But as Qt documentation says:
531 //
532 // “Renderhints are used to specify flags to QPainter that may or
533 // may not be respected by any given engine.”
534 //
535 // Painting here directly on the widget might lead to different
536 // anti-aliasing results depending on the underlying window system. This
537 // is especially problematic as anti-aliasing might shift or not a pixel
538 // to the left or to the right. So we paint on a QImage first. As QImage
539 // (at difference to QPixmap and a QWidget) is independent of native
540 // platform rendering, it guarantees identical anti-aliasing results on
541 // all platforms. Here the quote from QPainter class documentation:
542 //
543 // “To get the optimal rendering result using QPainter, you should
544 // use the platform independent QImage as paint device; i.e. using
545 // QImage will ensure that the result has an identical pixel
546 // representation on any platform.”
547 QImage paintBuffer;
549 // Paint the gradient itself.
550 // Make sure the image will be correct. We set length and thickness,
551 // just to be sure (we might have missed a resize event). Also,
552 // the device pixel ratio float might have changed because the
553 // window has been moved to another screen. We do not update the
554 // first and the second color because we have complete control
555 // about these values and are sure the any changes have yet been
556 // applied.
557 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setDevicePixelRatioF( //
559 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientLength( //
560 d_pointer->physicalPixelLength());
561 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters.setGradientThickness(
562 // Normally, this should not change, but maybe on Hight-DPI
563 // devices there are some differences.
564 d_pointer->physicalPixelThickness());
565 d_pointer->m_gradientImage.setImageParameters( //
566 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters);
567 d_pointer->m_gradientImage.refreshAsync();
568 paintBuffer = d_pointer->m_gradientImage.getCache();
569 if (paintBuffer.isNull()) {
570 return;
571 }
573 // Draw slider handle
574 QPainter bufferPainter(&paintBuffer);
575 // We use antialiasing. As our current handle is just a horizontal or
576 // vertical line, it might be slightly sharper without antialiasing.
577 // But all other widgets of this library WILL USE antialiasing because
578 // their handles are not perfectly horizontal or vertical and without
579 // antialiasing they might look terrible. Now, when antialiasing is NOT
580 // used, the line thickness is rounded. This would lead to a different
581 // thickness in this widget compared to the other widgets. This is not
582 // a good idea. Therefore, we USE antialiasing here. Anyway, in practical
583 // tests, it seems almost as sharp as without antialiasing, and
584 // additionally the position is more exact!
585 bufferPainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
586 QPen pen;
587 const qreal handleCoordinatePoint = d_pointer->physicalPixelLength() //
588 / devicePixelRatioF() //
589 * d_pointer->m_value;
590 if (hasFocus()) {
593 bufferPainter.setPen(pen);
594 bufferPainter.drawLine(QPointF(handleCoordinatePoint, 0), //
595 QPointF(handleCoordinatePoint, gradientThickness()));
596 }
598 pen.setColor( //
600 d_pointer->m_gradientImageParameters
601 .colorFromValue( //
602 d_pointer->m_value)
603 .l));
604 bufferPainter.setPen(pen);
605 bufferPainter.drawLine(QPointF(handleCoordinatePoint, 0), //
606 QPointF(handleCoordinatePoint, gradientThickness()));
608 // Paint the buffer to the actual widget
609 QTransform transform;
610 // The m_gradientImageProvider contains the gradient always
611 // in a default form, independent of the actual orientation
612 // of this widget and independent of its actual layout direction:
613 // In the default form, the first color is always on the left, and the
614 // second color is always on the right. To paint it, we have to
615 // rotate it if our actual orientation is vertical. And we have to
616 // mirror it when our actual layout direction is RTL.
617 if (d_pointer->m_orientation == Qt::Orientation::Vertical) {
618 if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LayoutDirection::RightToLeft) {
619 // Even on vertical gradients, we mirror the image, so that
620 // the well-aligned edge of the transparency background is
621 // always aligned according to the writing direction.
622 transform.scale(-1, 1);
623 transform.rotate(270);
624 transform.translate(size().height() * (-1), size().width() * (-1));
625 } else {
626 transform.rotate(270);
627 transform.translate(size().height() * (-1), 0);
628 }
629 } else {
630 if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LayoutDirection::RightToLeft) {
631 transform.scale(-1, 1);
632 transform.translate(size().width() * (-1), 0);
633 }
634 }
635 QPainter widgetPainter(this);
636 widgetPainter.setTransform(transform);
637 widgetPainter.drawImage(0, 0, paintBuffer);
639 // // TODO Draw a focus rectangle like this?:
640 // widgetPainter.setTransform(QTransform());
641 // if (hasFocus()) {
642 // QStyleOptionFocusRect opt;
643 // opt.palette = palette();
644 // opt.rect = rect();
645 // opt.state = QStyle::State_None |
646 // QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange; style()->drawPrimitive(
647 // QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect,
648 // &opt,
649 // &widgetPainter,
650 // this
651 // );
652 // }
655} // namespace PerceptualColor
Base class for LCH diagrams.
QColor handleColorFromBackgroundLightness(qreal lightness) const
An appropriate color for a handle, depending on the background lightness.
int gradientMinimumLength() const
The minimum length of a color gradient.
void callUpdate()
An alternative to QWidget::update().
int handleOutlineThickness() const
The outline thickness of a handle.
int gradientThickness() const
The thickness of a color gradient.
QColor focusIndicatorColor() const
The color for painting focus indicators.
A slider who’s groove displays an LCH color gradient.
void secondColorChanged(const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newSecondColor)
Signal for secondColor property.
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const override
Recommended minimum size for the widget.
qreal value
The slider’s current value.
Q_INVOKABLE GradientSlider(const QSharedPointer< PerceptualColor::RgbColorSpace > &colorSpace, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Constructs a vertical slider.
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
React on a mouse release event.
void singleStepChanged(const qreal newSingleStep)
Signal for singleStep property.
PerceptualColor::LchaDouble secondColor
Second color (the one corresponding to a high value)
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
React on a mouse move event.
virtual ~GradientSlider() noexcept override
Default destructor.
virtual QSize sizeHint() const override
Recommended size for the widget.
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override
React on key press events.
PerceptualColor::LchaDouble firstColor
First color (the one corresponding to a low value)
void setValue(const qreal newValue)
Setter for value property.
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override
React on a mouse wheel event.
void setColors(const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newFirstColor, const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newSecondColor)
Setter for both, firstColor property and secondColor property.
void setSingleStep(const qreal newSingleStep)
Setter for singleStep property.
void orientationChanged(const Qt::Orientation newOrientation)
Signal for orientation property.
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override
React on a resize event.
void firstColorChanged(const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newFirstColor)
Signal for firstColor property.
void valueChanged(const qreal newValue)
Signal for value property.
qreal singleStep
This property holds the single step.
void setSecondColor(const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newSecondColor)
Setter for secondColor property.
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
React on a mouse press event.
void setPageStep(const qreal newPageStep)
Setter for pageStep property.
void setFirstColor(const PerceptualColor::LchaDouble &newFirstColor)
Setter for firstColor property.
void setOrientation(const Qt::Orientation newOrientation)
Setter for orientation property.
qreal pageStep
This property holds the page step.
Qt::Orientation orientation
Orientation of the widget.
void pageStepChanged(const qreal newPageStep)
Signal for pageStep property.
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override
Paint the widget.
The namespace of this library.
Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers()
bool isNull() const const
qreal devicePixelRatioF() const const
void drawImage(const QPoint &point, const QImage &image)
void drawLine(const QLine &line)
void setPen(Qt::PenStyle style)
void setRenderHint(RenderHint hint, bool on)
void setTransform(const QTransform &transform, bool combine)
void setColor(const QColor &color)
void setWidthF(qreal width)
qreal x() const const
qreal y() const const
int height() const const
void setHeight(int height)
void setWidth(int width)
int width() const const
virtual bool event(QEvent *event) override
bool hasFocus() const const
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
void update()
A LCH color with alpha channel.
Definition lchadouble.h:51
bool hasSameCoordinates(const LchaDouble &other) const
Compares coordinates with another object.
double l
Lightness, mesured in percent.
Definition lchadouble.h:56
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jul 26 2024 11:50:27 by doxygen 1.11.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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