
PerceptualColor Namespace Reference


class  AbstractDiagram
class  ChromaHueDiagram
class  ColorDialog
class  ColorPatch
class  ColorWheel
class  GradientSlider
class  MultiSpinBox
class  MultiSpinBoxSection
class  RgbColorSpaceFactory
class  WheelColorPicker


using QColorFloatType = decltype(std::declval<QColor>().redF())
using QListSizeType = decltype(std::declval<QList<int>>().count())
using QStringLength = decltype(std::declval<QString>().length())
using QStringSize = decltype(std::declval<QString>().size())
using Quartet = QGenericMatrix<1, 4, double>
using SquareMatrix3 = QGenericMatrix<3, 3, double>
using Swatches = Array2D<QColor>
using Trio = QGenericMatrix<1, 3, double>


enum class  ColorModel {
  CielabD50 , CielchD50 , Hsl360_1_1 , Hwb360_1_1 ,
  Invalid , OklabD65 , OklchD65 , Rgb1 ,
  XyzD50 , XyzD65
enum class  ColorSchemeType { Light , Dark }


template<int N, int M, typename T, typename... Args>
constexpr QGenericMatrix< N, M, T > createMatrix (Args... args)
SquareMatrix3 createSquareMatrix3 (double r0c0, double r0c1, double r0c2, double r1c0, double r1c1, double r1c2, double r2c0, double r2c1, double r2c2)
Trio createTrio (double first, double second, double third)
int decimalPlaces (const int rangeMax, const int significantFigures)
template<typename T = void>
void delayedEventProcessing (unsigned long msecWaitInitially=50, unsigned long msecWaitBetweenEventLoopPasses=50, int numberEventLoopPasses=3)
void drawQWidgetStyleSheetAware (QWidget *widget)
template<typename T>
QString enumerationToFullString ()
template<typename T>
QString enumeratorToFullString (const T &enumerator)
template<typename T>
QString enumeratorToString (const T &enumerator)
template<typename T>
constexpr quint8 fromFloatingToEightBit (const T &original)
QString fromMnemonicToRichText (const QString &mnemonicText)
QPair< QString, QStringgetPrefixSuffix (const QString &formatString)
std::optional< ColorSchemeTypeguessColorSchemeTypeFromWidget (QWidget *widget)
void initializeLibraryResources ()
void initializeTranslation (QCoreApplication *instance, std::optional< QStringList > newUiLanguages)
std::optional< SquareMatrix3inverseMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 &matrix)
template<typename First, typename... T>
bool isIn (First &&first, T &&...t)
template<typename A, typename B>
constexpr bool isNearlyEqual (A a, B b)
template<typename T>
constexpr bool isNearlyEqual (T a, T b, T epsilon)
template<typename T>
constexpr bool isOdd (const T &number)
template<typename T>
normalizedAngle360 (T value)
template<typename T>
void normalizePolar360 (T &radius, T &angleDegree)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PerceptualColor::GenericColor &value)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PerceptualColor::MultiSpinBoxSection &value)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PerceptualColor::PolarPointF value)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PerceptualColor::RgbColor &value)
QVersionNumber perceptualColorRunTimeVersion ()
template<typename T>
QColor qColorFromRgbDouble (T red, T green, T blue)
QIcon qIconFromTheme (const QStringList &names, const QString &fallback, ColorSchemeType type)
template<typename T>
constexpr T roundToDigits (T value, int precision)
void setTranslation (QCoreApplication *instance, const QStringList &newUiLanguages)
qreal standardWheelStepCount (QWheelEvent *event)
cmsCIELab toCmsLab (const cmsCIELCh &value)
GenericColor toGenericColorCielabD50 (const cmsCIELab &value)
QImage transparencyBackground (qreal devicePixelRatioF)
Swatches wcsBasicColors (const QSharedPointer< PerceptualColor::RgbColorSpace > &colorSpace)


constexpr qreal gamutPrecisionCielab = 0.001
constexpr qreal gamutPrecisionOklab = gamutPrecisionCielab / 100
constexpr int overlap = 2
constexpr qreal pageStepAlpha = 10 * singleStepAlpha
constexpr int pageStepChroma = 10 * singleStepChroma
constexpr int pageStepHue = 10 * singleStepHue
constexpr int pageStepLightness = 10 * singleStepLightness
constexpr auto pi = M_PI
const QString richTextMarker = QStringLiteral(u"<a/>")
constexpr qreal scaleFromMinumumSizeHintToSizeHint = 1.2
constexpr qreal singleStepAlpha = 0.01
constexpr int singleStepChroma = 1
constexpr int singleStepHue = 360 / 100
constexpr int singleStepLightness = 1
constexpr double singleStepOklabc = 0.01
constexpr cmsCIEXYZ whitePointD65TwoDegree {0.95047, 1.00000, 1.08883}

Detailed Description

The namespace of this library.

All symbols that are provided in this library are encapsulated within this namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ QColorFloatType

using PerceptualColor::QColorFloatType = decltype(std::declval<QColor>().redF())

Definition at line 27 of file helperqttypes.h.

◆ QListSizeType

using PerceptualColor::QListSizeType = decltype(std::declval<QList<int>>().count())

Definition at line 65 of file helperqttypes.h.

◆ QStringLength

using PerceptualColor::QStringLength = decltype(std::declval<QString>().length())

Definition at line 82 of file helperqttypes.h.

◆ QStringSize

using PerceptualColor::QStringSize = decltype(std::declval<QString>().size())

Definition at line 95 of file helperqttypes.h.

◆ Quartet

Definition at line 34 of file helpermath.h.

◆ SquareMatrix3

Definition at line 45 of file helpermath.h.

◆ Swatches

Swatches organized in a grid.

This type is declared as type to Qt’s type system via Q_DECLARE_METATYPE. Depending on your use case (for example if you want to use for queued signal-slot connections), you might consider calling qRegisterMetaType() for this type, once you have a QApplication object.

Definition at line 242 of file helper.h.

◆ Trio

using PerceptualColor::Trio = QGenericMatrix<1, 3, double>

Definition at line 58 of file helpermath.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ColorModel

enum class PerceptualColor::ColorModel

Identifiers for color models.


The Cielab color space using a D50 illuminant.

Lightness: [0, 100].
a: unbound.
b: unbound.


The Cielch color space using a D50 illuminant.

Lightness: [0, 100].
Chroma: unbound.
Hue: [0, 360[.


Some color space using the HSL color model.

Hue: [0, 360[.
Saturation: [0, 1].
Lightness: [0, 1].


Some color space using the HWB color model.

Hue: [0, 360[.
Whiteness: [0, 1].
Blackness: [0, 1].


Represents invalid data.


The Oklab color space, which by definition always and exclusively uses a D65 illuminant.

Lightness: [0, 1].
a: unbound.
b: unbound.


The Oklch color space, which by definition always and exclusively uses a D65 illuminant.

Lightness: [0, 1].
Chroma: unbound.
Hue: [0, 360[.


Some color space using the Rgb color model.

R: [0, 1].
G: [0, 1].
B: [0, 1].


The Xyz color space using a D50 illuminant.

X: unbound.
Y: [0, 1]. Diffuse white has a luminance (Y) of 1.0
Z: unbound.


The Xzy color space using a D65 illuminant.

X: unbound.
Y: [0, 1]. Diffuse white has a luminance (Y) of 1.0
Z: unbound.

Definition at line 38 of file helperconversion.h.

◆ ColorSchemeType

Represents the appearance of a theme.

Substitute this by enum class Qt::ColorScheme which is available since Qt 6.

Light theme.


Dark theme.

Definition at line 39 of file helper.h.

Function Documentation

◆ createMatrix()

template<int N, int M, typename T, typename... Args>
QGenericMatrix< N, M, T > PerceptualColor::createMatrix ( Args... args)

Definition at line 72 of file helpermath.h.

◆ createSquareMatrix3()

SquareMatrix3 PerceptualColor::createSquareMatrix3 ( double r0c0,
double r0c1,
double r0c2,
double r1c0,
double r1c1,
double r1c2,
double r2c0,
double r2c1,
double r2c2 )

Definition at line 29 of file helpermath.cpp.

◆ createTrio()

Trio PerceptualColor::createTrio ( double first,
double second,
double third )

Definition at line 48 of file helpermath.cpp.

◆ decimalPlaces()

int PerceptualColor::decimalPlaces ( const int rangeMax,
const int significantFigures )

Calculates the required number of decimals to achieve the requested number of significant figures within the given range.

rangeMaxThe maximum value of the range [0, rangeMax].
significantFiguresThe requested number of significant figures.
maxRange decimalPlaces(maxRange, 2) decimalPlaces(maxRange, 3) decimalPlaces(maxRange, 4)
1 1 2 3
2 1 2 3
100 0 0 1
255 0 0 1
360 0 0 1
The number of decimal places after the decimal point (in addition to the whole number part) required to achieve the requested number of significant figures within the given range.

Definition at line 108 of file helpermath.cpp.

◆ delayedEventProcessing()

template<typename T = void>
void PerceptualColor::delayedEventProcessing ( unsigned long msecWaitInitially = 50,
unsigned long msecWaitBetweenEventLoopPasses = 50,
int numberEventLoopPasses = 3 )

Definition at line 266 of file helper.h.

◆ drawQWidgetStyleSheetAware()

void PerceptualColor::drawQWidgetStyleSheetAware ( QWidget * widget)

Definition at line 143 of file helper.cpp.

◆ enumerationToFullString()

template<typename T>
QString PerceptualColor::enumerationToFullString ( )

The full-qualified C++ identifier as QString.

This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Template Parameters
TThe enumeration.
The enumeration type is declared with Q_ENUM or Q_ENUM_NS.
The full-qualified C++ identifier as QString.

Definition at line 302 of file helper.h.

◆ enumeratorToFullString()

template<typename T>
QString PerceptualColor::enumeratorToFullString ( const T & enumerator)

The full-qualified C++ identifier as QString.

This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Template Parameters
TThe enumeration type. Can usually be omitted.
enumeratorAn enumerator.
The enumeration type of the enumerator is declared with Q_ENUM or Q_ENUM_NS.
The full-qualified C++ identifier as QString, followed by the underlying integer value in parenthesis. If the enumerator does not exist (for example because you have done a static_cast of an invalid integer to the enum class), an empty String is returned instead. If the enumerator has synonyms (that means, there exist other enumerators that share the same integer with the current enumerator), all synonym enumerators are returned.
See also

Definition at line 331 of file helper.h.

◆ enumeratorToString()

template<typename T>
QString PerceptualColor::enumeratorToString ( const T & enumerator)

The C++ identifier as QString.

This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Template Parameters
TThe enumeration type. Can usually be omitted.
enumeratorAn enumerator.
The enumeration type of the enumerator is declared with Q_ENUM or Q_ENUM_NS.
The C++ identifier as QString, followed by the underlying integer value in parenthesis. If the enumerator does not exist (for example because you have done a static_cast of an invalid integer to the enum class), an empty String is returned instead. If the enumerator has synonyms (that means, there exist other enumerators that share the same integer with the current enumerator), all synonym enumerators are returned.
See also

Definition at line 373 of file helper.h.

◆ fromFloatingToEightBit()

template<typename T>
quint8 PerceptualColor::fromFloatingToEightBit ( const T & original)

Definition at line 96 of file helperconversion.h.

◆ fromMnemonicToRichText()

QString PerceptualColor::fromMnemonicToRichText ( const QString & mnemonicText)

Definition at line 254 of file helper.cpp.

◆ getPrefixSuffix()

QPair< QString, QString > PerceptualColor::getPrefixSuffix ( const QString & formatString)

Definition at line 177 of file helper.cpp.

◆ guessColorSchemeTypeFromWidget()

std::optional< ColorSchemeType > PerceptualColor::guessColorSchemeTypeFromWidget ( QWidget * widget)

Definition at line 328 of file helper.cpp.

◆ initializeLibraryResources()

void PerceptualColor::initializeLibraryResources ( )

Definition at line 47 of file initializelibraryresources.cpp.

◆ initializeTranslation()

void PerceptualColor::initializeTranslation ( QCoreApplication * instance,
std::optional< QStringList > newUiLanguages )

Definition at line 73 of file initializetranslation.cpp.

◆ inverseMatrix()

std::optional< SquareMatrix3 > PerceptualColor::inverseMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 & matrix)

Definition at line 62 of file helpermath.cpp.

◆ isIn()

template<typename First, typename... T>
bool PerceptualColor::isIn ( First && first,
T &&... t )

Definition at line 62 of file helper.h.

◆ isNearlyEqual() [1/2]

template<typename A, typename B>
bool PerceptualColor::isNearlyEqual ( A a,
B b )

Definition at line 188 of file helpermath.h.

◆ isNearlyEqual() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool PerceptualColor::isNearlyEqual ( T a,
T b,
T epsilon )

Definition at line 151 of file helpermath.h.

◆ isOdd()

template<typename T>
bool PerceptualColor::isOdd ( const T & number)

Definition at line 119 of file helpermath.h.

◆ normalizedAngle360()

template<typename T>
T PerceptualColor::normalizedAngle360 ( T value)

Definition at line 252 of file helpermath.h.

◆ normalizePolar360()

template<typename T>
void PerceptualColor::normalizePolar360 ( T & radius,
T & angleDegree )

Definition at line 280 of file helpermath.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

QDebug PerceptualColor::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PerceptualColor::GenericColor & value )

Definition at line 104 of file genericcolor.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

PERCEPTUALCOLOR_IMPORTEXPORT QDebug PerceptualColor::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PerceptualColor::MultiSpinBoxSection & value )

Adds QDebug() support for data type PerceptualColor::MultiSpinBoxSection.

dbgExisting debug object
valueValue to stream into the debug object
Debug object with value streamed in

Definition at line 245 of file multispinboxsection.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

QDebug PerceptualColor::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PerceptualColor::PolarPointF value )

Definition at line 116 of file polarpointf.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

QDebug PerceptualColor::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PerceptualColor::RgbColor & value )

Definition at line 251 of file rgbcolor.cpp.

◆ perceptualColorRunTimeVersion()

PERCEPTUALCOLOR_IMPORTEXPORT QVersionNumber PerceptualColor::perceptualColorRunTimeVersion ( )

Against which version of this library you are running.

The library version with major, minor and patch version. Note that there is no pre-release identifier included. For example, if your application is running against version 1.2.3-alpha of this library, this function will return QVersionNumber(1, 2, 3).

To use this function, include version.h

See also
Version information at compiletime and runtime

Definition at line 33 of file version.cpp.

◆ qColorFromRgbDouble()

template<typename T>
QColor PerceptualColor::qColorFromRgbDouble ( T red,
T green,
T blue )

Definition at line 115 of file helperconversion.h.

◆ qIconFromTheme()

QIcon PerceptualColor::qIconFromTheme ( const QStringList & names,
const QString & fallback,
ColorSchemeType type )

Definition at line 202 of file helper.cpp.

◆ roundToDigits()

template<typename T>
T PerceptualColor::roundToDigits ( T value,
int precision )

Definition at line 299 of file helpermath.h.

◆ setTranslation()

void PERCEPTUALCOLOR_IMPORTEXPORT PerceptualColor::setTranslation ( QCoreApplication * instance,
const QStringList & newUiLanguages )

Set the translation for the whole library.

After calling this function, all objects of this library that are created from now on are translated according to translation that was set.

Objects that were yet existing when calling are not always automatically updated: When calling this function, Qt sends a QEvent::LanguageChange event only to top-level widgets, and these will get updated then. You can send the event yourself to non-top-level widgets to update those widgets also. Note that also RgbColorSpaceFactory generates objects that might have localized properties; these objects do not support translation updates.

If you create objects that use translations before a translation has been set explicitly, than automatically an environment-dependant translation is loaded.

You might call this function again after a change of QLocale() to change the translation. Also, call this function again after destroying the QCoreApplication object and creating a new one.

It is safe to call this function multiple times.

There exists exactly one instance of QCoreApplication to which the parameter points. This function is called from the same thread in which the QCoreApplication instance lives.
instanceA pointer to the QCoreApplication instance for which the initialization will be done.
newUiLanguagesList of translations, ordered by priority, most important ones first, like in QLocale::uiLanguages().

Definition at line 55 of file settranslation.cpp.

◆ standardWheelStepCount()

qreal PerceptualColor::standardWheelStepCount ( QWheelEvent * event)

Definition at line 60 of file helper.cpp.

◆ toCmsLab()

cmsCIELab PerceptualColor::toCmsLab ( const cmsCIELCh & value)

Definition at line 33 of file helperconversion.cpp.

◆ toGenericColorCielabD50()

GenericColor PerceptualColor::toGenericColorCielabD50 ( const cmsCIELab & value)

Definition at line 21 of file helperconversion.cpp.

◆ transparencyBackground()

QImage PerceptualColor::transparencyBackground ( qreal devicePixelRatioF)

Definition at line 102 of file helper.cpp.

◆ wcsBasicColors()

Swatches PerceptualColor::wcsBasicColors ( const QSharedPointer< PerceptualColor::RgbColorSpace > & colorSpace)

Swatch grid derived from the basic colors as by WCS (World color survey).

The swatch grid contains various tints and shades of the basic colors. The choice of the basic colors is based on the study by Brent Berlin and Paul Kay, who suggest that the basic color terms in almost all languages on earth follow a universal pattern. They propose that there are eleven basic color terms that appear in this order during the evolution of a language:

  1. black, white
  2. red
  3. green, yellow
  4. blue
  5. brown
  6. purple, pink, orange, gray

Additionally, people worldwide seem to agree quite well on the typical values of each of these color terms. This theory is a fascinating one and forms a good basis for choosing basic colors for this swatch grid.

This widget's colors have been arranged largely according to the color wheel of the perceptually uniform color space. We start with the saturated basic colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple in order of their hue angles. Next, we have pink and brown, which have roughly the same hue as red or orange but are less saturated. These are simply the less chromatic parts of this hue but are nevertheless perceived by humans as independent colors. For each of these basic colors, there are five variants in the order of tint, pure color, and shade. Following the saturated colors and eventually the less saturated ones, the gray axis comes in last place.

What exact colors are used? What exactly is a typical “red” or a “green”? Doesn’t every human have a slightly different feeling what a “typical” red or a “typical” blue is? We need a focal color, which is, according to Oxford Reference:

“A colour that is a prototypical instance of a particular colour name, such as a shade of red that a majority of viewers consider to be the best example of a red colour.”

The World Color Survey (WCS) is a significant study about focal colors of speakers of different languages across the world. The data from this survey is available online, and while it does not provide direct values for focal colors, various studies have used this data to determine focal colors for some basic color terms and a naming centroid for others.

The table below shows the WCS grid coordinates for the basic color terms along with the corresponding Cielab values for the focal color (where available) or the naming centroid (where focal color data is unavailable).

Basic color term WCS grid coordinates Cielab³ L Cielab³ a Cielab³ b
white¹ A0 96.00 -0.06 0.06
black¹ J0 15.60 -0.02 0.02
red¹ G1 41.22 61.40 17.92
yellow¹ C9 81.35 7.28 109.12
green¹ F17 51.57 -63.28 28.95
blue¹ F29 51.57 -3.41 -48.08
brown³ G7 41.22 17.04 45.95
purple³ G34 41.22 33.08 -30.50
pink³ E1 61.70 49.42 18.23
orange³ E6 61.70 29.38 64.40
gray not available

¹ Focal color as proposed by Focal colors are universal after all.

² Raw estimation of the naming centroid based on Fig. 4 of this document. (Fig. 5 would be the better choice, as it gives the focal color instead of the naming centroid, but unfortunately contains only red, yellow, green and blue, for which we have yet direct data.)

³ Lookup table providing Lab values for WCS grid coordinates and the corresponding explanation.

From this data, the colors in our swatch grid have been derived as follows:

  • The gray axis has been defined manually, ignoring the WCS data. Chroma is 0. The lightness is 100% for white, 0% for black, and 75%, 50%, and 25% for the intermediate grays.
  • The other columns for chromatic colors use the WCS data for the swatch in the middle. Tints and shades are calculated by adding or reducing chroma and lightness within the Oklab color space. If the resulting color falls outside the color space, a nearby in-gamut color is chosen instead.
colorSpaceThe color space in which the return value is calculated.
Swatch grid derived from the basic colors. Provides as a list of basic colors (in this order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, gray axis). Each basic color is a list of 5 swatches (starting with the lightest and finishing with the darkest: 2 tints, the tone itself, 2 shades).
The RGB value is rounded to full integers in the range [0, 255].

Definition at line 459 of file helper.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ gamutPrecisionCielab

qreal PerceptualColor::gamutPrecisionCielab = 0.001

Definition at line 26 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ gamutPrecisionOklab

qreal PerceptualColor::gamutPrecisionOklab = gamutPrecisionCielab / 100

Definition at line 35 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ overlap

int PerceptualColor::overlap = 2

Definition at line 48 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ pageStepAlpha

qreal PerceptualColor::pageStepAlpha = 10 * singleStepAlpha

Definition at line 153 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ pageStepChroma

int PerceptualColor::pageStepChroma = 10 * singleStepChroma

Definition at line 169 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ pageStepHue

int PerceptualColor::pageStepHue = 10 * singleStepHue

Definition at line 185 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ pageStepLightness

int PerceptualColor::pageStepLightness = 10 * singleStepLightness

Definition at line 201 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ pi

auto PerceptualColor::pi = M_PI

Definition at line 31 of file helperposixmath.h.

◆ richTextMarker

const QString PerceptualColor::richTextMarker = QStringLiteral(u"<a/>")

Definition at line 221 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ scaleFromMinumumSizeHintToSizeHint

qreal PerceptualColor::scaleFromMinumumSizeHintToSizeHint = 1.2

Definition at line 59 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ singleStepAlpha

qreal PerceptualColor::singleStepAlpha = 0.01

Definition at line 73 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ singleStepChroma

int PerceptualColor::singleStepChroma = 1

Definition at line 87 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ singleStepHue

int PerceptualColor::singleStepHue = 360 / 100

Definition at line 110 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ singleStepLightness

int PerceptualColor::singleStepLightness = 1

Definition at line 124 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ singleStepOklabc

double PerceptualColor::singleStepOklabc = 0.01

Definition at line 137 of file helperconstants.h.

◆ whitePointD65TwoDegree

cmsCIEXYZ PerceptualColor::whitePointD65TwoDegree {0.95047, 1.00000, 1.08883}

Definition at line 146 of file helperconversion.h.

This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:07 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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