
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Aaron Seigo <>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Matt Broadstone <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Marco Martin <>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
12#include <plasma/containment.h>
13#include <plasma/plasma.h>
14#include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
16class QAction;
18namespace Plasma
20class CoronaPrivate;
23 * @class Corona plasma/Corona.h <Plasma/Corona>
24 *
25 * @short A bookkeeping Scene for Plasma::Applets
26 */
27class PLASMA_EXPORT Corona : public QObject
30 Q_PROPERTY(bool isStartupCompleted READ isStartupCompleted NOTIFY startupCompleted)
31 Q_PROPERTY(bool editMode READ isEditMode WRITE setEditMode NOTIFY editModeChanged)
32 Q_PROPERTY(KPackage::Package kPackage READ kPackage NOTIFY kPackageChanged)
35 explicit Corona(QObject *parent = nullptr);
36 ~Corona() override;
38 /**
39 * Accessor for the associated Package object if any.
40 * A Corona package defines how Containments are laid out in a View,
41 * ToolBoxes, default layout, error messages
42 * and in general all the furniture specific of a particular
43 * device form factor.
44 *
45 * @return the Package object, or an invalid one if none
46 * @since 5.5
47 **/
48 KPackage::Package kPackage() const;
50 /**
51 * Setting the package for the corona
52 * @since 5.5
53 */
54 void setKPackage(const KPackage::Package &package);
56 /**
57 * @return all containments on this Corona
58 */
61 /**
62 * @returns true when the startup is over, and
63 * all the ui graphics has been instantiated
64 */
65 bool isStartupCompleted() const;
67 /**
68 * Returns the config file used to store the configuration for this Corona
69 */
70 KSharedConfig::Ptr config() const;
72 /**
73 * Adds a Containment to the Corona
74 *
75 * @param name the plugin name for the containment, as given by
76 * KPluginInfo::pluginName(). If an empty string is passed in, the default
77 * containment plugin will be used (usually DesktopContainment). If the
78 * string literal "null" is passed in, then no plugin will be loaded and
79 * a simple Containment object will be created instead.
80 * @param args argument list to pass to the containment
81 *
82 * @return a pointer to the containment on success, or 0 on failure. Failure can be
83 * caused by too restrictive of an Immutability type, as containments cannot be added
84 * when widgets are locked.
85 * If the requested containment plugin can not be located or successfully loaded, the Containment will have an invalid pluginInfo().
86 */
87 Containment *createContainment(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList());
89 /**
90 * Returns the Containment for a given physical screen and desktop, creating one
91 * if none exists
92 *
93 * @param screen number of the physical screen to locate
94 * @param activity the activity id of the containment we want,
95 * and empty string if the activity is not important
96 * @param defaultPluginIfNonExistent the plugin to load by default; "null" won't
97 * create it and "default" creates the default plugin
98 * @param defaultArgs optional arguments to pass in when creating a Containment if needed
99 * @since 5.45
100 */
102 containmentForScreen(int screen, const QString &activity, const QString &defaultPluginIfNonExistent, const QVariantList &defaultArgs = QVariantList());
104 /**
105 * Returns all containments which match a particular activity, for any screen
106 * @param activity the activity id we want
107 * @returns the list of matching containments if any, empty if activity is an empty string
108 * @since 5.45
109 */
112 /**
113 * Returns all containments which match a particular screen, for any activity
114 * @param screen the screen number we want
115 * @returns the list of matching containments if any, empty if screen is < 0
116 * @since 5.45
117 */
120 /**
121 * Returns the number of screens available to plasma.
122 * Subclasses should override this method as the default
123 * implementation returns a meaningless value.
124 */
125 virtual int numScreens() const;
127 /**
128 * Returns the geometry of a given screen.
129 * Valid screen ids are 0 to numScreen()-1, or -1 for the full desktop geometry.
130 * Subclasses should override this method as the default
131 * implementation returns a meaningless value.
132 */
133 virtual QRect screenGeometry(int id) const = 0;
135 /**
136 * Returns the available region for a given screen.
137 * The available region excludes panels and similar windows.
138 * Valid screen ids are 0 to numScreens()-1.
139 * By default this method returns a rectangular region
140 * equal to screenGeometry(id); subclasses that need another
141 * behavior should override this method.
142 */
143 virtual QRegion availableScreenRegion(int id) const;
145 /**
146 * Returns the available rect for a given screen.
147 * The difference between this and availableScreenRegion()
148 * is that this method returns only a rectangular
149 * available space (it doesn't care if your panel is not 100% width).
150 * The available rect excludes panels and similar windows.
151 * Valid screen ids are 0 to numScreens()-1.
152 * By default this method returns a rectangular region
153 * equal to screenGeometry(id); subclasses that need another
154 * behavior should override this method.
155 */
156 virtual QRect availableScreenRect(int id) const;
158 /**
159 * This method is useful in order to retrieve the list of available
160 * screen edges for panel type containments.
161 * @param screen the id of the screen to look for free edges.
162 * @returns a list of free edges not filled with panel type containments.
163 */
166 /**
167 * @returns The action with the given name, if any
168 */
169 Q_INVOKABLE QAction *action(const QString &name) const;
171 /**
172 * Defines a new action with the given name in the internal collection
173 */
174 void setAction(const QString &name, QAction *action);
176 /**
177 * Remove the action with the given name, if exists
178 */
179 void removeAction(const QString &name);
181 /**
182 * @returns all the actions supported by the corona
183 */
186 /**
187 * Imports an applet layout from a config file. The results will be added to the
188 * current set of Containments.
189 *
190 * @param config the name of the config file to load from,
191 * or the default config file if QString()
192 * @return the list of containments that were loaded
193 * @since 4.6
194 */
197 /**
198 * Exports a set of containments to a config file.
199 *
200 * @param config the config group to save to
201 * @param containments the list of containments to save
202 * @since 4.6
203 */
206 /**
207 * @returns the id of the screen which is showing @p containment
208 * -1 is returned if the containment is not associated with a screen.
209 */
210 virtual int screenForContainment(const Containment *containment) const;
212 /**
213 * @return The type of immutability of this Corona
214 */
217 /**
218 * @return true if immutability() is not Types::Mutable
219 * @since 6.4
220 */
221 bool immutable() const;
223 /**
224 * Set the Corona globally into "edit mode"
225 * Only when the corona is of mutable type can be set of edit mode.
226 * This indicates the UI to make easy for the user to manipulate applets.
227 * @param edit
228 * @since 5.63
229 */
230 void setEditMode(bool edit);
232 /**
233 * @returns true if the corona is in edit mode
234 * @since 5.63
235 */
236 bool isEditMode() const;
238 // TODO: make them not slots anymore
239public Q_SLOTS:
240 /**
241 * Load applet layout from a config file. The results will be added to the
242 * current set of Containments.
243 *
244 * @param config the name of the config file to load from,
245 * or the default config file if QString()
246 */
247 void loadLayout(const QString &config = QString());
249 /**
250 * Save applets layout to file
251 * @param config the file to save to, or the default config file if QString()
252 */
253 void saveLayout(const QString &config = QString()) const;
255 /**
256 * Sets the immutability type for this Corona (not immutable,
257 * user immutable or system immutable)
258 * @param immutable the new immutability type of this applet
259 */
262 /**
263 * Schedules a flush-to-disk synchronization of the configuration state
264 * at the next convenient moment.
265 */
266 void requestConfigSync();
268 /**
269 * Schedules a time sensitive flush-to-disk synchronization of the
270 * configuration state. Since this method does not provide any sort of
271 * event compression, it should only be used when an *immediate* disk
272 * sync is *absolutely* required. Otherwise, use @see requestConfigSync()
273 * which does do event compression.
274 */
275 void requireConfigSync();
278 /**
279 * This signal indicates a new containment has been added to
280 * the Corona: it may occur after creation or restore from config
281 */
284 /**
285 * This signal indicates a new containment has been created
286 * in the Corona. Compared to containmentAdded it can only happen
287 * after the creation of a new containment.
288 *
289 * @see containmentAdded
290 * @since 5.16
291 */
294 /**
295 * This signal indicates that a containment has been newly
296 * associated (or dissociated) with a physical screen.
297 *
298 * @param isScreen the screen it is now associated with
299 */
300 void screenOwnerChanged(int isScreen);
302 /**
303 * This signal indicates that the configuration file was flushed to disk.
304 */
307 /**
308 * This signal indicates that a change in available screen geometry occurred.
309 */
312 /**
313 * This signal indicates that a change in available screen geometry occurred.
314 */
317 /**
318 * This signal indicates that a change in geometry for the screen occurred.
319 */
322 /**
323 * emitted when immutability changes.
324 * this is for use by things that don't get constraints events, like plasmaapp.
325 * it's NOT for containments or applets or any of the other stuff on the scene.
326 * if your code's not in shells/ it probably shouldn't be using it.
327 */
330 /** This signal indicates the screen with the specified id was removed.
331 * @since 5.40
332 */
333 void screenRemoved(int id);
335 /** This signal indicates a new screen with the specified id was added.
336 * @since 5.40
337 */
338 void screenAdded(int id);
340 /**
341 * emitted when the editMode state changes
342 * @see isEditMode()
343 * @since 5.63
344 */
345 void editModeChanged(bool edit);
347 /**
348 * Emitted when the package for this corona has been changed.
349 * Shells must support changing the shell package on the fly (for instance due to device form factor changing)
350 *
351 * @param package the new package that defines the Corona furniture and behavior
352 */
353 void kPackageChanged(const KPackage::Package &package);
355 /**
356 * Emitted when the startup phase has been completed
357 */
361 /**
362 * Loads the default (system wide) layout for this user
363 **/
364 virtual void loadDefaultLayout();
366 /**
367 * Loads a containment with delayed initialization, primarily useful
368 * for implementations of loadDefaultLayout. The caller is responsible
369 * for all initialization, saving and notification of a new containment.
370 *
371 * @param name the plugin name for the containment, as given by
372 * KPluginInfo::pluginName(). If an empty string is passed in, the default
373 * containment plugin will be used (usually DesktopContainment). If the
374 * string literal "null" is passed in, then no plugin will be loaded and
375 * a simple Containment object will be created instead.
376 * @param args argument list to pass to the containment
377 *
378 * @return a pointer to the containment on success, or 0 on failure. Failure can
379 * be caused by the Immutability type being too restrictive, as containments can't be added
380 * when widgets are locked, or if the requested containment plugin can not be located
381 * or successfully loaded.
382 * @see addContainment
383 **/
384 Containment *createContainmentDelayed(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList());
387 CoronaPrivate *const d;
389 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void containmentDestroyed(QObject *))
390 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void syncConfig())
391 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void toggleImmutability())
392 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void containmentReady(bool))
394 friend class CoronaPrivate;
395 friend class View;
398} // namespace Plasma
The base class for plugins that provide backgrounds and applet grouping containers.
Definition containment.h:47
virtual int numScreens() const
Returns the number of screens available to plasma.
Definition corona.cpp:262
QList< Plasma::Containment * > importLayout(const KConfigGroup &config)
Imports an applet layout from a config file.
Definition corona.cpp:152
void kPackageChanged(const KPackage::Package &package)
Emitted when the package for this corona has been changed.
QList< Plasma::Types::Location > freeEdges(int screen) const
This method is useful in order to retrieve the list of available screen edges for panel type containm...
Definition corona.cpp:382
virtual void loadDefaultLayout()
Loads the default (system wide) layout for this user.
Definition corona.cpp:277
void containmentAdded(Plasma::Containment *containment)
This signal indicates a new containment has been added to the Corona: it may occur after creation or ...
Q_INVOKABLE QAction * action(const QString &name) const
Definition corona.cpp:402
void configSynced()
This signal indicates that the configuration file was flushed to disk.
void requestConfigSync()
Schedules a flush-to-disk synchronization of the configuration state at the next convenient moment.
Definition corona.cpp:109
void exportLayout(KConfigGroup &config, QList< Containment * > containments)
Exports a set of containments to a config file.
Definition corona.cpp:74
void immutabilityChanged(Plasma::Types::ImmutabilityType immutability)
emitted when immutability changes.
virtual int screenForContainment(const Containment *containment) const
Definition corona.cpp:257
virtual QRect screenGeometry(int id) const =0
Returns the geometry of a given screen.
void setEditMode(bool edit)
Set the Corona globally into "edit mode" Only when the corona is of mutable type can be set of edit m...
Definition corona.cpp:354
void loadLayout(const QString &config=QString())
Load applet layout from a config file.
Definition corona.cpp:132
void startupCompleted()
Emitted when the startup phase has been completed.
QList< Containment * > containmentsForScreen(int screen)
Returns all containments which match a particular screen, for any activity.
Definition corona.cpp:203
void setAction(const QString &name, QAction *action)
Defines a new action with the given name in the internal collection.
Definition corona.cpp:407
void setKPackage(const KPackage::Package &package)
Setting the package for the corona.
Definition corona.cpp:55
void containmentCreated(Plasma::Containment *containment)
This signal indicates a new containment has been created in the Corona.
bool immutable() const
Definition corona.cpp:287
virtual QRegion availableScreenRegion(int id) const
Returns the available region for a given screen.
Definition corona.cpp:267
void screenOwnerChanged(int isScreen)
This signal indicates that a containment has been newly associated (or dissociated) with a physical s...
QList< Containment * > containments() const
Definition corona.cpp:220
Containment * containmentForScreen(int screen, const QString &activity, const QString &defaultPluginIfNonExistent, const QVariantList &defaultArgs=QVariantList())
Returns the Containment for a given physical screen and desktop, creating one if none exists.
Definition corona.cpp:157
void screenAdded(int id)
This signal indicates a new screen with the specified id was added.
bool isEditMode() const
Definition corona.cpp:377
QList< QAction * > actions() const
Definition corona.cpp:432
void setImmutability(const Types::ImmutabilityType immutable)
Sets the immutability type for this Corona (not immutable, user immutable or system immutable)
Definition corona.cpp:292
KSharedConfig::Ptr config() const
Returns the config file used to store the configuration for this Corona.
Definition corona.cpp:230
void editModeChanged(bool edit)
emitted when the editMode state changes
void availableScreenRegionChanged(int id)
This signal indicates that a change in available screen geometry occurred.
Containment * createContainment(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList())
Adds a Containment to the Corona.
Definition corona.cpp:239
void requireConfigSync()
Schedules a time sensitive flush-to-disk synchronization of the configuration state.
Definition corona.cpp:127
virtual QRect availableScreenRect(int id) const
Returns the available rect for a given screen.
Definition corona.cpp:272
void screenGeometryChanged(int id)
This signal indicates that a change in geometry for the screen occurred.
Containment * createContainmentDelayed(const QString &name, const QVariantList &args=QVariantList())
Loads a containment with delayed initialization, primarily useful for implementations of loadDefaultL...
Definition corona.cpp:248
void availableScreenRectChanged(int id)
This signal indicates that a change in available screen geometry occurred.
void screenRemoved(int id)
This signal indicates the screen with the specified id was removed.
void removeAction(const QString &name)
Remove the action with the given name, if exists.
Definition corona.cpp:423
Types::ImmutabilityType immutability() const
Definition corona.cpp:282
QList< Containment * > containmentsForActivity(const QString &activity)
Returns all containments which match a particular activity, for any screen.
Definition corona.cpp:187
void saveLayout(const QString &config=QString()) const
Save applets layout to file.
Definition corona.cpp:61
Defines the immutability of items like applets, corona and containments they can be free to modify,...
Definition plasma.h:99
Namespace for everything in libplasma.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
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Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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