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KLazyLocalizedString Class Reference

#include <KLazyLocalizedString>

Public Member Functions

constexpr KLazyLocalizedString ()=default
KLocalizedString ignoreMarkup () const
KLocalizedString inContext (const QString &key, const QString &value) const
constexpr bool isEmpty () const
 operator KLocalizedString () const
KLocalizedString relaxSubs () const
KLocalizedString subs (const KLocalizedString &a, int fieldWidth=0, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (const QString &a, int fieldWidth=0, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (double a, int fieldWidth=0, char format='g', int precision=-1, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (int a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (long a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (QChar a, int fieldWidth=0, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (qlonglong a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (qulonglong a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (uint a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
KLocalizedString subs (ulong a, int fieldWidth=0, int base=10, QChar fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const
QString toString () const
QString toString (const char *domain) const
QString toString (const QStringList &languages) const
QString toString (Kuit::VisualFormat format) const
constexpr const char * untranslatedText () const
KLocalizedString withDomain (const char *domain) const
KLocalizedString withFormat (Kuit::VisualFormat format) const
KLocalizedString withLanguages (const QStringList &languages) const

Detailed Description

Lazy-initialized variant of KLocalizedString.

This is a safer replacement for the I18N_NOOP set of macros and allows marking strings for extraction without runtime-initializing KLocalizedString instances, for storing in static data tables.

Instances of KLazyLocalizedString are not created directly, unless they should be empty. Instead they have to be obtained via the kli18n* functions (similar to KLocalizedString and the ki18n* functions).

Example usage in a static message table:

struct {
MyClass::VehicleType type;
} static constexpr const vehicle_msg_table[] = {
{ MyClass::Train, kli18np("%1 train", "%1 trains") },
{ MyClass::Bus, kli18ncp("the vehicle, not the USB one", "%1 bus", "%1 buses") },
const auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(vehicle_msg_table), std::end(vehicle_msg_table), [vehicleType](const auto &m) { return m.type == vehicleType; });
QString translatedMessage = (*it).msg.subs(vehicleCount).toString();
Lazy-initialized variant of KLocalizedString.
friend constexpr KLazyLocalizedString kli18ncp(const char(&context)[ContextSize], const char(&singular)[SingularSize], const char(&plural)[PluralSize])
Mark the string singular and plural with context for extraction.
friend constexpr KLazyLocalizedString kli18np(const char(&singular)[SingularSize], const char(&plural)[PluralSize])
Mark the string singular and plural for extraction.
KLazyLocalizedString is primarily meant for storage in e.g. message tables, not for use in API, especially not across translation domains. This is due to it not carrying the translation domain in which it was created, but using the active translation domain at the point of converting to a KLocalizedString.

Definition at line 50 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KLazyLocalizedString()

KLazyLocalizedString::KLazyLocalizedString ( )

Construct an empty message.

Direct construction is used when e.g. a KLazyLocalizedString field in a data table needs to be set, but there is not message to be used. Directly constructed instances are not valid for finalization by toString methods.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ ignoreMarkup()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::ignoreMarkup ( ) const

Do not resolve KUIT markup.

If the message is markup-aware (constructed by one of *xi18n* calls), this function can be used to make it non-markup-aware. This may be useful for debugging markup.

updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 404 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ inContext()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::inContext ( const QString & key,
const QString & value ) const

Add dynamic context to the message.

See dyn_ctxt for use cases.

keycontext key
valuecontext value
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 367 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ isEmpty()

bool KLazyLocalizedString::isEmpty ( ) const

Check whether the message is empty.

The message is considered empty if the object was constructed via the default constructor.

Empty messages are not valid for finalization. The behavior of calling toString() on them is undefined. In debug mode, an error mark may appear in the returned string.

true if the message is empty, false otherwise

Definition at line 95 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ operator KLocalizedString()

KLazyLocalizedString::operator KLocalizedString ( ) const

Convert to a KLocalizedString to actually perform the translation and obtain a concrete localized string.

The translation domain active at this point will be used. This means this has to be called in the same translation domain the corresponding kli18n call is in.

Definition at line 71 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ relaxSubs()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::relaxSubs ( ) const

Relax matching between placeholders and arguments.

Normally the placeholders should start from %1 and have no gaps, and on finalization there must be exactly as many arguments supplied through subs methods as there are unique plaecholders. If this is not satisfied, in debug mode warnings are printed and the finalized string may contain error marks.

This method relaxes the placeholder-argument matching, such that there must only be an argument available for every present unique placeholder (taking placeholder numbers to be 1-based indices into the argument list). This can come useful in some situations.

updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 389 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [1/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( const KLocalizedString & a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute another KLocalizedString into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 353 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [2/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( const QString & a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute a QString argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 338 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [3/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( double a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
char format = 'g',
int precision = -1,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute a double argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
formattype of floating point formatting, like in QString::arg
precisionnumber of digits after the decimal separator
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 308 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [4/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( int a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute an int argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 207 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [5/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( long a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute a long argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 241 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [6/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( QChar a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute a QChar argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 323 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [7/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( qlonglong a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute a long long argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 275 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [8/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( qulonglong a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute an unsigned long long argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 292 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [9/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( uint a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute an unsigned int argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 224 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ subs() [10/10]

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::subs ( ulong a,
int fieldWidth = 0,
int base = 10,
QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ') ) const

Substitute an unsigned long argument into the message.

athe argument
fieldWidthwidth of the formatted field, padded by spaces. Positive value aligns right, negative aligns left
basethe radix used to represent the number as a string. Valid values range from 2 to 36
fillCharthe character used to fill up the empty places when field width is greater than argument width
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 258 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ toString() [1/4]

QString KLazyLocalizedString::toString ( ) const

Finalize the translation.

Creates translated QString. If the string has placeholders, make sure to call instead KLazyLocalizedString::subs and further KLocalizedString::subs methods before finalizing. Translated text is searched for based on the global locale.

finalized translation

Definition at line 116 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ toString() [2/4]

QString KLazyLocalizedString::toString ( const char * domain) const

Like toString(), but look for translation in the given domain.

domainthe translation domain
finalized translation

Definition at line 141 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ toString() [3/4]

QString KLazyLocalizedString::toString ( const QStringList & languages) const

Like toString(), but look for translation only in given languages.

Given languages override languages defined by the global locale. If languages is empty, original message is returned.

languageslist of language codes (by decreasing priority)
finalized translation

Definition at line 130 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ toString() [4/4]

QString KLazyLocalizedString::toString ( Kuit::VisualFormat format) const

Like toString(), but resolve KUIT markup into given visual format.

Given visual format overrides that implied by the context UI marker. If the message is not markup-aware, this is same as toString().

formatthe target visual format
finalized translation

Definition at line 155 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ untranslatedText()

const char * KLazyLocalizedString::untranslatedText ( ) const

Returns the raw untranslated text as passed to kli18n*.

Definition at line 101 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ withDomain()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::withDomain ( const char * domain) const

Indicate to look for translation in the given domain.

domainthe translation domain
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 177 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ withFormat()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::withFormat ( Kuit::VisualFormat format) const

Indicate to resolve KUIT markup into given visual format.

If the message is not markup-aware, this has no effect.

formatthe target visual format
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 190 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

◆ withLanguages()

KLocalizedString KLazyLocalizedString::withLanguages ( const QStringList & languages) const

Indicate to look for translation only in given languages.

languageslist of language codes (by decreasing priority)
updated KLocalizedString

Definition at line 166 of file klazylocalizedstring.h.

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