63 Q_PROPERTY(bool requestMimeTypeWhileListing READ requestMimeTypeWhileListing WRITE setRequestMimeTypeWhileListing)
66 Q_PROPERTY(bool autoErrorHandlingEnabled READ autoErrorHandlingEnabled WRITE setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled)
114 bool openUrl(const QUrl &dirUrl, OpenUrlFlags flags = NoFlags); // TODO KF6: change bool to void
140 * When a new directory is opened with OpenUrlFlag::Keep the caller will keep being notified of file changes for all directories that were kept open.
void emitChanges()
Actually emit the changes made with setShowHiddenFiles, setDirOnlyMode, setNameFilter and setMimeFilt...
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2226
void speed(int bytes_per_second)
Emitted to display information about the speed of the jobs.
virtual void jobStarted(KIO::ListJob *)
Reimplemented by KDirLister to associate windows with jobs.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2628
void percent(int percent)
Progress signal showing the overall progress of the KCoreDirLister.
void forgetDirs(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Stop listening for further changes in the given directory.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2146
QFlags< OpenUrlFlag > OpenUrlFlags
Stores a combination of OpenUrlFlag values.
Definition kcoredirlister.h:89
void setShowHiddenFiles(bool showHiddenFiles)
Toggles whether hidden files (e.g.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2171
void totalSize(KIO::filesize_t size)
Emitted when we know the size of the jobs.
void listingDirCompleted(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Tell the view that the listing of the directory dirUrl is finished.
Used by items() and itemsForDir() to specify whether you want all items for a directory or just the f...
Definition kcoredirlister.h:393
void updateDirectory(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Update the directory dirUrl.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2295
void clear()
Signals to the view to remove all items (when e.g. going from dirA to dirB).
void setNameFilter(const QString &filter)
Set a name filter to only list items matching this name, e.g. "*.cpp".
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2322
QList< QUrl > directories() const
Returns all URLs that are listed by this KCoreDirLister.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2221
bool openUrl(const QUrl &dirUrl, OpenUrlFlags flags=NoFlags)
Run the directory lister on the given url.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2124
void setMimeExcludeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)
Filtering should be done with KFileFilter.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2358
QUrl url() const
Returns the top level URL that is listed by this KCoreDirLister.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2216
void itemsFilteredByMime(const KFileItemList &items)
Send a list of items filtered-out by MIME type.
void setRequestMimeTypeWhileListing(bool request)
Toggles whether to request MIME types from the worker or in-process.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2201
void jobError(KIO::Job *job)
Emitted if listing a directory fails with an error.
void started(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Tell the view that this KCoreDirLister has started to list dirUrl.
KFileItemList items(WhichItems which=FilteredItems) const
Returns the items listed for the current url().
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2661
KFileItem findByUrl(const QUrl &url) const
Find an item by its URL.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2310
void setDelayedMimeTypes(bool delayedMimeTypes)
Delayed MIME types feature: If enabled, MIME types will be fetched on demand, which leads to a faster...
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2689
QStringList mimeFilters() const
Returns the list of MIME type based filters, as set via setMimeFilter().
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2375
void clearDir(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Signals to the view to clear all items from directory dirUrl.
void setAutoUpdate(bool enable)
Toggle automatic directory updating, when a directory changes (using KDirWatch).
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2156
void refreshItems(const QList< QPair< KFileItem, KFileItem > > &items)
Signal an item to refresh (its MIME-type/icon/name has changed).
void redirection(const QUrl &oldUrl, const QUrl &newUrl)
Signals a redirection.
void setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimeList)
Set MIME type based filter to only list items matching the given MIME types.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2344
KFileItem findByName(const QString &name) const
Find an item by its name.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2315
void itemsDeleted(const KFileItemList &items)
Signal that items have been deleted.
void setDirOnlyMode(bool dirsOnly)
Call this to list only directories (by default all items (directories and files) are listed).
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2186
@ Reload
Indicates whether to use the cache or to reread the directory from the disk.
Definition kcoredirlister.h:80
void listingDirCanceled(const QUrl &dirUrl)
Tell the view that the listing of the directory dirUrl was canceled.
bool isFinished() const
Returns true if no I/O operation is currently in progress.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2300
void infoMessage(const QString &msg)
Emitted to display information about running jobs.
void setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(bool enable)
Enable or disable auto error handling.
Definition kcoredirlister.cpp:2764
void itemsAdded(const QUrl &directoryUrl, const KFileItemList &items)
Signal that new items were found during directory listing.
void processedSize(KIO::filesize_t size)
Regularly emitted to show the progress of this KCoreDirLister.
List of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem>.
Definition kfileitem.h:632
A ListJob is allows you to get the get the content of a directory.
Definition listjob.h:28
void stop(Ekos::AlignState mode)
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 2025 11:55:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 2025 11:55:29 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.