Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
►NKIO | A namespace for KIO globals |
CFixHostUriFilter | This filter tries to automatically prepend www |
CKAbstractFileItemActionPlugin | Base class for KFileItemAction plugins |
CKAbstractViewAdapter | Interface used by KFilePreviewGenerator to generate previews for files |
CKACL | Encapsulates a POSIX Access Control List |
CKBuildSycocaProgressDialog | Progress dialog while ksycoca is being rebuilt (by kbuildsycoca) |
CKCoreDirLister | Helper class for the kiojob used to list and update a directory |
CKCoreUrlNavigator | Object that helps with keeping track of URLs in file-manager like interfaces |
CKDirLister | Subclass of KCoreDirLister which uses QWidgets to show error messages and to associate jobs with windows |
CKDirModel | A model for a KIO-based directory tree |
CKDirOperator | This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser |
CKDirSortFilterProxyModel | Acts as proxy model for KDirModel to sort and filter KFileItems |
CKEMailClientLauncherJob | KEMailClientLauncherJob starts a mail client in order to compose a new mail |
CKEncodingFileDialog | Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to select files with support for choosing encoding |
CKFile | KFile is a class which provides a namespace for some enumerated values associated with the kfile library |
CKFileCopyToMenu | This class adds "Copy To" and "Move To" submenus to a popupmenu |
CKFileCustomDialog | This class implement a custom file dialog |
CKFileFilter | Encapsulates rules to filter a list of files |
CKFileFilterCombo | File filter combo box |
CKFileItem | A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote |
CKFileItemActions | This class creates and handles the actions for a url (or urls) in a popupmenu |
CKFileItemDelegate | KFileItemDelegate is intended to be used to provide a KDE file system view, when using one of the standard item views in Qt with KDirModel |
CKFileItemList | List of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem> |
CKFileItemListProperties | Provides information about the common properties of a group of KFileItem objects |
CKFilePlaceEditDialog | A dialog that allows editing entries of a KFilePlacesModel |
CKFilePlacesModel | This class is a list view model |
CKFilePlacesView | This class allows to display a KFilePlacesModel |
CKFilePreviewGenerator | Generates previews for files of an item view |
CKFileWidget | File selector widget |
CKImageFilePreview | Image preview widget for the file dialog |
►CKMountPoint | Information about mounted and unmounted disks |
CKNameAndUrlInputDialog | Dialog to ask for a name (e.g. filename) and a URL Basically a merge of KLineEditDlg and KUrlRequesterDlg ;) |
CKNewFileMenu | The 'Create New' submenu, for creating files using templates (e.g. "new HTML file") and directories |
CKNFSShare | Similar functionality like KFileShare, but works only for NFS and do not need any suid script |
CKOpenWithDialog | "Open With" dialog box |
CKOverlayIconPlugin | Base class for overlay icon plugins |
CKPasswdServerClient | Interface class for kpasswdserver |
CKPreviewWidgetBase | Abstract baseclass for all preview widgets which shall be used via KFileDialog::setPreviewWidget(const KPreviewWidgetBase *) |
CKPropertiesDialog | The main properties dialog class |
CKPropertiesDialogPlugin | A Plugin in the Properties dialog This is an abstract class |
►CKProtocolInfo | Information about I/O (Internet, etc.) protocols supported by KDE |
CKProtocolManager | Provides information about I/O (Internet, etc.) settings chosen/set by the end user |
CKRecentDocument | Manage the "Recent Document Menu" entries displayed by applications such as Kicker and Konqueror |
CKRemoteEncoding | Allows encoding and decoding properly remote filenames into Unicode |
CKSambaShare | This class lists Samba user shares and monitors them for addition, update and removal |
CKSambaShareData | This class represents a Samba user share |
CKShellCompletion | This class does shell-like completion of file names |
CKShortUriFilter | This is short URL filter class |
CKSslCertificateManager | Certificate manager |
CKSslCertificateRule | Certificate rule |
CKSslErrorUiData | This class can hold all the necessary data from a QSslSocket or QNetworkReply to ask the user to continue connecting in the face of SSL errors |
CKSslInfoDialog | KDE SSL Information Dialog |
CKTerminalLauncherJob | KTerminalLauncherJob starts a terminal application, either for the user to use interactively, or to execute a command |
CKUriFilter | KUriFilter applies a number of filters to a URI and returns a filtered version if any filter matches |
CKUriFilterData | This class is a basic messaging class used to exchange filtering information between the filter plugins and the application requesting the filtering service |
CKUriFilterSearchProvider | Class that holds information about a search provider |
CKUrlComboBox | This combobox shows a number of recent URLs/directories, as well as some default directories |
CKUrlCompletion | This class does completion of URLs including user directories (~user) and environment variables |
CKUrlNavigator | Widget that allows to navigate through the paths of an URL |
CKUrlRequester | This class is a widget showing a lineedit and a button, which invokes a filedialog |
CKUrlRequesterDialog | Dialog in which a user can enter a filename or url |
CLocalDomainUriFilter | This filter takes care of hostnames in the local search domain |
COrgKdeKSSLDInterface | Proxy class for interface org.kde.KSSLD |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:54:41 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:54:41 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.