60 [this, requestedServiceName](const QString &serviceName, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner) {
83 const QStringList syntaxes = data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Syntaxes"), QStringList());
84 const QStringList syntaxDescriptions = data.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Runner-Syntax-Descriptions"), QStringList());
106 auto method = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, m_path, m_ifaceName, QStringLiteral("Teardown"));
114void DBusRunner::requestActionsForService(const QString &service, const std::function<void()> &finishedCallback)
129 auto getActionsMethod = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, m_path, m_ifaceName, QStringLiteral("Actions"));
130 QDBusPendingReply<QList<KRunner::Action>> reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(getActionsMethod);
131 connect(new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(reply), &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, [this, service, reply, finishedCallback](auto watcher) {
134 qCDebug(KRUNNER) << "Error requesting actions; calling" << service << " :" << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message();
145 auto getConfigMethod = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, m_path, m_ifaceName, QStringLiteral("Config"));
146 QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(getConfigMethod);
154 qCWarning(KRUNNER) << "Error requesting config; calling" << service << " :" << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message();
175QList<QueryMatch> DBusRunner::convertMatches(const QString &service, const RemoteMatches &remoteMatches)
186 // split is essential items are as native DBus types, optional extras are in the property map (which is obviously a lot slower to parse)
212 if (iconDataArgument.currentType() == QDBusArgument::StructureType && iconDataArgument.currentSignature() == QLatin1String("(iiibiiay)")) {
222 qCWarning(KRUNNER) << "Invalid signature of icon-data property:" << iconDataArgument.currentSignature();
237 // we scope watchers to make sure the lambda that captures context by reference definitely gets disconnected when this function ends
244 auto matchMethod = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, m_path, m_ifaceName, QStringLiteral("Match"));
250 connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, [this, service, context, reply, jobId, pendingServices, watcher]() mutable {
254 qCWarning(KRUNNER) << "Error requesting matches; calling" << service << " :" << reply.error().name() << reply.error().message();
269void DBusRunner::run(const KRunner::RunnerContext & /*context*/, const KRunner::QueryMatch &match)
276 matchId = + 1); // QueryMatch::setId mangles the match ID with runnerID + '_'. This unmangles it
284 auto runMethod = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service, m_path, m_ifaceName, QStringLiteral("Run"));
305 if (remoteImage.width <= 0 || remoteImage.width >= 2048 || remoteImage.height <= 0 || remoteImage.height >= 2048 || remoteImage.rowStride <= 0) {
306 qCWarning(KRUNNER) << "Invalid image metadata (width:" << remoteImage.width << "height:" << remoteImage.height << "rowStride:" << remoteImage.rowStride
323 qCWarning(KRUNNER) << "Unsupported image format (hasAlpha:" << remoteImage.hasAlpha << "bitsPerSample:" << remoteImage.bitsPerSample
bool value(QStringView key, bool defaultValue) const
An abstract base class for Plasma Runner plugins.
Definition abstractrunner.h:45
A match returned by an AbstractRunner in response to a given RunnerContext.
Definition querymatch.h:32
The RunnerContext class provides information related to a search, including the search term and colle...
Definition runnercontext.h:32
bool addMatches(const QList< QueryMatch > &matches)
Appends lists of matches to the list of matches.
Definition runnercontext.cpp:191
char * toString(const EngineQuery &query)
KSERVICE_EXPORT KService::List query(FilterFunc filterFunc)
KCOREADDONS_EXPORT Result match(QStringView pattern, QStringView str)
QList< StandardAction > actionIds()
const QList< QKeySequence > & end()
char * data()
qsizetype length() const const
QDBusPendingCall asyncCall(const QDBusMessage &message, int timeout) const const
QDBusMessage call(const QDBusMessage &message, QDBus::CallMode mode, int timeout) const const
QDBusConnectionInterface * interface() const const
QDBusConnection sessionBus()
void serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner)
QString message() const const
QString name() const const
QDBusMessage createMethodCall(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interface, const QString &method)
void finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *self)
QDBusError error() const const
bool isError() const const
bool isValid() const const
typename Select< 0 >::Type value() const const
const QDBusError & error()
bool isValid() const const
bool isNull() const const
void append(QList< T > &&value)
const_reference at(qsizetype i) const const
qsizetype count() const const
QPixmap fromImage(QImage &&image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)
void chop(qsizetype n)
const_iterator constBegin() const const
bool endsWith(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
bool isEmpty() const const
bool startsWith(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const const
QFuture< ArgsType< Signal > > connect(Sender *sender, Signal signal)
QList< QUrl > fromStringList(const QStringList &urls, ParsingMode mode)
bool isValid() const const
T value() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:03:38 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:03:38 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.