
2 This file is part of akonadiresources.
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Till Adam <adam@kde.org>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
6 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer@gmx.at>
8 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
11#pragma once
13#include "akonadiagentbase_export.h"
14// AkonadiCore
15#include "akonadi/item.h"
17#include <QApplication>
19#include <KSharedConfig>
21#include <QDBusConnection>
22#include <QDBusContext>
24#include <memory>
26class Akonadi__ControlAdaptor;
27class Akonadi__StatusAdaptor;
29class KAboutData;
31namespace Akonadi
33class AgentBasePrivate;
34class ChangeRecorder;
35class Collection;
36class Item;
39 * @short The base class for all Akonadi agents and resources.
40 *
41 * This class is a base class for all Akonadi agents, which covers the real
42 * agent processes and all resources.
43 *
44 * It provides:
45 * - lifetime management
46 * - change monitoring and recording
47 * - configuration interface
48 * - problem reporting
49 *
50 * Akonadi Server supports several ways to launch agents and resources:
51 * - As a separate application (@see AKONADI_AGENT_MAIN)
52 * - As a thread in the AgentServer
53 * - As a separate process, using the akonadi_agent_launcher
54 *
55 * The idea is this, the agent or resource is written as a plugin instead of an
56 * executable (@see AgentFactory). In the AgentServer case, the AgentServer
57 * looks up the plugin and launches the agent in a separate thread. In the
58 * launcher case, a new akonadi_agent_launcher process is started for each
59 * agent or resource instance.
60 *
61 * When making an Agent or Resource suitable for running in the AgentServer some
62 * extra caution is needed. Because multiple instances of several kinds of agents
63 * run in the same process, one cannot blindly use global objects like KGlobal.
64 * For this reasons several methods where added to avoid problems in this context,
65 * most notably AgentBase::config(). Additionally,
66 * one cannot use QDBusConnection::sessionBus() with dbus < 1.4, because of a
67 * multithreading bug in libdbus. Instead one should use
68 * QDBusConnection::sessionBus() which works around this problem.
69 *
70 * @author Till Adam <adam@kde.org>, Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
71 */
72class AKONADIAGENTBASE_EXPORT AgentBase : public QObject, protected QDBusContext
77 /**
78 * @short The interface for reacting on monitored or replayed changes.
79 *
80 * The Observer provides an interface to react on monitored or replayed changes.
81 *
82 * Since the this base class does only tell the change recorder that the change
83 * has been processed, an AgentBase subclass which wants to actually process
84 * the change needs to subclass Observer and reimplement the methods it is
85 * interested in.
86 *
87 * Such an agent specific Observer implementation can either be done
88 * stand-alone, i.e. as a separate object, or by inheriting both AgentBase
89 * and AgentBase::Observer.
90 *
91 * The observer implementation then has registered with the agent, so it
92 * can forward the incoming changes to the observer.
93 *
94 * @note In the multiple inheritance approach the init() method automatically
95 * registers itself as the observer.
96 *
97 * @note Do not call the base implementation of reimplemented virtual methods!
98 * The default implementation disconnected themselves from the Akonadi::ChangeRecorder
99 * to enable internal optimizations for unused notifications.
100 *
101 * Example for stand-alone observer:
102 * @code
103 * class ExampleAgent : public AgentBase
104 * {
105 * public:
106 * ExampleAgent( const QString &id );
107 *
108 * ~ExampleAgent();
109 *
110 * private:
111 * AgentBase::Observer *mObserver;
112 * };
113 *
114 * class ExampleObserver : public AgentBase::Observer
115 * {
116 * protected:
117 * void itemChanged( const Item &item );
118 * };
119 *
120 * ExampleAgent::ExampleAgent( const QString &id )
121 : AgentBase( id )
122 , mObserver( 0 )
123 * {
124 * mObserver = new ExampleObserver();
125 * registerObserver( mObserver );
126 * }
127 *
128 * ExampleAgent::~ExampleAgent()
129 * {
130 * delete mObserver;
131 * }
132 *
133 * void ExampleObserver::itemChanged( const Item &item )
134 * {
135 * // do something with item
136 * qCDebug(AKONADIAGENTBASE_LOG) << "Item id=" << item.id();
137 *
138 * // let base implementation tell the change recorder that we
139 * // have processed the change
140 * AgentBase::Observer::itemChanged( item );
141 * }
142 * @endcode
143 *
144 * Example for observer through multiple inheritance:
145 * @code
146 * class ExampleAgent : public AgentBase, public AgentBase::Observer
147 * {
148 * public:
149 * ExampleAgent( const QString &id );
150 *
151 * protected:
152 * void itemChanged( const Item &item );
153 * };
154 *
155 * ExampleAgent::ExampleAgent( const QString &id )
156 : AgentBase( id )
157 * {
158 * // no need to create or register observer since
159 * // we are the observer and registration happens automatically
160 * // in init()
161 * }
162 *
163 * void ExampleAgent::itemChanged( const Item &item )
164 * {
165 * // do something with item
166 * qCDebug(AKONADIAGENTBASE_LOG) << "Item id=" << item.id();
167 *
168 * // let base implementation tell the change recorder that we
169 * // have processed the change
170 * AgentBase::Observer::itemChanged( item );
171 * }
172 * @endcode
173 *
174 * @author Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer@gmx.at>
175 *
176 * @deprecated Use ObserverV2 instead
177 */
179 {
180 public:
181 /**
182 * Creates an observer instance.
183 */
184 Observer();
186 /**
187 * Destroys the observer instance.
188 */
189 virtual ~Observer();
191 /**
192 * Reimplement to handle adding of new items.
193 * @param item The newly added item.
194 * @param collection The collection @p item got added to.
195 */
196 virtual void itemAdded(const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
198 /**
199 * Reimplement to handle changes to existing items.
200 * @param item The changed item.
201 * @param partIdentifiers The identifiers of the item parts that has been changed.
202 */
203 virtual void itemChanged(const Akonadi::Item &item, const QSet<QByteArray> &partIdentifiers);
205 /**
206 * Reimplement to handle deletion of items.
207 * @param item The deleted item.
208 */
209 virtual void itemRemoved(const Akonadi::Item &item);
211 /**
212 * Reimplement to handle adding of new collections.
213 * @param collection The newly added collection.
214 * @param parent The parent collection.
215 */
216 virtual void collectionAdded(const Akonadi::Collection &collection, const Akonadi::Collection &parent);
218 /**
219 * Reimplement to handle changes to existing collections.
220 * @param collection The changed collection.
221 */
222 virtual void collectionChanged(const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
224 /**
225 * Reimplement to handle deletion of collections.
226 * @param collection The deleted collection.
227 */
228 virtual void collectionRemoved(const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
229 };
231 /**
232 * BC extension of Observer with support for monitoring item and collection moves.
233 * Use this one instead of Observer.
234 *
235 * @since 4.4
236 */
237 class AKONADIAGENTBASE_EXPORT ObserverV2 : public Observer // krazy:exclude=dpointer
238 {
239 public:
240 using Observer::collectionChanged;
242 /**
243 * Reimplement to handle item moves.
244 * When using this class in combination with Akonadi::ResourceBase, inter-resource
245 * moves are handled internally already and the corresponding add or delete method
246 * is called instead.
247 *
248 * @param item The moved item.
249 * @param collectionSource The collection the item has been moved from.
250 * @param collectionDestination The collection the item has been moved to.
251 */
252 virtual void itemMoved(const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection &collectionSource, const Akonadi::Collection &collectionDestination);
254 /**
255 * Reimplement to handle item linking.
256 * This is only relevant for virtual resources.
257 * @param item The linked item.
258 * @param collection The collection the item is linked to.
259 */
260 virtual void itemLinked(const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
262 /**
263 * Reimplement to handle item unlinking.
264 * This is only relevant for virtual resources.
265 * @param item The unlinked item.
266 * @param collection The collection the item is unlinked from.
267 */
268 virtual void itemUnlinked(const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
270 /**
271 * Reimplement to handle collection moves.
272 * When using this class in combination with Akonadi::ResourceBase, inter-resource
273 * moves are handled internally already and the corresponding add or delete method
274 * is called instead.
275 *
276 * @param collection The moved collection.
277 * @param collectionSource The previous parent collection.
278 * @param collectionDestination The new parent collection.
279 */
280 virtual void
281 collectionMoved(const Akonadi::Collection &collection, const Akonadi::Collection &collectionSource, const Akonadi::Collection &collectionDestination);
283 /**
284 * Reimplement to handle changes to existing collections.
285 * @param collection The changed collection.
286 * @param changedAttributes The identifiers of the collection parts/attributes that has been changed.
287 */
288 virtual void collectionChanged(const Akonadi::Collection &collection, const QSet<QByteArray> &changedAttributes);
289 };
291 /**
292 * BC extension of ObserverV2 with support for batch operations
293 *
294 * @warning When using ObserverV3, you will never get single-item notifications
295 * from AgentBase::Observer, even when you don't reimplement corresponding batch
296 * method from ObserverV3. For instance, when you don't reimplement itemsRemoved()
297 * here, you will not get any notifications about item removal whatsoever!
298 *
299 * @since 4.11
300 */
301 class AKONADIAGENTBASE_EXPORT ObserverV3 : public ObserverV2 // krazy:exclude=dpointer
302 {
303 public:
304 /**
305 * Reimplement to handle changes in flags of existing items
306 *
307 * @warning When using ObserverV3, you will never get notifications about
308 * flag changes via Observer::itemChanged(), even when you don't reimplement
309 * itemsFlagsChanged()!
310 *
311 * @param items The changed items
312 * @param addedFlags Flags that have been added to the item
313 * @param removedFlags Flags that have been removed from the item
314 */
315 virtual void itemsFlagsChanged(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const QSet<QByteArray> &addedFlags, const QSet<QByteArray> &removedFlags);
317 /**
318 * Reimplement to handle batch notification about items deletion.
319 *
320 * @param items List of deleted items
321 */
322 virtual void itemsRemoved(const Akonadi::Item::List &items);
324 /**
325 * Reimplement to handle batch notification about items move
326 *
327 * @param items List of moved items
328 * @param sourceCollection Collection from where the items were moved
329 * @param destinationCollection Collection to which the items were moved
330 */
331 virtual void
332 itemsMoved(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const Akonadi::Collection &sourceCollection, const Akonadi::Collection &destinationCollection);
334 /**
335 * Reimplement to handle batch notifications about items linking.
336 *
337 * @param items Linked items
338 * @param collection Collection to which the items have been linked
339 */
340 virtual void itemsLinked(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
342 /**
343 * Reimplement to handle batch notifications about items unlinking.
344 *
345 * @param items Unlinked items
346 * @param collection Collection from which the items have been unlinked
347 */
348 virtual void itemsUnlinked(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const Akonadi::Collection &collection);
349 };
351 /**
352 * Observer that adds support for item tagging
353 *
354 * @warning ObserverV4 subclasses ObserverV3 which changes behavior of some of the
355 * virtual methods from Observer and ObserverV2. Please make sure you read
356 * documentation of ObserverV3 and adapt your agent accordingly.
357 *
358 * @since 4.13
359 */
360 class AKONADIAGENTBASE_EXPORT ObserverV4 : public ObserverV3 // krazy:exclude=dpointer
361 {
362 public:
363 /**
364 * Reimplement to handle tags additions
365 *
366 * @param tag Newly added tag
367 */
368 virtual void tagAdded(const Akonadi::Tag &tag);
370 /**
371 * Reimplement to handle tags changes
372 *
373 * @param tag Tag that has been changed
374 */
375 virtual void tagChanged(const Akonadi::Tag &tag);
377 /**
378 * Reimplement to handle tags removal.
379 *
380 * @note All items that were tagged by @p tag will get a separate notification
381 * about untagging via itemsTagsChanged(). It is guaranteed that the itemsTagsChanged()
382 * notification will be delivered before this one.
383 *
384 * @param tag Tag that has been removed.
385 */
386 virtual void tagRemoved(const Akonadi::Tag &tag);
388 /**
389 * Reimplement to handle items tagging
390 *
391 * @param items Items that were tagged or untagged
392 * @param addedTags Set of tags that were added to all @p items
393 * @param removedTags Set of tags that were removed from all @p items
394 */
395 virtual void itemsTagsChanged(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const QSet<Akonadi::Tag> &addedTags, const QSet<Akonadi::Tag> &removedTags);
397 /**
398 * Reimplement to handle relations being added
399 */
400 virtual void relationAdded(const Akonadi::Relation &relation);
402 /**
403 * Reimplement to handle relations being removed
404 */
405 virtual void relationRemoved(const Akonadi::Relation &relation);
407 /**
408 * Reimplement to handled relations changing on items
409 * @param items Items that had relations added/removed from them
410 * @param addedRelations the list of relations that were added to all @p items
411 * @param removedRelations the list of relations that were removed from all @p items
412 */
413 virtual void
414 itemsRelationsChanged(const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const Akonadi::Relation::List &addedRelations, const Akonadi::Relation::List &removedRelations);
415 };
417 /**
418 * This enum describes the different states the
419 * agent can be in.
420 */
421 enum Status {
422 Idle = 0, ///< The agent does currently nothing.
423 Running, ///< The agent is working on something.
424 Broken, ///< The agent encountered an error state.
425 NotConfigured ///< The agent is lacking required configuration
426 };
428 /**
429 * Use this method in the main function of your agent
430 * application to initialize your agent subclass.
431 * This method also takes care of creating a KApplication
432 * object and parsing command line arguments.
433 *
434 * @note In case the given class is also derived from AgentBase::Observer
435 * it gets registered as its own observer (see AgentBase::Observer), e.g.
436 * <tt>agentInstance->registerObserver( agentInstance );</tt>
437 *
438 * @code
439 *
440 * class MyAgent : public AgentBase
441 * {
442 * ...
443 * };
444 *
446 *
447 * @endcode
448 *
449 * @param argc number of arguments
450 * @param argv arguments for the function
451 */
452 template<typename T>
453 static int init(int argc, char **argv)
454 {
455 // Disable session management
456 qunsetenv("SESSION_MANAGER");
458 QApplication app(argc, argv);
459 debugAgent(argc, argv);
460 const QString id = parseArguments(argc, argv);
461 T r(id);
463 // check if T also inherits AgentBase::Observer and
464 // if it does, automatically register it on itself
465 auto observer = dynamic_cast<Observer *>(&r);
466 if (observer != nullptr) {
467 r.registerObserver(observer);
468 }
469 return init(r);
470 }
472 /**
473 * This method returns the current status code of the agent.
474 *
475 * The following return values are possible:
476 *
477 * - 0 - Idle
478 * - 1 - Running
479 * - 2 - Broken
480 * - 3 - NotConfigured
481 */
482 [[nodiscard]] virtual int status() const;
484 /**
485 * This method returns an i18n'ed description of the current status code.
486 */
487 [[nodiscard]] virtual QString statusMessage() const;
489 /**
490 * This method returns the current progress of the agent in percentage.
491 */
492 [[nodiscard]] virtual int progress() const;
494 /**
495 * This method returns an i18n'ed description of the current progress.
496 */
497 [[nodiscard]] virtual QString progressMessage() const;
499public Q_SLOTS:
500 /**
501 * This method is called whenever the agent shall show its configuration dialog
502 * to the user. It will be automatically called when the agent is started for
503 * the first time.
504 *
505 * @param windowId The parent window id.
506 *
507 * @note If the method is reimplemented it has to emit the configurationDialogAccepted()
508 * or configurationDialogRejected() signals depending on the users choice.
509 */
510 virtual void configure(WId windowId);
513 /**
514 * This method returns the windows id, which should be used for dialogs.
515 */
516 [[nodiscard]] WId winIdForDialogs() const;
518#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
519 /**
520 * Overload of @ref configure needed because WId cannot be automatically casted
521 * to qlonglong on Windows.
522 */
523 void configure(qlonglong windowId);
526 /**
527 * Returns the instance identifier of this agent.
528 */
529 [[nodiscard]] QString identifier() const;
531 /**
532 * This method is called when the agent is removed from
533 * the system, so it can do some cleanup stuff.
534 *
535 * @note If you reimplement this in a subclass make sure
536 * to call this base implementation at the end.
537 */
538 virtual void cleanup();
540 /**
541 * Registers the given observer for reacting on monitored or recorded changes.
542 *
543 * @param observer The change handler to register. No ownership transfer, i.e.
544 * the caller stays owner of the pointer and can reset
545 * the registration by calling this method with @c 0
546 */
547 void registerObserver(Observer *observer);
549 /**
550 * This method is used to set the name of the agent.
551 *
552 * @since 4.3
553 * @param name name of the agent
554 */
555 // FIXME_API: make sure location is renamed to this by agentbase
556 void setAgentName(const QString &name);
558 /**
559 * Returns the name of the agent.
560 *
561 * @since 4.3
562 */
563 [[nodiscard]] QString agentName() const;
566 /**
567 * This signal is emitted whenever the name of the agent has changed.
568 *
569 * @param name The new name of the agent.
570 *
571 * @since 4.3
572 */
573 void agentNameChanged(const QString &name);
575 /**
576 * This signal should be emitted whenever the status of the agent has been changed.
577 * @param status The new Status code.
578 * @param message A i18n'ed description of the new status.
579 */
580 void status(int status, const QString &message = QString());
582 /**
583 * This signal should be emitted whenever the progress of an action in the agent
584 * (e.g. data transfer, connection establishment to remote server etc.) has changed.
585 *
586 * @param progress The progress of the action in percent.
587 */
588 void percent(int progress);
590 /**
591 * This signal shall be used to report warnings.
592 *
593 * @param message The i18n'ed warning message.
594 */
595 void warning(const QString &message);
597 /**
598 * This signal shall be used to report errors.
599 *
600 * @param message The i18n'ed error message.
601 */
602 void error(const QString &message);
604 /**
605 * This signal should be emitted whenever the status of the agent has been changed.
606 * @param status The object that describes the status change.
607 *
608 * @since 4.6
609 */
612 /**
613 * Emitted when another application has remotely asked the agent to abort
614 * its current operation.
615 * Connect to this signal if your agent supports abortion. After aborting
616 * and cleaning up, agents should return to Idle status.
617 *
618 * @since 4.4
619 */
622 /**
623 * Emitted if another application has changed the agent's configuration remotely
624 * and called AgentInstance::reconfigure().
625 *
626 * @since 4.2
627 */
630 /**
631 * Emitted when the online state changed.
632 * @param online The online state.
633 * @since 4.2
634 */
635 void onlineChanged(bool online);
637 /**
638 * This signal is emitted whenever the user has accepted the configuration dialog.
639 *
640 * @note Implementors of agents/resources are responsible to emit this signal if
641 * the agent/resource reimplements configure().
642 *
643 * @since 4.4
644 */
647 /**
648 * This signal is emitted whenever the user has rejected the configuration dialog.
649 *
650 * @note Implementors of agents/resources are responsible to emit this signal if
651 * the agent/resource reimplements configure().
652 *
653 * @since 4.4
654 */
658 /**
659 * Creates an agent base.
660 *
661 * @param id The instance id of the agent.
662 */
663 AgentBase(const QString &id);
665 /**
666 * Destroys the agent base.
667 */
668 ~AgentBase() override;
670 /**
671 * This method is called whenever the agent application is about to
672 * quit.
673 *
674 * Reimplement this method to do session cleanup (e.g. disconnecting
675 * from groupware server).
676 */
677 virtual void aboutToQuit();
679 /**
680 * Returns the Akonadi::ChangeRecorder object used for monitoring.
681 * Use this to configure which parts you want to monitor.
682 */
683 ChangeRecorder *changeRecorder() const;
685 /**
686 * Returns the config object for this Agent.
687 */
688 KSharedConfigPtr config();
690 /**
691 * Marks the current change as processes and replays the next change if change
692 * recording is enabled (noop otherwise). This method is called
693 * from the default implementation of the change notification slots. While not
694 * required when not using change recording, it is nevertheless recommended
695 * to call this method when done with processing a change notification.
696 */
697 void changeProcessed();
699 /**
700 * Returns whether the agent is currently online.
701 */
702 bool isOnline() const;
704 /**
705 * Sets whether the agent needs network or not.
706 *
707 * @since 4.2
708 * @todo use this in combination with QNetworkConfiguration to change
709 * the onLine status of the agent.
710 * @param needsNetwork @c true if the agents needs network. Defaults to @c false
711 */
712 void setNeedsNetwork(bool needsNetwork);
714 /**
715 * Sets whether the agent shall be online or not.
716 */
717 void setOnline(bool state);
720 /**
721 * Sets the agent offline but will make it online again after a given time
722 *
723 * Use this method when the agent detects some problem with its backend but it wants
724 * to retry all pending operations after some time - e.g. a server can not be reached currently
725 *
726 * Example usage:
727 * @code
728 * void ExampleResource::onItemRemovedFinished(KJob *job)
729 * {
730 * if (job->error()) {
731 * Q_EMIT status(Broken, job->errorString());
732 * deferTask();
733 * setTemporaryOffline(300);
734 * return;
735 * }
736 * ...
737 * }
738 * @endcode
739 *
740 * @since 4.13
741 * @param makeOnlineInSeconds timeout in seconds after which the agent changes to online
742 */
743 void setTemporaryOffline(int makeOnlineInSeconds = 300);
745 /// @cond PRIVATE
746 static void debugAgent(int argc, char **argv);
748 std::unique_ptr<AgentBasePrivate> const d_ptr;
749 explicit AgentBase(AgentBasePrivate *d, const QString &id);
750 friend class ObserverV2;
751 /// @endcond
753 /**
754 * This method is called whenever the @p online status has changed.
755 * Reimplement this method to react on online status changes.
756 * @param online online status
757 */
758 virtual void doSetOnline(bool online);
760 virtual KAboutData aboutData() const;
763 /// @cond PRIVATE
764 static QString parseArguments(int argc, char **argv);
765 static int init(AgentBase &r);
766 void setOnlineInternal(bool state);
768 // D-Bus interface stuff
770 AKONADIAGENTBASE_NO_EXPORT void reconfigure();
773 // dbus agent interface
774 friend class ::Akonadi__StatusAdaptor;
775 friend class ::Akonadi__ControlAdaptor;
778 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void delayedInit())
779 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotStatus(int, const QString &))
780 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotPercent(int))
781 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotWarning(const QString &))
782 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotError(const QString &))
783 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotNetworkStatusChange(bool))
784 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotResumedFromSuspend())
785 Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void slotTemporaryOfflineTimeout())
787 /// @endcond
794 * Convenience Macro for the most common main() function for Akonadi agents.
795 */
796#define AKONADI_AGENT_MAIN(agentClass) \
797 int main(int argc, char **argv) \
798 { \
799 return Akonadi::AgentBase::init<agentClass>(argc, argv); \
800 }
BC extension of Observer with support for monitoring item and collection moves.
Definition agentbase.h:238
BC extension of ObserverV2 with support for batch operations.
Definition agentbase.h:302
Observer that adds support for item tagging.
Definition agentbase.h:361
The interface for reacting on monitored or replayed changes.
Definition agentbase.h:179
The base class for all Akonadi agents and resources.
Definition agentbase.h:73
void warning(const QString &message)
This signal shall be used to report warnings.
void configurationDialogAccepted()
This signal is emitted whenever the user has accepted the configuration dialog.
void advancedStatus(const QVariantMap &status)
This signal should be emitted whenever the status of the agent has been changed.
void onlineChanged(bool online)
Emitted when the online state changed.
void reloadConfiguration()
Emitted if another application has changed the agent's configuration remotely and called AgentInstanc...
~AgentBase() override
Destroys the agent base.
void status(int status, const QString &message=QString())
This signal should be emitted whenever the status of the agent has been changed.
This enum describes the different states the agent can be in.
Definition agentbase.h:421
@ Running
The agent is working on something.
Definition agentbase.h:423
@ Broken
The agent encountered an error state.
Definition agentbase.h:424
void percent(int progress)
This signal should be emitted whenever the progress of an action in the agent (e.g.
void abortRequested()
Emitted when another application has remotely asked the agent to abort its current operation.
static int init(int argc, char **argv)
Use this method in the main function of your agent application to initialize your agent subclass.
Definition agentbase.h:453
void agentNameChanged(const QString &name)
This signal is emitted whenever the name of the agent has changed.
void error(const QString &message)
This signal shall be used to report errors.
void configurationDialogRejected()
This signal is emitted whenever the user has rejected the configuration dialog.
AgentBase(const QString &id)
Creates an agent base.
Records and replays change notification.
Represents a collection of PIM items.
Definition collection.h:62
Represents a PIM item stored in Akonadi storage.
Definition item.h:101
An Akonadi Relation.
Definition relation.h:41
An Akonadi Tag.
Definition tag.h:26
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
Helper integration between Akonadi and Qt.
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Mar 26 2024 11:13:38 by doxygen 1.10.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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