73KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, QDateTime, scheduledDepartureTime, setScheduledDepartureTime)
74KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, QDateTime, expectedDepartureTime, setExpectedDepartureTime)
75KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, QDateTime, scheduledArrivalTime, setScheduledArrivalTime)
76KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, QDateTime, expectedArrivalTime, setExpectedArrivalTime)
80KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, Disruption::Effect, disruptionEffect, setDisruptionEffect)
84KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, Vehicle, departureVehicleLayout, setDepartureVehicleLayout)
85KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, Platform, departurePlatformLayout, setDeparturePlatformLayout)
86KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, Vehicle, arrivalVehicleLayout, setArrivalVehicleLayout)
87KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, Platform, arrivalPlatformLayout, setArrivalPlatformLayout)
88KPUBLICTRANSPORT_MAKE_PROPERTY(JourneySection, KPublicTransport::IndividualTransport, individualTransport, setIndividualTransport)
136 dist += Location::distance(startLat, startLon, stop.stopPoint().latitude(), stop.stopPoint().longitude());
182 return PlatformUtils::platformChanged(d->scheduledDeparturePlatform, d->expectedDeparturePlatform);
255 std::transform(d->intermediateStops.begin(), d->intermediateStops.end(), std::back_inserter(l), [](const auto &stop) { return QVariant::fromValue(stop); });
532 return std::accumulate(d->loadInformation.begin(), d->loadInformation.end(), Load::Unknown, [](auto l, const auto &info) {
579 if (lhs.d->mode == JourneySection::IndividualTransport && lhs.d->individualTransport != rhs.d->individualTransport) {
598 const auto depTimeDist = MergeUtil::distance(lhs.d->scheduledDepartureTime, rhs.d->scheduledDepartureTime);
600 const auto arrTimeDist = MergeUtil::distance(lhs.d->scheduledArrivalTime, rhs.d->scheduledArrivalTime);
616 if (!lhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform().isEmpty() && !rhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform().isEmpty()) {
617 result += lhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform() == rhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform() ? Equal : Conflict;
628 res.setScheduledDepartureTime(mergeDateTimeEqual(lhs.scheduledDepartureTime(), rhs.scheduledDepartureTime()));
629 res.setExpectedDepartureTime(mergeDateTimeMax(lhs.expectedDepartureTime(), rhs.expectedDepartureTime()));
630 res.setScheduledArrivalTime(mergeDateTimeMax(lhs.scheduledArrivalTime(), rhs.scheduledArrivalTime()));
631 res.setExpectedArrivalTime(mergeDateTimeMax(lhs.expectedArrivalTime(), rhs.expectedArrivalTime()));
643 res.setScheduledDeparturePlatform(mergeString(lhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform(), rhs.scheduledDeparturePlatform()));
644 res.setScheduledArrivalPlatform(mergeString(lhs.scheduledArrivalPlatform(), rhs.scheduledArrivalPlatform()));
663 res.d->path = lhs.d->path.sections().size() < rhs.d->path.sections().size() ? rhs.d->path : lhs.d->path;
665 res.d->departureVehicleLayout = Vehicle::merge(lhs.d->departureVehicleLayout, rhs.d->departureVehicleLayout);
666 res.d->departurePlatformLayout = Platform::merge(lhs.d->departurePlatformLayout, rhs.d->departurePlatformLayout);
667 res.d->arrivalVehicleLayout = Vehicle::merge(lhs.d->arrivalVehicleLayout, rhs.d->arrivalVehicleLayout);
668 res.d->arrivalPlatformLayout = Platform::merge(lhs.d->arrivalPlatformLayout, rhs.d->arrivalPlatformLayout);
713 obj.insert(QLatin1String("departureVehicleLayout"), Vehicle::toJson(section.departureVehicleLayout()));
716 obj.insert(QLatin1String("departurePlatformLayout"), Platform::toJson(section.departurePlatformLayout()));
719 obj.insert(QLatin1String("arrivalVehicleLayout"), Vehicle::toJson(section.arrivalVehicleLayout()));
722 obj.insert(QLatin1String("arrivalPlatformLayout"), Platform::toJson(section.arrivalPlatformLayout()));
726 obj.insert(QLatin1String("individualTransport"), IndividualTransport::toJson(section.individualTransport()));
747 section.setIntermediateStops(Stopover::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("intermediateStops")).toArray()));
749 section.setRentalVehicle(RentalVehicle::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("rentalVehicle")).toObject()));
751 section.setDepartureVehicleLayout(Vehicle::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("departureVehicleLayout")).toObject()));
752 section.setDeparturePlatformLayout(Platform::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("departurePlatformLayout")).toObject()));
753 section.setArrivalVehicleLayout(Vehicle::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("arrivalVehicleLayout")).toObject()));
754 section.setArrivalPlatformLayout(Platform::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("arrivalPlatformLayout")).toObject()));
755 section.setIndividualTransport(IndividualTransport::fromJson(obj.value(QLatin1String("individualTransport")).toObject()));
853 return std::max(0, static_cast<int>(std::count_if(d->sections.begin(), d->sections.end(), [](const auto §ion) { return section.mode() == JourneySection::PublicTransport; }) - 1));
867 return std::accumulate(d->sections.begin(), d->sections.end(), 0, [](auto dist, const auto &jny) { return dist + jny.distance(); });
872 return std::accumulate(d->sections.begin(), d->sections.end(), 0, [](auto co2, const auto &jny) { return co2 + std::max(0, jny.co2Emission()); });
877 return std::accumulate(d->sections.begin(), d->sections.end(), Load::Unknown, [](auto l, const auto &jny) {
947 if (JourneySection::isSame(*it, *nextIt) || ((*it).mode() == (*nextIt).mode() && (*it).mode() != JourneySection::PublicTransport)) {
Individual transport mode details for a journey section, and for specifying journey requests.
Definition individualtransport.h:19
QString label
Label shortly describing this transport for display.
Definition individualtransport.h:38
static QJsonObject toJson(const IndividualTransport &it)
Serializes one object to JSON.
Definition individualtransport.cpp:82
static IndividualTransport fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition individualtransport.cpp:92
QString modeIconName
Name of an icon to represent this transport mode.
Definition individualtransport.h:35
bool arrivalPlatformChanged
true if we have real-time platform information and the platform changed.
Definition journey.h:105
static JourneySection merge(const JourneySection &lhs, const JourneySection &rhs)
Merge two instances.
Definition journey.cpp:623
KPublicTransport::Load::Category maximumOccupancy
Maximum occpancy over all classes.
Definition journey.h:173
void setDeparture(const Stopover &departure)
Sets all departure properties from a given Stopover.
Definition journey.cpp:275
static bool isSame(const JourneySection &lhs, const JourneySection &rhs)
Checks if two instances refer to the same journey section (which does not necessarily mean they are e...
Definition journey.cpp:573
void setLoadInformation(std::vector< LoadInfo > &&loadInfo)
Set the vehicle load information for this journey section.
Definition journey.cpp:429
QString expectedArrivalPlatform
Actual arrival platform, in case real-time information are available.
Definition journey.h:101
QList< KPublicTransport::LoadInfo > loadInformation
Vehicle load information for this journey section.
Definition journey.h:132
void setIntermediateStops(std::vector< Stopover > &&stops)
Set the intermediate stops.
Definition journey.cpp:245
static Q_INVOKABLE QString modeIconName(KPublicTransport::JourneySection::Mode mode)
Icon representing the journey section mode mode.
Definition journey.cpp:486
KPublicTransport::Platform arrivalPlatformLayout
Platform layout information at arrival.
Definition journey.h:153
KPublicTransport::RentalVehicle rentalVehicle
Information about a rental vehicle, for sections using one.
Definition journey.h:135
bool hasIdentifiers() const
Returns true if there is any identifier set at all.
Definition journey.cpp:553
QString identifier(QAnyStringView identifierType) const
Backend-specific journey section identifiers.
Definition journey.cpp:537
void setArrival(const Stopover &arrival)
Sets all arrival properties from a given Stopover.
Definition journey.cpp:304
static QJsonObject toJson(const JourneySection §ion)
Serializes one journey section to JSON.
Definition journey.cpp:673
bool hasExpectedArrivalPlatform
true if real-time platform information are available.
Definition journey.h:103
@ RentedVehicle
free floating or dock-based rental bike service, electric scooters, car sharing services,...
Definition journey.h:45
KPublicTransport::Disruption::Effect disruptionEffect
Disruption effect on this section, if any.
Definition journey.h:108
KPublicTransport::Stopover departure
All departure information represented as Stopover object.
Definition journey.h:116
KPublicTransport::Vehicle arrivalVehicleLayout
Vehicle coach layout information at arrival.
Definition journey.h:151
KPublicTransport::Platform departurePlatformLayout
Platform layout information at departure.
Definition journey.h:146
std::vector< Stopover > && takeIntermediateStops()
Moves the intermediate stops out of this object.
Definition journey.cpp:239
bool hasExpectedDeparturePlatform
true if real-time platform information are available.
Definition journey.h:94
QString expectedDeparturePlatform
Actual departure platform, in case real-time information are available.
Definition journey.h:92
static JourneySection fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition journey.cpp:740
std::vector< LoadInfo > && takeLoadInformation()
Moves the load information out of this object for modification.
Definition journey.cpp:423
KPublicTransport::Vehicle departureVehicleLayout
Vehicle coach layout information at departure.
Definition journey.h:144
std::vector< KPublicTransport::Feature > features
Features of the vehicle used on this section.
Definition journey.h:162
KPublicTransport::IndividualTransport individualTransport
Individual transport details for sections using your own vehicle.
Definition journey.h:156
bool departurePlatformChanged
true if we have real-time platform information and the platform changed.
Definition journey.h:96
KPublicTransport::Stopover arrival
All arrival information represented as Stopover object.
Definition journey.h:118
KPublicTransport::Disruption::Effect disruptionEffect
Worst disruption effect of any of the journey sections.
Definition journey.h:322
static Journey fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition journey.cpp:970
QDateTime scheduledDepartureTime
Departure time of the journey, according to schedule.
Definition journey.h:296
static bool isSame(const Journey &lhs, const Journey &rhs)
Checks if two instances refer to the same journey (which does not necessarily mean they are exactly e...
Definition journey.cpp:896
void setSections(std::vector< JourneySection > &§ions)
Sets the journey sections.
Definition journey.cpp:779
KPublicTransport::Load::Category maximumOccupancy
Maximum occpancy in all journey sections, over all classes.
Definition journey.h:334
QList< KPublicTransport::JourneySection > sections
Journey sections for consumption by QML.
Definition journey.h:294
static QJsonObject toJson(const Journey &journey)
Serializes one journey object to JSON.
Definition journey.cpp:958
QDateTime scheduledArrivalTime
Arrival time of the journey, according to schedule.
Definition journey.h:307
std::vector< JourneySection > && takeSections()
Moves the journey sections out of this object.
Definition journey.cpp:773
static Journey merge(const Journey &lhs, const Journey &rhs)
Merge two instances.
Definition journey.cpp:928
@ RailShuttle
rail shuttle service within a complex, as e.g. found at or around airports
Definition line.h:38
static bool isSame(const Line &lhs, const Line &rhs)
Checks if to instances refer to the same line (which does not necessarily mean they are exactly equal...
Definition line.cpp:167
static QJsonObject toJson(const LoadInfo &info)
Serializes one load information object to JSON.
Definition load.cpp:26
static LoadInfo fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition load.cpp:36
static Location fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize a Location object from JSON.
Definition location.cpp:539
static bool isSameName(const QString &lhs, const QString &rhs)
Checks if two location names refer to the same location.
Definition location.cpp:360
static QJsonObject toJson(const Location &loc)
Serializes one Location object to JSON.
Definition location.cpp:478
static double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
Compute the distance between two geo coordinates, in meters.
Definition location.cpp:458
static Location merge(const Location &lhs, const Location &rhs)
Merge two departure instances.
Definition location.cpp:407
static bool isSame(const Location &lhs, const Location &rhs)
Checks if to instances refer to the same location (which does not necessarily mean they are exactly e...
Definition location.cpp:312
static QJsonObject toJson(const Path &path)
Serializes one path object to JSON.
Definition path.cpp:180
std::vector< KPublicTransport::PathSection > sections
Access to path sections for QML.
Definition path.h:117
Information about the layout of a station platform.
Definition platform.h:45
static Platform fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition platform.cpp:113
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if this object contains no information beyond default values.
Definition platform.cpp:66
static Platform merge(const Platform &lhs, const Platform &rhs)
Merge two platform instances.
Definition platform.cpp:93
static QJsonObject toJson(const Platform &platform)
Serializes one platform object to JSON.
Definition platform.cpp:99
An individual rental vehicle used on a JourneySection, ie.
Definition rentalvehicle.h:28
@ ElectricKickScooter
"e scooter", electrically assisted kick scooters, not to be confused with motorcycle-like scooters
Definition rentalvehicle.h:36
static RentalVehicle fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition rentalvehicle.cpp:295
static QJsonObject toJson(const RentalVehicle &vehicle)
Serializes one object to JSON.
Definition rentalvehicle.cpp:283
static bool isSame(const Route &lhs, const Route &rhs)
Checks if to instances refer to the same route (which does not necessarily mean they are exactly equa...
Definition line.cpp:266
static Route merge(const Route &lhs, const Route &rhs)
Merge two Route instances.
Definition line.cpp:276
static Route fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition line.cpp:299
Information about an arrival and/or departure of a vehicle at a stop area.
Definition stopover.h:26
static Stopover merge(const Stopover &lhs, const Stopover &rhs)
Merge two departure instances.
Definition stopover.cpp:212
static QJsonObject toJson(const Stopover &stopover)
Serializes one object to JSON.
Definition stopover.cpp:239
static Stopover fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition stopover.cpp:271
static QJsonObject toJson(const Vehicle &vehicle)
Serializes one vehicle object to JSON.
Definition vehicle.cpp:264
static Vehicle fromJson(const QJsonObject &obj)
Deserialize an object from JSON.
Definition vehicle.cpp:281
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if this object contains no information beyond the default values.
Definition vehicle.cpp:176
static Vehicle merge(const Vehicle &lhs, const Vehicle &rhs)
Merge two Vehicle instances.
Definition vehicle.cpp:240
void stop(Ekos::AlignState mode)
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
Disruption effects, numerical sorted so that higher values imply more severe disruptions.
Definition disruption.h:25
Query operations and data types for accessing realtime public transport information from online servi...
Definition attribution.cpp:16
QAction * back(const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
qint64 secsTo(const QDateTime &other) const const
iterator insert(QLatin1StringView key, const QJsonValue &value)
QJsonValue value(QLatin1StringView key) const const
QJsonObject toObject() const const
iterator begin()
void clear()
iterator end()
iterator erase(const_iterator begin, const_iterator end)
void reserve(qsizetype size)
qsizetype size() const const
bool isEmpty() const const
QFuture< void > map(Iterator begin, Iterator end, MapFunctor &&function)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 31 2025 11:52:18 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Jan 31 2025 11:52:18 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.