KMyMoney Plugin API
54 * KMyMoney knows several types of plugins. The most common and generic one is KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin.
56 * Another group of plugins are just loaded on demand and offer special functions with a tight integration into KMyMoney. Whenever possible you should use this
67 * The plugins are based on Qt 5's plugin system. So you must compile json information into the plugin.
68 * KMyMoney looks into the folder "${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/kmymoney/" and loads all plugins found there (if the user did not deactivate the plugin).
70 * The json header of the plugin must comply with the requirements of KCoreAddon's KPluginMetaData class.
73 * @warning The plugin system for KMyMoney 5 is still in development. Especially the loading of the on-demand plugins (mainly undocumented :( ) will change.
165 *
198 virtual MyMoneyKeyValueContainer onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& current) = 0;
209 virtual bool mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& onlineBankingSettings) = 0;
231 *
355 QMap<QString, Plugin*> standard; // this should contain all loaded plugins because every plugin should inherit Plugin class
357 QMap<QString, OnlinePluginExtended*> extended; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
358 QMap<QString, ImporterPlugin*> importer; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
359 QMap<QString, StoragePlugin*> storage; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
virtual QVariant requestData(const QString &arg, uint type)=0
Gets data from data service.
This abstract class represents the ImportInterface to add new importers to KMyMoney.
Definition importinterface.h:32
virtual QString lastError() const =0
Returns the error result of the last import.
virtual QStringList formatMimeTypes() const =0
This method returns the list of the MIME types that this plugin handles, e.g.
virtual bool isMyFormat(const QString &filename) const
This method checks whether the file provided is of expected format.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:118
Interface between KMyMoney and Online Banking plugins for executing transactions.
Definition onlinepluginextended.h:30
This class describes the interface between the KMyMoney application and it's ONLINE-BANKING plugins.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.h:169
virtual MyMoneyKeyValueContainer onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer ¤t)=0
This method is called by the framework whenever it is time to store the configuration data maintained...
virtual bool mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount &acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer &onlineBankingSettings)=0
This method is called by the framework when the user wants to map a KMyMoney account onto an online a...
virtual QWidget * accountConfigTab(const MyMoneyAccount &account, QString &tabName)=0
This method returns a pointer to a widget representing an additional tab that will be added to the KN...
virtual bool updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount &acc, bool moreAccounts=false)=0
This method is called by the framework when the user wants to update a KMyMoney account with data fro...
virtual void plug(KXMLGUIFactory *guiFactory)
Called during plug in process.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:50
KToggleAction * toggleAction(const QString &name) const
See KMyMoneyApp::toggleAction() for a description.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:68
virtual void updateConfiguration()
This method is called by the application whenever the configuration changes.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:64
virtual void updateActions(const SelectedObjects &selections)
This method is called by the application whenever a selection changes.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:59
This abstract class represents the interface to import statements into the KMyMoney application.
Definition statementinterface.h:33
virtual eKMyMoney::StorageType storageType() const =0
Storage identifier.
virtual QUrl openUrl() const =0
returns the full URL used to open the database (incl.
This abstract class represents the ViewInterface to add new view pages to the JanusWidget of KMyMoney...
Definition viewinterface.h:48
KMyMoneyPlugin::Container pPlugins
Structure of plugins objects by their interfaces.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.cpp:27
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
The Container struct to hold all plugin interfaces.
Definition kmymoneyplugin.h:354
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 2025 11:54:26 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 2025 11:54:26 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.