Go to the documentation of this file.
110 static_cast<KigView*>( mdoc.widget() )->realWidget()->redrawScreen( std::vector<ObjectHolder*>() );
146 std::vector<ObjectHolder*>* objs = mwizard->currentId() == MacroWizard::GivenArgsPageId ? &mgiven : &mfinal;
175 std::vector<ObjectHolder*>* objs = mwizard->currentId() == MacroWizard::GivenArgsPageId ? &mgiven : &mfinal;
192 void DefineMacroMode::mouseMoved( const std::vector<ObjectHolder*>& os, const QPoint& pt, KigWidget& w, bool )
223 void DefineMacroMode::rightClicked( const std::vector<ObjectHolder*>&, const QPoint&, KigWidget& )
void rightClicked(const std::vector< ObjectHolder * > &oco, const QPoint &p, KigWidget &w)
Definition: object_hierarchy.h:30
bool needClear() const
this returns false if the control or shift button were pressed when the mouse button was released...
virtual void enableActions()
actions: we enable the actions we want when our mode is made active.
The BaseMode is a particular mode that allows an easy mapping of the mouse actions to real...
Definition: base_mode.h:33
std::vector< ObjectHolder * > ret() const
this returns the selected objects.
const ScreenInfo & screenInfo() const
the part of the document we're currently showing i.e.
Definition: kig_view.cpp:272
MacroConstructor is a class that represents Kig macro's: these are constructed by the user...
Definition: object_constructor.h:336
An ObjectHolder represents an object as it is known to the document.
Definition: object_holder.h:40
An ObjectCalcer is an object that represents an algorithm for calculating an ObjectImp from other Obj...
Definition: object_calcer.h:66
void leftClickedObject(ObjectHolder *o, const QPoint &p, KigWidget &w, bool ctrlOrShiftDown)
void enableActions()
actions: we enable the actions we want when our mode is made active.
void updateCurPix(const std::vector< QRect > &=std::vector< QRect >())
update curPix (bitBlt stillPix onto curPix..)
Definition: kig_view.cpp:187
void drawObject(const ObjectHolder *o, bool sel)
draw an object ( by calling its draw function.
Definition: kigpainter.cpp:513
Definition: guiaction.h:68
QPixmap curPix
temporary, gets bitBlt'd (copied) onto the widget (to avoid flickering)
Definition: kig_view.h:84
Definition: macrowizard.h:27
void mouseMoved(const std::vector< ObjectHolder * > &os, const QPoint &p, KigWidget &w, bool shiftpressed)
void updateWidget(const std::vector< QRect > &=std::vector< QRect >())
this means bitBlting curPix on the actual widget...
Definition: kig_view.cpp:115
QPixmap stillPix
what do the still objects look like wondering if this is appropriate, maybe it should be part of Movi...
Definition: kig_view.h:79
DragRectMode is a mode that provides a rect for selecting the objects inside it.
Definition: dragrectmode.h:40
void drawTextStd(const QPoint &p, const QString &s)
draws text in a standard manner, convenience function...
Definition: kigpainter.cpp:531
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:35:39 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:35:39 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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