CArgsParser | This class is meant to take care of checking the types of the parents to ObjectCalcer's, and to put them in the correct order |
►CCabriObject | Base class representing a Cabri object |
CCabriObject_v10 | |
CCabriObject_v12 | |
►CCabriReader | Base reader for a Cabri figure |
CCabriReader_v10 | |
CCabriReader_v12 | |
CCompiledPythonScript | |
CConicCartesianData | Cartesian Conic Data |
CConicPolarData | This class represents an equation of a conic in the form |
CCoordinate | Basic class representing a 2D location by its x and y components |
►CCoordinateSystem | CoordinateSystem is what the user sees: it is kept by KigPart to show the user a grid, and to show the coordinates of points.. |
CEuclideanCoords | |
CPolarCoords | |
CCoordinateSystemFactory | Factory to build a CoordinateSystem and a small handle to the existent CoordinateSystem's.. |
CCubicCartesianData | This class represents an equation of a cubic in the form (in homogeneous coordinates, ), |
►CDCOPObject | |
CKigIface | |
CFakeClass | The below is a trick |
CGoniometry | Manage an angle and convert it from/to other goniometric systems |
►CGUIAction | |
CAddFixedPointAction | |
CConstructibleAction | |
CConstructNumericLabelAction | |
CConstructPointAction | |
CConstructTextLabelAction | |
CGUIActionList | List of GUIActions for the parts to show |
Cmyboost::intrusive_ptr< T > | |
Cmyboost::intrusive_ptr< ObjectCalcer > | |
Cmyboost::intrusive_ptr< ObjectConstCalcer > | |
Cmyboost::intrusive_ptr< ObjectTypeCalcer > | |
►CKAction | |
CExporterAction | |
CKigGUIAction | |
►CKDialog | |
CEditType | Simply dialog that allow the user the editing of a macro type.. |
CHistoryDialog | The HistoryDialog represents a small dialog to navigate back and forth in the history of a construction |
CKigCoordinatePrecisionDialog | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CKigInputDialog | Easy ways of interaction with the user |
CTypesDialog | Manage the macro types.. |
►CKFileDialog | |
CKigFileDialog | This file dialog is pretty like KFileDialog, but allow us to make an option widget popup to the user |
►CKFilePlugin | |
CDrgeoPlugin | |
CKigPlugin | |
►CKigCommandTask | This represents a single task to be executed in a KigCommand |
►CAddObjectsTask | |
CRemoveObjectsTask | |
CChangeCoordSystemTask | A task to change the coordinate system |
CChangeObjectConstCalcerTask | |
CChangeObjectDrawerTask | |
CChangeParentsAndTypeTask | |
CKigViewShownRectChangeTask | |
CKigDocument | KigDocument is the class holding the real data in a Kig document |
►CKigExporter | Base class for a Kig exporter |
CAsyExporter | Export to Asymptote |
CImageExporter | This exporter takes care of the "Export to Image" stuff |
CLatexExporter | Export to LaTex |
CSVGExporter | Export to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) |
CXFigExporter | Guess what this one does ;) It exports to the XFig file format, as documented in the file FORMAT3.2 in the XFig source distribution |
CKigExportManager | |
►CKigFilter | This is the base class for an input filter |
CKigFilterCabri | This is an import filter for the output of the commercial program Cabri ("CAhier de BRouillon Interactif" or something like that), which is being pushed by Texas Instruments, but only exists for the Winblows(tm) platform and some TI scientific calculator.. |
CKigFilterDrgeo | This is an import filter for the GNOME geometry program DrGeo |
CKigFilterKGeo | This is an import filter for files generated by the program KGeo, which was an interactive geometry program in kdeedu |
CKigFilterKSeg | |
CKigFilterNative | Kig's native format |
CKigFilters | This singleton class handles all the input filters |
►CKigMode | This is an ABC of a class containing the current "Mode" of the Kig document.. |
►CBaseMode | The BaseMode is a particular mode that allows an easy mapping of the mouse actions to real, logical actions of the mode |
►CBaseConstructMode | |
CConstructMode | |
CTestConstructMode | This class constructs a test object |
CDefineMacroMode | |
CNormalMode | |
CPointConstructMode | |
►CScriptModeBase | Base mode to interact with a script |
CScriptCreationMode | Script mode to create a script |
CScriptEditMode | Script mode to edit an already-built script |
CDragRectMode | DragRectMode is a mode that provides a rect for selecting the objects inside it |
►CMovingModeBase | "Template method" pattern ( see the Design patterns book ): This is a base class for two modes: normal MovingMode: used for moving a set of objects around, using Object::startMove, Object::moveTo and Object::stopMove, and another mode PointRedefineMode, used for redefining a NormalPoint.. |
CMovingMode | |
CPointRedefineMode | |
CNumericLabelMode | How to construct a numeric label in a clean way |
►CTextLabelModeBase | This is the base class for TextLabelConstructionMode and TextLabelRedefineMode |
CTextLabelConstructionMode | |
CTextLabelRedefineMode | |
CKigPainter | KigPainter is an extended QPainter |
►CKMenu | |
CNormalModePopupObjects | This is the popup menu that appears when you click on selected objects in NormalMode |
CObjectChooserPopup | This class is useful to choose one object from a list of some, by querying the user via popup menu |
►CKSelectAction | |
CSetCoordinateSystemAction | |
CLineData | Simple class representing a line |
CLinksLabel::LinksLabelEditBuf | |
CMacro | This is just a simple data struct |
CMacroList | This class keeps a list of all macro's, and allows them to be easily accessed, added etc |
►CMainWindow | |
CKig | This is the application "Shell" |
CMonitorDataObjects | This class monitors a set of DataObjects for changes and returns an appropriate ChangeObjectImpsCommand if necessary |
►CObjectCalcer | An ObjectCalcer is an object that represents an algorithm for calculating an ObjectImp from other ObjectImp's |
CMeasureTransportCalcer | |
CObjectConstCalcer | This is an ObjectCalcer that keeps an ObjectImp, and never calculates a new one |
CObjectPropertyCalcer | This is an ObjectCalcer that has a single parent, and gets a certain property from it in its calc() method |
CObjectTypeCalcer | This is an ObjectCalcer that uses one of the various ObjectType's to calculate its ObjectImp |
►CObjectConstructor | This class represents a way to construct a set of objects from a set of other objects |
CMacroConstructor | MacroConstructor is a class that represents Kig macro's: these are constructed by the user, and defined by a set of input and a set of output objects |
CMeasureTransportConstructor | |
►CMergeObjectConstructor | This class is a collection of some other ObjectConstructors, that makes them appear to the user as a single ObjectConstructor |
CCocConstructor | |
CGenericAffinityConstructor | |
CGenericIntersectionConstructor | |
CGenericProjectivityConstructor | |
CInversionConstructor | |
CTangentConstructor | |
►CPointSequenceConstructor | |
CBezierCurveTypeConstructor | |
COpenPolygonTypeConstructor | |
CPolygonBNPTypeConstructor | |
CPolygonBCVConstructor | |
CRationalBezierCurveTypeConstructor | |
►CStandardConstructorBase | This class provides wraps ObjectConstructor in a more simple interface for the most common object types |
CConicRadicalConstructor | |
CLocusConstructor | |
CMidPointOfTwoPointsConstructor | |
CMultiObjectTypeConstructor | This class is the equivalent of SimpleObjectTypeConstructor for object types that are constructed in groups of more than one |
CPolygonSideTypeConstructor | |
CPolygonVertexTypeConstructor | |
CPropertyObjectConstructor | A standard implementation of StandardConstructorBase for property objects.. |
CSimpleObjectTypeConstructor | A standard implementation of StandardConstructorBase for simple types |
CTestConstructor | |
CThreeTwoOneIntersectionConstructor | |
CTwoOrOneIntersectionConstructor | |
CObjectConstructorList | The list of object constructors for use in various places, e.g |
CObjectDrawer | A class holding some information about how a certain object is drawn on the window |
CObjectFactory | |
CObjectHierarchy | |
CObjectHolder | An ObjectHolder represents an object as it is known to the document |
►CObjectImp | Behaviour of an object after it is calculated |
►CAbstractPolygonImp | An ObjectImp representing a polygon |
CClosedPolygonalImp | An ObjectImp representing a closed polygonal |
CFilledPolygonImp | An ObjectImp representing a filled polygon |
COpenPolygonalImp | An ObjectImp representing an open polygonal |
CAngleImp | An ObjectImp representing an angle |
►CBogusImp | This is the base class for the so-called BogusImp's |
CDoubleImp | This ObjectImp is a BogusImp containing only a double value |
CHierarchyImp | |
CIntImp | This ObjectImp is a BogusImp containing only an int value |
CInvalidImp | This ObjectImp represents an invalid object |
►CStringImp | This ObjectImp is a BogusImp containing only a string value |
CTestResultImp | |
CTransformationImp | |
►CCurveImp | This class represents a curve: something which is composed of points, like a line, a circle, a locus |
►CAbstractLineImp | An ObjectImp class that is the base of the line-like ObjectImp's: SegmentImp, LineImp and RayImp |
CLineImp | An ObjectImp representing a line |
CRayImp | An ObjectImp representing a ray |
CSegmentImp | An ObjectImp representing a segment |
CArcImp | An ObjectImp representing an arc |
CBezierImp | An ObjectImp representing polynomial Bézier Curve |
►CConicImp | An ObjectImp representing a conic |
CCircleImp | An ObjectImp representing a circle |
►CConicImpCart | An implementation of ConicImp to be used when only the cartesian equation of the conic is known |
CConicArcImp | A conic arc, which is given by the cartesian equation and two angles |
CConicImpPolar | An implementation of ConicImp to be used when only the polar equation of the conic is known |
CCubicImp | An ObjectImp representing a cubic |
CLocusImp | LocusImp is an imp that consists of a copy of the curveimp that the moving point moves over, and an ObjectHierarchy that can calc ( given a point, and optionally some more parent objects the position of the moving point |
CRationalBezierImp | An ObjectImp representing a rational Bézier curve |
CVectorImp | An ObjectImp representing a vector |
►CPointImp | An ObjectImp representing a point |
CBogusPointImp | |
►CTextImp | |
CBoolTextImp | |
CNumericTextImp | |
CObjectImpFactory | |
►CObjectImpType | Instances of this class represent a certain ObjectImp type |
CAngleImpType | |
CInvertibleImpType | |
CLengthImpType | |
CWeightImpType | |
►CObjectImpVisitor | |
CAsyExporterImpVisitor | |
CPGFExporterImpVisitor | |
►CObjectType | Thing that represents the "behaviour" for a certain type |
►CArgsParserObjectType | This is a convenience subclass of ObjectType that a type should inherit from if its parents can be specified in an ArgsParser |
CAffinityB2TrType | |
CAffinityGI3PType | |
CAngleType | |
CApplyTransformationObjectType | |
CArcBCPAType | Arc by a point (center), a starting point and an angle |
CArcBTPType | Arc by a start point, an intermediate point and an end point |
CArcLineIntersectionType | Arc line intersection |
CAreCollinearType | |
CAreOrthogonalType | |
CAreParallelType | |
CBezierCubicType | Bézier curve of degree 3 |
CBezierQuadricType | Bézier curve of degree 2 |
CCastShadowType | |
CCircleBPRType | Circle by point and radius |
CCircleBTPType | Circle by three points |
CCircleCircleIntersectionType | |
CCircleCircleOtherIntersectionType | Circle circle 'other' intersection |
CCircularInversionType | Circular inversion (new style) |
CCocConicType | Center of curvature of a conic at a point |
CCocCubicType | Center of curvature of a cubic at a point |
CCocCurveType | Center of curvature of a curve at a point |
CConicArcB5PType | Conic arc by a five points, a starting point, intermediate, intermediate (used to compute angles), intermediate and end point |
CConicArcBCTPType | Conic arc by a start point, an intermediate point, an end point and the conic center |
CConicAsymptoteType | |
CConicB5PType | |
CConicBAAPType | |
CConicBDFPType | |
►CConicBFFPType | |
CEllipseBFFPType | |
CHyperbolaBFFPType | |
CConicDirectrixType | |
CConicLineIntersectionType | Conic line intersection |
CConicLineOtherIntersectionType | Conic line 'other' intersection |
CConicPolarLineType | |
CConicPolarPointType | |
CConicRadicalType | |
CConstrainedPointType | |
CConstrainedRelativePointType | |
CContainsTestType | |
CConvexHullType | |
CConvexPolygonTestType | |
CCubicB9PType | |
CCubicCuspB4PType | |
CCubicLineOtherIntersectionType | Francesca Gatti (, january 2008: |
CCubicLineTwoIntersectionType | One of the two cubic line intersection points, in case we already know one of the three intersections |
CCubicNodeB6PType | |
CEquilateralHyperbolaB4PType | |
CExistenceTestType | |
CFixedPointType | |
CHalfAngleType | |
CHalflineByVectorType | |
CHarmonicHomologyType | |
CInPolygonTestType | |
CInvertArcType | |
CInvertCircleType | |
CInvertLineType | |
CInvertPointType | Inversion of a point, line |
CInvertSegmentType | |
CLineByVectorType | |
CLineCubicIntersectionType | |
CLineLineIntersectionType | |
CLineReflectionType | |
CLocusType | |
CMeasureTransportTypeOld | |
►CObjectABType | |
CCircleBCPType | Circle by center and point |
CLineABType | |
CMidPointType | |
CRayABType | |
CSegmentABType | |
CVectorType | |
►CObjectLPType | |
CLineParallelLPType | |
CLinePerpendLPType | |
CParabolaBDPType | |
CParabolaBTPType | |
CPointByCoordsType | |
CPointReflectionType | |
►CPolygonLineIntersectionType | |
CCPolygonalLineIntersectionType | |
COPolygonalLineIntersectionType | |
CPolygonPolygonIntersectionType | |
CPolygonSideType | |
CPolygonVertexType | |
CProjectedPointType | |
CProjectiveRotationType | |
CProjectivityB2QuType | |
CProjectivityGI4PType | |
CRationalBezierCubicType | Rational Bézier curve of degree 3 |
CRationalBezierQuadricType | Rational Bézier curve of degree 2 |
CRelativePointType | |
CRotationType | |
CSameDistanceType | |
CScalingOverCenter2Type | |
CScalingOverCenterType | |
CScalingOverLine2Type | |
CScalingOverLineType | |
CSimilitudeType | |
CTangentArcType | Line tangent to an arc |
CTangentConicType | Line tangent to a generic conic |
CTangentCubicType | Line tangent to a cubic |
CTangentCurveType | Line tangent to a curve |
CTranslatedType | |
CTriangleB3PType | Triangle by its vertices |
CVectorEqualityTestType | |
CVectorSumType | |
CVerticalCubicB4PType | |
CBezierCurveType | Bézier curve of degree n |
CCopyObjectType | |
CCursorPointType | |
►CGenericTextType | |
CNumericTextType | |
CTextType | |
CMeasureTransportType | |
COpenPolygonType | Open Polygon (Polyline, Polygonal Line) |
CPolygonBCVType | Polygon by center and vertex |
CPolygonBNPType | Polygon by its vertices |
CPythonCompileType | |
CPythonExecuteType | |
CRationalBezierCurveType | Rational Bézier curve of degree n |
CObjectTypeFactory | |
►CPopupActionProvider | This class is an abstract class |
CBuiltinDocumentActionsProvider | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CBuiltinObjectActionsProvider | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CNameObjectActionsProvider | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CObjectConstructorActionsProvider | |
CObjectTypeActionsProvider | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CPropertiesActionsProvider | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CPythonScripter | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CTypesModel | A model for representing the data |
►CQUndoCommand | |
CKigCommand | KigCommand represents almost every action performed in Kig |
►CQWidget | |
CAsyExporterOptions | |
CImageExporterOptions | |
CKigView | This class is a wrapper for KigWidget |
CKigWidget | This class is the real widget showing the document |
CLatexExporterOptions | |
CLinksLabel | This widget shows a line of text, with some links underlined, and emits a signal if one of the links is clicked.. |
CSVGExporterOptions | |
►CQWizard | |
CMacroWizard | |
CNewScriptWizard | |
CTextLabelWizard | |
►CReadWritePart | |
CKigPart | This is a "Part" |
CRect | This file is part of Kig, a KDE program for Interactive Geometry.. |
CScreenInfo | ScreenInfo is a simple utility class that maps a region of the document onto a region of the screen |
CScriptType | |
CArgsParser::spec | |
CTransformation | Class representing a transformation |
CUnit | This small class server as helper to perform conversions between metrical units |
►CQString | |
CEquationString | Simple class that represents an equation |