Go to the documentation of this file.
35 itemPositionTimeBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPoint( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PositionTimeBox" ), mPositionTimeBox, QPoint(0,0) );
38 itemPositionFocusBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPoint( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PositionFocusBox" ), mPositionFocusBox, QPoint(600,0) );
41 itemPositionGeoBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPoint( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PositionGeoBox" ), mPositionGeoBox, QPoint(0,600) );
44 itemShadeTimeBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShadeTimeBox" ), mShadeTimeBox, true );
47 itemShadeFocusBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShadeFocusBox" ), mShadeFocusBox, true );
50 itemShadeGeoBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShadeGeoBox" ), mShadeGeoBox, true );
53 itemShowInfoBoxes = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowInfoBoxes" ), mShowInfoBoxes, true );
56 itemShowTimeBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowTimeBox" ), mShowTimeBox, true );
59 itemShowFocusBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowFocusBox" ), mShowFocusBox, true );
62 itemShowGeoBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowGeoBox" ), mShowGeoBox, true );
65 itemStickyTimeBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StickyTimeBox" ), mStickyTimeBox, 0 );
70 itemStickyFocusBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StickyFocusBox" ), mStickyFocusBox, 1 );
75 itemStickyGeoBox = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StickyGeoBox" ), mStickyGeoBox, 2 );
80 itemShowStatusBar = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowStatusBar" ), mShowStatusBar, true );
83 itemShowAltAzField = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowAltAzField" ), mShowAltAzField, true );
86 itemShowRADecField = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowRADecField" ), mShowRADecField, true );
89 itemWindowWidth = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WindowWidth" ), mWindowWidth, 1024 );
92 itemWindowHeight = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "WindowHeight" ), mWindowHeight, 768 );
95 itemRunStartupWizard = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "RunStartupWizard" ), mRunStartupWizard, true );
101 itemCatalogFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CatalogFile" ), mCatalogFile );
106 itemShowCatalog = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemIntList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCatalog" ), mShowCatalog, defaultShowCatalog );
109 itemShowCatalogNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCatalogNames" ), mShowCatalogNames );
115 itemUseGeographicUpdate = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "useGeographicUpdate" ), mUseGeographicUpdate, true );
118 itemUseTimeUpdate = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "useTimeUpdate" ), mUseTimeUpdate, true );
121 itemShowTargetCrosshair = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "showTargetCrosshair" ), mShowTargetCrosshair, true );
124 itemShowINDIMessages = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "showINDIMessages" ), mShowINDIMessages, true );
127 itemShowFITS = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "showFITS" ), mShowFITS, true );
130 itemTelescopePort = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "telescopePort" ), mTelescopePort, QLatin1String( "/dev/ttyUSB0" ) );
133 itemFocuserPort = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "focuserPort" ), mFocuserPort, QLatin1String( "/dev/ttyUSB1" ) );
136 itemFilterPort = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "filterPort" ), mFilterPort, QLatin1String( "/dev/ttyUSB2" ) );
139 itemVideoPort = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "videoPort" ), mVideoPort, QLatin1String( "/dev/video0" ) );
142 itemUseComputerSource = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "useComputerSource" ), mUseComputerSource, true );
145 itemUseDeviceSource = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "useDeviceSource" ), mUseDeviceSource, false );
148 itemFitsDir = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "fitsDir" ), mFitsDir );
151 itemServerPortStart = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "serverPortStart" ), mServerPortStart, QLatin1String( "7264" ) );
154 itemServerPortEnd = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "serverPortEnd" ), mServerPortEnd, QLatin1String( "9000" ) );
157 itemFilterAlias = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "filterAlias" ), mFilterAlias );
160 itemIndiServer = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "indiServer" ), mIndiServer, QLatin1String( "/usr/bin/indiserver" ) );
163 itemIndiDriversDir = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "indiDriversDir" ), mIndiDriversDir, QLatin1String( "/usr/share/indi" ) );
169 itemCityName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CityName" ), mCityName, QLatin1String( "Greenwich" ) );
172 itemProvinceName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ProvinceName" ), mProvinceName );
175 itemCountryName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CountryName" ), mCountryName, QLatin1String( "United Kingdom" ) );
178 itemLongitude = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Longitude" ), mLongitude, 0.0 );
181 itemLatitude = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Latitude" ), mLatitude, 51.468 );
184 itemElevation = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Elevation" ), mElevation, -10.0 );
187 itemTimeZone = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TimeZone" ), mTimeZone, 0.0 );
190 itemDST = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DST" ), mDST, QLatin1String( "--" ) );
196 itemUseAnimatedSlewing = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAnimatedSlewing" ), mUseAnimatedSlewing, true );
199 itemFOVNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FOVNames" ), mFOVNames );
202 itemFadePlanetTrails = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FadePlanetTrails" ), mFadePlanetTrails, true );
205 itemFocusRA = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusRA" ), mFocusRA, 180.0 );
208 itemFocusDec = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusDec" ), mFocusDec, 45.0 );
211 itemFocusObject = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusObject" ), mFocusObject, QLatin1String( "nothing" ) );
214 itemIsTracking = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "IsTracking" ), mIsTracking, false );
217 itemHideOnSlew = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideOnSlew" ), mHideOnSlew, true );
220 itemHideCBounds = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideCBounds" ), mHideCBounds, true );
223 itemHideCLines = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideCLines" ), mHideCLines, false );
226 itemSkyCulture = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SkyCulture" ), mSkyCulture, 11 );
229 itemHideCNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideCNames" ), mHideCNames, false );
232 itemHideGrids = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideGrids" ), mHideGrids, true );
235 itemHideMilkyWay = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideMilkyWay" ), mHideMilkyWay, true );
238 itemHideIC = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideIC" ), mHideIC, true );
241 itemHideMessier = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideMessier" ), mHideMessier, true );
244 itemHideNGC = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideNGC" ), mHideNGC, true );
247 itemHideOther = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideOther" ), mHideOther, true );
250 itemHidePlanets = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HidePlanets" ), mHidePlanets, false );
253 itemHideStars = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideStars" ), mHideStars, true );
256 itemHideLabels = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HideLabels" ), mHideLabels, true );
259 itemShowAsteroids = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowAsteroids" ), mShowAsteroids, true );
262 itemShowAsteroidNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowAsteroidNames" ), mShowAsteroidNames, false );
265 itemShowComets = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowComets" ), mShowComets, true );
268 itemShowCometNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCometNames" ), mShowCometNames, false );
271 itemShowSupernovae = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSupernovae" ), mShowSupernovae, false );
274 itemShowSupernovaNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSupernovaNames" ), mShowSupernovaNames, false );
277 itemMagnitudeLimitShowSupernovae = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagnitudeLimitShowSupernovae" ), mMagnitudeLimitShowSupernovae, 16 );
280 itemShowSupernovaAlerts = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSupernovaAlerts" ), mShowSupernovaAlerts, true );
283 itemMagnitudeLimitAlertSupernovae = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagnitudeLimitAlertSupernovae" ), mMagnitudeLimitAlertSupernovae, 13 );
286 itemUpdateSupernovaeOnStartup = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UpdateSupernovaeOnStartup" ), mUpdateSupernovaeOnStartup, true );
289 itemShowCBounds = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCBounds" ), mShowCBounds, false );
292 itemShowHighlightedCBound = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowHighlightedCBound" ), mShowHighlightedCBound, false );
295 itemShowCLines = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCLines" ), mShowCLines, false );
298 itemShowCNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowCNames" ), mShowCNames, false );
301 itemShowDeepSky = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowDeepSky" ), mShowDeepSky, true );
304 itemShowEcliptic = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowEcliptic" ), mShowEcliptic, false );
307 itemShowEquator = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowEquator" ), mShowEquator, false );
310 itemAutoSelectGrid = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AutoSelectGrid" ), mAutoSelectGrid, true );
313 itemShowEquatorialGrid = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowEquatorialGrid" ), mShowEquatorialGrid, false );
316 itemShowHorizontalGrid = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowHorizontalGrid" ), mShowHorizontalGrid, false );
319 itemShowGround = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowGround" ), mShowGround, true );
322 itemShowHorizon = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowHorizon" ), mShowHorizon, true );
325 itemShowFlags = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowFlags" ), mShowFlags, true );
328 itemShowIC = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowIC" ), mShowIC, false );
331 itemShowNGC = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowNGC" ), mShowNGC, true );
334 itemShowMessier = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMessier" ), mShowMessier, true );
337 itemShowMessierImages = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMessierImages" ), mShowMessierImages, true );
340 itemShowOther = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowOther" ), mShowOther, true );
343 itemShowMilkyWay = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMilkyWay" ), mShowMilkyWay, true );
346 itemFillMilkyWay = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FillMilkyWay" ), mFillMilkyWay, true );
349 itemShowSolarSystem = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSolarSystem" ), mShowSolarSystem, true );
352 itemShowPlanetImages = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowPlanetImages" ), mShowPlanetImages, true );
355 itemShowPlanetNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowPlanetNames" ), mShowPlanetNames, true );
358 itemShowSun = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSun" ), mShowSun, true );
361 itemShowMoon = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMoon" ), mShowMoon, true );
364 itemShowMercury = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMercury" ), mShowMercury, true );
367 itemShowVenus = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowVenus" ), mShowVenus, true );
370 itemShowMars = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowMars" ), mShowMars, true );
373 itemShowJupiter = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowJupiter" ), mShowJupiter, true );
376 itemShowSaturn = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSaturn" ), mShowSaturn, true );
379 itemShowUranus = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowUranus" ), mShowUranus, true );
382 itemShowNeptune = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowNeptune" ), mShowNeptune, true );
385 itemShowPluto = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowPluto" ), mShowPluto, true );
388 itemShowStars = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowStars" ), mShowStars, true );
391 itemShowStarMagnitudes = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowStarMagnitudes" ), mShowStarMagnitudes, false );
394 itemShowStarNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowStarNames" ), mShowStarNames, true );
397 itemShowDeepSkyMagnitudes = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowDeepSkyMagnitudes" ), mShowDeepSkyMagnitudes, false );
400 itemShowDeepSkyNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowDeepSkyNames" ), mShowDeepSkyNames, false );
403 itemSlewTimeScale = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SlewTimeScale" ), mSlewTimeScale, 60 );
406 itemBoxBGMode = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BoxBGMode" ), mBoxBGMode, 1 );
409 itemProjection = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Projection" ), mProjection, 0 );
412 itemUseAbbrevConstellNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAbbrevConstellNames" ), mUseAbbrevConstellNames, false );
415 itemUseLatinConstellNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseLatinConstellNames" ), mUseLatinConstellNames, true );
418 itemUseLocalConstellNames = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseLocalConstellNames" ), mUseLocalConstellNames, false );
421 itemUseAltAz = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAltAz" ), mUseAltAz, true );
424 itemUseAutoLabel = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAutoLabel" ), mUseAutoLabel, true );
427 itemUseAutoTrail = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAutoTrail" ), mUseAutoTrail, true );
430 itemUseHoverLabel = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseHoverLabel" ), mUseHoverLabel, true );
433 itemUseRefraction = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseRefraction" ), mUseRefraction, true );
436 itemUseRelativistic = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseRelativistic" ), mUseRelativistic, false );
439 itemUseAntialias = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseAntialias" ), mUseAntialias, true );
442 itemZoomFactor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ZoomFactor" ), mZoomFactor, 1000. );
447 itemMagLimitAsteroid = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagLimitAsteroid" ), mMagLimitAsteroid, 10.0 );
450 itemAsteroidLabelDensity = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AsteroidLabelDensity" ), mAsteroidLabelDensity, 4.0 );
453 itemMagLimitDrawDeepSky = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagLimitDrawDeepSky" ), mMagLimitDrawDeepSky, 16.0 );
456 itemMagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut" ), mMagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut, 5.0 );
459 itemStarDensity = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StarDensity" ), mStarDensity, 5 );
462 itemMagLimitHideStar = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MagLimitHideStar" ), mMagLimitHideStar, 5.0 );
465 itemStarLabelDensity = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StarLabelDensity" ), mStarLabelDensity, 2.0 );
468 itemDeepSkyLabelDensity = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DeepSkyLabelDensity" ), mDeepSkyLabelDensity, 5.0 );
471 itemDeepSkyLongLabels = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DeepSkyLongLabels" ), mDeepSkyLongLabels, false );
474 itemMaxRadCometName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MaxRadCometName" ), mMaxRadCometName, 3.0 );
477 itemUseGL = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UseGL" ), mUseGL, false );
480 itemRunClock = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "RunClock" ), mRunClock, true );
486 itemObsListSymbol = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ObsListSymbol" ), mObsListSymbol, true );
489 itemObsListText = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ObsListText" ), mObsListText, false );
492 itemObsListSaveImage = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ObsListSaveImage" ), mObsListSaveImage, false );
495 itemObsListPreferDSS = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ObsListPreferDSS" ), mObsListPreferDSS, true );
498 itemObsListPreferSDSS = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ObsListPreferSDSS" ), mObsListPreferSDSS, false );
504 itemColorSchemeFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ColorSchemeFile" ), mColorSchemeFile, QLatin1String( "moonless-night.colors" ) );
507 itemDarkAppColors = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DarkAppColors" ), mDarkAppColors, false );
510 itemStarColorMode = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StarColorMode" ), mStarColorMode, 0 );
514 itemStarColorIntensity = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StarColorIntensity" ), mStarColorIntensity, 6 );
518 itemAngularRulerColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AngularRulerColor" ), mAngularRulerColor, QLatin1String( "#FFF" ) );
521 itemBoxBGColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BoxBGColor" ), mBoxBGColor, QLatin1String( "#000" ) );
524 itemBoxGrabColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BoxGrabColor" ), mBoxGrabColor, QLatin1String( "#F00" ) );
527 itemBoxTextColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BoxTextColor" ), mBoxTextColor, QLatin1String( "#FFF" ) );
530 itemCBoundColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CBoundColor" ), mCBoundColor, QLatin1String( "#222" ) );
533 itemCBoundHighColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CBoundHighColor" ), mCBoundHighColor, QLatin1String( "#222" ) );
536 itemCLineColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CLineColor" ), mCLineColor, QLatin1String( "#555" ) );
539 itemCNameColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CNameColor" ), mCNameColor, QLatin1String( "#AA7" ) );
542 itemCompassColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CompassColor" ), mCompassColor, QLatin1String( "#002" ) );
545 itemEclipticColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EclipticColor" ), mEclipticColor, QLatin1String( "#663" ) );
548 itemEquatorColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EquatorColor" ), mEquatorColor, QLatin1String( "#FFF" ) );
551 itemEquatorialGridColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EquatorialGridColor" ), mEquatorialGridColor, QLatin1String( "#456" ) );
554 itemHorizontalGridColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HorizontalGridColor" ), mHorizontalGridColor, QLatin1String( "#5A3" ) );
557 itemSpecialObjectColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SpecialObjectColor" ), mSpecialObjectColor, QLatin1String( "#A00" ) );
560 itemHorizonColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "HorizonColor" ), mHorizonColor, QLatin1String( "#5A3" ) );
563 itemMessierColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MessierColor" ), mMessierColor, QLatin1String( "#0F0" ) );
566 itemNGCColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "NGCColor" ), mNGCColor, QLatin1String( "#066" ) );
569 itemICColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ICColor" ), mICColor, QLatin1String( "#439" ) );
572 itemMilkyWayWColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "MilkyWayWColor" ), mMilkyWayWColor, QLatin1String( "#123" ) );
575 itemStarNameColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "StarNameColor" ), mStarNameColor, QLatin1String( "#7AA" ) );
578 itemDeepSkyNameColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DeepSkyNameColor" ), mDeepSkyNameColor, QLatin1String( "#7AA" ) );
581 itemPlanetNameColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PlanetNameColor" ), mPlanetNameColor, QLatin1String( "#439" ) );
584 itemPlanetTrailColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PlanetTrailColor" ), mPlanetTrailColor, QLatin1String( "#963" ) );
587 itemSkyColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SkyColor" ), mSkyColor, QLatin1String( "#002" ) );
590 itemTelescopeTargetColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TelescopeTargetColor" ), mTelescopeTargetColor, QLatin1String( "#8B8" ) );
593 itemVisibleSatColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "VisibleSatColor" ), mVisibleSatColor, QLatin1String( "#00FF00" ) );
596 itemSatColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SatColor" ), mSatColor, QLatin1String( "#FF0000" ) );
599 itemSatLabelColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SatLabelColor" ), mSatLabelColor, QLatin1String( "#640000" ) );
602 itemSupernovaColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SupernovaColor" ), mSupernovaColor, QLatin1String( "#FFA500" ) );
605 itemUserLabelColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "UserLabelColor" ), mUserLabelColor, QLatin1String( "#439" ) );
611 itemXplanetPath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetPath" ), mXplanetPath );
614 itemXplanetTitle = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetTitle" ), mXplanetTitle );
617 itemXplanetWidth = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetWidth" ), mXplanetWidth, QLatin1String( "640" ) );
620 itemXplanetHeight = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetHeight" ), mXplanetHeight, QLatin1String( "480" ) );
623 itemXplanetLabel = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabel" ), mXplanetLabel, false );
626 itemXplanetLabelLocalTime = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelLocalTime" ), mXplanetLabelLocalTime, true );
629 itemXplanetLabelGMT = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelGMT" ), mXplanetLabelGMT, false );
632 itemXplanetLabelString = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelString" ), mXplanetLabelString );
635 itemXplanetFontSize = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetFontSize" ), mXplanetFontSize, QLatin1String( "12" ) );
638 itemXplanetColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetColor" ), mXplanetColor, QLatin1String( "#F00" ) );
641 itemXplanetDateFormat = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetDateFormat" ), mXplanetDateFormat, QLatin1String( "%c %Z" ) );
644 itemXplanetLabelTL = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelTL" ), mXplanetLabelTL, false );
647 itemXplanetLabelTR = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelTR" ), mXplanetLabelTR, true );
650 itemXplanetLabelBR = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelBR" ), mXplanetLabelBR, false );
653 itemXplanetLabelBL = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLabelBL" ), mXplanetLabelBL, false );
656 itemXplanetGlare = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetGlare" ), mXplanetGlare, QLatin1String( "28" ) );
659 itemXplanetRandom = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetRandom" ), mXplanetRandom, false );
662 itemXplanetLatLong = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLatLong" ), mXplanetLatLong, true );
665 itemXplanetLatitude = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLatitude" ), mXplanetLatitude, QLatin1String( "0" ) );
668 itemXplanetLongitude = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetLongitude" ), mXplanetLongitude, QLatin1String( "0" ) );
671 itemXplanetProjection = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetProjection" ), mXplanetProjection, 0 );
674 itemXplanetWait = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetWait" ), mXplanetWait, false );
677 itemXplanetWaitValue = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetWaitValue" ), mXplanetWaitValue, QLatin1String( "60" ) );
680 itemXplanetBackground = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetBackground" ), mXplanetBackground, false );
683 itemXplanetBackgroundImage = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetBackgroundImage" ), mXplanetBackgroundImage, false );
686 itemXplanetBackgroundImagePath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetBackgroundImagePath" ), mXplanetBackgroundImagePath );
689 itemXplanetBackgroundColor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetBackgroundColor" ), mXplanetBackgroundColor, true );
692 itemXplanetBackgroundColorValue = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetBackgroundColorValue" ), mXplanetBackgroundColorValue, QLatin1String( "#000" ) );
695 itemXplanetMagnitude = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetMagnitude" ), mXplanetMagnitude, QLatin1String( "10" ) );
698 itemXplanetArcFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetArcFile" ), mXplanetArcFile, false );
701 itemXplanetArcFilePath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetArcFilePath" ), mXplanetArcFilePath );
704 itemXplanetConfigFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetConfigFile" ), mXplanetConfigFile, false );
707 itemXplanetConfigFilePath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetConfigFilePath" ), mXplanetConfigFilePath );
710 itemXplanetFOV = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetFOV" ), mXplanetFOV, false );
713 itemXplanetMarkerFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetMarkerFile" ), mXplanetMarkerFile, false );
716 itemXplanetMarkerFilePath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetMarkerFilePath" ), mXplanetMarkerFilePath );
719 itemXplanetMarkerBounds = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetMarkerBounds" ), mXplanetMarkerBounds, false );
722 itemXplanetMarkerBoundsPath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetMarkerBoundsPath" ), mXplanetMarkerBoundsPath );
725 itemXplanetStarmap = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetStarmap" ), mXplanetStarmap, false );
728 itemXplanetStarmapPath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetStarmapPath" ), mXplanetStarmapPath );
731 itemXplanetQuality = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "XplanetQuality" ), mXplanetQuality, QLatin1String( "80" ) );
737 itemShowSatellites = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSatellites" ), mShowSatellites, false );
740 itemShowVisibleSatellites = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowVisibleSatellites" ), mShowVisibleSatellites, false );
743 itemDrawSatellitesLikeStars = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DrawSatellitesLikeStars" ), mDrawSatellitesLikeStars, false );
746 itemShowSatellitesLabels = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ShowSatellitesLabels" ), mShowSatellitesLabels, false );
749 itemSelectedSatellites = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "SelectedSatellites" ), mSelectedSatellites );
755 itemAlwaysRecomputeCoordinates = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AlwaysRecomputeCoordinates" ), mAlwaysRecomputeCoordinates, true );
758 itemDefaultDSSImageSize = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DefaultDSSImageSize" ), mDefaultDSSImageSize, 15.0 );
761 itemDSSPadding = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "DSSPadding" ), mDSSPadding, 10.0 );
767 itemBortleClass = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BortleClass" ), mBortleClass, 4 );
770 itemTelescopeCheck = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TelescopeCheck" ), mTelescopeCheck, false );
773 itemBinocularsCheck = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BinocularsCheck" ), mBinocularsCheck, false );
776 itemNoEquipCheck = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "NoEquipCheck" ), mNoEquipCheck, false );
779 itemBinocularsAperture = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "BinocularsAperture" ), mBinocularsAperture, 40.0 );
782 itemScopeListWidget = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "ScopeListWidget" ), mScopeListWidget, 0 );
788 itemTelescopeDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "TelescopeDriver" ), mTelescopeDriver );
791 itemCCDDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "CCDDriver" ), mCCDDriver );
794 itemGuiderDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "GuiderDriver" ), mGuiderDriver );
797 itemFilterDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FilterDriver" ), mFilterDriver );
800 itemFocuserDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocuserDriver" ), mFocuserDriver );
803 itemAuxDriver = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AuxDriver" ), mAuxDriver );
806 itemFocusTicks = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusTicks" ), mFocusTicks, 100 );
809 itemFocusTolerance = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusTolerance" ), mFocusTolerance, 1 );
812 itemFocusExposure = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "FocusExposure" ), mFocusExposure, 0.5 );
815 itemAlignExposure = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemDouble( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AlignExposure" ), mAlignExposure, 1 );
818 itemRemoteScopeName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteScopeName" ), mRemoteScopeName );
821 itemRemoteCCDName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteCCDName" ), mRemoteCCDName );
824 itemRemoteGuiderName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteGuiderName" ), mRemoteGuiderName );
827 itemRemoteFocuserName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteFocuserName" ), mRemoteFocuserName );
830 itemRemoteFilterName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteFilterName" ), mRemoteFilterName );
833 itemRemoteAuxName = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteAuxName" ), mRemoteAuxName );
836 itemRemoteHost = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteHost" ), mRemoteHost );
839 itemRemotePort = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remotePort" ), mRemotePort );
842 itemLocalMode = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "localMode" ), mLocalMode, true );
845 itemRemoteMode = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remoteMode" ), mRemoteMode, false );
848 itemNeverLoadConfig = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "neverLoadConfig" ), mNeverLoadConfig, true );
851 itemLoadConfigOnConnection = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "loadConfigOnConnection" ), mLoadConfigOnConnection, false );
854 itemLoadDefaultConfig = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "loadDefaultConfig" ), mLoadDefaultConfig, false );
857 itemAstrometryConfFile = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "astrometryConfFile" ), mAstrometryConfFile, QLatin1String( "/etc/astrometry.cfg" ) );
double mMagnitudeLimitAlertSupernovae
Definition: Options.h:5110
Definition: Options.h:11
double mMagnitudeLimitShowSupernovae
Definition: Options.h:5108
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:20 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:20 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.