Go to the documentation of this file.
33 ByteArrayModel::ByteArrayModel( Byte* data, int size, int rawSize, bool keepMemory, QObject* parent )
93 Size ByteArrayModel::replace( const AddressRange& removeRange, const Byte* insertData, int insertLength )
unsigned int bookmarksCount() const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:206
could it be useful to hide the data access behind an iterator? * class KDataBufferIterator { public: ...
Definition: abstractbytearraymodel.h:79
virtual unsigned int bookmarksCount() const
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:148
void setAutoDelete(bool autoDelete=true)
sets whether the memory given by setData or in the constructor gets deleted in destructor or when new...
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:59
bool keepsMemory() const
returns whether the memory of the byte array is kept on resize
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:68
void removeBookmarks(const QList< Bookmark > &bookmarks)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:171
void addBookmarks(const QList< Bookmark > &bookmarks)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:166
Definition: bookmark.h:38
void setAutoDelete(bool autoDelete=true)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:143
virtual void addBookmarks(const QList< Okteta::Bookmark > &bookmarks)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:108
virtual Size replace(const AddressRange &removeRange, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength)
replaces as much as possible
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:93
void setKeepsMemory(bool keepsMemory=true)
sets whether the memory given by setData or in the constructor should be kept on resize ...
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:58
virtual Size insert(Address offset, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength)
inserts bytes copied from the given source at Position.
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:83
void setData(Byte *data, int size, int rawSize=-1, bool keepsMemory=true)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:61
void setByte(Address offset, Byte byte)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:144
void removeAllBookmarks()
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:177
virtual Okteta::BookmarksConstIterator createBookmarksConstIterator() const
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:128
Size replace(const AddressRange &removeRange, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength)
ByteArrayModel(Byte *data, int size, int rawSize=-1, bool keepsMemory=true, QObject *parent=0)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:33
void signalContentsChanged(int i1, int i2)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:71
void setMaxSize(int maxSize)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:141
virtual bool swap(Address firstStart, const AddressRange &secondRange)
moves the second section before the start of the first which is the same as moving the first behind t...
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:98
virtual void setModified(bool modified=true)
sets the modified flag for the buffer
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:56
virtual Size remove(const AddressRange &removeRange)
removes beginning with position as much as possible
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:88
const Bookmark & bookmarkAt(unsigned int index) const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:201
BookmarksConstIterator createBookmarksConstIterator() const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:192
virtual const Okteta::Bookmark & bookmarkFor(int offset) const
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:133
Size fill(Byte fillByte, Address offset=0, Size fillLength=-1)
void contentsChanged(const Okteta::ArrayChangeMetricsList &changeList)
static ArrayChangeMetricsList oneReplacement(Address offset, Size removeLength, Size insertLength)
Definition: arraychangemetricslist.h:47
Byte byte(Address offset) const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:127
bool swap(Address firstStart, const AddressRange &secondRange)
Size remove(const AddressRange &removeRange)
virtual void setBookmark(unsigned int index, const Okteta::Bookmark &bookmark)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:123
Size insert(Address offset, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength)
virtual void setByte(Address offset, Byte byte)
sets a single byte if the offset is not valid the behaviour is undefined
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:78
bool keepsMemory() const
returns whether the memory of the byte array is kept on resize
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:163
virtual void removeAllBookmarks()
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:118
void setKeepsMemory(bool keepsMemory=true)
sets whether the memory given by setData or in the constructor should be kept on resize ...
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:142
virtual bool containsBookmarkFor(int offset) const
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:143
virtual void removeBookmarks(const QList< Okteta::Bookmark > &bookmarks)
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:113
virtual void setReadOnly(bool isReadOnly=true)
sets the readonly flag for the byte array if this is possible.
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:55
virtual Byte byte(Address offset) const
locates working range The idea behind is to tell buffer which range will be requested in the followin...
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:49
void setBookmark(unsigned int index, const Bookmark &bookmark)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:183
bool containsBookmarkFor(int offset) const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:205
Definition: bookmarkable.h:29
void setReadOnly(bool readOnly=true)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:133
virtual const Okteta::Bookmark & bookmarkAt(unsigned int index) const
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:138
virtual Size fill(Byte fillByte, Address offset=0, Size fillLength=-1)
fills the buffer with the FillChar.
Definition: bytearraymodel.cpp:103
void setData(Byte *data, int size, int rawSize=-1, bool keepsMemory=true)
void setModified(bool modified=true)
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:153
const Bookmark & bookmarkFor(int offset) const
Definition: bytearraymodel_p.h:197
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:07 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:07 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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