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#include <incidence.h>

Inheritance diagram for KCalendarCore::Incidence:

Public Types

typedef QList< PtrList
typedef QSharedPointer< IncidencePtr
enum  RelType { RelTypeParent , RelTypeChild , RelTypeSibling }
enum  Secrecy { SecrecyPublic , SecrecyPrivate , SecrecyConfidential }
enum  Status {
  StatusNone , StatusTentative , StatusConfirmed , StatusCompleted ,
  StatusNeedsAction , StatusCanceled , StatusInProcess , StatusDraft ,
  StatusFinal , StatusX
- Public Types inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
enum  DateTimeRole {
  RoleAlarmStartOffset = 0 , RoleAlarmEndOffset , RoleSort , RoleCalendarHashing ,
  RoleStartTimeZone , RoleEndTimeZone , RoleEndRecurrenceBase , RoleEnd ,
  RoleDisplayEnd , RoleAlarm , RoleRecurrenceStart , RoleDisplayStart ,
enum  Field {
  FieldDtStart , FieldDtEnd , FieldLastModified , FieldDescription ,
  FieldSummary , FieldLocation , FieldCompleted , FieldPercentComplete ,
  FieldDtDue , FieldCategories , FieldRelatedTo , FieldRecurrence ,
  FieldAttachment , FieldSecrecy , FieldStatus , FieldTransparency ,
  FieldResources , FieldPriority , FieldGeoLatitude , FieldGeoLongitude ,
  FieldRecurrenceId , FieldAlarms , FieldSchedulingId , FieldAttendees ,
  FieldOrganizer , FieldCreated , FieldRevision , FieldDuration ,
  FieldContact , FieldComment , FieldUid , FieldUnknown ,
  FieldUrl , FieldConferences , FieldColor
enum  IncidenceType {
  TypeEvent = 0 , TypeTodo , TypeJournal , TypeFreeBusy ,
typedef QSharedPointer< IncidenceBasePtr


QList< KCalendarCore::Attachmentattachments
QStringList categories
QList< KCalendarCore::Conferenceconferences
QDateTime created
QString description
float geoLatitude
float geoLongitude
bool hasGeo
QString location
int priority
KCalendarCore::Incidence::Secrecy secrecy
KCalendarCore::Incidence::Status status
QString summary
- Properties inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
bool allDay
QList< KCalendarCore::Attendeeattendees
QDateTime dtStart
QDateTime lastModified
KCalendarCore::Person organizer
QString uid
QUrl url

Public Member Functions

 Incidence (IncidencePrivate *p)
 ~Incidence () override
void addAlarm (const Alarm::Ptr &alarm)
void addAttachment (const Attachment &attachment)
void addConference (const Conference &conference)
Alarm::List alarms () const
QString altDescription () const
Attachment::List attachments () const
Attachment::List attachments (const QString &mime) const
QStringList categories () const
QString categoriesStr () const
void clearAlarms ()
void clearAttachments ()
void clearConferences ()
void clearRecurrence ()
virtual Incidenceclone () const =0
QString color () const
Conference::List conferences () const
QDateTime created () const
QString customStatus () const
void deleteAttachments (const QString &mime)
QString description () const
bool descriptionIsRich () const
virtual QDateTime endDateForStart (const QDateTime &startDt) const
float geoLatitude () const
float geoLongitude () const
bool hasAltDescription () const
bool hasEnabledAlarms () const
bool hasGeo () const
bool hasRecurrenceId () const
virtual QLatin1String iconName (const QDateTime &recurrenceId={}) const =0
QString instanceIdentifier () const
bool localOnly () const
QString location () const
bool locationIsRich () const
Alarm::Ptr newAlarm ()
int priority () const
void recreate ()
Recurrencerecurrence () const
QDateTime recurrenceId () const override
ushort recurrenceType () const
void recurrenceUpdated (Recurrence *recurrence) override
bool recurs () const
bool recursAt (const QDateTime &dt) const
virtual bool recursOn (const QDate &date, const QTimeZone &timeZone) const
QString relatedTo (RelType relType=RelTypeParent) const
void removeAlarm (const Alarm::Ptr &alarm)
QStringList resources () const
int revision () const
QString richDescription () const
QString richLocation () const
QString richSummary () const
QString schedulingID () const
Secrecy secrecy () const
void setAllDay (bool allDay) override
void setAltDescription (const QString &altdescription)
void setCategories (const QString &catStr)
void setCategories (const QStringList &categories)
void setColor (const QString &colorName)
void setConferences (const Conference::List &conferences)
void setCreated (const QDateTime &dt)
void setCustomStatus (const QString &status)
void setDescription (const QString &description)
void setDescription (const QString &description, bool isRich)
void setDtStart (const QDateTime &dt) override
void setGeoLatitude (float geolatitude)
void setGeoLongitude (float geolongitude)
void setLastModified (const QDateTime &lm) override
void setLocalOnly (bool localonly)
void setLocation (const QString &location)
void setLocation (const QString &location, bool isRich)
void setPriority (int priority)
void setReadOnly (bool readonly) override
void setRecurrenceId (const QDateTime &recurrenceId)
void setRelatedTo (const QString &uid, RelType relType=RelTypeParent)
void setResources (const QStringList &resources)
void setRevision (int rev)
void setSchedulingID (const QString &sid, const QString &uid=QString())
void setSecrecy (Secrecy secrecy)
void setStatus (Status status)
void setSummary (const QString &summary)
void setSummary (const QString &summary, bool isRich)
void setThisAndFuture (bool thisAndFuture)
void shiftTimes (const QTimeZone &oldZone, const QTimeZone &newZone) override
virtual QList< QDateTimestartDateTimesForDate (const QDate &date, const QTimeZone &timeZone) const
virtual QList< QDateTimestartDateTimesForDateTime (const QDateTime &datetime) const
Status status () const
QString summary () const
bool summaryIsRich () const
virtual bool supportsGroupwareCommunication () const =0
bool thisAndFuture () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
KCALENDARCORE_NO_EXPORT IncidenceBase (IncidenceBasePrivate *p)
 ~IncidenceBase () override
virtual bool accept (Visitor &v, const IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence)
void addAttendee (const Attendee &attendee, bool doUpdate=true)
void addComment (const QString &comment)
void addContact (const QString &contact)
bool allDay () const
Attendee attendeeByMail (const QString &email) const
Attendee attendeeByMails (const QStringList &emails, const QString &email=QString()) const
Attendee attendeeByUid (const QString &uid) const
int attendeeCount () const
Attendee::List attendees () const
void clearAttendees ()
void clearComments ()
void clearContacts ()
QStringList comments () const
QStringList contacts () const
virtual QDateTime dateTime (DateTimeRole role) const =0
QSet< IncidenceBase::FielddirtyFields () const
virtual QDateTime dtStart () const
Duration duration () const
void endUpdates ()
bool hasDuration () const
bool isReadOnly () const
QDateTime lastModified () const
virtual QLatin1String mimeType () const =0
bool operator!= (const IncidenceBase &ib) const
IncidenceBaseoperator= (const IncidenceBase &other)
bool operator== (const IncidenceBase &ib) const
Person organizer () const
void registerObserver (IncidenceObserver *observer)
bool removeComment (const QString &comment)
bool removeContact (const QString &contact)
void resetDirtyFields ()
void setAttendees (const Attendee::List &attendees, bool doUpdate=true)
virtual void setDateTime (const QDateTime &dateTime, DateTimeRole role)=0
void setDirtyFields (const QSet< IncidenceBase::Field > &)
virtual void setDuration (const Duration &duration)
void setHasDuration (bool hasDuration)
void setOrganizer (const Person &organizer)
void setOrganizer (const QString &organizer)
void setUid (const QString &uid)
void setUrl (const QUrl &url)
void startUpdates ()
virtual IncidenceType type () const =0
virtual QByteArray typeStr () const =0
QString uid () const
void unRegisterObserver (IncidenceObserver *observer)
void update ()
void updated ()
QUrl uri () const
QUrl url () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::CustomProperties
 CustomProperties ()
 CustomProperties (const CustomProperties &other)
virtual ~CustomProperties ()
QMap< QByteArray, QStringcustomProperties () const
QString customProperty (const QByteArray &app, const QByteArray &key) const
QString nonKDECustomProperty (const QByteArray &name) const
QString nonKDECustomPropertyParameters (const QByteArray &name) const
CustomPropertiesoperator= (const CustomProperties &other)
bool operator== (const CustomProperties &properties) const
void removeCustomProperty (const QByteArray &app, const QByteArray &key)
void removeNonKDECustomProperty (const QByteArray &name)
void setCustomProperties (const QMap< QByteArray, QString > &properties)
void setCustomProperty (const QByteArray &app, const QByteArray &key, const QString &value)
void setNonKDECustomProperty (const QByteArray &name, const QString &value, const QString &parameters=QString())

Static Public Member Functions

static QStringList mimeTypes ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
static quint32 magicSerializationIdentifier ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::CustomProperties
static QByteArray customPropertyName (const QByteArray &app, const QByteArray &key)

Protected Member Functions

 Incidence (const Incidence &)=delete
 Incidence (const Incidence &other, IncidencePrivate *p)
IncidenceBaseassign (const IncidenceBase &other) override
void deserialize (QDataStream &in) override
bool equals (const IncidenceBase &incidence) const override
void serialize (QDataStream &out) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
 IncidenceBase (const IncidenceBase &)=delete
KCALENDARCORE_NO_EXPORT IncidenceBase (const IncidenceBase &ib, IncidenceBasePrivate *p)
void customPropertyUpdate () override
void customPropertyUpdated () override
void setFieldDirty (IncidenceBase::Field field)
virtual void virtual_hook (VirtualHook id, void *data)=0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KCalendarCore::CustomProperties

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
enum  VirtualHook
- Protected Attributes inherited from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase
IncidenceBasePrivate *const d_ptr
bool mReadOnly

Detailed Description

Provides the abstract base class common to non-FreeBusy (Events, To-dos, Journals) calendar components known as incidences.

Several properties are not allowed for VFREEBUSY objects (see rfc:2445), so they are not in IncidenceBase. The hierarchy is:


So IncidenceBase contains all properties that are common to all classes, and Incidence contains all additional properties that are common to Events, Todos and Journals, but are not allowed for FreeBusy entries.

Definition at line 59 of file incidence.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ List

List of incidences.

Definition at line 122 of file incidence.h.

◆ Ptr

A shared pointer to an Incidence.

Definition at line 117 of file incidence.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RelType

The different types of RELTYPE values specified by the RFC.

Only RelTypeParent is supported for now.


The related incidence is a parent.


The related incidence is a child.


The related incidence is a peer.

Definition at line 108 of file incidence.h.

◆ Secrecy

The different types of incidence access classifications.


Not secret (default)


Secret to the owner.


Secret to the owner and some others.

Definition at line 97 of file incidence.h.

◆ Status

The different types of overall incidence status or confirmation.

The meaning is specific to the incidence type in context.


No status.


event is tentative


event is definite


to-do completed


to-do needs action


event or to-do canceled; journal removed


to-do in process


journal is draft


journal is final


a non-standard status string

Definition at line 80 of file incidence.h.

Property Documentation

◆ attachments

QList<KCalendarCore::Attachment> KCalendarCore::Incidence::attachments

Definition at line 73 of file incidence.h.

◆ categories

QStringList KCalendarCore::Incidence::categories

Definition at line 68 of file incidence.h.

◆ conferences

QList<KCalendarCore::Conference> KCalendarCore::Incidence::conferences

Definition at line 74 of file incidence.h.

◆ created

QDateTime KCalendarCore::Incidence::created

Definition at line 70 of file incidence.h.

◆ description

QString KCalendarCore::Incidence::description

Definition at line 62 of file incidence.h.

◆ geoLatitude

float KCalendarCore::Incidence::geoLatitude

Definition at line 66 of file incidence.h.

◆ geoLongitude

float KCalendarCore::Incidence::geoLongitude

Definition at line 67 of file incidence.h.

◆ hasGeo

bool KCalendarCore::Incidence::hasGeo

Definition at line 65 of file incidence.h.

◆ location

QString KCalendarCore::Incidence::location

Definition at line 64 of file incidence.h.

◆ priority

int KCalendarCore::Incidence::priority

Definition at line 69 of file incidence.h.

◆ secrecy

KCalendarCore::Incidence::Secrecy KCalendarCore::Incidence::secrecy

Definition at line 71 of file incidence.h.

◆ status

KCalendarCore::Incidence::Status KCalendarCore::Incidence::status

Definition at line 72 of file incidence.h.

◆ summary

QString KCalendarCore::Incidence::summary

Definition at line 63 of file incidence.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Incidence() [1/2]

Incidence::Incidence ( IncidencePrivate * p)

Constructs an empty incidence.

p(non-null) a Private data object provided by the instantiated class (Event, Todo, Journal, FreeBusy). It passes ownership of the object to IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 131 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ ~Incidence()

Incidence::~Incidence ( )

Destroys an incidence.

Definition at line 147 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ Incidence() [2/2]

Incidence::Incidence ( const Incidence & other,
IncidencePrivate * p )
otheris the incidence to copy.
p(non-null) a Private data object provided by the instantiated class (Event, Todo, Journal, FreeBusy). It passes ownership of the object to IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 138 of file incidence.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAlarm()

void Incidence::addAlarm ( const Alarm::Ptr & alarm)

Adds an alarm to the incidence.

alarmis a pointer to a valid Alarm object.
See also

Definition at line 892 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ addAttachment()

void Incidence::addAttachment ( const Attachment & attachment)

Adds an attachment to the incidence.

attachmenta valid Attachment object.

Definition at line 713 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ addConference()

void Incidence::addConference ( const Conference & conference)

Adds a conference to the incidence.

confereneA conference to add.

Definition at line 936 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ alarms()

Alarm::List Incidence::alarms ( ) const

Returns a list of all incidence alarms.

Definition at line 878 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ altDescription()

QString Incidence::altDescription ( ) const

Returns the incidence alternative (=text/html) description.

See also

Definition at line 1163 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ assign()

IncidenceBase & Incidence::assign ( const IncidenceBase & other)

Provides polymorfic assignment.

otheris the IncidenceBase to assign.

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Reimplemented in KCalendarCore::Journal, and KCalendarCore::Todo.

Definition at line 166 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ attachments() [1/2]

Attachment::List Incidence::attachments ( ) const

Returns a list of all incidence attachments.

See also
attachments( const QString &).

Definition at line 740 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ attachments() [2/2]

Attachment::List Incidence::attachments ( const QString & mime) const

Returns a list of all incidence attachments with the specified MIME type.

mimeis a QString containing the MIME type.
See also

Definition at line 746 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ categories()

QStringList Incidence::categories ( ) const

Returns the incidence categories as a list of strings.

See also
setCategories( const QStringList &), setCategories( const QString &).

Definition at line 504 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ categoriesStr()

QString Incidence::categoriesStr ( ) const

Returns the incidence categories as a comma separated string.

See also

Definition at line 510 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ clearAlarms()

void Incidence::clearAlarms ( )

Removes all alarms.

See also

Definition at line 913 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ clearAttachments()

void Incidence::clearAttachments ( )

Removes all attachments and frees the memory used by them.

See also
deleteAttachments( const QString &).

Definition at line 758 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ clearConferences()

void Incidence::clearConferences ( )

Removes all conferences from the incidence.


Definition at line 954 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ clearRecurrence()

void Incidence::clearRecurrence ( )

Removes all recurrence and exception rules and dates.

Definition at line 572 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ clone()

virtual Incidence * KCalendarCore::Incidence::clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns an exact copy of this incidence.

The returned object is owned by the caller.

Dirty fields are cleared.

Implemented in KCalendarCore::Event, KCalendarCore::Journal, and KCalendarCore::Todo.

◆ color()

QString Incidence::color ( ) const

Returns the color, if any is defined, for this incidence.

: 5.76

Definition at line 550 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ conferences()

Conference::List Incidence::conferences ( ) const

Returns list of all incidence conferencing methods.


Definition at line 930 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ created()

QDateTime Incidence::created ( ) const

Returns the incidence creation date/time.

See also

Definition at line 333 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ customStatus()

QString Incidence::customStatus ( ) const

Returns the non-standard status value.

See also

Definition at line 849 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ deleteAttachments()

void Incidence::deleteAttachments ( const QString & mime)

Removes all attachments of the specified MIME type from the incidence.

The memory used by all the removed attachments is freed.

mimeis a QString containing the MIME type.
See also

Definition at line 726 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ description()

QString Incidence::description ( ) const

Returns the incidence description.

See also

Definition at line 402 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ descriptionIsRich()

bool Incidence::descriptionIsRich ( ) const

Returns true if incidence description contains RichText; false otherwise.

See also
setDescription(), description().

Definition at line 418 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ deserialize()

void Incidence::deserialize ( QDataStream & in)

Sub-type specific deserialization.

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 1207 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ endDateForStart()

QDateTime Incidence::endDateForStart ( const QDateTime & startDt) const

Returns the end date/time of the incidence occurrence if it starts at specified date/time.

startDtis the specified starting date/time.
the corresponding end date/time for the occurrence; or the start date/time if the end date/time is invalid; or the end date/time if the start date/time is invalid.

Definition at line 699 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ equals()

bool Incidence::equals ( const IncidenceBase & incidence) const

Compares this with Incidence incidence for equality.

incidenceis the Incidence to compare against.
true if the incidences are equal; false otherwise.

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Reimplemented in KCalendarCore::Journal, and KCalendarCore::Todo.

Definition at line 180 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ geoLatitude()

float Incidence::geoLatitude ( ) const

Returns the incidence's geoLatitude as a value between -90.0 and 90.0 or INVALID_LATLON.

If either of geoLatitude() and geoLongitude() are INVALID_LATLON, then both are, and hasGeo() is false.

incidences geolatitude value
See also

Definition at line 1037 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ geoLongitude()

float Incidence::geoLongitude ( ) const

Returns the incidence's geoLongitude as a value between -180.0 and 180.0 or INVALID_LATLON.

If either of geoLatitude() and geoLongitude() are INVALID_LATLON, then both are, and hasGeo() is false.

incidences geolongitude value
See also

Definition at line 1065 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ hasAltDescription()

bool Incidence::hasAltDescription ( ) const

Returns true if the alternative (=text/html) description is available.

See also
setAltDescription(), altDescription()

Definition at line 1146 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ hasEnabledAlarms()

bool Incidence::hasEnabledAlarms ( ) const

Returns true if any of the incidence alarms are enabled; false otherwise.

Definition at line 922 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ hasGeo()

bool Incidence::hasGeo ( ) const

Returns true if the incidence has geo data, otherwise return false.

See also
setHasGeo(), setGeoLatitude(float), setGeoLongitude(float).

Definition at line 1030 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ hasRecurrenceId()

bool Incidence::hasRecurrenceId ( ) const

Returns true if the incidence has recurrenceId, otherwise return false.

See also

Definition at line 1093 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ iconName()

virtual QLatin1String KCalendarCore::Incidence::iconName ( const QDateTime & recurrenceId = {}) const
pure virtual

Returns the name of the icon that best represents this incidence.

recurrenceIdSome recurring incidences might use a different icon, for example, completed to-do occurrences. Use this parameter to identify the specific occurrence in a recurring serie.

Implemented in KCalendarCore::Event, KCalendarCore::Journal, and KCalendarCore::Todo.

◆ instanceIdentifier()

QString Incidence::instanceIdentifier ( ) const

Returns a unique identifier for a specific instance of an incidence.

Due to the recurrence-id, the uid is not unique for a KCalendarCore::Incidence.


Definition at line 255 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ localOnly()

bool Incidence::localOnly ( ) const

Get the localOnly status.

true if Local only, false otherwise.
See also

Definition at line 299 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ location()

QString Incidence::location ( ) const

Returns the incidence location.

Do not use with journals.

See also

Definition at line 984 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ locationIsRich()

bool Incidence::locationIsRich ( ) const

Returns true if incidence location contains RichText; false otherwise.

See also
setLocation(), location().

Definition at line 1000 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ mimeTypes()

QStringList Incidence::mimeTypes ( )

Returns the list of possible mime types in an Incidence object: "text/calendar" "application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.event" "application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.todo" "application/x-vnd.akonadi.calendar.journal".



Definition at line 1173 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ newAlarm()

Alarm::Ptr Incidence::newAlarm ( )

Create a new incidence alarm.

Definition at line 884 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ priority()

int Incidence::priority ( ) const

Returns the incidence priority.

See also

Definition at line 804 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recreate()

void Incidence::recreate ( )

Recreate incidence.

The incidence is made a new unique incidence, but already stored information is preserved. Sets unique id, creation date, last modification date and revision number.

Definition at line 263 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recurrence()

Recurrence * Incidence::recurrence ( ) const

Returns the recurrence rule associated with this incidence.

If there is none, returns an appropriate (non-0) object.

Definition at line 558 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recurrenceId()

QDateTime Incidence::recurrenceId ( ) const

Returns the incidence recurrenceId.

incidences recurrenceId value
See also

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 1099 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recurrenceType()

ushort Incidence::recurrenceType ( ) const

Returns the event's recurrence status.

See the enumeration at the top of this file for possible values.

Definition at line 579 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recurrenceUpdated()

void Incidence::recurrenceUpdated ( Recurrence * recurrence)

Observer interface for the recurrence class.

If the recurrence is changed, this method will be called for the incidence the recurrence object belongs to.

recurrenceis a pointer to a valid Recurrence object.

If the recurrence is changed, this method will be called for the incidence the recurrence object belongs to.

Definition at line 1131 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recurs()

bool Incidence::recurs ( ) const

Returns whether the event recurs at all.

Definition at line 589 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recursAt()

bool Incidence::recursAt ( const QDateTime & dt) const

Returns true if the date/time specified is one at which the event will recur.

Times are rounded down to the nearest minute to determine the result.

dtis the date/time to check.

Definition at line 605 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ recursOn()

bool Incidence::recursOn ( const QDate & date,
const QTimeZone & timeZone ) const

Returns true if the date specified is one on which the event will recur.

datedate to check.
timeZonetime zone for the date.

Reimplemented in KCalendarCore::Todo.

Definition at line 599 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ relatedTo()

QString Incidence::relatedTo ( RelType relType = RelTypeParent) const

Returns a UID string for the incidence that is related to this one.

This function should only be used when constructing a calendar before the related incidence exists.

KCalendarCore only supports one related-to field per reltype for now.
relTypespecifies the relation type.
See also

Definition at line 530 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ removeAlarm()

void Incidence::removeAlarm ( const Alarm::Ptr & alarm)

Removes the specified alarm from the incidence.

alarmis a pointer to a valid Alarm object.
See also

Definition at line 901 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ resources()

QStringList Incidence::resources ( ) const

Returns the incidence resources as a list of strings.

See also

Definition at line 780 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ revision()

int Incidence::revision ( ) const

Returns the number of revisions this incidence has seen.

See also

Definition at line 352 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ richDescription()

QString Incidence::richDescription ( ) const

Returns the incidence description in rich text format.

See also

Definition at line 408 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ richLocation()

QString Incidence::richLocation ( ) const

Returns the incidence location in rich text format.

See also

Definition at line 990 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ richSummary()

QString Incidence::richSummary ( ) const

Returns the incidence summary in rich text format.

See also

Definition at line 450 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ schedulingID()

QString Incidence::schedulingID ( ) const

Returns the incidence scheduling ID.

Do not use with journals. If a scheduling ID is not set, then return the incidence UID.

See also

Definition at line 1020 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ secrecy()

Incidence::Secrecy Incidence::secrecy ( ) const

Returns the incidence Secrecy.

See also
setSecrecy(), secrecyStr().

Definition at line 872 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ serialize()

void Incidence::serialize ( QDataStream & out) const

Sub-type specific serialization.

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 1179 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setAllDay()

void Incidence::setAllDay ( bool allDay)

Sets whether the incidence is all-day, i.e.

has a date but no time attached to it.

allDaysets whether the incidence is all-day.
See also

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Reimplemented in KCalendarCore::Todo.

Definition at line 305 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setAltDescription()

void Incidence::setAltDescription ( const QString & altdescription)

Sets the incidence's alternative (=text/html) description.

If the text is empty, the property is removed.

altdescriptionis the incidence altdescription string.
See also

Definition at line 1154 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setCategories() [1/2]

void Incidence::setCategories ( const QString & catStr)

Sets the incidence category list based on a comma delimited string.

catStris a QString containing a list of categories which are delimited by a comma character.
See also
setCategories( const QStringList &), categories().

Definition at line 479 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setCategories() [2/2]

void Incidence::setCategories ( const QStringList & categories)

Sets the incidence category list.

categoriesis a list of category strings.
See also
setCategories( const QString &), categories().

Definition at line 466 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setColor()

void Incidence::setColor ( const QString & colorName)

Set the incidence color, as added in RFC7986.

colorNamea named color as defined in CSS3 color name, see https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-3/#svg-color.
: 5.76

Definition at line 536 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setConferences()

void Incidence::setConferences ( const Conference::List & conferences)

Replaces all conferences in the incidence with given conferences.

conferencesNew conferences to store in the incidence.

Definition at line 945 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setCreated()

void Incidence::setCreated ( const QDateTime & dt)

Sets the incidence creation date/time.

It is stored as a UTC date/time.

dtis the creation date/time.
See also

Definition at line 317 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setCustomStatus()

void Incidence::setCustomStatus ( const QString & status)

Sets the incidence Status to a non-standard status value.

statusis a non-standard status string. If empty, the incidence Status will be set to StatusNone.
See also
setStatus(), status() customStatus().

Definition at line 829 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setDescription() [1/2]

void Incidence::setDescription ( const QString & description)

Sets the incidence description and tries to guess if the description is rich text.

descriptionis the incidence description string.
See also

Definition at line 397 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setDescription() [2/2]

void Incidence::setDescription ( const QString & description,
bool isRich )

Sets the incidence description.

descriptionis the incidence description string.
isRichif true indicates the description string contains richtext.
See also

Definition at line 384 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setDtStart()

void Incidence::setDtStart ( const QDateTime & dt)

Sets the incidence starting date/time.

dtis the starting date/time.
See also

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 358 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setGeoLatitude()

void Incidence::setGeoLatitude ( float geolatitude)

Set the incidence's geoLatitude.

geolatitudeis the incidence geolatitude to set; a value between -90.0 and 90.0, or INVALID_LATLON (or NaN, which is treated as INVALID_LATLON).
See also

Definition at line 1044 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setGeoLongitude()

void Incidence::setGeoLongitude ( float geolongitude)

Set the incidence's geoLongitude.

geolongitudeis the incidence geolongitude to set; a value between -180.0 and 180.0, or INVALID_LATLON (or NaN, which is treated as INVALID_LATLON).
See also

Definition at line 1072 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setLastModified()

void Incidence::setLastModified ( const QDateTime & lm)

Sets the time the incidence was last modified to lm.

It is stored as a UTC date/time.

lmis the QDateTime when the incidence was last modified.
See also

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 273 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setLocalOnly()

void Incidence::setLocalOnly ( bool localonly)

Set localOnly state of incidence.

A local only incidence can be updated but it will not increase the revision number neither the modified date.

localonlyIf true, the incidence is set to localonly, if false the incidence is set to normal stat.

Definition at line 290 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setLocation() [1/2]

void Incidence::setLocation ( const QString & location)

Sets the incidence location and tries to guess if the location is richtext.

Do not use with journals.

locationis the incidence location string.
See also

Definition at line 979 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setLocation() [2/2]

void Incidence::setLocation ( const QString & location,
bool isRich )

Sets the incidence location.

Do not use with journals.

locationis the incidence location string.
isRichif true indicates the location string contains richtext.
See also

Definition at line 963 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setPriority()

void Incidence::setPriority ( int priority)

Sets the incidences priority.

The priority must be an integer value between 0 and 9, where 0 is undefined, 1 is the highest, and 9 is the lowest priority (decreasing order).

priorityis the incidence priority to set.
See also

Definition at line 786 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setReadOnly()

void Incidence::setReadOnly ( bool readonly)

Set readonly state of incidence.

readonlyIf true, the incidence is set to readonly, if false the incidence is set to readwrite.

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Definition at line 281 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setRecurrenceId()

void Incidence::setRecurrenceId ( const QDateTime & recurrenceId)

Set the incidences recurrenceId.

This field indicates that this is an exception to a recurring incidence. The uid of this incidence MUST be the same as the one of the recurring main incidence.

recurrenceIdis the incidence recurrenceId to set
See also

Definition at line 1117 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setRelatedTo()

void Incidence::setRelatedTo ( const QString & uid,
RelType relType = RelTypeParent )

Relates another incidence to this one, by UID.

This function should only be used when constructing a calendar before the related incidence exists.

uidis a QString containing a UID for another incidence.
relTypespecifies the relation type.
KCalendarCore only supports one related-to field per reltype for now.
See also

Definition at line 516 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setResources()

void Incidence::setResources ( const QStringList & resources)

Sets a list of incidence resources.

(Note: resources in this context means items used by the incidence such as money, fuel, hours, etc).

resourcesis a list of resource strings.
See also

Definition at line 767 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setRevision()

void Incidence::setRevision ( int rev)

Sets the number of revisions this incidence has seen.

revis the incidence revision number.
See also

Definition at line 339 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setSchedulingID()

void Incidence::setSchedulingID ( const QString & sid,
const QString & uid = QString() )

Set the incidence scheduling ID.

Do not use with journals. This is used for accepted invitations as the place to store the UID of the invitation. It is later used again if updates to the invitation comes in. If we did not set a new UID on incidences from invitations, we can end up with more than one resource having events with the same UID, if you have access to other peoples resources.

While constructing an incidence, when setting the scheduling ID, you will always want to set the incidence UID too. Instead of calling setUID() separately, you can pass the UID through uid so both members are changed in one atomic operation ( don't forget that setUID() emits incidenceUpdated() and whoever catches that signal will have an half-initialized incidence, therefore, always set the schedulingID and UID at the same time, and never with two separate calls).

sidis a QString containing the scheduling ID.
uidis a QString containing the incidence UID to set, if not specified, the current UID isn't changed, and this parameter is ignored.
See also

Definition at line 1006 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setSecrecy()

void Incidence::setSecrecy ( Incidence::Secrecy secrecy)

Sets the incidence Secrecy.

secrecyis the incidence Secrecy to set.
See also
secrecy(), secrecyStr().

Definition at line 859 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setStatus()

void Incidence::setStatus ( Incidence::Status status)

Sets the incidence status to a standard Status value.

Events, Todos, and Journals each have a different set of valid statuses. Note that StatusX cannot be specified. Invalid statuses are logged and ignored.

statusis the incidence Status to set.
See also
status(), setCustomStatus().

Definition at line 810 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setSummary() [1/2]

void Incidence::setSummary ( const QString & summary)

Sets the incidence summary and tries to guess if the summary is richtext.

summaryis the incidence summary string.
See also

Definition at line 439 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setSummary() [2/2]

void Incidence::setSummary ( const QString & summary,
bool isRich )

Sets the incidence summary.

summaryis the incidence summary string.
isRichif true indicates the summary string contains richtext.
See also

Definition at line 424 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ setThisAndFuture()

void Incidence::setThisAndFuture ( bool thisAndFuture)

Set to true if the exception also applies to all future occurrences.

This option is only relevant if the incidence has a recurrenceId set.

See also
thisAndFuture(), setRecurrenceId()

Definition at line 1105 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ shiftTimes()

void Incidence::shiftTimes ( const QTimeZone & oldZone,
const QTimeZone & newZone )

Shift the times of the incidence so that they appear at the same clock time as before but in a new time zone.

The shift is done from a viewing time zone rather than from the actual incidence time zone.

For example, shifting an incidence whose start time is 09:00 America/New York, using an old viewing time zone (oldSpec) of Europe/London, to a new time zone (newSpec) of Europe/Paris, will result in the time being shifted from 14:00 (which is the London time of the incidence start) to 14:00 Paris time.

oldZonethe time zone which provides the clock times
newZonethe new time zone

Reimplemented from KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase.

Reimplemented in KCalendarCore::Todo.

Definition at line 367 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ startDateTimesForDate()

QList< QDateTime > Incidence::startDateTimesForDate ( const QDate & date,
const QTimeZone & timeZone ) const

Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at some time on the given date (might start before that date, but end on or after the given date).

datethe date when the incidence should occur
timeSpectime specification for date.
the start date/time of all occurrences that overlap with the given date; an empty list if the incidence does not overlap with the date at all.

Definition at line 611 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ startDateTimesForDateTime()

QList< QDateTime > Incidence::startDateTimesForDateTime ( const QDateTime & datetime) const

Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at the given time.

datetimethe date/time when the incidence should occur.
the start date/time of all occurrences that overlap with the given date/time; an empty list if the incidence does not happen at the given time at all.

Definition at line 655 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ status()

Incidence::Status Incidence::status ( ) const

Returns the incidence Status.

See also
setStatus(), setCustomStatus(), statusStr().

Definition at line 843 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ summary()

QString Incidence::summary ( ) const

Returns the incidence summary.

See also

Definition at line 444 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ summaryIsRich()

bool Incidence::summaryIsRich ( ) const

Returns true if incidence summary contains RichText; false otherwise.

See also
setSummary(), summary().

Definition at line 460 of file incidence.cpp.

◆ supportsGroupwareCommunication()

virtual bool KCalendarCore::Incidence::supportsGroupwareCommunication ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns true if the incidence type supports groupware communication.


Implemented in KCalendarCore::Event, KCalendarCore::Journal, and KCalendarCore::Todo.

◆ thisAndFuture()

bool Incidence::thisAndFuture ( ) const

Returns true if the exception also applies to all future occurrences.

incidences thisAndFuture value
See also

Definition at line 1111 of file incidence.cpp.

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