
2 This file is part of KDE.
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001, 2002, 2003 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
13#include <kconfigcore_export.h>
15#include <kconfiggroup.h>
16#include <ksharedconfig.h>
18#include <QDate>
19#include <QHash>
20#include <QRect>
21#include <QStringList>
22#include <QUrl>
23#include <QVariant>
25class KCoreConfigSkeletonPrivate;
27class KConfigSkeletonItemPrivate;
29 * \class KConfigSkeletonItem kcoreconfigskeleton.h <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
30 *
31 * @short Class for storing a preferences setting
32 * @author Cornelius Schumacher
33 * @see KCoreConfigSkeleton
34 *
35 * This class represents one preferences setting as used by @ref KCoreConfigSkeleton.
36 * Subclasses of KConfigSkeletonItem implement storage functions for a certain type of
37 * setting. Normally you don't have to use this class directly. Use the special
38 * addItem() functions of KCoreConfigSkeleton instead. If you subclass this class you will
39 * have to register instances with the function KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItem().
40 */
41class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT KConfigSkeletonItem
43 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KConfigSkeletonItem)
49 /**
50 * Constructor.
51 *
52 * @param _group Config file group.
53 * @param _key Config file key.
54 */
55 KConfigSkeletonItem(const QString &_group, const QString &_key);
57 /**
58 * Destructor.
59 */
60 virtual ~KConfigSkeletonItem();
62 /**
63 * Set config file group.
64 */
65 void setGroup(const QString &_group);
67 /**
68 * Return name of config file group.
69 */
70 QString group() const;
72 /**
73 * Set config file group but giving the KConfigGroup.
74 * Allow the item to be in nested groups.
75 * @since 5.68
76 */
77 void setGroup(const KConfigGroup &cg);
79 /**
80 * Return a KConfigGroup, the one provided by setGroup(const KConfigGroup&) if it's valid,
81 * or make one from @p config and item's group.
82 * @see setGroup(const QString &_group)
83 * @see setGroup(KConfigGroup cg)
84 * @since 5.68
85 */
86 KConfigGroup configGroup(KConfig *config) const;
88 /**
89 * Set config file key.
90 */
91 void setKey(const QString &_key);
93 /**
94 * Return config file key.
95 */
96 QString key() const;
98 /**
99 * Set internal name of entry.
100 */
101 void setName(const QString &_name);
103 /**
104 * Return internal name of entry.
105 */
106 QString name() const;
108 /**
109 * Set label providing a translated one-line description of the item.
110 */
111 void setLabel(const QString &l);
113 /**
114 * Return the label of the item.
115 * @see setLabel()
116 */
117 QString label() const;
119 /**
120 * Set ToolTip description of item.
121 * @since 4.2
122 */
123 void setToolTip(const QString &t);
125 /**
126 * Return ToolTip description of item.
127 * @see setToolTip()
128 * @since 4.2
129 */
130 QString toolTip() const;
132 /**
133 * Set WhatsThis description of item.
134 */
135 void setWhatsThis(const QString &w);
137 /**
138 * Return WhatsThis description of item.
139 * @see setWhatsThis()
140 */
141 QString whatsThis() const;
143 /**
144 * The write flags to be used when writing configuration.
145 * @since 5.58
146 */
149 /**
150 * Return write flags to be used when writing configuration.
151 * They should be passed to every call of KConfigGroup::writeEntry() and KConfigGroup::revertToDefault().
152 * @since 5.58
153 */
156 /**
157 * This function is called by @ref KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting
158 * from a config file.
159 */
160 virtual void readConfig(KConfig *) = 0;
162 /**
163 * This function is called by @ref KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting
164 * to a config file.
165 * Make sure to pass writeFlags() to every call of KConfigGroup::writeEntry() and KConfigGroup::revertToDefault().
166 */
167 virtual void writeConfig(KConfig *) = 0;
169 /**
170 * Read global default value.
171 */
172 virtual void readDefault(KConfig *) = 0;
174 /**
175 * Set item to @p p
176 */
177 virtual void setProperty(const QVariant &p) = 0;
179 /**
180 * Check whether the item is equal to @p p.
181 *
182 * Use this function to compare items that use custom types,
183 * because QVariant::operator== will not work for those.
184 *
185 * @param p QVariant to compare to
186 * @return @c true if the item is equal to @p p, @c false otherwise
187 */
188 virtual bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const = 0;
190 /**
191 * Return item as property
192 */
193 virtual QVariant property() const = 0;
195 /**
196 * Return minimum value of item or invalid if not specified
197 */
198 virtual QVariant minValue() const;
200 /**
201 * Return maximum value of item or invalid if not specified
202 */
203 virtual QVariant maxValue() const;
205 /**
206 * Sets the current value to the default value.
207 */
208 virtual void setDefault() = 0;
210 /**
211 * Exchanges the current value with the default value
212 * Used by KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool);
213 */
214 virtual void swapDefault() = 0;
216 /**
217 * Return if the entry can be modified.
218 */
219 bool isImmutable() const;
221 /**
222 * Indicates if the item is set to its default value.
223 *
224 * @since 5.64
225 */
226 bool isDefault() const;
228 /**
229 * Indicates if the item has a different value than the
230 * previously loaded value.
231 *
232 * @since 5.64
233 */
234 bool isSaveNeeded() const;
236 /**
237 * Returns the default value
238 * @since 5.74
239 */
240 QVariant getDefault() const;
243 KCONFIGCORE_NO_EXPORT explicit KConfigSkeletonItem(KConfigSkeletonItemPrivate &dd, const QString &_group, const QString &_key);
245 /**
246 * Sets mIsImmutable to @c true if mKey in config is immutable.
247 * @param group KConfigGroup to check if mKey is immutable in
248 */
251 QString mGroup; ///< The group name for this item
252 QString mKey; ///< The config key for this item
253 QString mName; ///< The name of this item
255 // HACK: Necessary to avoid introducing new virtuals in KConfigSkeletonItem
256 // KF7 TODO: Use proper pure virtuals in KConfigSkeletonItem
257 void setIsDefaultImpl(const std::function<bool()> &impl);
258 void setIsSaveNeededImpl(const std::function<bool()> &impl);
259 void setGetDefaultImpl(const std::function<QVariant()> &impl);
261 KConfigSkeletonItemPrivate *const d_ptr;
264class KPropertySkeletonItemPrivate;
267 * \class KPropertySkeletonItem kcoreconfigskeleton.h <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
268 *
269 * @short Class for proxying a QObject property as a preferences setting
270 * @author Kevin Ottens
271 * @see KConfigSkeletonItem
272 *
273 * This class represents one preferences setting as used by @ref KCoreConfigSkeleton.
274 * Unlike other @ref KConfigSkeletonItem subclasses, this one won't store the preference
275 * in KConfig but will use a QObject property as storage.
276 * You will have to register instances of this class with the function KCoreConfigSkeleton::addItem().
277 *
278 * @since 5.65
279 */
280class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT KPropertySkeletonItem : public KConfigSkeletonItem
282 Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KPropertySkeletonItem)
284 /**
285 * Constructor
286 *
287 * @param object The QObject instance which we'll manage the property of
288 * @param propertyName The name of the property in @p object which we'll manage
289 * @param defaultValue The default value of the property
290 */
291 KPropertySkeletonItem(QObject *object, const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant &defaultValue);
293 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
294 QVariant property() const override;
295 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant &) */
296 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
297 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) */
298 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
300 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig *) */
301 void readConfig(KConfig *) override;
302 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig *) */
303 void writeConfig(KConfig *) override;
305 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readDefault(KConfig *) */
306 void readDefault(KConfig *) override;
307 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setDefault() */
308 void setDefault() override;
309 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::swapDefault() */
310 void swapDefault() override;
312 /**
313 * Set a notify function, it will be invoked when the value of the property changes.
314 * @since 5.68
315 */
316 void setNotifyFunction(const std::function<void()> &impl);
320 * \class KConfigSkeletonGenericItem kcoreconfigskeleton.h <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
321 *
322 * @short Base class for storing a preferences setting of type @p T.
323 */
324template<typename T>
328 /**
329 * @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem(const QString&, const QString&)
330 * @param reference The initial value to hold in the item
331 * @param defaultValue The default value for the item
332 */
333 KConfigSkeletonGenericItem(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, T &reference, T defaultValue)
334 : KConfigSkeletonItem(_group, _key)
335 , mReference(reference)
336 , mDefault(defaultValue)
337 , mLoadedValue(defaultValue)
338 {
339 setIsDefaultImpl([this] {
340 return mReference == mDefault;
341 });
342 setIsSaveNeededImpl([this] {
343 return mReference != mLoadedValue;
344 });
345 setGetDefaultImpl([this] {
347 });
348 }
350 /**
351 * Set value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
352 */
353 void setValue(const T &v)
354 {
355 mReference = v;
356 }
358 /**
359 * Return value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
360 */
361 T &value()
362 {
363 return mReference;
364 }
366 /**
367 * Return const value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
368 */
369 const T &value() const
370 {
371 return mReference;
372 }
374 /**
375 * Set default value for this item.
376 */
377 virtual void setDefaultValue(const T &v)
378 {
379 mDefault = v;
380 }
382 /**
383 * Set the value for this item to the default value
384 */
385 void setDefault() override
386 {
388 }
390 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig *) */
391 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
392 {
393 if (mReference != mLoadedValue) { // Is this needed?
394 KConfigGroup cg = configGroup(config);
395 if ((mDefault == mReference) && !cg.hasDefault(mKey)) {
397 } else {
399 }
400 mLoadedValue = mReference;
401 }
402 }
404 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readDefault(KConfig*) */
405 void readDefault(KConfig *config) override
406 {
407 config->setReadDefaults(true);
408 readConfig(config);
409 config->setReadDefaults(false);
411 }
413 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::swapDefault() */
414 void swapDefault() override
415 {
416 T tmp = mReference;
418 mDefault = tmp;
419 }
422 T &mReference; ///< Stores the value for this item
423 T mDefault; ///< The default value for this item
424 T mLoadedValue;
428 * \class KConfigCompilerSignallingItem kcoreconfigskeleton.h <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
429 *
430 * @author Alex Richardson
431 *
432 * This class wraps a @ref KConfigSkeletonItem and invokes a function whenever the value changes.
433 * That function must take one quint64 parameter. Whenever the property value of the wrapped KConfigSkeletonItem
434 * changes this function will be invoked with the stored user data passed in the constructor.
435 * It does not call a function with the new value since this class is designed solely for the \ref kconfig_compiler generated
436 * code and is therefore probably not suited for any other usecases.
437 *
438 * @see KConfigSkeletonItem
439 */
440class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT KConfigCompilerSignallingItem : public KConfigSkeletonItem
443 typedef void (QObject::*NotifyFunction)(quint64 arg);
444 /**
445 * Constructor.
446 *
447 * @param item the KConfigSkeletonItem to wrap
448 * @param targetFunction the method to invoke whenever the value of @p item changes
449 * @param object The object on which the method is invoked.
450 * @param userData This data will be passed to @p targetFunction on every property change
451 */
452 KConfigCompilerSignallingItem(KConfigSkeletonItem *item, QObject *object, NotifyFunction targetFunction, quint64 userData);
455 void readConfig(KConfig *) override;
456 void writeConfig(KConfig *) override;
457 void readDefault(KConfig *) override;
458 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
459 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
460 QVariant property() const override;
461 QVariant minValue() const override;
462 QVariant maxValue() const override;
463 void setDefault() override;
464 void swapDefault() override;
465 // KF7 TODO - fix this
466 // Ideally we would do this in an overload of KConfigSkeletonItem, but
467 // given we can't, I've shadowed the method. This isn't pretty, but given
468 // the docs say it should generally only be used from auto generated code,
469 // should be fine.
470 void setWriteFlags(KConfigBase::WriteConfigFlags flags);
471 KConfigBase::WriteConfigFlags writeFlags() const;
472 void setGroup(const KConfigGroup &cg);
473 KConfigGroup configGroup(KConfig *config) const;
474 // END TODO
477 inline void invokeNotifyFunction()
478 {
479 // call the pointer to member function using the strange ->* operator
480 (mObject->*mTargetFunction)(mUserData);
481 }
485 NotifyFunction mTargetFunction;
486 QObject *mObject;
487 quint64 mUserData;
491 * \class KCoreConfigSkeleton kcoreconfigskeleton.h <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
492 *
493 * @short Class for handling preferences settings for an application.
494 * @author Cornelius Schumacher
495 *
496 * This class provides an interface to preferences settings. Preferences items
497 * can be registered by the addItem() function corresponding to the data type of
498 * the setting. KCoreConfigSkeleton then handles reading and writing of config files and
499 * setting of default values.
500 *
501 * Normally you will subclass KCoreConfigSkeleton, add data members for the preferences
502 * settings and register the members in the constructor of the subclass.
503 *
504 * Example:
505 * \code
506 * class MyPrefs : public KCoreConfigSkeleton
507 * {
508 * public:
509 * MyPrefs()
510 * {
511 * setCurrentGroup("MyGroup");
512 * addItemBool("MySetting1", mMyBool, false);
513 * addItemPoint("MySetting2", mMyPoint, QPoint(100, 200));
514 *
515 * setCurrentGroup("MyOtherGroup");
516 * addItemDouble("MySetting3", mMyDouble, 3.14);
517 * }
518 *
519 * bool mMyBool;
520 * QPoint mMyPoint;
521 * double mMyDouble;
522 * }
523 * \endcode
524 *
525 * It might be convenient in many cases to make this subclass of KCoreConfigSkeleton a
526 * singleton for global access from all over the application without passing
527 * references to the KCoreConfigSkeleton object around.
528 *
529 * You can write the data to the configuration file by calling @ref save()
530 * and read the data from the configuration file by calling @ref readConfig().
531 * If you want to watch for config changes, use @ref configChanged() signal.
532 *
533 * If you have items, which are not covered by the existing addItem() functions
534 * you can add customized code for reading, writing and default setting by
535 * implementing the functions @ref usrUseDefaults(), @ref usrRead() and
536 * @ref usrSave().
537 *
538 * Internally preferences settings are stored in instances of subclasses of
539 * @ref KConfigSkeletonItem. You can also add KConfigSkeletonItem subclasses
540 * for your own types and call the generic @ref addItem() to register them.
541 *
542 * In many cases you don't have to write the specific KCoreConfigSkeleton
543 * subclasses yourself, but you can use \ref kconfig_compiler to automatically
544 * generate the C++ code from an XML description of the configuration options.
545 *
546 * Use KConfigSkeleton if you need GUI types as well.
547 *
548 * @see KConfigSkeletonItem
549 */
550class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT KCoreConfigSkeleton : public QObject
554 /**
555 * Class for handling a string preferences item.
556 */
557 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemString : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QString>
558 {
559 public:
560 /** The type of string that is held in this item */
561 enum Type {
562 Normal, ///< A normal string
563 Password, ///< A password string
564 Path, ///< A path to a file or directory
565 };
567 /**
568 * @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem
569 * @param type The type of string held by the item
570 */
571 ItemString(const QString &_group,
572 const QString &_key,
573 QString &reference,
574 const QString &defaultValue = QLatin1String(""), // NOT QString() !!
575 Type type = Normal);
577 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig*) */
578 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override;
580 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
581 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
583 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
584 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
586 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
587 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
589 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() const */
590 QVariant property() const override;
592 private:
593 Type mType;
594 };
596 /**
597 * Class for handling a password preferences item.
598 */
599 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemPassword : public ItemString
600 {
601 public:
602 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
603 ItemPassword(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QString &reference,
604 const QString &defaultValue = QLatin1String("")); // NOT QString() !!
605 };
607 /**
608 * Class for handling a path preferences item.
609 */
610 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemPath : public ItemString
611 {
612 public:
613 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
614 ItemPath(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue = QString());
615 };
617 /**
618 * Class for handling a url preferences item.
619 */
620 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemUrl : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QUrl>
621 {
622 public:
623 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
624 ItemUrl(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QUrl &reference, const QUrl &defaultValue = QUrl());
626 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig*) */
627 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override;
629 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
630 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
632 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
633 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
635 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
636 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
638 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() const */
639 QVariant property() const override;
640 };
642 /**
643 * Class for handling a QVariant preferences item.
644 */
645 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemProperty : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QVariant>
646 {
647 public:
648 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
649 ItemProperty(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QVariant &reference, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant());
651 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
652 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
654 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
655 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
657 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() const */
658 QVariant property() const override;
659 };
661 /**
662 * Class for handling a bool preferences item.
663 */
664 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemBool : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<bool>
665 {
666 public:
667 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
668 ItemBool(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, bool &reference, bool defaultValue = true);
670 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
671 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
673 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
674 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
676 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
677 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
679 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() const */
680 QVariant property() const override;
681 };
683 /**
684 * Class for handling a 32-bit integer preferences item.
685 */
686 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemInt : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<qint32>
687 {
688 public:
689 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
690 ItemInt(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint32 &reference, qint32 defaultValue = 0);
692 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
693 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
695 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
696 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
698 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
699 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
701 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
702 QVariant property() const override;
704 /** Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item */
705 QVariant minValue() const override;
707 /** Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item */
708 QVariant maxValue() const override;
710 /**
711 * Set the minimum value for the item.
712 * @see minValue()
713 */
714 void setMinValue(qint32);
716 /**
717 * Set the maximum value for the item.
718 * @see maxValue
719 */
720 void setMaxValue(qint32);
722 private:
723 bool mHasMin : 1;
724 bool mHasMax : 1;
725 qint32 mMin;
726 qint32 mMax;
727 };
729 /**
730 * Class for handling a 64-bit integer preferences item.
731 */
732 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemLongLong : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<qint64>
733 {
734 public:
735 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
736 ItemLongLong(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint64 &reference, qint64 defaultValue = 0);
738 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
739 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
741 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
742 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
744 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
745 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
747 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
748 QVariant property() const override;
750 /** @copydoc ItemInt::minValue() */
751 QVariant minValue() const override;
753 /** @copydoc ItemInt::maxValue() */
754 QVariant maxValue() const override;
756 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMinValue(qint32) */
757 void setMinValue(qint64);
759 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMaxValue(qint32) */
760 void setMaxValue(qint64);
762 private:
763 bool mHasMin : 1;
764 bool mHasMax : 1;
765 qint64 mMin;
766 qint64 mMax;
767 };
769 /**
770 * Class for handling enums.
771 */
772 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemEnum : public ItemInt
773 {
774 public:
775 struct Choice {
781 };
783 /**
784 * @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem
785 * @param choices The list of enums that can be stored in this item
786 */
787 ItemEnum(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint32 &reference, const QList<Choice> &choices, qint32 defaultValue = 0);
789 QList<Choice> choices() const;
791 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
792 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
794 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig*) */
795 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override;
797 /**
798 * Returns the value for the choice with the given @p name
799 */
800 QString valueForChoice(const QString &name) const;
802 /**
803 * Stores a choice value for @p name
804 */
807 private:
808 QList<Choice> mChoices;
809 };
811 /**
812 * Class for handling an unsigned 32-bit integer preferences item.
813 */
814 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemUInt : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<quint32>
815 {
816 public:
817 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
818 ItemUInt(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, quint32 &reference, quint32 defaultValue = 0);
820 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
821 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
823 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
824 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
826 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
827 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
829 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
830 QVariant property() const override;
832 /** @copydoc ItemInt::minValue() */
833 QVariant minValue() const override;
835 /** @copydoc ItemInt::maxValue() */
836 QVariant maxValue() const override;
838 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMinValue(qint32) */
839 void setMinValue(quint32);
841 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMaxValue(qint32) */
842 void setMaxValue(quint32);
844 private:
845 bool mHasMin : 1;
846 bool mHasMax : 1;
847 quint32 mMin;
848 quint32 mMax;
849 };
851 /**
852 * Class for handling unsigned 64-bit integer preferences item.
853 */
854 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemULongLong : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<quint64>
855 {
856 public:
857 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
858 ItemULongLong(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, quint64 &reference, quint64 defaultValue = 0);
860 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
861 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
863 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
864 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
866 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
867 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
869 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
870 QVariant property() const override;
872 /** @copydoc ItemInt::minValue() */
873 QVariant minValue() const override;
875 /** @copydoc ItemInt::maxValue() */
876 QVariant maxValue() const override;
878 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMinValue(qint32) */
879 void setMinValue(quint64);
881 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMaxValue(qint32) */
882 void setMaxValue(quint64);
884 private:
885 bool mHasMin : 1;
886 bool mHasMax : 1;
887 quint64 mMin;
888 quint64 mMax;
889 };
891 /**
892 * Class for handling a floating point preference item.
893 */
894 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemDouble : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<double>
895 {
896 public:
897 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
898 ItemDouble(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, double &reference, double defaultValue = 0);
900 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
901 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
903 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
904 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
906 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
907 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
909 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
910 QVariant property() const override;
912 /** @copydoc ItemInt::minValue() */
913 QVariant minValue() const override;
915 /** @copydoc ItemInt::maxValue() */
916 QVariant maxValue() const override;
918 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMinValue() */
919 void setMinValue(double);
921 /** @copydoc ItemInt::setMaxValue() */
922 void setMaxValue(double);
924 private:
925 bool mHasMin : 1;
926 bool mHasMax : 1;
927 double mMin;
928 double mMax;
929 };
931 /**
932 * Class for handling a QRect preferences item.
933 */
934 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemRect : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QRect>
935 {
936 public:
937 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
938 ItemRect(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QRect &reference, const QRect &defaultValue = QRect());
940 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
941 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
943 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
944 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
946 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
947 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
949 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
950 QVariant property() const override;
951 };
953 /**
954 * Class for handling a QRectF preferences item.
955 */
956 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemRectF : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QRectF>
957 {
958 public:
959 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
960 ItemRectF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QRectF &reference, const QRectF &defaultValue = QRectF());
962 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
963 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
965 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
966 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
968 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
969 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
971 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
972 QVariant property() const override;
973 };
975 /**
976 * Class for handling a QPoint preferences item.
977 */
978 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemPoint : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QPoint>
979 {
980 public:
981 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
982 ItemPoint(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue = QPoint());
984 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
985 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
987 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
988 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
990 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
991 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
993 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
994 QVariant property() const override;
995 };
997 /**
998 * Class for handling a QPointF preferences item.
999 */
1000 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemPointF : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QPointF>
1001 {
1002 public:
1003 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1004 ItemPointF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QPointF &reference, const QPointF &defaultValue = QPointF());
1006 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1007 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1009 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1010 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1012 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1013 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1015 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1016 QVariant property() const override;
1017 };
1019 /**
1020 * Class for handling a QSize preferences item.
1021 */
1022 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemSize : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QSize>
1023 {
1024 public:
1025 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1026 ItemSize(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QSize &reference, const QSize &defaultValue = QSize());
1028 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1029 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1031 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1032 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1034 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1035 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1037 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1038 QVariant property() const override;
1039 };
1041 /**
1042 * Class for handling a QSizeF preferences item.
1043 */
1044 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemSizeF : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QSizeF>
1045 {
1046 public:
1047 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1048 ItemSizeF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QSizeF &reference, const QSizeF &defaultValue = QSizeF());
1050 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1051 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1053 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1054 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1056 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1057 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1059 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1060 QVariant property() const override;
1061 };
1063 /**
1064 * Class for handling a QDateTime preferences item.
1065 */
1066 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemDateTime : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QDateTime>
1067 {
1068 public:
1069 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1070 ItemDateTime(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QDateTime &reference, const QDateTime &defaultValue = QDateTime());
1072 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1073 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1075 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1076 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1078 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1079 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1081 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1082 QVariant property() const override;
1083 };
1085 /**
1086 * Class for handling a string list preferences item.
1087 */
1088 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemStringList : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QStringList>
1089 {
1090 public:
1091 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1092 ItemStringList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue = QStringList());
1094 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1095 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1097 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1098 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1100 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1101 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1103 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1104 QVariant property() const override;
1105 };
1107 /**
1108 * Class for handling a path list preferences item.
1109 */
1110 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemPathList : public ItemStringList
1111 {
1112 public:
1113 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1114 ItemPathList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue = QStringList());
1116 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig */
1117 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1118 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig */
1119 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1120 };
1122 /**
1123 * Class for handling a url list preferences item.
1124 */
1125 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemUrlList : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QList<QUrl>>
1126 {
1127 public:
1128 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1129 ItemUrlList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QList<QUrl> &reference, const QList<QUrl> &defaultValue = QList<QUrl>());
1131 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1132 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1134 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::writeConfig(KConfig*) */
1135 void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1137 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1138 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1140 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1141 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1143 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1144 QVariant property() const override;
1145 };
1147 /**
1148 * Class for handling an integer list preferences item.
1149 */
1150 class KCONFIGCORE_EXPORT ItemIntList : public KConfigSkeletonGenericItem<QList<int>>
1151 {
1152 public:
1153 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonGenericItem::KConfigSkeletonGenericItem */
1154 ItemIntList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QList<int> &reference, const QList<int> &defaultValue = QList<int>());
1156 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::readConfig(KConfig*) */
1157 void readConfig(KConfig *config) override;
1159 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::setProperty(const QVariant&) */
1160 void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override;
1162 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::isEqual(const QVariant &) const */
1163 bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override;
1165 /** @copydoc KConfigSkeletonItem::property() */
1166 QVariant property() const override;
1167 };
1170 /**
1171 * Constructor.
1172 *
1173 * @param configname name of config file. If no name is given, the default
1174 * config file as returned by KSharedConfig::openConfig() is used
1175 * @param parent the parent object (see QObject documentation)
1176 */
1177 explicit KCoreConfigSkeleton(const QString &configname = QString(), QObject *parent = nullptr);
1179 /**
1180 * Constructor.
1181 *
1182 * @param config configuration object to use
1183 * @param parent the parent object (see QObject documentation)
1184 */
1185 explicit KCoreConfigSkeleton(KSharedConfig::Ptr config, QObject *parent = nullptr);
1187 /**
1188 * Destructor
1189 */
1190 ~KCoreConfigSkeleton() override;
1192 /**
1193 * Set all registered items to their default values.
1194 * This method calls usrSetDefaults() after setting the defaults for the
1195 * registered items. You can override usrSetDefaults() in derived classes
1196 * if you have special requirements.
1197 * If you need more fine-grained control of setting the default values of
1198 * the registered items you can override setDefaults() in a derived class.
1199 */
1200 virtual void setDefaults();
1202 /**
1203 * Read preferences from config file. All registered items are set to the
1204 * values read from disk.
1205 * This method calls usrRead() after reading the settings of the
1206 * registered items from the KConfig. You can override usrRead()
1207 * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
1208 */
1209 void load();
1211 /**
1212 * Read preferences from the KConfig object.
1213 * This method assumes that the KConfig object was previously loaded,
1214 * i.e. it uses the in-memory values from KConfig without reloading from disk.
1215 *
1216 * This method calls usrRead() after reading the settings of the
1217 * registered items from the KConfig. You can override usrRead()
1218 * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
1219 * @since 5.0
1220 */
1221 void read();
1223 /**
1224 * Indicates if all the registered items are set to their default value.
1225 *
1226 * @since 5.64
1227 */
1228 bool isDefaults() const;
1230 /**
1231 * Indicates if any registered item has a different value than the
1232 * previously loaded value.
1233 *
1234 * @since 5.64
1235 */
1236 bool isSaveNeeded() const;
1238 /**
1239 * Set the config file group for subsequent addItem() calls. It is valid
1240 * until setCurrentGroup() is called with a new argument. Call this before
1241 * you add any items. The default value is "No Group".
1242 */
1243 void setCurrentGroup(const QString &group);
1245 /**
1246 * Returns the current group used for addItem() calls.
1247 */
1248 QString currentGroup() const;
1250 /**
1251 * Register a custom @ref KConfigSkeletonItem @p item with a given @p name.
1252 *
1253 * If @p name is a null string, take the name from KConfigSkeletonItem::key().
1254 *
1255 * @note All names must be unique but multiple entries can have
1256 * the same key if they reside in different groups.
1257 *
1258 * KCoreConfigSkeleton takes ownership of @p item.
1259 */
1260 void addItem(KConfigSkeletonItem *item, const QString &name = QString());
1262 /**
1263 * Register an item of type QString.
1264 *
1265 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1266 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1267 * calls and read by save() calls.
1268 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1269 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1270 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1271 * @return The created item
1272 */
1273 ItemString *addItemString(const QString &name,
1274 QString &reference,
1275 const QString &defaultValue = QLatin1String(""), // NOT QString() !!
1276 const QString &key = QString());
1278 /**
1279 * Register a password item of type QString. The string value is written
1280 * encrypted to the config file.
1281 *
1282 * @note The current encryption scheme is very weak.
1283 *
1284 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1285 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1286 * calls and read by save() calls.
1287 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1288 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1289 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1290 * @return The created item
1291 */
1292 ItemPassword *addItemPassword(const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue = QLatin1String(""), const QString &key = QString());
1294 /**
1295 * Register a path item of type QString. The string value is interpreted
1296 * as a path. This means, dollar expansion is activated for this value, so
1297 * that e.g. @c $HOME gets expanded.
1298 *
1299 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1300 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1301 * calls and read by save() calls.
1302 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1303 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1304 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1305 * @return The created item
1306 */
1307 ItemPath *addItemPath(const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue = QLatin1String(""), const QString &key = QString());
1309 /**
1310 * Register a property item of type QVariant.
1311 *
1312 * @note The following QVariant types are allowed:
1313 * String, StringList, Font, Point, PointF, Rect, RectF, Size, SizeF,
1314 * Color, Int, UInt, Bool, Double, DateTime and Date.
1315 *
1316 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1317 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1318 * calls and read by save() calls.
1319 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1320 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1321 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1322 * @return The created item
1323 */
1324 ItemProperty *addItemProperty(const QString &name, QVariant &reference, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant(), const QString &key = QString());
1325 /**
1326 * Register an item of type @c bool.
1327 *
1328 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1329 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1330 * calls and read by save() calls.
1331 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1332 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1333 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1334 * @return The created item
1335 */
1336 ItemBool *addItemBool(const QString &name, bool &reference, bool defaultValue = false, const QString &key = QString());
1338 /**
1339 * Register an item of type @c qint32.
1340 *
1341 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1342 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1343 * calls and read by save() calls.
1344 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1345 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1346 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1347 * @return The created item
1348 */
1349 ItemInt *addItemInt(const QString &name, qint32 &reference, qint32 defaultValue = 0, const QString &key = QString());
1351 /**
1352 * Register an item of type @c quint32.
1353 *
1354 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1355 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1356 * calls and read by save() calls.
1357 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1358 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1359 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1360 * @return The created item
1361 */
1362 ItemUInt *addItemUInt(const QString &name, quint32 &reference, quint32 defaultValue = 0, const QString &key = QString());
1364 /**
1365 * Register an item of type @c qint64.
1366 *
1367 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1368 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1369 * calls and read by save() calls.
1370 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1371 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1372 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1373 * @return The created item
1374 */
1375 ItemLongLong *addItemLongLong(const QString &name, qint64 &reference, qint64 defaultValue = 0, const QString &key = QString());
1377 /**
1378 * Register an item of type @c quint64.
1379 *
1380 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1381 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1382 * calls and read by save() calls.
1383 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1384 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1385 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1386 * @return The created item
1387 */
1388 ItemULongLong *addItemULongLong(const QString &name, quint64 &reference, quint64 defaultValue = 0, const QString &key = QString());
1390 /**
1391 * Register an item of type @c double.
1392 *
1393 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1394 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1395 * calls and read by save() calls.
1396 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1397 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1398 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1399 * @return The created item
1400 */
1401 ItemDouble *addItemDouble(const QString &name, double &reference, double defaultValue = 0.0, const QString &key = QString());
1403 /**
1404 * Register an item of type QRect.
1405 *
1406 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1407 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1408 * calls and read by save() calls.
1409 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1410 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1411 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1412 * @return The created item
1413 */
1414 ItemRect *addItemRect(const QString &name, QRect &reference, const QRect &defaultValue = QRect(), const QString &key = QString());
1416 /**
1417 * Register an item of type QRectF.
1418 *
1419 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1420 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1421 * calls and read by save() calls.
1422 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1423 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1424 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1425 * @return The created item
1426 */
1427 ItemRectF *addItemRectF(const QString &name, QRectF &reference, const QRectF &defaultValue = QRectF(), const QString &key = QString());
1429 /**
1430 * Register an item of type QPoint.
1431 *
1432 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1433 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1434 * calls and read by save() calls.
1435 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1436 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1437 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1438 * @return The created item
1439 */
1440 ItemPoint *addItemPoint(const QString &name, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue = QPoint(), const QString &key = QString());
1442 /**
1443 * Register an item of type QPointF.
1444 *
1445 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1446 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1447 * calls and read by save() calls.
1448 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1449 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1450 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1451 * @return The created item
1452 */
1453 ItemPointF *addItemPointF(const QString &name, QPointF &reference, const QPointF &defaultValue = QPointF(), const QString &key = QString());
1455 /**
1456 * Register an item of type QSize.
1457 *
1458 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1459 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1460 * calls and read by save() calls.
1461 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1462 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1463 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1464 * @return The created item
1465 */
1466 ItemSize *addItemSize(const QString &name, QSize &reference, const QSize &defaultValue = QSize(), const QString &key = QString());
1468 /**
1469 * Register an item of type QSizeF.
1470 *
1471 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1472 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1473 * calls and read by save() calls.
1474 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1475 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1476 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1477 * @return The created item
1478 */
1479 ItemSizeF *addItemSizeF(const QString &name, QSizeF &reference, const QSizeF &defaultValue = QSizeF(), const QString &key = QString());
1481 /**
1482 * Register an item of type QDateTime.
1483 *
1484 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1485 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1486 * calls and read by save() calls.
1487 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1488 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1489 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1490 * @return The created item
1491 */
1492 ItemDateTime *addItemDateTime(const QString &name, QDateTime &reference, const QDateTime &defaultValue = QDateTime(), const QString &key = QString());
1494 /**
1495 * Register an item of type QStringList.
1496 *
1497 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1498 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1499 * calls and read by save() calls.
1500 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1501 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1502 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1503 * @return The created item
1504 */
1506 addItemStringList(const QString &name, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue = QStringList(), const QString &key = QString());
1508 /**
1509 * Register an item of type QList<int>.
1510 *
1511 * @param name Name used to identify this setting. Names must be unique.
1512 * @param reference Pointer to the variable, which is set by readConfig()
1513 * calls and read by save() calls.
1514 * @param defaultValue Default value, which is used when the config file
1515 * does not yet contain the key of this item.
1516 * @param key Key used in config file. If @p key is a null string, @p name is used as key.
1517 * @return The created item
1518 */
1519 ItemIntList *addItemIntList(const QString &name, QList<int> &reference, const QList<int> &defaultValue = QList<int>(), const QString &key = QString());
1521 /**
1522 * Return the @ref KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
1523 */
1524 KConfig *config();
1526 /**
1527 * Return the @ref KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
1528 */
1529 const KConfig *config() const;
1531 /**
1532 * Return the @ref KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
1533 * @since 5.0
1534 */
1535 KSharedConfig::Ptr sharedConfig() const;
1537 /**
1538 * Set the @ref KSharedConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
1539 */
1540 void setSharedConfig(KSharedConfig::Ptr pConfig);
1542 /**
1543 * Return list of items managed by this KCoreConfigSkeleton object.
1544 */
1545 KConfigSkeletonItem::List items() const;
1547 /**
1548 * Removes and deletes an item by name
1549 * @param name the name of the item to remove
1550 */
1551 void removeItem(const QString &name);
1553 /**
1554 * Removes and deletes all items
1555 */
1556 void clearItems();
1558 /**
1559 * Return whether a certain item is immutable
1560 * @since 4.4
1561 */
1562 Q_INVOKABLE bool isImmutable(const QString &name) const;
1564 /**
1565 * Lookup item by name
1566 * @since 4.4
1567 */
1568 KConfigSkeletonItem *findItem(const QString &name) const;
1570 /**
1571 * Specify whether this object should reflect the actual values or the
1572 * default values.
1573 * This method is implemented by usrUseDefaults(), which can be overridden
1574 * in derived classes if you have special requirements and can call
1575 * usrUseDefaults() directly.
1576 * If you don't have control whether useDefaults() or usrUseDefaults() is
1577 * called override useDefaults() directly.
1578 * @param b @c true to make this object reflect the default values,
1579 * @c false to make it reflect the actual values.
1580 * @return The state prior to this call
1581 */
1582 virtual bool useDefaults(bool b);
1584public Q_SLOTS:
1585 /**
1586 * Write preferences to config file. The values of all registered items are
1587 * written to disk.
1588 * This method calls usrSave() after writing the settings from the
1589 * registered items to the KConfig. You can override usrSave()
1590 * in derived classes if you have special requirements.
1591 */
1592 bool save();
1595 /**
1596 * This signal is emitted when the configuration change.
1597 */
1601 /**
1602 * Implemented by subclasses that use special defaults.
1603 * It replaces the default values with the actual values and
1604 * vice versa. Called from @ref useDefaults()
1605 * @param b @c true to make this object reflect the default values,
1606 * @c false to make it reflect the actual values.
1607 * @return The state prior to this call
1608 */
1609 virtual bool usrUseDefaults(bool b);
1611 /**
1612 * Perform the actual setting of default values.
1613 * Override in derived classes to set special default values.
1614 * Called from @ref setDefaults()
1615 */
1616 virtual void usrSetDefaults();
1618 /**
1619 * Perform the actual reading of the configuration file.
1620 * Override in derived classes to read special config values.
1621 * Called from @ref read()
1622 */
1623 virtual void usrRead();
1625 /**
1626 * Perform the actual writing of the configuration file.
1627 * Override in derived classes to write special config values.
1628 * Called from @ref save()
1629 */
1630 virtual bool usrSave();
1633 KCoreConfigSkeletonPrivate *const d;
1634 friend class KConfigSkeleton;
1637Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::Choice, Q_RELOCATABLE_TYPE);
QFlags< WriteConfigFlag > WriteConfigFlags
Stores a combination of WriteConfigFlag values.
Definition kconfigbase.h:67
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void readDefault(KConfig *) override
Read global default value.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Return maximum value of item or invalid if not specified.
QVariant minValue() const override
Return minimum value of item or invalid if not specified.
void setDefault() override
Sets the current value to the default value.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void swapDefault() override
Exchanges the current value with the default value Used by KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool);.
KConfigCompilerSignallingItem(KConfigSkeletonItem *item, QObject *object, NotifyFunction targetFunction, quint64 userData)
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void writeConfig(KConfig *) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
A class for one specific group in a KConfig object.
bool hasDefault(const QString &key) const
Whether a default is specified for an entry in either the system wide configuration file or the globa...
void revertToDefault(const QString &key, WriteConfigFlags pFlag=WriteConfigFlags())
Reverts an entry to the default settings.
void writeEntry(const QString &key, const QVariant &value, WriteConfigFlags pFlags=Normal)
Writes a value to the configuration object.
void readDefault(KConfig *config) override
Read global default value.
KConfigSkeletonGenericItem(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, T &reference, T defaultValue)
T mDefault
The default value for this item.
T & value()
Return value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
const T & value() const
Return const value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
T & mReference
Stores the value for this item.
virtual void setDefaultValue(const T &v)
Set default value for this item.
void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
void setDefault() override
Set the value for this item to the default value.
void swapDefault() override
Exchanges the current value with the default value Used by KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool);.
void setValue(const T &v)
Set value of this KConfigSkeletonItem.
Class for storing a preferences setting.
KConfigSkeletonItem(const QString &_group, const QString &_key)
KConfigGroup configGroup(KConfig *config) const
Return a KConfigGroup, the one provided by setGroup(const KConfigGroup&) if it's valid,...
virtual bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const =0
Check whether the item is equal to p.
bool isImmutable() const
Return if the entry can be modified.
virtual QVariant minValue() const
Return minimum value of item or invalid if not specified.
virtual void writeConfig(KConfig *)=0
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
QString name() const
Return internal name of entry.
void readImmutability(const KConfigGroup &group)
Sets mIsImmutable to true if mKey in config is immutable.
void setToolTip(const QString &t)
Set ToolTip description of item.
void setWriteFlags(KConfigBase::WriteConfigFlags flags)
The write flags to be used when writing configuration.
virtual void swapDefault()=0
Exchanges the current value with the default value Used by KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool);.
QString mKey
The config key for this item.
virtual void readDefault(KConfig *)=0
Read global default value.
QString key() const
Return config file key.
void setGroup(const QString &_group)
Set config file group.
QVariant getDefault() const
Returns the default value.
virtual void setDefault()=0
Sets the current value to the default value.
void setName(const QString &_name)
Set internal name of entry.
void setLabel(const QString &l)
Set label providing a translated one-line description of the item.
QString whatsThis() const
Return WhatsThis description of item.
QString mGroup
The group name for this item.
QString toolTip() const
Return ToolTip description of item.
QString group() const
Return name of config file group.
KConfigBase::WriteConfigFlags writeFlags() const
Return write flags to be used when writing configuration.
virtual void setProperty(const QVariant &p)=0
Set item to p.
void setKey(const QString &_key)
Set config file key.
virtual void readConfig(KConfig *)=0
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
QString label() const
Return the label of the item.
virtual QVariant maxValue() const
Return maximum value of item or invalid if not specified.
bool isSaveNeeded() const
Indicates if the item has a different value than the previously loaded value.
void setWhatsThis(const QString &w)
Set WhatsThis description of item.
virtual QVariant property() const =0
Return item as property.
QString mName
The name of this item.
bool isDefault() const
Indicates if the item is set to its default value.
The central class of the KDE configuration data system.
Definition kconfig.h:56
void setReadDefaults(bool b)
Definition kconfig.cpp:879
Class for handling a bool preferences item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemBool(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, bool &reference, bool defaultValue=true)
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
Class for handling a QDateTime preferences item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
ItemDateTime(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QDateTime &reference, const QDateTime &defaultValue=QDateTime())
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
Class for handling a floating point preference item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
ItemDouble(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, double &reference, double defaultValue=0)
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
QVariant minValue() const override
Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item.
void setMinValue(double)
Set the minimum value for the item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void setMaxValue(double)
Set the maximum value for the item.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item.
void setValueForChoice(const QString &name, const QString &valueForChoice)
Stores a choice value for name.
void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
QString valueForChoice(const QString &name) const
Returns the value for the choice with the given name.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
ItemEnum(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint32 &reference, const QList< Choice > &choices, qint32 defaultValue=0)
Class for handling an integer list preferences item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemIntList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QList< int > &reference, const QList< int > &defaultValue=QList< int >())
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
Class for handling a 32-bit integer preferences item.
void setMaxValue(qint32)
Set the maximum value for the item.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item.
QVariant minValue() const override
Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setMinValue(qint32)
Set the minimum value for the item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
ItemInt(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint32 &reference, qint32 defaultValue=0)
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
Class for handling a 64-bit integer preferences item.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setMaxValue(qint64)
Set the maximum value for the item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
ItemLongLong(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, qint64 &reference, qint64 defaultValue=0)
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setMinValue(qint64)
Set the minimum value for the item.
QVariant minValue() const override
Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
Class for handling a password preferences item.
ItemPassword(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""))
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
ItemPathList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue=QStringList())
Class for handling a path preferences item.
ItemPath(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QString())
Class for handling a QPointF preferences item.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemPointF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QPointF &reference, const QPointF &defaultValue=QPointF())
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
Class for handling a QPoint preferences item.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemPoint(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue=QPoint())
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
Class for handling a QVariant preferences item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemProperty(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QVariant &reference, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant())
Class for handling a QRectF preferences item.
ItemRectF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QRectF &reference, const QRectF &defaultValue=QRectF())
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
Class for handling a QRect preferences item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
ItemRect(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QRect &reference, const QRect &defaultValue=QRect())
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
Class for handling a QSizeF preferences item.
ItemSizeF(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QSizeF &reference, const QSizeF &defaultValue=QSizeF())
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
Class for handling a QSize preferences item.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
ItemSize(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QSize &reference, const QSize &defaultValue=QSize())
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
Class for handling a string list preferences item.
ItemStringList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue=QStringList())
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
Class for handling a string preferences item.
The type of string that is held in this item.
@ Path
A path to a file or directory.
ItemString(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), Type type=Normal)
Class for handling an unsigned 32-bit integer preferences item.
ItemUInt(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, quint32 &reference, quint32 defaultValue=0)
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void setMinValue(quint32)
Set the minimum value for the item.
QVariant minValue() const override
Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setMaxValue(quint32)
Set the maximum value for the item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item.
Class for handling unsigned 64-bit integer preferences item.
QVariant maxValue() const override
Get the maximum value this is allowed to be stored in this item.
ItemULongLong(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, quint64 &reference, quint64 defaultValue=0)
void setMaxValue(quint64)
Set the maximum value for the item.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void setMinValue(quint64)
Set the minimum value for the item.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
QVariant minValue() const override
Get the minimum value that is allowed to be stored in this item.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
ItemUrlList(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QList< QUrl > &reference, const QList< QUrl > &defaultValue=QList< QUrl >())
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
void writeConfig(KConfig *config) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
ItemUrl(const QString &_group, const QString &_key, QUrl &reference, const QUrl &defaultValue=QUrl())
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
Check whether the item is equal to p.
ItemSize * addItemSize(const QString &name, QSize &reference, const QSize &defaultValue=QSize(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QSize.
ItemDouble * addItemDouble(const QString &name, double &reference, double defaultValue=0.0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type double.
ItemLongLong * addItemLongLong(const QString &name, qint64 &reference, qint64 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type qint64.
ItemDateTime * addItemDateTime(const QString &name, QDateTime &reference, const QDateTime &defaultValue=QDateTime(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QDateTime.
void load()
Read preferences from config file.
virtual void usrSetDefaults()
Perform the actual setting of default values.
ItemULongLong * addItemULongLong(const QString &name, quint64 &reference, quint64 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type quint64.
ItemIntList * addItemIntList(const QString &name, QList< int > &reference, const QList< int > &defaultValue=QList< int >(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QList<int>.
QString currentGroup() const
Returns the current group used for addItem() calls.
void setSharedConfig(KSharedConfig::Ptr pConfig)
Set the KSharedConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
ItemString * addItemString(const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QString.
virtual bool usrUseDefaults(bool b)
Implemented by subclasses that use special defaults.
KSharedConfig::Ptr sharedConfig() const
Return the KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
void configChanged()
This signal is emitted when the configuration change.
bool isSaveNeeded() const
Indicates if any registered item has a different value than the previously loaded value.
ItemStringList * addItemStringList(const QString &name, QStringList &reference, const QStringList &defaultValue=QStringList(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QStringList.
virtual bool usrSave()
Perform the actual writing of the configuration file.
KConfigSkeletonItem * findItem(const QString &name) const
Lookup item by name.
virtual void usrRead()
Perform the actual reading of the configuration file.
ItemPointF * addItemPointF(const QString &name, QPointF &reference, const QPointF &defaultValue=QPointF(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QPointF.
void removeItem(const QString &name)
Removes and deletes an item by name.
KConfig * config()
Return the KConfig object used for reading and writing the settings.
ItemPath * addItemPath(const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
Register a path item of type QString.
KCoreConfigSkeleton(const QString &configname=QString(), QObject *parent=nullptr)
KConfigSkeletonItem::List items() const
Return list of items managed by this KCoreConfigSkeleton object.
void clearItems()
Removes and deletes all items.
ItemPassword * addItemPassword(const QString &name, QString &reference, const QString &defaultValue=QLatin1String(""), const QString &key=QString())
Register a password item of type QString.
Q_INVOKABLE bool isImmutable(const QString &name) const
Return whether a certain item is immutable.
ItemRectF * addItemRectF(const QString &name, QRectF &reference, const QRectF &defaultValue=QRectF(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QRectF.
bool save()
Write preferences to config file.
ItemProperty * addItemProperty(const QString &name, QVariant &reference, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), const QString &key=QString())
Register a property item of type QVariant.
ItemSizeF * addItemSizeF(const QString &name, QSizeF &reference, const QSizeF &defaultValue=QSizeF(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QSizeF.
ItemPoint * addItemPoint(const QString &name, QPoint &reference, const QPoint &defaultValue=QPoint(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QPoint.
void read()
Read preferences from the KConfig object.
void addItem(KConfigSkeletonItem *item, const QString &name=QString())
Register a custom KConfigSkeletonItem item with a given name.
ItemUInt * addItemUInt(const QString &name, quint32 &reference, quint32 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type quint32.
virtual void setDefaults()
Set all registered items to their default values.
ItemInt * addItemInt(const QString &name, qint32 &reference, qint32 defaultValue=0, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type qint32.
ItemBool * addItemBool(const QString &name, bool &reference, bool defaultValue=false, const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type bool.
bool isDefaults() const
Indicates if all the registered items are set to their default value.
virtual bool useDefaults(bool b)
Specify whether this object should reflect the actual values or the default values.
void setCurrentGroup(const QString &group)
Set the config file group for subsequent addItem() calls.
ItemRect * addItemRect(const QString &name, QRect &reference, const QRect &defaultValue=QRect(), const QString &key=QString())
Register an item of type QRect.
bool isEqual(const QVariant &p) const override
void setDefault() override
Sets the current value to the default value.
QVariant property() const override
Return item as property.
KPropertySkeletonItem(QObject *object, const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant &defaultValue)
void setNotifyFunction(const std::function< void()> &impl)
Set a notify function, it will be invoked when the value of the property changes.
void swapDefault() override
Exchanges the current value with the default value Used by KCoreConfigSkeleton::useDefaults(bool);.
void readConfig(KConfig *) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to read the value for this setting from a config file.
void writeConfig(KConfig *) override
This function is called by KCoreConfigSkeleton to write the value of this setting to a config file.
void setProperty(const QVariant &p) override
Set item to p.
void readDefault(KConfig *) override
Read global default value.
typedef Iterator
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
QVariant property(const char *name) const const
bool setProperty(const char *name, QVariant &&value)
QVariant fromValue(T &&value)
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 14 2025 11:58:32 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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