415 const bool isAnyDirty = std::any_of(d->m_pages.cbegin(), d->m_pages.cend(), [](const KPropertiesDialogPlugin *page) {
469 connect(d->m_permissionsPropsPlugin, &KFilePermissionsPropsPlugin::changesApplied, this, [applyOtherChanges]() {
478 connect(d->m_filePropsPlugin, &KFilePropsPlugin::changesApplied, this, [this, applyPermissionsChanges, applyOtherChanges]() {
543 const auto supportedProtocols = metaData.value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-Protocols"), QStringList());
545 const auto none = std::none_of(supportedProtocols.cbegin(), supportedProtocols.cend(), [scheme](const auto &protocol) {
555 const auto jsonPlugins = KPluginMetaData::findPlugins(QStringLiteral("kf6/propertiesdialog"), filter);
557 if (auto plugin = KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin<KPropertiesDialogPlugin>(jsonMetadata, q).plugin) {
List of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem>.
Definition kfileitem.h:632
bool exec()
void setCurrentPage(KPageWidgetItem *item)
KPageDialog(QWidget *parent=nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags=Qt::WindowFlags())
void setFaceType(FaceType faceType)
void addPage(KPageWidgetItem *item)
static QList< KPluginMetaData > findPlugins(const QString &directory, std::function< bool(const KPluginMetaData &)> filter={}, KPluginMetaDataOptions options={})
A Plugin in the Properties dialog This is an abstract class.
Definition kpropertiesdialogplugin.h:43
virtual void applyChanges()
Applies all changes to the file.
Definition kpropertiesdialogplugin.cpp:46
void changed()
Emit this signal when the user changed anything in the plugin's tabs.
void applied()
This signal is emitted when the properties changes are applied (for example, with the OK button)
void updateUrl(const QUrl &newUrl)
Updates the item URL (either called by rename or because a global apps/mimelnk desktop file is being ...
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:563
static bool showDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent=nullptr, bool modal=true)
Immediately displays a Properties dialog using constructor with the same parameters.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:263
void saveAs(const QUrl &oldUrl, QUrl &newUrl)
Emitted before changes to oldUrl are saved as newUrl.
static bool canDisplay(const KFileItemList &_items)
Determine whether there are any property pages available for the given file items.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:393
void setFileNameReadOnly(bool ro)
Call this to make the filename lineedit readonly, to prevent the user from renaming the file.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:353
void showFileSharingPage()
Shows the page that was previously set by setFileSharingPage(), or does nothing if no page was set ye...
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:341
void setFileSharingPage(QWidget *page)
Sets the file sharing page.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:348
void propertiesClosed()
This signal is emitted when the Properties Dialog is closed (for example, with OK or Cancel buttons)
QUrl url() const
The URL of the file that has its properties being displayed.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:368
~KPropertiesDialog() override
Cleans up the properties dialog and frees any associated resources, including the dialog itself.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:364
QString defaultName() const
If the dialog is being built from a template, this method returns the default name.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:388
QUrl currentDir() const
If the dialog is being built from a template, this method returns the current directory.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:383
KPropertiesDialog(const KFileItem &item, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Brings up a Properties dialog, as shown above.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:141
void rename(const QString &_name)
Renames the item to the specified name.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:583
void reject() override
Called when the user presses 'Cancel' or Esc.
Definition kpropertiesdialog.cpp:490
void canceled()
This signal is emitted when the properties changes are aborted (for example, with the Cancel button)
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
QString i18n(const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
KIOCORE_EXPORT StatJob * stat(const QUrl &url, JobFlags flags=DefaultFlags)
Find all details for one file or directory.
Definition statjob.cpp:203
KIOCORE_EXPORT MimetypeJob * mimetype(const QUrl &url, JobFlags flags=DefaultFlags)
Find MIME type for one file or directory.
Definition mimetypejob.cpp:82
KIOCORE_EXPORT QString decodeFileName(const QString &str)
Decodes (from the filename to the text displayed) This doesn't do anything anymore,...
Definition global.cpp:118
void setWindow(QObject *job, QWidget *widget)
virtual void accept()
virtual int exec()
virtual void reject()
virtual QSize sizeHint() const const override
QString toNativeSeparators(const QString &pathName)
qsizetype count() const const
T & first()
bool isEmpty() const const
qsizetype size() const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
void deleteLater()
QObject * parent() const const
bool isEmpty() const const
const ushort * utf16() const const
QFuture< void > filter(QThreadPool *pool, Sequence &sequence, KeepFunctor &&filterFunction)
QUrl adjusted(FormattingOptions options) const const
QString fileName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
bool isLocalFile() const const
QString path(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const
QString scheme() const const
void setPath(const QString &path, ParsingMode mode)
void setUrl(const QString &url, ParsingMode parsingMode)
QString toLocalFile() const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
void setMinimumSize(const QSize &)
void show()
void setWindowTitle(const QString &)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:54:40 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:54:40 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.