95 * for instance it can be used to block the handler to manage the scroll of a view on some scenarios
153 * WheelHandler filters events from a Flickable, a vertical ScrollBar and a horizontal ScrollBar.
154 * Wheel and KeyPress events (when `keyNavigationEnabled` is true) are used to scroll the Flickable.
155 * When `filterMouseEvents` is true, WheelHandler blocks mouse button input from reaching the Flickable
160 * - Pixel delta is ignored unless angle delta is not available because pixel delta scrolling is too slow. Qt Widgets doesn't use pixel delta either, so the
162 * - When using angle delta, scroll using the step increments defined by `verticalStepSize` and `horizontalStepSize`.
164 * - When using a device that doesn't use 120 angle delta unit increments such as a touchpad, the `verticalStepSize`, `horizontalStepSize` and page increments
166 * - If scrolling has happened in the last 400ms, use an internal QQuickItem stacked over the Flickable's contentItem to catch wheel events and use those wheel
167 * events to scroll, if possible. This prevents controls inside the Flickable's contentItem that allow scrolling to change the value (e.g., Sliders, SpinBoxes)
193 * The default value is equivalent to `20 * Qt.styleHints.wheelScrollLines`. This is consistent with the default increment for QScrollArea.
199 Q_PROPERTY(qreal verticalStepSize READ verticalStepSize WRITE setVerticalStepSize RESET resetVerticalStepSize NOTIFY verticalStepSizeChanged FINAL)
204 * The default value is equivalent to `20 * Qt.styleHints.wheelScrollLines`. This is consistent with the default increment for QScrollArea.
211 qreal horizontalStepSize READ horizontalStepSize WRITE setHorizontalStepSize RESET resetHorizontalStepSize NOTIFY horizontalStepSizeChanged FINAL)
216 * The default value is equivalent to `Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier`. This matches QScrollBar, which uses QAbstractSlider behavior.
220 Q_PROPERTY(Qt::KeyboardModifiers pageScrollModifiers READ pageScrollModifiers WRITE setPageScrollModifiers RESET resetPageScrollModifiers NOTIFY
224 * @brief This property holds whether the WheelHandler filters mouse events like a Qt Quick Controls ScrollView would.
230 * Hover events on the scrollbars and wheel events on anything also make the scrollbars interactive when this property is set to true.
236 Q_PROPERTY(bool filterMouseEvents READ filterMouseEvents WRITE setFilterMouseEvents NOTIFY filterMouseEventsChanged FINAL)
255 Q_PROPERTY(bool keyNavigationEnabled READ keyNavigationEnabled WRITE setKeyNavigationEnabled NOTIFY keyNavigationEnabledChanged FINAL)
258 * @brief This property holds whether the WheelHandler blocks all wheel events from reaching the Flickable.
260 * When this property is false, scrolling the Flickable with WheelHandler will only block an event from reaching the Flickable if the Flickable is actually
263 * NOTE: Wheel events created by touchpad gestures with pixel deltas will always be accepted no matter what. This is because they will cause the Flickable
264 * to jump back to where scrolling started unless the events are always accepted before they reach the Flickable.
268 Q_PROPERTY(bool blockTargetWheel MEMBER m_blockTargetWheel NOTIFY blockTargetWheelChanged FINAL)
271 * @brief This property holds whether the WheelHandler can use wheel events to scroll the Flickable.
275 Q_PROPERTY(bool scrollFlickableTarget MEMBER m_scrollFlickableTarget NOTIFY scrollFlickableTargetChanged FINAL)
303 * Scroll up one step. If the stepSize parameter is less than 0, the verticalStepSize will be used.
312 * Scroll down one step. If the stepSize parameter is less than 0, the verticalStepSize will be used.
321 * Scroll left one step. If the stepSize parameter is less than 0, the horizontalStepSize will be used.
330 * Scroll right one step. If the stepSize parameter is less than 0, the horizontalStepSize will be used.
349 * @brief This signal is emitted when a wheel event reaches the event filter, just before scrolling is handled.
367 bool scrollFlickable(QPointF pixelDelta, QPointF angleDelta = {}, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier);
392 constexpr static Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_defaultPageScrollModifiers = Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier;
void setTarget(const SkyPoint &targetCoord)
QStyleHints * styleHints()
QObject(QObject *parent)
virtual bool event(QEvent *e)
QObject * parent() const const
typedef KeyboardModifiers
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 2025 11:56:43 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 2025 11:56:43 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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