
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Aaron Seigo <>
3 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Ryan P. Bitanga <>
4 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Jordi Polo <>
5 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Alexander Lohnau <alexander.lohnauŋ>
7 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
13#include <QList>
14#include <QObject>
16#include <KPluginMetaData>
18#include "abstractrunner.h"
19#include "action.h"
20#include "krunner_export.h"
21#include <memory>
23class KConfigGroup;
24namespace KRunner
29namespace KRunner
31class QueryMatch;
32class AbstractRunner;
33class RunnerContext;
34class RunnerManagerPrivate;
37 * @class RunnerManager runnermanager.h <KRunner/RunnerManager>
38 *
39 * @short The RunnerManager class decides what installed runners are runnable,
40 * and their ratings. It is the main proxy to the runners.
41 */
42class KRUNNER_EXPORT RunnerManager : public QObject
45 Q_PROPERTY(QStringList history READ history)
46 Q_PROPERTY(bool querying READ querying NOTIFY queryingChanged)
47 Q_PROPERTY(bool historyEnabled READ historyEnabled WRITE setHistoryEnabled NOTIFY historyEnabledChanged)
50 /**
51 * Constructs a RunnerManager with the given parameters
52 * @param configurationGroup Config group used for reading enabled plugins
53 * @param stateGroup Config group used for storing history
54 * @since 6.0
55 */
56 explicit RunnerManager(const KConfigGroup &pluginConfigGroup, const KConfigGroup &stateGroup, QObject *parent);
58 /**
59 * Constructs a RunnerManager using the default locations for state/plugin config
60 */
61 explicit RunnerManager(QObject *parent = nullptr);
62 ~RunnerManager() override;
64 /**
65 * Finds and returns a loaded runner or a nullptr
66 * @param pluginId the name of the runner plugin
67 * @return Pointer to the runner
68 */
69 AbstractRunner *runner(const QString &pluginId) const;
71 /**
72 * @return the list of all currently loaded runners
73 */
76 /**
77 * Retrieves the current context
78 * @return pointer to the current context
79 */
82 /**
83 * Retrieves all available matches found so far for the previously launched query
84 * @return List of matches
85 */
88 /**
89 * Runs a given match. This also respects the extra handling for the InformationalMatch.
90 * This also handles the history automatically
91 * @param match the match to be executed
92 * @param selectedAction the action returned by @ref QueryMatch::actions that has been selected by the user, nullptr if none
93 * @return if the RunnerWindow should close
94 * @since 6.0
95 */
96 bool run(const QueryMatch &match, const KRunner::Action &action = {});
98 /**
99 * @return the current query term set in @ref launchQuery
100 */
101 QString query() const;
103 /**
104 * @return History of this runner for the current activity. If the RunnerManager is not history
105 * aware the global entries will be returned.
106 * @since 5.78
107 */
108 QStringList history() const;
110 /**
111 * Delete the given index from the history.
112 * @param historyEntry
113 * @since 5.78
114 */
115 Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromHistory(int index);
117 /**
118 * Get the suggested history entry for the typed query. If no entry is found an empty string is returned.
119 * @param typedQuery
120 * @return completion for typedQuery
121 * @since 5.78
122 */
123 Q_INVOKABLE QString getHistorySuggestion(const QString &typedQuery) const;
125 /**
126 * If history completion is enabled, the default value is true.
127 * @since 5.78
128 */
131 /**
132 * If the RunnerManager is currently querying
133 * @since 6.7
134 */
135 bool querying() const;
137 /**
138 * Enables/disabled the history feature for the RunnerManager instance.
139 * The value will not be persisted and is only kept during the object's lifetime.
140 *
141 * @since 6.0
142 */
143 void setHistoryEnabled(bool enabled);
145 /**
146 * Causes a reload of the current configuration
147 * This gets called automatically when the config in the KCM is saved
148 */
149 void reloadConfiguration();
151 /**
152 * Sets a whitelist for the plugins that can be loaded by this manager.
153 * Runners that are disabled through the config will not be loaded.
154 *
155 * @param plugins the plugin names of allowed runners
156 */
159 /**
160 * Attempts to add the AbstractRunner plugin represented
161 * by the plugin info passed in. Usually one can simply let
162 * the configuration of plugins handle loading Runner plugins,
163 * but in cases where specific runners should be loaded this
164 * allows for that to take place
165 * @note Consider using @ref setAllowedRunners in case you want to only allow specific runners
166 *
167 * @param pluginMetaData the metaData to use to load the plugin
168 * @return the loaded runner or nullptr
169 */
170 AbstractRunner *loadRunner(const KPluginMetaData &pluginMetaData);
172 /**
173 * @return mime data of the specified match
174 */
175 QMimeData *mimeDataForMatch(const QueryMatch &match) const;
177 /**
178 * @return metadata list of all known Runner plugins
179 * @since 5.72
180 */
183public Q_SLOTS:
184 /**
185 * Call this method when the runners should be prepared for a query session.
186 * Call matchSessionComplete when the query session is finished for the time
187 * being.
188 * @see matchSessionComplete
189 */
190 void setupMatchSession();
192 /**
193 * Call this method when the query session is finished for the time
194 * being.
195 * @see prepareForMatchSession
196 */
199 /**
200 * Launch a query, this will create threads and return immediately.
201 * When the information will be available can be known using the
202 * matchesChanged signal.
203 *
204 * @param term the term we want to find matches for
205 * @param runnerId optional, if only one specific runner is to be used;
206 * providing an id will put the manager into single runner mode
207 */
208 void launchQuery(const QString &term, const QString &runnerId = QString());
210 /**
211 * Reset the current data and stops the query
212 */
213 void reset();
215 /**
216 * Set the environment identifier for recording history and launch counts
217 * @internal
218 * @since 6.0
219 */
223 /**
224 * Emitted each time a new match is added to the list
225 */
228 /**
229 * Emitted when the launchQuery finish
230 */
233 /**
234 * Emitted when the querying status has changed
235 * @since 6.7
236 */
240 /**
241 * Put the given search term in the KRunner search field
242 * @param term The term that should be displayed
243 * @param cursorPosition Where the cursor should be positioned
244 * @since 6.0
245 */
246 void requestUpdateQueryString(const QString &term, int cursorPosition);
248 /**
249 * @see @p historyEnabled
250 * @since 5.78
251 */
255 // exported for dbusrunnertest
256 KPluginMetaData convertDBusRunnerToJson(const QString &filename) const;
257 KRUNNER_NO_EXPORT Q_INVOKABLE void onMatchesChanged();
259 std::unique_ptr<RunnerManagerPrivate> d;
261 friend class RunnerManagerPrivate;
262 friend AbstractRunnerTest;
263 friend AbstractRunner;
This class provides a basic structure for a runner test.
An abstract base class for Plasma Runner plugins.
This class represents an action that will be shown next to a match.
Definition action.h:23
A match returned by an AbstractRunner in response to a given RunnerContext.
Definition querymatch.h:32
The RunnerContext class provides information related to a search, including the search term and colle...
void setHistoryEnabled(bool enabled)
Enables/disabled the history feature for the RunnerManager instance.
void setupMatchSession()
Call this method when the runners should be prepared for a query session.
RunnerContext * searchContext() const
Retrieves the current context.
bool run(const QueryMatch &match, const KRunner::Action &action={})
Runs a given match.
QList< QueryMatch > matches() const
Retrieves all available matches found so far for the previously launched query.
RunnerManager(const KConfigGroup &pluginConfigGroup, const KConfigGroup &stateGroup, QObject *parent)
Constructs a RunnerManager with the given parameters.
QMimeData * mimeDataForMatch(const QueryMatch &match) const
AbstractRunner * runner(const QString &pluginId) const
Finds and returns a loaded runner or a nullptr.
void reloadConfiguration()
Causes a reload of the current configuration This gets called automatically when the config in the KC...
Q_INVOKABLE void setHistoryEnvironmentIdentifier(const QString &identifier)
Set the environment identifier for recording history and launch counts.
static QList< KPluginMetaData > runnerMetaDataList()
void setAllowedRunners(const QStringList &runners)
Sets a whitelist for the plugins that can be loaded by this manager.
bool historyEnabled()
If history completion is enabled, the default value is true.
AbstractRunner * loadRunner(const KPluginMetaData &pluginMetaData)
Attempts to add the AbstractRunner plugin represented by the plugin info passed in.
Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromHistory(int index)
Delete the given index from the history.
void matchSessionComplete()
Call this method when the query session is finished for the time being.
void matchesChanged(const QList< KRunner::QueryMatch > &matches)
Emitted each time a new match is added to the list.
Q_INVOKABLE QString getHistorySuggestion(const QString &typedQuery) const
Get the suggested history entry for the typed query.
void requestUpdateQueryString(const QString &term, int cursorPosition)
Put the given search term in the KRunner search field.
void queryFinished()
Emitted when the launchQuery finish.
void launchQuery(const QString &term, const QString &runnerId=QString())
Launch a query, this will create threads and return immediately.
void reset()
Reset the current data and stops the query.
QList< AbstractRunner * > runners() const
void queryingChanged()
Emitted when the querying status has changed.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
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Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 12:00:05 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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