47 Q_PROPERTY(bool historyEnabled READ historyEnabled WRITE setHistoryEnabled NOTIFY historyEnabledChanged)
56 explicit RunnerManager(const KConfigGroup &pluginConfigGroup, const KConfigGroup &stateGroup, QObject *parent);
92 * @param selectedAction the action returned by @ref QueryMatch::actions that has been selected by the user, nullptr if none
This class provides a basic structure for a runner test.
Definition abstractrunnertest.h:32
An abstract base class for Plasma Runner plugins.
Definition abstractrunner.h:45
This class represents an action that will be shown next to a match.
Definition action.h:23
A match returned by an AbstractRunner in response to a given RunnerContext.
Definition querymatch.h:32
The RunnerContext class provides information related to a search, including the search term and colle...
Definition runnercontext.h:32
void setHistoryEnabled(bool enabled)
Enables/disabled the history feature for the RunnerManager instance.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:697
void setupMatchSession()
Call this method when the runners should be prepared for a query session.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:523
bool run(const QueryMatch &match, const KRunner::Action &action={})
Runs a given match.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:471
QList< QueryMatch > matches() const
Retrieves all available matches found so far for the previously launched query.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:466
RunnerManager(const KConfigGroup &pluginConfigGroup, const KConfigGroup &stateGroup, QObject *parent)
Constructs a RunnerManager with the given parameters.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:388
QMimeData * mimeDataForMatch(const QueryMatch &match) const
Definition runnermanager.cpp:495
AbstractRunner * runner(const QString &pluginId) const
Finds and returns a loaded runner or a nullptr.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:444
void reloadConfiguration()
Causes a reload of the current configuration This gets called automatically when the config in the KC...
Definition runnermanager.cpp:412
Q_INVOKABLE void setHistoryEnvironmentIdentifier(const QString &identifier)
Set the environment identifier for recording history and launch counts.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:708
static QList< KPluginMetaData > runnerMetaDataList()
Definition runnermanager.cpp:500
void setAllowedRunners(const QStringList &runners)
Sets a whitelist for the plugins that can be loaded by this manager.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:420
bool historyEnabled()
If history completion is enabled, the default value is true.
AbstractRunner * loadRunner(const KPluginMetaData &pluginMetaData)
Attempts to add the AbstractRunner plugin represented by the plugin info passed in.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:429
Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromHistory(int index)
Delete the given index from the history.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:653
void matchSessionComplete()
Call this method when the query session is finished for the time being.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:546
void historyEnabledChanged()
void matchesChanged(const QList< KRunner::QueryMatch > &matches)
Emitted each time a new match is added to the list.
Q_INVOKABLE QString getHistorySuggestion(const QString &typedQuery) const
Get the suggested history entry for the typed query.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:662
void requestUpdateQueryString(const QString &term, int cursorPosition)
Put the given search term in the KRunner search field.
void launchQuery(const QString &term, const QString &runnerId=QString())
Launch a query, this will create threads and return immediately.
Definition runnermanager.cpp:558
QList< AbstractRunner * > runners() const
Definition runnermanager.cpp:453
void queryingChanged()
Emitted when the querying status has changed.
QObject(QObject *parent)
QObject * parent() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 12:00:05 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 12:00:05 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.