Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ sources | |
▼ kosmindoormap | |
▼ src | |
► app | |
AttributionPage.qml | |
ExampleLocationModel.qml | |
IndoorMapInfoSheet.qml | |
IndoorMapPage.qml | |
main.cpp | |
Main.qml | |
RoutingProfileSheet.qml | |
SelectLocationSheet.qml | |
► editor | |
editorcontroller.cpp | |
editorcontroller.h | |
editorcontrollerplugin.cpp | |
► map | |
► content | |
equipmentmodel.cpp | |
equipmentmodel.h | |
floorlevelmodel.cpp | |
floorlevelmodel.h | |
gatemodel.cpp | |
gatemodel.h | |
osmconditionalexpression.cpp | |
platform.cpp | |
platform.h | |
platformfinder.cpp | |
platformmodel.cpp | |
platformmodel.h | |
► loader | |
boundarysearch.cpp | |
levelparser.cpp | |
mapdata.cpp | |
mapdata.h | |
maploader.cpp | |
maploader.h | |
marblegeometryassembler.cpp | |
tilecache.cpp | |
► network | |
networkaccessmanagerfactory.cpp | |
networkaccessmanagerfactory.h | |
useragent.cpp | |
► renderer | |
hitdetector.cpp | |
hitdetector.h | |
painterrenderer.cpp | |
painterrenderer.h | |
stackblur.cpp | |
► scene | |
iconloader.cpp | |
openinghourscache.cpp | |
overlaysource.cpp | |
overlaysource.h | |
penwidthutil.cpp | |
poleofinaccessibilityfinder.cpp | |
scenecontroller.cpp | |
scenecontroller.h | |
scenegeometry.cpp | |
scenegraph.cpp | |
scenegraph.h | |
scenegraphitem.cpp | |
scenegraphitem.h | |
texturecache.cpp | |
view.cpp | |
view.h | |
► style | |
mapcsscondition.cpp | |
mapcssdeclaration.cpp | |
mapcsselementstate.h | |
mapcssexpression.cpp | |
mapcssloader.cpp | |
mapcssloader.h | |
mapcssparser.cpp | |
mapcssparser.h | |
mapcssparsercontext.cpp | |
mapcssproperty.h | |
mapcssresult.cpp | |
mapcssresult.h | |
mapcssrule.cpp | |
mapcssselector.cpp | |
mapcssstate.cpp | |
mapcssstyle.cpp | |
mapcssstyle.h | |
mapcssterm.cpp | |
mapcsstypes.h | |
mapcssvalue.cpp | |
► map-publictransport-integration | |
locationqueryoverlayproxymodel.cpp | |
locationqueryoverlayproxymodel.h | |
realtimeequipmentmodel.cpp | |
realtimeequipmentmodel.h | |
► map-quick | |
AmenityListDelegate.qml | |
amenitymodel.cpp | |
amenitymodel.h | |
AmenitySearchDialog.qml | |
amenitysortfilterproxymodel.cpp | |
amenitysortfilterproxymodel.h | |
floorlevelchangemodel.cpp | |
floorlevelchangemodel.h | |
FloorLevelSelector.qml | |
IndoorMap.qml | |
IndoorMapAttributionLabel.qml | |
IndoorMapScale.qml | |
kosmindoormapquickplugin.cpp | |
kosmindoormapquickplugin.h | |
localization.cpp | |
localization.h | |
localization_data.cpp | |
mapitem.cpp | |
mapitem.h | |
mappointerevent.cpp | |
mappointerevent.h | |
osmaddress.cpp | |
osmaddress.h | |
osmelement.cpp | |
osmelement.h | |
OSMElementInformationDialog.qml | |
OSMElementInformationDialogAddressDelegate.qml | |
OSMElementInformationDialogImageDelegate.qml | |
OSMElementInformationDialogLinkDelegate.qml | |
OSMElementInformationDialogOpeningHoursDelegate.qml | |
OSMElementInformationDialogStringDelegate.qml | |
osmelementinformationmodel.cpp | |
osmelementinformationmodel.h | |
osmelementinformationmodel_data.cpp | |
roommodel.cpp | |
roommodel.h | |
RoomSearchDialog.qml | |
roomsortfilterproxymodel.cpp | |
roomsortfilterproxymodel.h | |
types.h | |
► osm | |
► io | |
o5mplugin.cpp | |
oscplugin.cpp | |
osmpbfplugin.cpp | |
xmlplugin.cpp | |
abstractreader.cpp | |
abstractreader.h | |
abstractwriter.cpp | |
abstractwriter.h | |
datasetmergebuffer.cpp | |
datasetmergebuffer.h | |
datatypes.cpp | |
datatypes.h | |
element.cpp | |
element.h | |
geomath.cpp | |
geomath.h | |
internal.h | |
io.cpp | |
io.h | |
ioplugin.h | |
languages.cpp | |
languages.h | |
o5m.h | Common declarations for O5M file format I/O |
o5mparser.cpp | |
o5mparser.h | |
o5mwriter.cpp | |
o5mwriter.h | |
oscparser.cpp | |
oscparser.h | |
osmpbfparser.cpp | |
osmpbfparser.h | |
osmpbfwriter.cpp | |
osmpbfwriter.h | |
overpassquery.cpp | |
overpassquery.h | |
overpassquerymanager.cpp | |
overpassquerymanager.h | |
pathutil.cpp | |
pathutil.h | |
stringpool.cpp | |
stringpool.h | |
xmlparser.cpp | |
xmlparser.h | |
xmlwriter.cpp | |
xmlwriter.h | |
ztile.cpp | |
ztile.h | |
► routing | |
navmesh.cpp | |
navmesh.h | |
navmeshbuilder.cpp | |
navmeshbuilder.h | |
navmeshtransform.cpp | |
navmeshtransform.h | |
route.cpp | |
route.h | |
routeoverlay.cpp | |
routeoverlay.h | |
routingarea.cpp | |
routingarea.h | |
routingjob.cpp | |
routingjob.h | |
routingprofile.cpp | |
routingprofile.h | |
► routing-quick | |
routingarea.h | |
routingcontroller.cpp | |
routingcontroller.h | |
types.h | |
► tools | |
marble-geometry-assembler.cpp | |
navmesh-dump.cpp | |
osm-download-data.cpp | |
► wikidata | |
entities.cpp | |
entities.h | |
wikidataquery.cpp | |
wikidataquery.h | |
wikidataquerymanager.cpp | |
wikidataquerymanager.h | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:58:51 by
doxygen 1.13.2 written
Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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