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233 KStarsDateTime UTtoLT( const KStarsDateTime &ut ) const { return ut.addSecs( int( 3600.*TZ() ) ); }
234 KStarsDateTime LTtoUT( const KStarsDateTime < ) const { return lt.addSecs( int( -3600.*TZ() ) ); }
void TopocentricVelocity(double vtopo[], dms gt)
Computes the velocity in km/s of an observer on the surface of the Earth referred to a system whose o...
Definition: geolocation.cpp:139
void setCountry(const QString &n)
Set Country name according to argument.
Definition: geolocation.h:190
KStarsDateTime LTtoUT(const KStarsDateTime <) const
Definition: geolocation.h:234
void changeEllipsoid(int i)
Update Latitude, Longitude and Height according to new ellipsoid.
Definition: geolocation.cpp:73
This class provides the information needed to determine whether Daylight Savings Time (DST; a...
Definition: timezonerule.h:56
void geodToCart()
Converts from longitude, latitude and height on a standard geoid of the Earth to cartesian coordinate...
Definition: geolocation.cpp:124
GeoLocation(dms lng, dms lat, const QString &name="Nowhere", const QString &province="Nowhere", const QString &country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=NULL, int iEllips=4, double hght=-10)
Constructor using dms objects to specify longitude and latitude.
Definition: geolocation.cpp:24
Contains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name...
Definition: geolocation.h:39
Extension of KDateTime for KStars KStarsDateTime can represent the date/time as a Julian Day...
Definition: kstarsdatetime.h:45
void setEllipsoid(int i)
The geoid is an elliposid which fits the shape of the Earth.
Definition: geolocation.cpp:64
void cartToGeod()
Converts from cartesian coordinates in meters to longitude, latitude and height on a standard geoid f...
Definition: geolocation.cpp:96
KStarsDateTime UTtoLT(const KStarsDateTime &ut) const
Definition: geolocation.h:233
void setProvince(const QString &n)
Set Province name according to argument.
Definition: geolocation.h:185
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Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:19 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:19 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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