
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CKCursorSaverClass to temporarily set a mouse cursor and restore the previous one on destruction
 CKLocalImageCacheImplementationYou are not supposed to use this class directly, use KImageCache instead
 CKSharedPixmapCacheMixin< T >A simple wrapping layer over KSharedDataCache to support caching images and pixmaps
 CKWordWrapWord-wrap algorithm that takes into account beautifulness ;)
 CQIconEngine [external]
 CKCountryFlagEmojiIconEngineProvides emoji flags as icons This is a special icon engine that internally paints flags using emoji fonts
 CQObject [external]
 CKColorSchemeWatcherInformation about system-wide color preferences
 CKKeySequenceRecorderRecord a QKeySequence by listening to key events in a window
 CKModifierKeyInfoGet information about the state of the keyboard's modifier keys
 CKSystemClipboardThis class mimics QClipboard but unlike QClipboard it will continue to get updates even when our window does not have focus
 CKWindowInsetsControllerAccess to window insets colors
 CQValidator [external]
 CKDateValidatorValidates user-entered dates
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Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:59:13 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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