#include <KToolBar>
Public Member Functions | |
KToolBar (const QString &objectName, QMainWindow *parentWindow, Qt::ToolBarArea area, bool newLine=false, bool isMainToolBar=false, bool readConfig=true) | |
KToolBar (const QString &objectName, QWidget *parent, bool readConfig=true) | |
KToolBar (QWidget *parent, bool isMainToolBar=false, bool readConfig=true) | |
~KToolBar () override | |
void | addXMLGUIClient (KXMLGUIClient *client) |
void | applySettings (const KConfigGroup &cg) |
bool | eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override |
int | iconSizeDefault () const |
void | loadState (const QDomElement &element) |
KMainWindow * | mainWindow () const |
void | removeXMLGUIClient (KXMLGUIClient *client) |
void | saveSettings (KConfigGroup &cg) |
void | saveState (QDomElement &element) const |
void | setIconDimensions (int size) |
Public Member Functions inherited from QToolBar | |
QToolBar (const QString &title, QWidget *parent) | |
QToolBar (QWidget *parent) | |
QAction * | actionAt (const QPoint &p) const const |
QAction * | actionAt (int x, int y) const const |
void | actionTriggered (QAction *action) |
QAction * | addSeparator () |
QAction * | addWidget (QWidget *widget) |
Qt::ToolBarAreas | allowedAreas () const const |
void | allowedAreasChanged (Qt::ToolBarAreas allowedAreas) |
void | clear () |
QSize | iconSize () const const |
void | iconSizeChanged (const QSize &iconSize) |
QAction * | insertSeparator (QAction *before) |
QAction * | insertWidget (QAction *before, QWidget *widget) |
bool | isAreaAllowed (Qt::ToolBarArea area) const const |
bool | isFloatable () const const |
bool | isFloating () const const |
bool | isMovable () const const |
void | movableChanged (bool movable) |
Qt::Orientation | orientation () const const |
void | orientationChanged (Qt::Orientation orientation) |
void | setAllowedAreas (Qt::ToolBarAreas areas) |
void | setFloatable (bool floatable) |
void | setIconSize (const QSize &iconSize) |
void | setMovable (bool movable) |
void | setOrientation (Qt::Orientation orientation) |
void | setToolButtonStyle (Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyle) |
QAction * | toggleViewAction () const const |
Qt::ToolButtonStyle | toolButtonStyle () const const |
void | toolButtonStyleChanged (Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolButtonStyle) |
void | topLevelChanged (bool topLevel) |
void | visibilityChanged (bool visible) |
QWidget * | widgetForAction (QAction *action) const const |
Public Member Functions inherited from QWidget | |
QWidget (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) | |
bool | acceptDrops () const const |
QString | accessibleDescription () const const |
QString | accessibleName () const const |
QList< QAction * > | actions () const const |
void | activateWindow () |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QAction * | addAction (const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
void | addAction (QAction *action) |
void | addActions (const QList< QAction * > &actions) |
void | adjustSize () |
bool | autoFillBackground () const const |
QPalette::ColorRole | backgroundRole () const const |
QBackingStore * | backingStore () const const |
QSize | baseSize () const const |
QWidget * | childAt (const QPoint &p) const const |
QWidget * | childAt (int x, int y) const const |
QRect | childrenRect () const const |
QRegion | childrenRegion () const const |
void | clearFocus () |
void | clearMask () |
bool | close () |
QMargins | contentsMargins () const const |
QRect | contentsRect () const const |
Qt::ContextMenuPolicy | contextMenuPolicy () const const |
QCursor | cursor () const const |
void | customContextMenuRequested (const QPoint &pos) |
WId | effectiveWinId () const const |
void | ensurePolished () const const |
Qt::FocusPolicy | focusPolicy () const const |
QWidget * | focusProxy () const const |
QWidget * | focusWidget () const const |
const QFont & | font () const const |
QFontInfo | fontInfo () const const |
QFontMetrics | fontMetrics () const const |
QPalette::ColorRole | foregroundRole () const const |
QRect | frameGeometry () const const |
QSize | frameSize () const const |
const QRect & | geometry () const const |
QPixmap | grab (const QRect &rectangle) |
void | grabGesture (Qt::GestureType gesture, Qt::GestureFlags flags) |
void | grabKeyboard () |
void | grabMouse () |
void | grabMouse (const QCursor &cursor) |
int | grabShortcut (const QKeySequence &key, Qt::ShortcutContext context) |
QGraphicsEffect * | graphicsEffect () const const |
QGraphicsProxyWidget * | graphicsProxyWidget () const const |
bool | hasEditFocus () const const |
bool | hasFocus () const const |
virtual bool | hasHeightForWidth () const const |
bool | hasMouseTracking () const const |
bool | hasTabletTracking () const const |
int | height () const const |
virtual int | heightForWidth (int w) const const |
void | hide () |
Qt::InputMethodHints | inputMethodHints () const const |
virtual QVariant | inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const const |
void | insertAction (QAction *before, QAction *action) |
void | insertActions (QAction *before, const QList< QAction * > &actions) |
bool | isActiveWindow () const const |
bool | isAncestorOf (const QWidget *child) const const |
bool | isEnabled () const const |
bool | isEnabledTo (const QWidget *ancestor) const const |
bool | isFullScreen () const const |
bool | isHidden () const const |
bool | isMaximized () const const |
bool | isMinimized () const const |
bool | isModal () const const |
bool | isTopLevel () const const |
bool | isVisible () const const |
bool | isVisibleTo (const QWidget *ancestor) const const |
bool | isWindow () const const |
bool | isWindowModified () const const |
QLayout * | layout () const const |
Qt::LayoutDirection | layoutDirection () const const |
QLocale | locale () const const |
void | lower () |
QPoint | mapFrom (const QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFrom (const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapFromGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFromGlobal (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapFromParent (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapFromParent (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapTo (const QWidget *parent, const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapTo (const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapToGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapToGlobal (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QPoint | mapToParent (const QPoint &pos) const const |
QPointF | mapToParent (const QPointF &pos) const const |
QRegion | mask () const const |
int | maximumHeight () const const |
QSize | maximumSize () const const |
int | maximumWidth () const const |
int | minimumHeight () const const |
QSize | minimumSize () const const |
virtual QSize | minimumSizeHint () const const |
int | minimumWidth () const const |
void | move (const QPoint &) |
void | move (int x, int y) |
QWidget * | nativeParentWidget () const const |
QWidget * | nextInFocusChain () const const |
QRect | normalGeometry () const const |
void | overrideWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags flags) |
virtual QPaintEngine * | paintEngine () const const override |
const QPalette & | palette () const const |
QWidget * | parentWidget () const const |
QPoint | pos () const const |
QWidget * | previousInFocusChain () const const |
void | raise () |
QRect | rect () const const |
void | releaseKeyboard () |
void | releaseMouse () |
void | releaseShortcut (int id) |
void | removeAction (QAction *action) |
void | render (QPaintDevice *target, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, RenderFlags renderFlags) |
void | render (QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, RenderFlags renderFlags) |
void | repaint () |
void | repaint (const QRect &rect) |
void | repaint (const QRegion &rgn) |
void | repaint (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | resize (const QSize &) |
void | resize (int w, int h) |
bool | restoreGeometry (const QByteArray &geometry) |
QByteArray | saveGeometry () const const |
QScreen * | screen () const const |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy) |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy, const QRect &r) |
void | setAcceptDrops (bool on) |
void | setAccessibleDescription (const QString &description) |
void | setAccessibleName (const QString &name) |
void | setAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute, bool on) |
void | setAutoFillBackground (bool enabled) |
void | setBackgroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole role) |
void | setBaseSize (const QSize &) |
void | setBaseSize (int basew, int baseh) |
void | setContentsMargins (const QMargins &margins) |
void | setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
void | setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::ContextMenuPolicy policy) |
void | setCursor (const QCursor &) |
void | setDisabled (bool disable) |
void | setEditFocus (bool enable) |
void | setEnabled (bool) |
void | setFixedHeight (int h) |
void | setFixedSize (const QSize &s) |
void | setFixedSize (int w, int h) |
void | setFixedWidth (int w) |
void | setFocus () |
void | setFocus (Qt::FocusReason reason) |
void | setFocusPolicy (Qt::FocusPolicy policy) |
void | setFocusProxy (QWidget *w) |
void | setFont (const QFont &) |
void | setForegroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole role) |
void | setGeometry (const QRect &) |
void | setGeometry (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | setGraphicsEffect (QGraphicsEffect *effect) |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
void | setInputMethodHints (Qt::InputMethodHints hints) |
void | setLayout (QLayout *layout) |
void | setLayoutDirection (Qt::LayoutDirection direction) |
void | setLocale (const QLocale &locale) |
void | setMask (const QBitmap &bitmap) |
void | setMask (const QRegion ®ion) |
void | setMaximumHeight (int maxh) |
void | setMaximumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMaximumSize (int maxw, int maxh) |
void | setMaximumWidth (int maxw) |
void | setMinimumHeight (int minh) |
void | setMinimumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMinimumSize (int minw, int minh) |
void | setMinimumWidth (int minw) |
void | setMouseTracking (bool enable) |
void | setPalette (const QPalette &) |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent) |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) |
void | setScreen (QScreen *screen) |
void | setShortcutAutoRepeat (int id, bool enable) |
void | setShortcutEnabled (int id, bool enable) |
void | setSizeIncrement (const QSize &) |
void | setSizeIncrement (int w, int h) |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy) |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Policy horizontal, QSizePolicy::Policy vertical) |
void | setStatusTip (const QString &) |
void | setStyle (QStyle *style) |
void | setStyleSheet (const QString &styleSheet) |
void | setTabletTracking (bool enable) |
void | setToolTip (const QString &) |
void | setToolTipDuration (int msec) |
void | setUpdatesEnabled (bool enable) |
void | setupUi (QWidget *widget) |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWhatsThis (const QString &) |
void | setWindowFilePath (const QString &filePath) |
void | setWindowFlag (Qt::WindowType flag, bool on) |
void | setWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags type) |
void | setWindowIcon (const QIcon &icon) |
void | setWindowIconText (const QString &) |
void | setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModality windowModality) |
void | setWindowModified (bool) |
void | setWindowOpacity (qreal level) |
void | setWindowRole (const QString &role) |
void | setWindowState (Qt::WindowStates windowState) |
void | setWindowTitle (const QString &) |
void | show () |
void | showFullScreen () |
void | showMaximized () |
void | showMinimized () |
void | showNormal () |
QSize | size () const const |
virtual QSize | sizeHint () const const |
QSize | sizeIncrement () const const |
QSizePolicy | sizePolicy () const const |
void | stackUnder (QWidget *w) |
QString | statusTip () const const |
QStyle * | style () const const |
QString | styleSheet () const const |
bool | testAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute attribute) const const |
QString | toolTip () const const |
int | toolTipDuration () const const |
QWidget * | topLevelWidget () const const |
bool | underMouse () const const |
void | ungrabGesture (Qt::GestureType gesture) |
void | unsetCursor () |
void | unsetLayoutDirection () |
void | unsetLocale () |
void | update () |
void | update (const QRect &rect) |
void | update (const QRegion &rgn) |
void | update (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | updateGeometry () |
bool | updatesEnabled () const const |
QRegion | visibleRegion () const const |
QString | whatsThis () const const |
int | width () const const |
QWidget * | window () const const |
QString | windowFilePath () const const |
Qt::WindowFlags | windowFlags () const const |
QWindow * | windowHandle () const const |
QIcon | windowIcon () const const |
void | windowIconChanged (const QIcon &icon) |
QString | windowIconText () const const |
void | windowIconTextChanged (const QString &iconText) |
Qt::WindowModality | windowModality () const const |
qreal | windowOpacity () const const |
QString | windowRole () const const |
Qt::WindowStates | windowState () const const |
QString | windowTitle () const const |
void | windowTitleChanged (const QString &title) |
Qt::WindowType | windowType () const const |
WId | winId () const const |
int | x () const const |
int | y () const const |
Public Member Functions inherited from QObject | |
QObject (QObject *parent) | |
QBindable< QString > | bindableObjectName () |
bool | blockSignals (bool block) |
const QObjectList & | children () const const |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const const |
void | deleteLater () |
void | destroyed (QObject *obj) |
bool | disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) const const |
void | dumpObjectInfo () const const |
void | dumpObjectTree () const const |
QList< QByteArray > | dynamicPropertyNames () const const |
T | findChild (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QString &name, Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
QList< T > | findChildren (Qt::FindChildOptions options) const const |
bool | inherits (const char *className) const const |
void | installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj) |
bool | isQuickItemType () const const |
bool | isWidgetType () const const |
bool | isWindowType () const const |
void | killTimer (int id) |
virtual const QMetaObject * | metaObject () const const |
void | moveToThread (QThread *targetThread) |
QString | objectName () const const |
void | objectNameChanged (const QString &objectName) |
QObject * | parent () const const |
QVariant | property (const char *name) const const |
Q_CLASSINFO (Name, Value) | |
Q_ENUM (...) | |
Q_ENUM_NS (...) | |
Q_ENUMS (...) | |
Q_FLAG (...) | |
Q_FLAG_NS (...) | |
Q_FLAGS (...) | |
Q_INTERFACES (...) | |
Q_PROPERTY (...) | |
Q_SET_OBJECT_NAME (Object) | |
T | qobject_cast (const QObject *object) |
T | qobject_cast (QObject *object) |
void | removeEventFilter (QObject *obj) |
void | setObjectName (const QString &name) |
void | setObjectName (QAnyStringView name) |
void | setParent (QObject *parent) |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value) |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, QVariant &&value) |
bool | signalsBlocked () const const |
int | startTimer (int interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) |
int | startTimer (std::chrono::milliseconds interval, Qt::TimerType timerType) |
QThread * | thread () const const |
Public Member Functions inherited from QPaintDevice | |
int | colorCount () const const |
int | depth () const const |
qreal | devicePixelRatio () const const |
qreal | devicePixelRatioF () const const |
int | height () const const |
int | heightMM () const const |
int | logicalDpiX () const const |
int | logicalDpiY () const const |
bool | paintingActive () const const |
int | physicalDpiX () const const |
int | physicalDpiY () const const |
int | width () const const |
int | widthMM () const const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | emitToolbarStyleChanged () |
static void | setToolBarsEditable (bool editable) |
static void | setToolBarsLocked (bool locked) |
static bool | toolBarsEditable () |
static bool | toolBarsLocked () |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from QWidget | |
QWidget * | createWindowContainer (QWindow *window, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) |
QWidget * | find (WId id) |
QWidget * | keyboardGrabber () |
QWidget * | mouseGrabber () |
void | setTabOrder (QWidget *first, QWidget *second) |
void | setTabOrder (std::initializer_list< QWidget * > widgets) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from QObject | |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
QMetaObject::Connection | connect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor) |
bool | disconnect (const QMetaObject::Connection &connection) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method) |
QString | tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) |
Protected Slots | |
virtual void | slotMovableChanged (bool movable) |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | actionEvent (QActionEvent *) override |
void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *) override |
void | dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *) override |
void | dragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent *) override |
void | dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *) override |
void | dropEvent (QDropEvent *) override |
void | mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *) override |
void | mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *) override |
void | mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *) override |
Protected Member Functions inherited from QToolBar | |
virtual void | changeEvent (QEvent *event) override |
virtual bool | event (QEvent *event) override |
virtual void | paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) override |
Protected Member Functions inherited from QWidget | |
virtual void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) |
void | create (WId window, bool initializeWindow, bool destroyOldWindow) |
void | destroy (bool destroyWindow, bool destroySubWindows) |
virtual void | enterEvent (QEnterEvent *event) |
virtual void | focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *event) |
bool | focusNextChild () |
virtual bool | focusNextPrevChild (bool next) |
virtual void | focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *event) |
bool | focusPreviousChild () |
virtual void | hideEvent (QHideEvent *event) |
virtual void | initPainter (QPainter *painter) const const override |
virtual void | inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent *event) |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
virtual void | leaveEvent (QEvent *event) |
virtual int | metric (PaintDeviceMetric m) const const override |
virtual void | mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event) |
virtual void | moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event) |
virtual bool | nativeEvent (const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, qintptr *result) |
virtual void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) |
virtual void | showEvent (QShowEvent *event) |
virtual void | tabletEvent (QTabletEvent *event) |
void | updateMicroFocus (Qt::InputMethodQuery query) |
virtual void | wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from QObject | |
virtual void | childEvent (QChildEvent *event) |
virtual void | connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal) |
virtual void | customEvent (QEvent *event) |
virtual void | disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal) |
bool | isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod &signal) const const |
int | receivers (const char *signal) const const |
QObject * | sender () const const |
int | senderSignalIndex () const const |
virtual void | timerEvent (QTimerEvent *event) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from QPaintDevice |
Detailed Description
Floatable toolbar with auto resize.
A KDE-style toolbar.
KToolBar can be used as a standalone widget, but KMainWindow provides easy factories and management of one or more toolbars.
KToolBar uses a global config group to load toolbar settings on construction. It will reread this config group on a KApplication::appearanceChanged() signal.
KToolBar respects Kiosk settings (see the KAuthorized namespace in the KConfig framework). In particular, system administrators can prevent users from moving toolbars with the "movable_toolbars" action, and from showing or hiding toolbars with the "options_show_toolbar" action. For example, to disable both, add the following the application or global configuration:
[KDE Action Restrictions][$i] movable_toolbars=false options_show_toolbar=false
If you can't depend on KXmlGui but still want to integrate better with KDE, you can use QToolBar and:
- Set ToolButtonStyle to Qt::ToolButtonFollowStyle, this will make QToolBar use the settings for "Main Toolbar"
- Additionally set QToolBar::setProperty("otherToolbar", true) to use settings for "Other toolbars"; settings from "Other toolbars" will only work on widget styles derived from KStyle
Definition at line 67 of file ktoolbar.h.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
◆ KToolBar() [1/3]
explicit |
This constructor takes care of adding the toolbar to the mainwindow, if parent
is a QMainWindow.
Normally KDE applications do not call this directly, they either call KMainWindow::toolBar(), or they use XML-GUI and specify toolbars using XML.
- Parameters
parent The standard toolbar parent (usually a KMainWindow) isMainToolBar True for the "main toolbar", false for other toolbars. Different settings apply. readConfig whether to apply the configuration (global and application-specific)
Definition at line 868 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ KToolBar() [2/3]
explicit |
This constructor takes care of adding the toolbar to the mainwindow, if parent
is a QMainWindow.
Normally KDE applications do not call this directly, they either call KMainWindow::toolBar(), or they use XML-GUI and specify toolbars using XML.
- Parameters
objectName The QObject name of this toolbar, required so that QMainWindow can save and load the toolbar position, and so that KToolBar can find out if it's the main toolbar. parent The standard toolbar parent (usually a KMainWindow) readConfig whether to apply the configuration (global and application-specific)
Definition at line 880 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ KToolBar() [3/3]
KToolBar::KToolBar | ( | const QString & | objectName, |
QMainWindow * | parentWindow, | ||
Qt::ToolBarArea | area, | ||
bool | newLine = false, | ||
bool | isMainToolBar = false, | ||
bool | readConfig = true ) |
Alternate constructor with additional arguments, e.g.
to choose in which area the toolbar should be auto-added. This is rarely used in KDE. When using XMLGUI you can specify this as an xml attribute instead.
- Parameters
objectName The QObject name of this toolbar, required so that QMainWindow can save and load the toolbar position parentWindow The window that should be the parent of this toolbar area The position of the toolbar. Usually Qt::TopToolBarArea. newLine If true, start a new line in the dock for this toolbar. isMainToolBar True for the "main toolbar", false for other toolbars. Different settings apply. readConfig whether to apply the configuration (global and application-specific)
Definition at line 895 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ ~KToolBar()
override |
Destroys the toolbar.
Definition at line 913 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
Member Function Documentation
◆ actionEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QToolBar.
Definition at line 1400 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ addXMLGUIClient()
void KToolBar::addXMLGUIClient | ( | KXMLGUIClient * | client | ) |
Adds an XML gui client that uses this toolbar.
- Since
- 4.8.1
Definition at line 942 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ applySettings()
void KToolBar::applySettings | ( | const KConfigGroup & | cg | ) |
Read the toolbar settings from group cg
and apply them.
Definition at line 1097 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ contextMenuEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 952 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ dragEnterEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1134 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ dragLeaveEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1217 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ dragMoveEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1177 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ dropEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1232 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ emitToolbarStyleChanged()
static |
Emits a D-Bus signal to tell all toolbars in all applications, that the user settings have changed.
- Since
- 5.0
Definition at line 1472 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ eventFilter()
Reimplemented to support context menu activation on disabled tool buttons.
Reimplemented from QObject.
Definition at line 1325 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ iconSizeDefault()
int KToolBar::iconSizeDefault | ( | ) | const |
Returns the default size for this type of toolbar.
- Returns
- the default size for this type of toolbar.
Definition at line 1122 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ loadState()
void KToolBar::loadState | ( | const QDomElement & | element | ) |
Load state from an XML.
- Parameters
element,called by KXMLGUIBuilder.
Definition at line 969 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ mainWindow()
KMainWindow * KToolBar::mainWindow | ( | ) | const |
Returns the main window that this toolbar is docked with.
Definition at line 1111 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ mouseMoveEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1270 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ mousePressEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1256 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ mouseReleaseEvent()
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1313 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ removeXMLGUIClient()
void KToolBar::removeXMLGUIClient | ( | KXMLGUIClient * | client | ) |
Removes an XML gui client that uses this toolbar.
- Since
- 4.8.5
Definition at line 947 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ saveSettings()
void KToolBar::saveSettings | ( | KConfigGroup & | cg | ) |
Save the toolbar settings to group cg
Definition at line 918 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ saveState()
void KToolBar::saveState | ( | QDomElement & | element | ) | const |
Save state into an XML.
- Parameters
element,called by KXMLGUIBuilder.
Definition at line 1062 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ setIconDimensions()
void KToolBar::setIconDimensions | ( | int | size | ) |
Convenience function to set icon size.
Definition at line 1116 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ setToolBarsEditable()
static |
Enable or disable toolbar editing via drag & drop of actions.
This is called by KEditToolBar and should generally be set to disabled whenever KEditToolBar is not active.
Definition at line 1445 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ setToolBarsLocked()
static |
Allows you to lock and unlock all toolbars (i.e., disallow/allow moving of the toobars).
Definition at line 1452 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ slotMovableChanged
protectedvirtualslot |
Definition at line 1127 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ toolBarsEditable()
static |
Returns whether the toolbars are currently editable (drag & drop of actions).
Definition at line 1440 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
◆ toolBarsLocked()
static |
Returns whether the toolbars are locked (i.e., moving of the toobars disallowed).
Definition at line 1467 of file ktoolbar.cpp.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Dec 20 2024 11:54:58 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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