Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
CKAcceleratorManager | KDE Accelerator manager |
CKActionMenu | A KActionMenu is an action that provides a sub-menu of other actions |
CKActionSelector | A widget for selecting and arranging actions/objects |
CKAdjustingScrollArea | Special scroll area widget which adjust its size to avoid scroll bars as much as possible |
CKAnimatedButton | An extended version of QToolButton which can display an animation |
CKAssistantDialog | This class provides a framework for assistant dialogs |
CKBusyIndicatorWidget | Rotating spinning icon to indicate busyness |
CKCapacityBar | This widget shows a bar which is filled to show the level of usage of a certain device |
CKCharSelect | Character selection widget |
CKCollapsibleGroupBox | A groupbox featuring a clickable header and arrow indicator that can be expanded and collapsed to reveal the contents |
CKColorButton | A pushbutton to display or allow user selection of a color |
CKColorCombo | Combobox for colors |
CKColumnResizer | Maintains consistent column sizes across layouts |
CKContextualHelpButton | An icon-only button for showing contextually relevant help or explanations |
CKCursor | Set of static convenience methods for auto-hiding cursors on widgets |
CKDateComboBox | A combobox for dates |
CKDatePicker | A date selection widget |
CKDatePickerPopup | This menu helps the user to select a date quickly |
CKDateTimeEdit | A widget for editing date and time |
CKDragWidgetDecorator | A decorator which adds drag-support to widgets |
CKDragWidgetDecoratorBase | A decorator which adds drag-support to widgets |
CKDualAction | An action which can alternate between two texts/icons when triggered |
▼CKEditListWidget | An editable listbox |
CCustomEditor | Custom editor class |
CKFontAction | An action to select a font family |
CKFontChooser | A font selection widget |
CKFontChooserDialog | A font selection dialog |
CKFontRequester | This class provides a widget with a lineedit and a button, which invokes a font dialog (KFontChooserDialog) |
CKFontSizeAction | An action to allow changing of the font size |
CKGradientSelector | Allows the user to choose from a one-dimensional range of colors which is given as a gradient between two colors provided by the programmer |
CKGuiItem | An abstract class for setting the text, icon, tooltip and WhatsThis data on a GUI item (e.g. a QPushButton) |
CKLed | An LED widget |
CKLineEditUrlDropEventFilter | This class provides an event filter that can be installed on a QLineEdit or a subclass of it (KLineEdit) to make it handle URL drop events so when a URL is dropped it replaces the existing content |
CKMessageBoxDontAskAgainInterface | |
CKMessageBoxNotifyInterface | |
CKMessageDialog | KMessageDialog creates a message box similar to the ones you get from KMessageBox, but that can be used asynchronously, i.e |
CKMessageWidget | A widget to provide feedback or propose opportunistic interactions |
CKMimeTypeChooser | This widget provides a checkable list of all available MIME types, presented as a treeview, with the MIME type comment and glob patterns as individual columns |
CKMimeTypeChooserDialog | A dialog to select MIME types from the list of available ones on the system |
CKMultiTabBar | A Widget for horizontal and vertical tabs |
CKMultiTabBarButton | Use KMultiTabBar::appendButton to append a button, which creates a KMultiTabBarButton instance |
CKMultiTabBarTab | Use KMultiTabBar::appendTab to append a tab, which creates a KMultiTabBarTab instance |
CKNewPasswordDialog | A password input dialog |
CKNewPasswordWidget | A password input widget |
CKPageDialog | A dialog base class which can handle multiple pages |
CKPageModel | A base class for a model used by KPageView |
CKPageView | A base class which can handle multiple pages |
CKPageWidget | Page widget with many layouts (faces) |
CKPageWidgetItem | KPageWidgetItem is used by KPageWidget and represents a page |
CKPageWidgetModel | This page model is used by KPageWidget to provide a hierarchical layout of pages |
CKPasswordDialog | A dialog for requesting a password and optionally a login from the end user |
CKPasswordLineEdit | A lineedit which allows to display password |
CKPixmapRegionSelectorDialog | A dialog that uses a KPixmapRegionSelectorWidget to allow the user to select a region of an image |
CKPixmapRegionSelectorWidget | KPixmapRegionSelectorWidget is a widget that shows a picture and provides the user with a friendly way to select a rectangular subregion of the pixmap |
CKPixmapSequence | Loads and gives access to the frames of a typical multi-row pixmap as often used for spinners |
CKPixmapSequenceOverlayPainter | Paints a KPixmapSequence on top of any widget at any position |
CKPixmapSequenceWidget | A simple widget showing a fixed size pixmap sequence |
CKPopupFrame | Frame with popup menu behavior |
CKRatingPainter | Utility class that draws a row of stars for a rating value |
CKRatingWidget | Displays a rating value as a row of pixmaps |
CKRecentFilesMenu | A menu that offers a set of recent files |
CKRuler | A ruler widget |
CKSelectAction | Action for selecting one of several items |
CKSelector | KSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a one-dimensional range of values |
CKSeparator | Standard horizontal or vertical separator |
CKSplitterCollapserButton | A button which appears on the side of a splitter handle and allows easy collapsing of the widget on the opposite side |
CKSqueezedTextLabel | A replacement for QLabel that squeezes its text into the label |
CKTimeComboBox | A combobox for times |
CKTitleWidget | Standard title widget |
CKToggleAction | Checkbox like action |
CKToggleFullScreenAction | An action for switching between to/from full screen mode |
CKToolBarLabelAction | Class to display a label in a toolbar |
CKToolBarPopupAction | This action is a normal action everywhere, except in a toolbar where it also has a popupmenu (optionally delayed) |
CKToolBarSpacerAction | An extension to QAction which allows for adding a spacer item into a QToolBar / KToolBar |
CKToolTipWidget | A tooltip that contains a QWidget |
CKTwoFingerSwipe | A two finger swipe gesture |
CKTwoFingerSwipeRecognizer | The recognizer for a two finger swipe gesture |
CKTwoFingerTap | A two finger tap gesture |
CKTwoFingerTapRecognizer | The recognizer for a two finger tap gesture |
CKUrlLabel | A drop-in replacement for QLabel that displays hyperlinks |
CKViewStateSerializer | Object for saving and restoring state in QTreeViews and QItemSelectionModels |
CKXYSelector | KXYSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a two-dimensional range of values |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:02:04 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.