Go to the documentation of this file.
189 void KStarsData::updateTime( GeoLocation *geo, SkyMap *skymap, const bool automaticDSTchange ) {
230 if ( fabs( ut().djd() - LastSkyUpdate.djd() ) > 0.1/Options::zoomFactor() || clock()->isManualMode() ) {
306 GeoLocation* KStarsData::locationNamed( const QString &city, const QString &province, const QString &country ) {
517 //Global file has newer timestamp than local. Add lines in global file that don't already exist in local file.
518 //be smart about this; in some cases the URL is updated but the image is probably the same if its
570 if ( locale->language() != "en_US" ) kDebug() << i18n( "No localized URL file; using default English file." );
585 kDebug() << i18n( "Failed to copy default URL file to locale folder, modifying default object links is not possible" );
858 if ( csName == i18nc("use default color scheme", "Default Colors") ) filename = "classic.colors";
859 if ( csName == i18nc("use 'star chart' color scheme", "Star Chart") ) filename = "chart.colors";
860 if ( csName == i18nc("use 'night vision' color scheme", "Night Vision") ) filename = "night.colors";
877 if ( ! ok ) kDebug() << i18n( "Unable to load color scheme named %1. Also tried %2.", csName, filename ) << endl;
942 if ( fn[1] == "ShowMessierImages" && bOk ) { Options::setShowMessierImages( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
948 if ( fn[1] == "ShowEquatorialGrid" && bOk ) { Options::setShowEquatorialGrid( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
949 if ( fn[1] == "ShowHorizontalGrid" && bOk ) { Options::setShowHorizontalGrid( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
970 if ( fn[1] == "ShowStarMagnitudes" && bOk ) { Options::setShowStarMagnitudes( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
971 if ( fn[1] == "ShowAsteroidNames" && bOk ) { Options::setShowAsteroidNames( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
980 if ( fn[1] == "UseAnimatedSlewing" && bOk ) { Options::setUseAnimatedSlewing( bVal ); cmdCount++; }
984 // if ( fn[1] == "MagLimitDrawStar" && dOk ) { Options::setMagLimitDrawStar( dVal ); cmdCount++; }
986 // if ( fn[1] == "MagLimitDrawStarZoomOut" && dOk ) { Options::setMagLimitDrawStarZoomOut( dVal ); cmdCount++; }
987 if ( fn[1] == "MagLimitDrawDeepSky" && dOk ) { Options::setMagLimitDrawDeepSky( dVal ); cmdCount++; }
988 if ( fn[1] == "MagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut" && dOk ) { Options::setMagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut( dVal ); cmdCount++; }
992 if ( fn[1] == "AsteroidLabelDensity" && dOk ) { Options::setAsteroidLabelDensity( dVal ); cmdCount++; }
static void setFOVNames(const QStringList &v)
Set Name of selected FOV indicators.
Definition: Options.h:970
static void setProvinceName(const QString &v)
Set Province name of geographic location.
Definition: Options.h:818
GeoLocation * locationNamed(const QString &city, const QString &province=QString(), const QString &country=QString())
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:306
static void setStarDensity(int v)
Set Density of stars in the field of view.
Definition: Options.h:2616
virtual void updateMoons(KSNumbers *num)
Delegate moon position updates to the SolarSystemComposite.
Definition: skymapcomposite.cpp:159
static void setShowMessier(bool v)
Set Draw Messier objects in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1825
virtual void updatePlanets(KSNumbers *num)
Delegate planet position updates to the SolarSystemComposite.
Definition: skymapcomposite.cpp:154
static void setShowPlanetNames(bool v)
Set Label planet names in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1958
bool isManualMode() const
Manual Mode is a new (04/2002) addition to the SimClock.
Definition: simclock.h:72
void progressText(const QString &)
Signal that specifies the text that should be drawn in the KStarsSplash window.
static void setFadePlanetTrails(bool v)
Set Fade planet trails to background color?
Definition: Options.h:989
void setLocationFromOptions()
Set the GeoLocation according to the values stored in the configuration file.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:317
void setDestination(const SkyPoint &f)
sets the destination point of the sky map.
Definition: skymap.cpp:812
static double timeZone()
Get Time Zone offset of geographic location, in hours.
Definition: Options.h:923
static void setMagLimitDrawDeepSkyZoomOut(double v)
Set Faint limit for deep-sky objects when zoomed out.
Definition: Options.h:2597
static QString dST()
Get Two-letter code for daylight savings time rule used by geographic location.
Definition: Options.h:942
bool executeScript(const QString &name, SkyMap *map)
Execute a script.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:746
void forceUpdate(bool now=false)
Recalculates the positions of objects in the sky, and then repaints the sky map.
Definition: skymap.cpp:985
void setFullTimeUpdate()
The Sky is updated more frequently than the moon, which is updated more frequently than the planets...
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:260
void setTimeDirection(float scale)
Sets the direction of time and stores it in bool TimeRunForwards.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:302
static bool updateSupernovaeOnStartup()
Get Update recent supernovae list on startup?
Definition: Options.h:1531
This class provides the information needed to determine whether Daylight Savings Time (DST; a...
Definition: timezonerule.h:56
static void setUseAutoTrail(bool v)
Set Automatically add trail to centered solar system body?
Definition: Options.h:2414
bool openDataFile(QFile &file, const QString &filename)
Attempt to open the data file named filename, using the QFile object "file".
static void setShowCLines(bool v)
Set Draw constellation lines in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1578
static void setStarLabelDensity(double v)
Set Relative density for star name labels and/or magnitudes.
Definition: Options.h:2654
static void setShowCNames(bool v)
Set Draw constellation names in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1597
static void setShowAsteroidNames(bool v)
Set Label asteroid names in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1369
static void setUseAbbrevConstellNames(bool v)
Set Use abbreviated constellation names?
Definition: Options.h:2319
static void setUseLocalConstellNames(bool v)
Set Use localized constellation names?
Definition: Options.h:2357
static void setShowMilkyWay(bool v)
Set Draw Milky Way contour in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1882
void changeDateTime(const KStarsDateTime &newDate)
change the current simulation date/time to the KStarsDateTime argument.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:272
SkyPoint * focus()
Retrieve the Focus point; the position on the sky at the center of the skymap.
Definition: skymap.h:120
Contains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name...
Definition: geolocation.h:39
static void setShowHorizontalGrid(bool v)
Set Draw horizontal coordinate grid in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1711
void slotTriggerDataFileUpdate()
This initiates updating of the data file by using supernovae_updates_parser.py.
Definition: supernovaecomponent.cpp:228
static void setCountryName(const QString &v)
Set Country name of geographic location.
Definition: Options.h:837
static void setShowCometNames(bool v)
Set Label comet names in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1407
static void setMagLimitDrawDeepSky(double v)
Set Faint limit for deep-sky objects.
Definition: Options.h:2578
static void setSlewTimeScale(double v)
Set Minimum timescale for forced-slewing mode.
Definition: Options.h:2262
SupernovaeComponent * supernovaeComponent()
Definition: skymapcomposite.cpp:618
i18nc("string from libindi, used in the config dialog","100x")
void setFocusAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az)
sets the focus point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates
Definition: skymap.cpp:801
SkyMapComposite is the root object in the object hierarchy of the sky map.
Definition: skymapcomposite.h:65
void HorizontalToEquatorial(const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
Determine the (RA, Dec) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates, given the local sidereal time and the observer's latitude.
Definition: skypoint.cpp:102
Extension of KDateTime for KStars KStarsDateTime can represent the date/time as a Julian Day...
Definition: kstarsdatetime.h:45
bool load(const QString &filename)
Load a color scheme from a *.colors file filename the filename of the color scheme to be loaded...
Definition: colorscheme.cpp:130
static void setShowPlanetImages(bool v)
Set Draw planets as images in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1939
static void setShowEcliptic(bool v)
Set Draw ecliptic line in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1635
static void setTimeZone(double v)
Set Time Zone offset of geographic location, in hours.
Definition: Options.h:913
static void setCityName(const QString &v)
Set City name of geographic location.
Definition: Options.h:799
static void setUseAnimatedSlewing(bool v)
Set Use animated slewing effects when changing focus position?
Definition: Options.h:951
void EquatorialToHorizontal(const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
Determine the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (RA, Dec) coordinates, given the local sidereal time and the observer's latitude.
Definition: skypoint.cpp:55
static void setShowStarMagnitudes(bool v)
Set Label star magnitudes in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:2186
void reset_with_ltime(KStarsDateTime <ime, const double TZoffset, const bool time_runs_forward, const bool automaticDSTchange=false)
Recalculate next dst change and if DST is active by a given local time with timezone offset and time ...
Definition: timezonerule.cpp:301
static void setZoomFactor(double v)
Set Zoom Factor, in pixels per radian.
Definition: Options.h:2509
void syncFOV()
Synchronize list of visible FOVs and list of selected FOVs in Options.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:1045
static void setUseRefraction(bool v)
Set Correct positions for atmospheric refraction?
Definition: Options.h:2452
There are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an ob...
Definition: ksnumbers.h:43
bool Initialize()
Initializes the database and sets up pointers to Catalog DB Performs the following actions: ...
Definition: catalogdb.cpp:22
Definition: ksfilereader.h:65
Definition: detaildialog.h:58
void setSnapNextFocus(bool b=true)
Disable or re-enable the slewing animation for the next Focus change.
Definition: kstarsdata.h:194
static void setUseAutoLabel(bool v)
Set Automatically label focused object?
Definition: Options.h:2395
void setNextDSTChange(const KStarsDateTime &dt)
Set the NextDSTChange member.
Definition: kstarsdata.h:106
static void setShowMessierImages(bool v)
Set Draw Messier object images in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1844
static void setElevation(double v)
Set Elevation above sea level of geographic location, in meters.
Definition: Options.h:894
virtual SkyObject * findByName(const QString &name)
Search the children of this SkyMapComposite for a SkyObject whose name matches the argument...
Definition: skymapcomposite.cpp:426
static void setDST(const QString &v)
Set Two-letter code for daylight savings time rule used by geographic location.
Definition: Options.h:932
void updateTime(GeoLocation *geo, SkyMap *skymap, const bool automaticDSTchange=true)
Update the Simulation Clock.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:189
static void setAsteroidLabelDensity(double v)
Set Label density for asteroid names.
Definition: Options.h:2559
bool isTimeRunningForward()
Returns true if time is running forward else false.
Definition: kstarsdata.h:111
void updateFocus()
Update the focus position according to current options.
Definition: skymap.cpp:833
KStarsDateTime UTtoLT(const KStarsDateTime &ut) const
Definition: geolocation.h:233
static double elevation()
Get Elevation above sea level of geographic location, in meters.
Definition: Options.h:904
static void setMagLimitHideStar(double v)
Set Faint limit for stars when slewing.
Definition: Options.h:2635
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s), type, magnitude, and QStringLists of URLs for images and webpages regarding the object.
Definition: skyobject.h:46
virtual void update(KSNumbers *num=0)
Delegate update-position requests to all sub components.
Definition: skymapcomposite.cpp:117
static void setMaxRadCometName(double v)
Set Maximum distance from Sun for labeling comets, in AU.
Definition: Options.h:2711
static void setShowDeepSky(bool v)
Set Draw "deep sky" objects in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1616
static void setUseLatinConstellNames(bool v)
Set Use Latin constellation names?
Definition: Options.h:2338
static void setShowSolarSystem(bool v)
Set Meta-option for all planets in the sky map.
Definition: Options.h:1920
static void setShowEquatorialGrid(bool v)
Set Draw equatorial coordinate grid in the sky map?
Definition: Options.h:1692
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setUTC(const KStarsDateTime &newtime)
DBUS function to set the time of the SimClock.
Definition: simclock.cpp:136
void setLocation(const GeoLocation &l)
Set the GeoLocation according to the argument.
Definition: kstarsdata.cpp:323
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:20 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:36:20 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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