Go to the documentation of this file.
120 Q_PROPERTY(bool isLockedToSubSolarPoint READ isLockedToSubSolarPoint WRITE setLockToSubSolarPoint)
121 Q_PROPERTY(bool isSubSolarPointIconVisible READ isSubSolarPointIconVisible WRITE setSubSolarPointIconVisible)
137 Q_PROPERTY(ViewContext viewContext READ viewContext WRITE setViewContext NOTIFY viewContextChanged)
141 Q_PROPERTY(quint64 volatileTileCacheLimit READ volatileTileCacheLimit WRITE setVolatileTileCacheLimit)
338 bool geoCoordinates(int x, int y, qreal &lon, qreal &lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit = GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) const;
1036 void creatingTilesStart(TileCreator *creator, const QString &name, const QString &description);
The abstract class for float item plugins.
Definition AbstractFloatItem.h:40
A class that defines a 3D bounding box for geographic data.
Definition GeoDataLatLonAltBox.h:40
A class that defines a 2D bounding box for geographic data.
Definition GeoDataLatLonBox.h:45
a class representing a point of interest on the map
Definition GeoDataPlacemark.h:47
A painter that allows to draw geometric primitives on the map.
Definition GeoPainter.h:86
A container for features parsed from the DGML file.
Definition GeoSceneDocument.h:30
The data model (not based on QAbstractModel) for a MarbleWidget.
Definition MarbleModel.h:84
The MarbleWidgetPopupMenu handles context menus.
Definition MarbleWidgetPopupMenu.h:29
void setShowDebugBatchRender(bool visible)
Set whether to enter the debug mode for batch rendering.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:930
void creatingTilesStart(TileCreator *creator, const QString &name, const QString &description)
A slot that is called when the model starts to create new tiles.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:990
void setViewContext(ViewContext viewContext)
Set the view context (i.e.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1013
qreal distanceFromRadius(qreal radius) const
Return the distance (km) at the given globe radius (pixel)
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1193
void setMapQualityForViewContext(MapQuality quality, ViewContext viewContext)
Set the map quality for the specified view context.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1003
qreal moveStep() const
Return how much the map will move if one of the move slots are called.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:321
void setShowClouds(bool visible)
Set whether the cloud cover is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:799
void setShowAtmosphere(bool visible)
Set whether the atmospheric glow is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:838
RenderState renderState() const
Detailed render status of the current map view.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:386
void setShowOtherPlaces(bool visible)
Set whether the other places overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:868
void writePluginSettings(QSettings &settings) const
Writes the plugin settings in the passed QSettings.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1116
void readPluginSettings(QSettings &settings)
Reads the plugin settings from the passed QSettings.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1099
void setShowCityLights(bool visible)
Set whether city lights instead of night shadow are visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:809
void setShowOverviewMap(bool visible)
Set whether the overview map overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:784
void setShowCrosshairs(bool visible)
Set whether the crosshairs are visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:843
QList< AbstractDataPluginItem * > whichItemAt(const QPoint &curpos) const
Returns all widgets of dataPlugins on the position curpos.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:351
void setAnimationsEnabled(bool enabled)
Set whether travels to a point should get animated.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1030
void setSubSolarPointIconVisible(bool visible)
Set whether the sun icon is shown in the sub solar point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:822
void setCenterLongitude(qreal lon, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Set the longitude for the center point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:588
void setShowDebugPolygons(bool visible)
Set whether to enter the debug mode for polygon node drawing.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:920
virtual void customPaint(GeoPainter *painter)
Enables custom drawing onto the MarbleWidget straight after.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:733
bool animationsEnabled() const
Retrieve whether travels to a point should get animated.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1025
void setShowFrameRate(bool visible)
Set whether the frame rate gets shown.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:898
void setShowRuntimeTrace(bool visible)
Set whether the runtime tracing for layers gets shown.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:910
void setProjection(int projection)
Set the Projection used for the map.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:604
void setShowCompass(bool visible)
Set whether the compass overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:794
void visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged(const GeoDataLatLonAltBox &visibleLatLonAltBox)
This signal is emitted when the visible region of the map changes.
qreal zoomFromDistance(qreal distance) const
Returns the zoom value (no unit) corresponding to the given camera distance (km)
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1198
void setVolatileTileCacheLimit(quint64 kiloBytes)
Set the limit of the volatile (in RAM) tile cache.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:983
void setLockToSubSolarPoint(bool visible)
Set the globe locked to the sub solar point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:814
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override
Reimplementation of the paintEvent() function in QWidget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:686
void setDistance(qreal distance)
Set the distance of the observer to the globe in km.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1065
void zoomViewBy(int zoomStep, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Zoom the view by a certain step.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:534
void setShowTerrain(bool visible)
Set whether the terrain place mark overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:863
AbstractFloatItem * floatItem(const QString &nameId) const
Returns the FloatItem with the given id.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1138
GeoDataCoordinates focusPoint() const
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1173
void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override
Reimplementation of the changeEvent() function in QWidget to react to changes of the enabled state.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1143
void setShowGrid(bool visible)
Set whether the coordinate grid overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:848
QList< AbstractFloatItem * > floatItems() const
Returns a list of all FloatItems on the widget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1133
void setShowTileId(bool visible)
Set whether the is tile is visible NOTE: This is part of the transitional debug API and might be subj...
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:960
QPixmap mapScreenShot()
Return a QPixmap with the current contents of the widget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:376
qreal radiusFromDistance(qreal distance) const
Return the globe radius (pixel) for the given distance (km)
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1188
void resetFocusPoint()
Invalidate any focus point set with setFocusPoint.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1183
bool showFrameRate() const
Return whether the frame rate gets displayed.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:507
void setFocusPoint(const GeoDataCoordinates &focusPoint)
Change the point of focus, overridding any previously set focus point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1178
const StyleBuilder * styleBuilder() const
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1218
void removeLayer(LayerInterface *layer)
Remove a layer from being included in rendering.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:361
void setShowPlaces(bool visible)
Set whether the place mark overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:853
void setDebugLevelTags(bool visible)
Set whether to render according to OSM indoor level tags.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:950
void leaveEvent(QEvent *event) override
Reimplementation of the leaveEvent() function in QWidget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:633
QRegion mapRegion() const
Return the projected region which describes the (shape of the) projected surface.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:681
void setShowIceLayer(bool visible)
Set whether the ice layer is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:878
void setZoom(int zoom, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Zoom the view to a certain zoomlevel.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:522
void setShowCities(bool visible)
Set whether the city place mark overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:858
void setInputHandler(MarbleWidgetInputHandler *handler)
Set the input handler.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:301
bool geoCoordinates(int x, int y, qreal &lon, qreal &lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Unit=GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) const
Get the earth coordinates corresponding to a pixel in the widget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:666
void pluginSettingsChanged()
This signal is emit when the settings of a plugin changed.
int maximumZoom() const
Return the minimum zoom value for the current map theme.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:341
void renderStatusChanged(RenderStatus status)
Emitted when the layer rendering status has changed.
void setShowDebugPlacemarks(bool visible)
Set whether to enter the debug mode for placemark drawing.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:940
MarbleWidgetInputHandler * inputHandler() const
Returns the current input handler.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:306
qreal centerLongitude() const
Return the longitude of the center point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:676
qreal distanceFromZoom(qreal zoom) const
Returns the distance (km) corresponding to the given zoom value.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1203
void zoomChanged(int zoom)
Signal that the zoom has changed, and to what.
void zoomView(int zoom, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:528
void notifyMouseClick(int x, int y)
Used to notify about the position of the mouse click.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:965
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override
Reimplementation of the resizeEvent() function in QWidget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:638
void setCenterLatitude(qreal lat, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Set the latitude for the center point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:582
void setShowScaleBar(bool visible)
Set whether the scale bar overlay is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:789
void zoomOut(FlyToMode mode=Automatic)
Zoom out by the amount zoomStep.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:546
void setHighlightEnabled(bool enabled)
Toggle whether regions are highlighted when user selects them.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:391
void renderPluginInitialized(RenderPlugin *renderPlugin)
Signal that a render item has been initialized.
bool screenCoordinates(qreal lon, qreal lat, qreal &x, qreal &y) const
Get the screen coordinates corresponding to geographical coordinates in the widget.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:661
void addLayer(LayerInterface *layer)
Add a layer to be included in rendering.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:356
void rotateBy(const qreal deltaLon, const qreal deltaLat, FlyToMode mode=Instant)
Rotate the view by the two angles phi and theta.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:552
int minimumZoom() const
Return the minimum zoom value for the current map theme.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:336
void themeChanged(const QString &theme)
Signal that the theme has changed.
MapQuality mapQuality(ViewContext=Still) const
Retrieve the map quality depending on the view context.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:998
void regionSelected(const GeoDataLatLonBox &boundingBox)
This signal is emit when a new rectangle region is selected over the map.
void setPropertyValue(const QString &name, bool value)
Sets the value of a map theme property.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:778
void setShowSunShading(bool visible)
Set whether the night shadow is visible.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:804
QList< RenderPlugin * > renderPlugins() const
Returns a list of all RenderPlugins on the widget, this includes float items.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1094
GeoSceneDocument * mapTheme() const
Get the GeoSceneDocument object of the current map theme.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:773
void centerOn(const qreal lon, const qreal lat, bool animated=false)
Center the view on a geographical point.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:558
void flyTo(const GeoDataLookAt &lookAt, FlyToMode mode=Automatic)
Change the camera position to the given position.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:1152
void goHome(FlyToMode mode=Automatic)
Center the view on the default start point with the default zoom.
Definition MarbleWidget.cpp:739
A paint layer that serves as a view on a route model.
Definition RoutingLayer.h:30
A public class that controls what is visible in the viewport of a Marble map.
Definition ViewportParams.h:41
Q_SCRIPTABLE CaptureState status()
Q_INVOKABLE void setProjection(uint proj)
Binds a QML item to a specific geodetic location in screen coordinates.
Definition AbstractDataPlugin.cpp:23
Describes possible flight mode (interpolation between source and target camera positions)
Definition MarbleGlobal.h:161
@ Automatic
A sane value is chosen automatically depending on animation settings and the action.
Definition MarbleGlobal.h:162
This enum is used to choose context in which map quality gets used.
Definition MarbleGlobal.h:65
This enum is used to choose the map quality shown in the view.
Definition MarbleGlobal.h:73
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)
QObject * parent() const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
virtual bool event(QEvent *event) override
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:48:21 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 28 2025 11:48:21 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.