
NetworkManager Namespace Reference


class  AccessPoint
class  ActiveConnection
class  AdslDevice
class  AdslSetting
class  BluetoothDevice
class  BluetoothSetting
class  BondDevice
class  BondSetting
class  BridgeDevice
class  BridgePortSetting
class  BridgeSetting
class  CdmaSetting
class  Connection
class  ConnectionSettings
class  DcbSetting
class  Device
class  DeviceStatistics
class  Dhcp4Config
class  Dhcp6Config
class  DnsConfiguration
class  DnsDomain
class  GenericDevice
class  GenericSetting
class  GreDevice
class  GsmSetting
class  InfinibandDevice
class  InfinibandSetting
class  IpAddress
class  IpConfig
class  IpRoute
class  IpTunnelDevice
class  IpTunnelSetting
class  Ipv4Setting
class  Ipv6Setting
class  MacsecSetting
class  MacVlanDevice
class  MatchSetting
class  ModemDevice
class  OlpcMeshDevice
class  OlpcMeshSetting
class  OvsBridgeSetting
class  OvsInterfaceSetting
class  OvsPatchSetting
class  OvsPortSetting
class  PppoeSetting
class  PppSetting
class  ProxySetting
class  SecretAgent
class  Security8021xSetting
class  SerialSetting
class  Setting
class  SettingsNotifier
class  TcSetting
class  TeamDevice
class  TeamPortSetting
class  TeamSetting
class  TemplateSetting
class  TunDevice
class  TunSetting
class  UserSetting
class  VethDevice
class  VlanDevice
class  VlanSetting
class  VpnConnection
class  VpnSetting
class  VxlanSetting
class  WimaxDevice
class  WimaxNsp
class  WimaxSetting
class  WiredDevice
class  WiredSetting
class  WireGuardDevice
class  WireGuardSetting
class  WirelessDevice
class  WirelessNetwork
class  WirelessSecuritySetting
class  WirelessSetting


typedef QList< IpAddressIpAddresses
typedef QList< IpRouteIpRoutes
typedef QFlags< LogDomain > LogDomains


enum  Connectivity {
  UnknownConnectivity = 0 , NoConnectivity = 1 , Portal = 2 , Limited = 3 ,
  Full = 4
enum  LogDomain {
  NoChange , None , Hardware , RFKill ,
  Ethernet , WiFi , Bluetooth , MobileBroadBand ,
  DHCP4 , DHCP6 , PPP , WiFiScan ,
  IPv4 , IPv6 , AutoIPv4 , DNS ,
  VPN , Sharing , Supplicant , UserSet ,
  SysSet , Suspend , Core , Devices ,
  OLPC , Wimax , Infiniband , Firewall ,
  Adsl , Bond , Vlan , Agents ,
  Settings , Bridge , DbusProps , Team ,
  ConCheck , Dcb , Dispatch
enum  LogLevel {
  Error , Warning , Info , Debug ,
enum  Status {
  Unknown , Asleep , Disconnected , Disconnecting ,
  Connecting , ConnectedLinkLocal , ConnectedSiteOnly , Connected
enum  WirelessSecurityType {
  UnknownSecurity = -1 , NoneSecurity , StaticWep , DynamicWep ,
  Leap , WpaPsk , WpaEap , Wpa2Psk ,
  Wpa2Eap , SAE , Wpa3SuiteB192 , OWE


NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPathactivateConnection (const QString &connectionUni, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr activatingConnection ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::List activeConnections ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QStringList activeConnectionsPaths ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPathaddAndActivateConnection (const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath, QVariantMap > addAndActivateConnection2 (const NMVariantMapMap &connection, const QString &interfaceUni, const QString &connectionParameter, const QVariantMap &options)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPathaddConnection (const NMVariantMapMap &settings)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPathaddConnectionUnsaved (const NMVariantMapMap &settings)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< uint > checkConnectivity ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool checkVersion (const int x, const int y, const int z)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDateTime clockBootTimeToDateTime (qlonglong clockBootime)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int compareVersion (const int x, const int y, const int z)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int compareVersion (const QString &version)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Connectivity connectivity ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QString connectivityCheckUri ()
NetworkManager::WimaxNsp::NetworkType convertNetworkType (uint type)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply deactivateConnection (const QString &activeConnection)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool deviceSupportsApCiphers (NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags ciphers, WirelessSecurityType type)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr findActiveConnection (const QString &uni)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT WirelessSecurityType findBestWirelessSecurity (NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities, bool haveAp, bool adHoc, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Capabilities apCaps, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apWpa, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apRsn)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT int findChannel (int freq)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Connection::Ptr findConnection (const QString &path)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Connection::Ptr findConnectionByUuid (const QString &uuid)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findDeviceByIpFace (const QString &iface)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::FrequencyBand findFrequencyBand (int freq)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Ptr findNetworkInterface (const QString &uni)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QList< QPair< int, int > > getAFreqs ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QList< QPair< int, int > > getBFreqs ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< QString, QStringgetLogging ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration globalDnsConfiguration ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QHostAddress ipv6AddressAsHostAddress (const QByteArray &address)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QByteArray ipv6AddressFromHostAddress (const QHostAddress &address)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckAvailable ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isConnectivityCheckEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isNetworkingEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWimaxHardwareEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWirelessHardwareEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool isWwanHardwareEnabled ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Connection::List listConnections ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< bool, QStringListloadConnections (const QStringList &filenames)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QString macAddressAsString (const QByteArray &ba)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QByteArray macAddressFromString (const QString &s)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool macAddressIsValid (const QByteArray &macAddress)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool macAddressIsValid (const QString &macAddress)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Device::MeteredStatus metered ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::List networkInterfaces ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const AdslSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const BluetoothSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const BondSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const BridgePortSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const BridgeSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const CdmaSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const ConnectionSettings &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const DcbSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const GenericSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const GsmSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const InfinibandSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const IpTunnelSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const Ipv4Setting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const Ipv6Setting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const MacsecSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const MatchSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const OlpcMeshSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const OvsBridgeSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const OvsInterfaceSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const OvsPatchSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const OvsPortSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PppoeSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const PppSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const ProxySetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const Security8021xSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const SerialSetting &setting)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const Setting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TcSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TeamPortSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TeamSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TemplateSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const TunSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const UserSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const VlanSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const VpnSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const VxlanSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const WimaxSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const WiredSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const WireGuardSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const WirelessSecuritySetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const WirelessSetting &setting)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT ActiveConnection::Ptr primaryConnection ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType primaryConnectionType ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDBusPendingReply< bool > reloadConnections ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void saveHostname (const QString &hostname)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool securityIsValid (WirelessSecurityType type, NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities interfaceCaps, bool haveAp, bool adHoc, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Capabilities apCaps, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apWpa, NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apRsn)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT WirelessSecurityType securityTypeFromConnectionSetting (const NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Ptr &settings)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setGlobalDnsConfiguration (const NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration &configuration)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setLogging (LogLevel, LogDomains)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setNetworkingEnabled (bool enabled)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT SettingsNotifiersettingsNotifier ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWimaxEnabled (bool enabled)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWirelessEnabled (bool enabled)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void setWwanEnabled (bool enabled)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT void sleep (bool sleep)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT NetworkManager::Status status ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT Device::Types supportedInterfaceTypes ()
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool wepKeyIsValid (const QString &key, NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::WepKeyType type)
NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT bool wpaPskIsValid (const QString &psk)

Detailed Description

This class allows querying the underlying system to discover the available network interfaces and reachable networks.

It has also the responsibility to notify when a network interface appears or disappears.

It is the unique entry point for network management. Applications should use it to find network interfaces, or to be notified about network related changes.

Note that it is implemented as a singleton

Typedef Documentation

◆ IpAddresses

Definition at line 62 of file ipaddress.h.

◆ IpRoutes

Definition at line 74 of file iproute.h.

◆ LogDomains

typedef QFlags< LogDomain > NetworkManager::LogDomains

Definition at line 93 of file manager.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Connectivity

Describes the network connectivity state.


Network connectivity is unknown.


The host is not connected to any network.


The host is behind a captive portal and cannot reach the full Internet.


The host is connected to a network, but does not appear to be able to reach the full Internet.


The host is connected to a network, and appears to be able to reach the full Internet.

Definition at line 100 of file manager.h.

◆ LogDomain

enum NetworkManager::LogDomain

Definition at line 52 of file manager.h.

◆ LogLevel


= Debug in runtime NM < 0.9.10

Definition at line 44 of file manager.h.

◆ Status


the networking system is not active or unable to report its status - proceed with caution


networking is inactive and all devices are disabled


the system is not connected to any network


the system is breaking the connection


the system is not connected to any network


a network device is connected, but there is only link-local connectivity


a network device is connected, but there is only site-local connectivity


the system is currently connected to a network

Definition at line 32 of file manager.h.

◆ WirelessSecurityType

enum NetworkManager::WirelessSecurityType

Definition at line 20 of file utils.h.

Function Documentation

◆ activateConnection()

QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath > NetworkManager::activateConnection ( const QString & connectionUni,
const QString & interfaceUni,
const QString & connectionParameter )

Activate a connection using the supplied device.

connectionUniunique identifier for the connection to be activated
interfaceUniunique identifier of the network interface to be activated
connectionParametercan be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)

Definition at line 440 of file manager.cpp.

◆ activatingConnection()

NetworkManager::ActiveConnection::Ptr NetworkManager::activatingConnection ( )
an active connection that is currently being activated and which is expected to become the new primaryConnection() when it finishes activating.

Definition at line 1174 of file manager.cpp.

◆ activeConnections()

NetworkManager::ActiveConnection::List NetworkManager::activeConnections ( )

Access the list of any active connections.

a list of valid ActiveConnection objects

Definition at line 1020 of file manager.cpp.

◆ activeConnectionsPaths()

QStringList NetworkManager::activeConnectionsPaths ( )

Access the list of any active connections paths.

a list of valid ActiveConnection paths

Definition at line 985 of file manager.cpp.

◆ addAndActivateConnection()

QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath > NetworkManager::addAndActivateConnection ( const NMVariantMapMap & connection,
const QString & interfaceUni,
const QString & connectionParameter )

Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the given device and specific object), then activate the new connection.

Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.

connectionconnection definition to be added and activated
interfaceUniunique identifier of the network interface to be activated
connectionParametercan be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)

Definition at line 457 of file manager.cpp.

◆ addAndActivateConnection2()

QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath, QDBusObjectPath, QVariantMap > NetworkManager::addAndActivateConnection2 ( const NMVariantMapMap & connection,
const QString & interfaceUni,
const QString & connectionParameter,
const QVariantMap & options )

Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the given device and specific object), then activate the new connection.

Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.

connectionconnection definition to be added and activated
interfaceUniunique identifier of the network interface to be activated
connectionParametercan be used to specify extra parameters not specific to the NetworkInterface or the connection, eg which AP to use when several present with same ESSID in range (because ESSID does not guarantee that the AP is part of the network you want to join!)
optionsfurther options for the method call.

This method extends AddAndActivateConnection to allow passing further parameters. At this time the following options are supported:

   * persist: A string value of either "disk" (default), "memory" or "volatile". If "memory" is passed, the connection will not be saved to disk. If

"volatile" is passed, the connection will not be saved to disk and will be destroyed when disconnected.

  • bind-activation: Bind the activation lifetime. Set to "dbus-name" to automatically disconnect when the requesting process disappears from the bus. The default of "none" means the connection is kept activated normally.

NOTE: will call AddAndActivateConnection(connection, interfaceUni, connectionParameter) instead when NetworkManager is older than 1.16, which means that the options property is ignored

Definition at line 471 of file manager.cpp.

◆ addConnection()

QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath > NetworkManager::addConnection ( const NMVariantMapMap & settings)

Add new connection and save it to disk.

This operation does not start the network connection unless (1) device is idle and able to connect to the network described by the new connection, and (2) the connection is allowed to be started automatically. Once the connection has been added, you will get a notification through SettingsNotifier::connectionAddComplete()

Uuid of the new connection that was just added.

Definition at line 109 of file settings.cpp.

◆ addConnectionUnsaved()

QDBusPendingReply< QDBusObjectPath > NetworkManager::addConnectionUnsaved ( const NMVariantMapMap & settings)

Add new connection but do not save it to disk immediately.

This operation does not start the network connection unless (1) device is idle and able to connect to the network described by the new connection, and (2) the connection is allowed to be started automatically.

Use the 'Save' method on the connection to save these changes to disk. Note that unsaved changes will be lost if the connection is reloaded from disk (either automatically on file change or due to an explicit ReloadConnections call).

Once the connection has been added, you will get a notification through SettingsNotifier::connectionAddComplete()

Uuid of the new connection that was just added.

Definition at line 114 of file settings.cpp.

◆ canModify()

bool NetworkManager::canModify ( )

Returns true if the user can modify the settings.

Definition at line 255 of file settings.cpp.

◆ checkConnectivity()

QDBusPendingReply< uint > NetworkManager::checkConnectivity ( )

Re-check the network connectivity state.

See also

Definition at line 664 of file manager.cpp.

◆ checkVersion()

bool NetworkManager::checkVersion ( const int x,
const int y,
const int z )

Checks if NetworkManager version is at least x.y.z.

true if NetworkManager's version is greater or equal, false otherwise

Definition at line 241 of file manager.cpp.

◆ clockBootTimeToDateTime()

QDateTime NetworkManager::clockBootTimeToDateTime ( qlonglong clockBootime)

Definition at line 600 of file utils.cpp.

◆ compareVersion() [1/2]

int NetworkManager::compareVersion ( const int x,
const int y,
const int z )

Compares NetworkManager version to x.y.z.

returns 1, -1 or 0 if NetworkManager's version is greater, less or equal to x.y.z.

Definition at line 223 of file manager.cpp.

◆ compareVersion() [2/2]

int NetworkManager::compareVersion ( const QString & version)

Compares NetworkManager's version to the parameter version.

returns 1, -1 or 0 if NetworkManager's version is greater, less or equal to parameter.

Definition at line 204 of file manager.cpp.

◆ connectivity()

NetworkManager::Connectivity NetworkManager::connectivity ( )
the network connectivity state

Definition at line 1159 of file manager.cpp.

◆ connectivityCheckUri()

QString NetworkManager::connectivityCheckUri ( )
The URI used for connectivity check

Definition at line 1214 of file manager.cpp.

◆ convertNetworkType()

NetworkManager::WimaxNsp::NetworkType NetworkManager::convertNetworkType ( uint type)

Definition at line 15 of file wimaxnsp.cpp.

◆ deactivateConnection()

QDBusPendingReply NetworkManager::deactivateConnection ( const QString & activeConnection)

Deactivate this network interface, if active.

activeConnectionidentifier of the connection to deactivate

Definition at line 485 of file manager.cpp.

◆ deviceSupportsApCiphers()

bool NetworkManager::deviceSupportsApCiphers ( NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities interfaceCaps,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags ciphers,
WirelessSecurityType type )

Definition at line 121 of file utils.cpp.

◆ findActiveConnection()

NetworkManager::ActiveConnection::Ptr NetworkManager::findActiveConnection ( const QString & uni)

Find an ActiveConnection object for an active connection id.

unithe id of the ActiveConnection
a valid ActiveConnection object

Definition at line 1030 of file manager.cpp.

◆ findBestWirelessSecurity()

NetworkManager::WirelessSecurityType NetworkManager::findBestWirelessSecurity ( NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities interfaceCaps,
bool haveAp,
bool adHoc,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Capabilities apCaps,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apWpa,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apRsn )

Definition at line 402 of file utils.cpp.

◆ findChannel()

int NetworkManager::findChannel ( int freq)
freqfrequency of a wireless network
The frequency channel.

Definition at line 77 of file utils.cpp.

◆ findConnection()

NetworkManager::Connection::Ptr NetworkManager::findConnection ( const QString & path)

Retrieves the connection for the given path, returns null if not found.

Definition at line 225 of file settings.cpp.

◆ findConnectionByUuid()

NetworkManager::Connection::Ptr NetworkManager::findConnectionByUuid ( const QString & uuid)

Retrieves the connection for the given uuid, returns null if not found.

Definition at line 85 of file settings.cpp.

◆ findDeviceByIpFace()

NetworkManager::Device::Ptr NetworkManager::findDeviceByIpFace ( const QString & iface)

Return the network device referenced by its IP interface name.

This is not system independent so programs that will use this method will not be portable.

Definition at line 1060 of file manager.cpp.

◆ findFrequencyBand()

NetworkManager::WirelessSetting::FrequencyBand NetworkManager::findFrequencyBand ( int freq)

Definition at line 112 of file utils.cpp.

◆ findNetworkInterface()

NetworkManager::Device::Ptr NetworkManager::findNetworkInterface ( const QString & uni)

Find a new NetworkInterface object given its UNI.

This pointer is owned by the Solid infrastructure.

unithe identifier of the network interface to find
a valid NetworkInterface object if there's a device having the given UNI, an invalid one otherwise

Definition at line 1055 of file manager.cpp.

◆ getAFreqs()

QList< QPair< int, int > > NetworkManager::getAFreqs ( )

Definition at line 550 of file utils.cpp.

◆ getBFreqs()

QList< QPair< int, int > > NetworkManager::getBFreqs ( )

Definition at line 528 of file utils.cpp.

◆ getLogging()

QDBusPendingReply< QString, QString > NetworkManager::getLogging ( )

Get current logging verbosity level and operations domains.

Definition at line 990 of file manager.cpp.

◆ globalDnsConfiguration()

NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration NetworkManager::globalDnsConfiguration ( )
Gets the global DNS configuration.

Definition at line 1194 of file manager.cpp.

◆ hostname()

QString NetworkManager::hostname ( )

Returns hostname of the machine.

Definition at line 260 of file settings.cpp.

◆ ipv6AddressAsHostAddress()

QHostAddress NetworkManager::ipv6AddressAsHostAddress ( const QByteArray & address)
QHostAddress representation of an ipv6 address
addressbyte array containing the binary representation of the address

Definition at line 13 of file utils.cpp.

◆ ipv6AddressFromHostAddress()

QByteArray NetworkManager::ipv6AddressFromHostAddress ( const QHostAddress & address)
binary representation of an ipv6 address
addressqhostaddress containing the address

Definition at line 26 of file utils.cpp.

◆ isConnectivityCheckAvailable()

bool NetworkManager::isConnectivityCheckAvailable ( )
Whether the connectivity check is available

Definition at line 705 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isConnectivityCheckEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isConnectivityCheckEnabled ( )
Whether the connectivity check is enabled

Definition at line 710 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isNetworkingEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isNetworkingEnabled ( )

Retrieves the status of networking (as a whole) in the system.

This is distinct from whether the system's networking is online or offline. To check that, see status().

true if this networking is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 404 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isStartingUp()

bool NetworkManager::isStartingUp ( )

Indicates whether NM is still starting up; this becomes false when NM has finished attempting to activate every connection that it might be able to activate at startup.


Definition at line 684 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWimaxEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWimaxEnabled ( )

Retrieves the activation status of wimax networking in the system.

true if this wimax networking is enabled, false otherwise
Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2 (always returns false in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).

Definition at line 429 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWimaxHardwareEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWimaxHardwareEnabled ( )

Retrieves the status of wimax hardware in the system.

This is typically controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.

true if wimax HW networking is enabled, false otherwise
Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2 (always returns false in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).

Definition at line 434 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWirelessEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWirelessEnabled ( )

Retrieves the activation status of wireless networking in the system.

true if this wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 409 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWirelessHardwareEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWirelessHardwareEnabled ( )

Retrieves the status of wireless hardware in the system.

This is typically controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.

true if this wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 414 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWwanEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWwanEnabled ( )

Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) in the system.

true if this type of wireless networking is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 419 of file manager.cpp.

◆ isWwanHardwareEnabled()

bool NetworkManager::isWwanHardwareEnabled ( )

Retrieves the status of wireless broadband (Wireless WAN) hardware in the system.

This is typically controlled by a physical switch so there is no way to set this in software.

true if this broddband hardware is enabled, false otherwise

Definition at line 424 of file manager.cpp.

◆ listConnections()

NetworkManager::Connection::List NetworkManager::listConnections ( )

Retrieves the list of connections.

Definition at line 71 of file settings.cpp.

◆ loadConnections()

QDBusPendingReply< bool, QStringList > NetworkManager::loadConnections ( const QStringList & filenames)

Loads or reloads the indicated connections from disk.

You should call this after making changes directly to an on-disk connection file to make sure that NetworkManager sees the changes. (If "monitor-connection-files" in NetworkManager.conf is "true", then this will have no real effect, but is harmless.) As with AddConnection(), this operation does not necessarily start the network connection.

Success or failure of the operation as a whole. True if NetworkManager at least tried to load the indicated connections, even if it did not succeed. False if an error occurred before trying to load the connections (eg, permission denied).
Paths of connection files that could not be loaded.

Definition at line 119 of file settings.cpp.

◆ macAddressAsString()

QString NetworkManager::macAddressAsString ( const QByteArray & ba)
String representation of a mac address.
babyte array containing the binary repesentation of the address

Definition at line 39 of file utils.cpp.

◆ macAddressFromString()

QByteArray NetworkManager::macAddressFromString ( const QString & s)
binary repesentation of a mac address.
sstring representation of the address

Definition at line 50 of file utils.cpp.

◆ macAddressIsValid() [1/2]

bool NetworkManager::macAddressIsValid ( const QByteArray & macAddress)

Definition at line 72 of file utils.cpp.

◆ macAddressIsValid() [2/2]

bool NetworkManager::macAddressIsValid ( const QString & macAddress)

Definition at line 66 of file utils.cpp.

◆ metered()

NetworkManager::Device::MeteredStatus NetworkManager::metered ( )
Indicates whether the connectivity is metered.

Definition at line 1189 of file manager.cpp.

◆ networkInterfaces()

NetworkManager::Device::List NetworkManager::networkInterfaces ( )

Retrieves the list of all the network interfaces in the system.

It includes both hardware and virtual devices.

the list of network interfaces available in this system

Definition at line 374 of file manager.cpp.

◆ notifier()

NetworkManager::Notifier * NetworkManager::notifier ( )

Definition at line 1219 of file manager.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const AdslSetting & setting )

Definition at line 261 of file adslsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const BluetoothSetting & setting )

Definition at line 111 of file bluetoothsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const BondSetting & setting )

Definition at line 104 of file bondsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const BridgePortSetting & setting )

Definition at line 123 of file bridgeportsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const BridgeSetting & setting )

Definition at line 265 of file bridgesetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const CdmaSetting & setting )

Definition at line 176 of file cdmasetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const ConnectionSettings & setting )

Definition at line 1109 of file connectionsettings.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const DcbSetting & setting )

Definition at line 489 of file dcbsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const GenericSetting & setting )

Definition at line 53 of file genericsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [10/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const GsmSetting & setting )

Definition at line 420 of file gsmsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const InfinibandSetting & setting )

Definition at line 179 of file infinibandsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const IpTunnelSetting & setting )

Definition at line 360 of file iptunnelsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [13/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const Ipv4Setting & setting )

Definition at line 634 of file ipv4setting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [14/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const Ipv6Setting & setting )

Definition at line 662 of file ipv6setting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [15/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const MacsecSetting & setting )

Definition at line 307 of file macsecsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [16/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const MatchSetting & setting )

Definition at line 79 of file matchsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [17/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const OlpcMeshSetting & setting )

Definition at line 121 of file olpcmeshsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [18/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const OvsBridgeSetting & setting )

Definition at line 146 of file ovsbridgesetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [19/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const OvsInterfaceSetting & setting )

Definition at line 79 of file ovsinterfacesetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [20/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const OvsPatchSetting & setting )

Definition at line 79 of file ovspatchsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [21/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const OvsPortSetting & setting )

Definition at line 202 of file ovsportsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [22/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PppoeSetting & setting )

Definition at line 191 of file pppoesetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [23/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const PppSetting & setting )

Definition at line 483 of file pppsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [24/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const ProxySetting & setting )

Definition at line 151 of file proxysetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [25/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const Security8021xSetting & setting )

Definition at line 1087 of file security8021xsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [26/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const SerialSetting & setting )

Definition at line 183 of file serialsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [27/41]

NETWORKMANAGERQT_EXPORT QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const Setting & setting )

Definition at line 52 of file setting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [28/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const TcSetting & setting )

Definition at line 104 of file tcsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [29/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const TeamPortSetting & setting )

Definition at line 229 of file teamportsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [30/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const TeamSetting & setting )

Definition at line 97 of file teamsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [31/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const TemplateSetting & setting )

Definition at line 73 of file template.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [32/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const TunSetting & setting )

Definition at line 183 of file tunsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [33/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const UserSetting & setting )

Definition at line 86 of file usersetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [34/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const VlanSetting & setting )

Definition at line 194 of file vlansetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [35/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const VpnSetting & setting )

Definition at line 232 of file vpnsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [36/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const VxlanSetting & setting )

Definition at line 431 of file vxlansetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [37/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const WimaxSetting & setting )

Definition at line 98 of file wimaxsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [38/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const WiredSetting & setting )

Definition at line 466 of file wiredsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [39/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const WireGuardSetting & setting )

Definition at line 372 of file wireguardsetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [40/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const WirelessSecuritySetting & setting )

Definition at line 716 of file wirelesssecuritysetting.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [41/41]

QDebug NetworkManager::operator<< ( QDebug dbg,
const WirelessSetting & setting )

Definition at line 493 of file wirelesssetting.cpp.

◆ permissions()

NMStringMap NetworkManager::permissions ( )

Definition at line 1149 of file manager.cpp.

◆ primaryConnection()

NetworkManager::ActiveConnection::Ptr NetworkManager::primaryConnection ( )
the "primary" active connection being used to access the network. In particular, if there is no VPN active, or the VPN does not have the default route, then this indicates the connection that has the default route. If there is a VPN active with the default route, then this indicates the connection that contains the route to the VPN endpoint.

Definition at line 1169 of file manager.cpp.

◆ primaryConnectionType()

NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::ConnectionType NetworkManager::primaryConnectionType ( )
The connection type of the "primary" active connection being used to access the network. This is the same as the Type property on the object indicated by PrimaryConnection.

Definition at line 1179 of file manager.cpp.

◆ reloadConnections()

QDBusPendingReply< bool > NetworkManager::reloadConnections ( )

Tells NetworkManager to reload all connection files from disk, including noticing any added or deleted connection files.

By default, connections are re-read automatically any time they change, so you only need to use this command if you have set "monitor-connection-files=false" in NetworkManager.conf.

Success or failure.

Definition at line 124 of file settings.cpp.

◆ saveHostname()

void NetworkManager::saveHostname ( const QString & hostname)

Configure the following hostname.

Definition at line 134 of file settings.cpp.

◆ securityIsValid()

bool NetworkManager::securityIsValid ( WirelessSecurityType type,
NetworkManager::WirelessDevice::Capabilities interfaceCaps,
bool haveAp,
bool adHoc,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::Capabilities apCaps,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apWpa,
NetworkManager::AccessPoint::WpaFlags apRsn )

Definition at line 164 of file utils.cpp.

◆ securityTypeFromConnectionSetting()

NetworkManager::WirelessSecurityType NetworkManager::securityTypeFromConnectionSetting ( const NetworkManager::ConnectionSettings::Ptr & settings)

Definition at line 498 of file utils.cpp.

◆ setGlobalDnsConfiguration()

void NetworkManager::setGlobalDnsConfiguration ( const NetworkManager::DnsConfiguration & configuration)
Sets the global DNS configuration.

Definition at line 1199 of file manager.cpp.

◆ setLogging()

void NetworkManager::setLogging ( NetworkManager::LogLevel level,
NetworkManager::LogDomains domains )

Definition at line 1144 of file manager.cpp.

◆ setNetworkingEnabled()

void NetworkManager::setNetworkingEnabled ( bool enabled)

Definition at line 490 of file manager.cpp.

◆ settingsNotifier()

NetworkManager::SettingsNotifier * NetworkManager::settingsNotifier ( )

Notifier object for connecting signals.

Definition at line 265 of file settings.cpp.

◆ setWimaxEnabled()

void NetworkManager::setWimaxEnabled ( bool enabled)
Wimax support was removed from NetworkManager 1.2 (it is a noop in runtime NM >= 1.2.0).

Definition at line 1134 of file manager.cpp.

◆ setWirelessEnabled()

void NetworkManager::setWirelessEnabled ( bool enabled)

Definition at line 1104 of file manager.cpp.

◆ setWwanEnabled()

void NetworkManager::setWwanEnabled ( bool enabled)

Definition at line 1119 of file manager.cpp.

◆ sleep()

void NetworkManager::sleep ( bool sleep)

Definition at line 1139 of file manager.cpp.

◆ status()

NetworkManager::Status NetworkManager::status ( )

Get the manager connection state.

Definition at line 1015 of file manager.cpp.

◆ supportedInterfaceTypes()

NetworkManager::Device::Types NetworkManager::supportedInterfaceTypes ( )

Retrieves the interface types supported by this network manager.

the interface types supported by the network manager

Definition at line 246 of file manager.cpp.

◆ version()

QString NetworkManager::version ( )

Get the NetworkManager version.

Definition at line 995 of file manager.cpp.

◆ wepKeyIsValid()

bool NetworkManager::wepKeyIsValid ( const QString & key,
NetworkManager::WirelessSecuritySetting::WepKeyType type )

Definition at line 433 of file utils.cpp.

◆ wpaPskIsValid()

bool NetworkManager::wpaPskIsValid ( const QString & psk)

Definition at line 474 of file utils.cpp.

This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 12:04:11 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.