Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- Korean : EncodingDetector
- ObjectTreeParser() : KMail::ObjectTreeParser
- objectTreeToDecryptedMsg() : KMReaderWin
- offset() : KMail::SortCacheItem , KMail::ImapAccountBase::jobData
- Ok : KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatter
- OK : KMCommand
- oldCurrent : KMFolderTree
- oldSelected : KMFolderTree
- onlineStatusChanged() : KMKernel
- onlyLocallySubscribedFolders() : KMail::ImapAccountBase
- onlySubscribed : KMail::ImapAccountBase::jobData
- onlySubscribedFolders() : KMail::ImapAccountBase
- onProcessExited() : TemplateParser
- onReceivedStderr() : TemplateParser
- onReceivedStdout() : TemplateParser
- onWroteStdin() : TemplateParser
- op() : KMSearchPattern
- OpAnd : KMSearchPattern
- Open : KMHandleAttachmentCommand
- open() : FolderStorage , KMFolder , KMFolderMaildir , KMFolderMbox , KMFolderSearch
- openAction() : KMMainWidget
- openAddrBookAction() : KMReaderWin
- openAttachment() : KMReaderWin
- openComposer : KMailIface , KMKernel , KMailIface
- openDialog() : KMFilterMgr
- openFile() : KMailPart
- openFolder() : KMFolderTree
- openReader : KMailIface , KMKernel
- openResult() : KMFolderOpener
- openSearchFolder() : KMail::SearchWindow
- openSoundDialog() : KMSoundTestWidget
- OpenWith : KMHandleAttachmentCommand
- Operator : KMSearchPattern
- operator!=() : KMail::QuotaInfo
- operator()() : DeleteAndSetToZero< T >
- operator=() : KMSearchRuleString , KMMsgInfo , KCursorSaver , KMMsgBase , KMSearchRule , KMSearchPattern
- operator==() : KMail::QuotaInfo
- operator[]() : FolderStorage , KMFolder , FolderStorage
- OpOr : KMSearchPattern
- options() : ChiasmusKeySelector
- originalBCC() : MessageComposer
- originalContentTypeStr() : KMMessagePart
- origSize() : KMMimePartTreeItem
- OtherUsersNS : KMail::ImapAccountBase
- Outbound : KMFilterMgr
- outboxFolder() : KMKernel
- overallEncryptionState() : partNode
- overallSignatureState() : partNode
- overrideCodec() : KMReaderWin
- overrideEncoding() : KMReaderWin
- owner() : KMHeaders , KMFolderDir