Qyoto is a C# language binding for Qt
QtGui.Global | |
QtNetwork.Global | |
QSsl.Global | |
QtOpenGL.Global | |
QGL.Global | |
QtScript.Global | |
QtSql.Global | |
QtUiTools.Global | |
QtWebKit.Global | |
QtSvg.Global | |
QSql.Global | |
QtXml.Global | |
QtXmlPatterns.Global | |
IDisposable | |
QtCore.QAbstractAnimation | The QAbstractAnimation class is the base of all animations. |
QtCore.QAnimationGroup | The QAnimationGroup class is an abstract base class for groups of animations. |
QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup | The QParallelAnimationGroup class provides a parallel group of animations. |
QtCore.QSequentialAnimationGroup | The QSequentialAnimationGroup class provides a sequential group of animations. |
QtCore.QPauseAnimation | The QPauseAnimation class provides a pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup. |
QtCore.QVariantAnimation | The QVariantAnimation class provides an abstract base class for animations. |
QtCore.QPropertyAnimation | The QPropertyAnimation class animates Qt properties |
QtCore.QAbstractEventDispatcher | The QAbstractEventDispatcher class provides an interface to manage Qt's event queue. |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine | The QAbstractFileEngine class provides an abstraction for accessing the filesystem. |
QtCore.QFSFileEngine | The QFSFileEngine class implements Qt's default file engine. |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.ExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.MapExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.UnMapExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.ExtensionReturn | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.MapExtensionReturn | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.MapExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.MapExtensionReturn | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.UnMapExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngineHandler | The QAbstractFileEngineHandler class provides a way to register custom file engines with your application. |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngineIterator | The QAbstractFileEngineIterator class provides an iterator interface for custom file engines. |
QtCore.QAbstractItemModel | The QAbstractItemModel class provides the abstract interface for item model classes. |
QtCore.QAbstractListModel | The QAbstractListModel class provides an abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models. |
QtGui.QStringListModel | The QStringListModel class provides a model that supplies strings to views. |
QtCore.QAbstractTableModel | The QAbstractTableModel class provides an abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models. |
QtSql.QSqlQueryModel | The QSqlQueryModel class provides a read-only data model for SQL result sets. |
QtSql.QSqlTableModel | The QSqlTableModel class provides an editable data model for a single database table. |
QtSql.QSqlRelationalTableModel | The QSqlRelationalTableModel class provides an editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support. |
QtGui.QAbstractProxyModel | The QAbstractProxyModel class provides a base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks. |
QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel | The QSortFilterProxyModel class provides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view. |
QtGui.QDirModel | The QDirModel class provides a data model for the local filesystem. |
QtGui.QFileSystemModel | The QFileSystemModel class provides a data model for the local filesystem. |
QtGui.QProxyModel | The QProxyModel class provides support for processing data passed between another model and a view. |
QtGui.QStandardItemModel | The QStandardItemModel class provides a generic model for storing custom data. |
QtCore.QAbstractListModel | The QAbstractListModel class provides an abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models. |
QtCore.QAbstractState | The QAbstractState class is the base class of states of a QStateMachine. |
QtCore.QFinalState | The QFinalState class provides a final state. |
QtCore.QHistoryState | The QHistoryState class provides a means of returning to a previously active substate. |
QtCore.QState | The QState class provides a general-purpose state for QStateMachine. |
QtCore.QStateMachine | The QStateMachine class provides a hierarchical finite state machine. |
QtCore.QAbstractTableModel | The QAbstractTableModel class provides an abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models. |
QtCore.QAbstractTransition | The QAbstractTransition class is the base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects. |
QtCore.QEventTransition | The QEventTransition class provides a QObject-specific transition for Qt events. |
QtGui.QKeyEventTransition | The QKeyEventTransition class provides a transition for key events. |
QtGui.QMouseEventTransition | The QMouseEventTransition class provides a transition for mouse events. |
QtCore.QSignalTransition | The QSignalTransition class provides a transition based on a Qt signal. |
QtCore.QAnimationGroup | The QAnimationGroup class is an abstract base class for groups of animations. |
QtCore.QAtomicInt | The QAtomicInt class provides platform-independent atomic operations on integers. |
QtCore.QBasicAtomicInt | |
QtCore.QAtomicInt | The QAtomicInt class provides platform-independent atomic operations on integers. |
QtCore.QBasicTimer | The QBasicTimer class provides timer events for objects. |
QtCore.QBitArray | The QBitArray class provides an array of bits. |
QtCore.QBitRef | |
QtCore.QBool | |
QtCore.QBuffer | The QBuffer class provides a QIODevice interface for a QByteArray. |
QtCore.QByteArray | The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes. |
QtCore.QByteArrayMatcher | The QByteArrayMatcher class holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array. |
QtCore.QByteRef | |
QtCore.QChar | The QChar class provides a 16-bit Unicode character. |
QtCore.QCharRef | |
QtCore.QChildEvent | The QChildEvent class contains event parameters for child object events. |
QtCore.QCoreApplication | The QCoreApplication class provides an event loop for console Qt applications. |
QtGui.QApplication | The QApplication class manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings. |
QtCore.QCryptographicHash | The QCryptographicHash class provides a way to generate cryptographic hashes. |
QtCore.QDataStream | The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice. |
QtCore.QDate | The QDate class provides date functions. |
QtCore.QDateTime | The QDateTime class provides date and time functions. |
QtCore.QDebug | The QDebug class provides an output stream for debugging information. |
QtCore.QDir | The QDir class provides access to directory structures and their contents. |
QtCore.QDirIterator | The QDirIterator class provides an iterator for directory entrylists. |
QtCore.QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent | The QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent class contains event parameters for dynamic property change events. |
QtCore.QEasingCurve | The QEasingCurve class provides easing curves for controlling animation. |
QtCore.QElapsedTimer | The QElapsedTimer class provides a fast way to calculate elapsed times. |
QtCore.QEvent | The QEvent class is the base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters. |
QtCore.QChildEvent | The QChildEvent class contains event parameters for child object events. |
QtCore.QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent | The QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent class contains event parameters for dynamic property change events. |
QtCore.QTimerEvent | The QTimerEvent class contains parameters that describe a timer event. |
QtGui.QActionEvent | The QActionEvent class provides an event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed. |
QtGui.QClipboardEvent | |
QtGui.QCloseEvent | The QCloseEvent class contains parameters that describe a close event. |
QtGui.QDragLeaveEvent | The QDragLeaveEvent class provides an event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it. |
QtGui.QDragResponseEvent | |
QtGui.QDropEvent | The QDropEvent class provides an event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed. |
QtGui.QDragMoveEvent | The QDragMoveEvent class provides an event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress. |
QtGui.QDragEnterEvent | The QDragEnterEvent class provides an event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it. |
QtGui.QFileOpenEvent | The QFileOpenEvent class provides an event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL. |
QtGui.QFocusEvent | The QFocusEvent class contains event parameters for widget focus events. |
QtGui.QGestureEvent | The QGestureEvent class provides the description of triggered gestures. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneEvent | The QGraphicsSceneEvent class provides a base class for all graphics view related events. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent | The QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent class provides context menu events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | The QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent class provides events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent | The QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent class provides events when a tooltip is requested. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | The QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent class provides hover events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | The QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent class provides mouse events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent | The QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent class provides events for widget moving in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent | The QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent class provides events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent | The QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent class provides wheel events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QHelpEvent | The QHelpEvent class provides an event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget. |
QtGui.QHideEvent | The QHideEvent class provides an event which is sent after a widget is hidden. |
QtGui.QHoverEvent | The QHoverEvent class contains parameters that describe a mouse event. |
QtGui.QIconDragEvent | The QIconDragEvent class indicates that a main icon drag has begun. |
QtGui.QInputEvent | The QInputEvent class is the base class for events that describe user input. |
QtGui.QContextMenuEvent | The QContextMenuEvent class contains parameters that describe a context menu event. |
QtGui.QKeyEvent | The QKeyEvent class describes a key event. |
QtGui.QMouseEvent | The QMouseEvent class contains parameters that describe a mouse event. |
QtGui.QTabletEvent | The QTabletEvent class contains parameters that describe a Tablet event. |
QtGui.QTouchEvent | The QTouchEvent class contains parameters that describe a touch event. |
QtGui.QWheelEvent | The QWheelEvent class contains parameters that describe a wheel event. |
QtGui.QInputMethodEvent | The QInputMethodEvent class provides parameters for input method events. |
QtGui.QMoveEvent | The QMoveEvent class contains event parameters for move events. |
QtGui.QPaintEvent | The QPaintEvent class contains event parameters for paint events. |
QtGui.QResizeEvent | The QResizeEvent class contains event parameters for resize events. |
QtGui.QShortcutEvent | The QShortcutEvent class provides an event which is generated when the user presses a key combination. |
QtGui.QShowEvent | The QShowEvent class provides an event that is sent when a widget is shown. |
QtGui.QStatusTipEvent | The QStatusTipEvent class provides an event that is used to show messages in a status bar. |
QtGui.QToolBarChangeEvent | |
QtGui.QWhatsThisClickedEvent | The QWhatsThisClickedEvent class provides an event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text. |
QtGui.QWindowStateChangeEvent | The QWindowStateChangeEvent class provides the window state before a window state change. |
QtCore.QEventLoop | The QEventLoop class provides a means of entering and leaving an event loop. |
QtCore.QEventTransition | The QEventTransition class provides a QObject-specific transition for Qt events. |
QtCore.QFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2 | |
QtGui.QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QInputContextFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QPictureFormatInterface | |
QtGui.QStyleFactoryInterface | |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionInterface | |
QtSql.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QFile | The QFile class provides an interface for reading from and writing to files. |
QtCore.QTemporaryFile | The QTemporaryFile class is an I/O device that operates on temporary files. |
QtCore.QFileInfo | The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information. |
QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher | The QFileSystemWatcher class provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications. |
QtCore.QFinalState | The QFinalState class provides a final state. |
QtCore.QFlag | The QFlag class is a helper data type for QFlags. |
QtCore.QFSFileEngine | The QFSFileEngine class implements Qt's default file engine. |
QtCore.QFutureInterfaceBase | |
QtCore.QFutureWatcherBase | |
QtCore.QGenericArgument | The QGenericArgument class is an internal helper class for marshalling arguments. |
QtCore.QGenericReturnArgument | The QGenericReturnArgument class is an internal helper class for marshalling arguments. |
QtCore.QGenericReturnArgument | The QGenericReturnArgument class is an internal helper class for marshalling arguments. |
QtCore.QHistoryState | The QHistoryState class provides a means of returning to a previously active substate. |
QtCore.QIncompatibleFlag | |
QtCore.QInternal | |
QtCore.QIODevice | The QIODevice class is the base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt. |
QtCore.QBuffer | The QBuffer class provides a QIODevice interface for a QByteArray. |
QtCore.QFile | The QFile class provides an interface for reading from and writing to files. |
QtCore.QProcess | The QProcess class is used to start external programs and to communicate with them. |
QtNetwork.QAbstractSocket | The QAbstractSocket class provides the base functionality common to all socket types. |
QtNetwork.QTcpSocket | The QTcpSocket class provides a TCP socket. |
QtNetwork.QSslSocket | The QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers. |
QtNetwork.QUdpSocket | The QUdpSocket class provides a UDP socket. |
QtNetwork.QLocalSocket | The QLocalSocket class provides a local socket. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkReply | The QNetworkReply class contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
QtCore.QLatin1Char | The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character. |
QtCore.QLatin1String | The QLatin1String class provides a thin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal. |
QtCore.QLibrary | The QLibrary class loads shared libraries at runtime. |
QtCore.QLibraryInfo | The QLibraryInfo class provides information about the Qt library. |
QtCore.QLine | The QLine class provides a two-dimensional vector using integer precision. |
QtCore.QLineF | The QLineF class provides a two-dimensional vector using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QLocale | The QLocale class converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages. |
QtCore.QMargins | The QMargins class defines the four margins of a rectangle. |
QtCore.QMetaClassInfo | The QMetaClassInfo class provides additional information about a class. |
QtCore.QMetaEnum | The QMetaEnum class provides meta-data about an enumerator. |
QtCore.QMetaMethod | The QMetaMethod class provides meta-data about a member function. |
QtCore.QMetaObject | The QMetaObject class contains meta-information about Qt objects. |
QtCore.QMetaProperty | The QMetaProperty class provides meta-data about a property. |
QtCore.QMetaType | The QMetaType class manages named types in the meta-object system. |
QtCore.QMimeData | The QMimeData class provides a container for data that records information about its MIME type. |
QtCore.QModelIndex | The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. |
QtCore.QNoDebug | |
QtCore.QObject | The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects. |
QtCore.QAbstractAnimation | The QAbstractAnimation class is the base of all animations. |
QtCore.QAbstractEventDispatcher | The QAbstractEventDispatcher class provides an interface to manage Qt's event queue. |
QtCore.QAbstractItemModel | The QAbstractItemModel class provides the abstract interface for item model classes. |
QtCore.QAbstractState | The QAbstractState class is the base class of states of a QStateMachine. |
QtCore.QAbstractTransition | The QAbstractTransition class is the base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects. |
QtCore.QCoreApplication | The QCoreApplication class provides an event loop for console Qt applications. |
QtCore.QEventLoop | The QEventLoop class provides a means of entering and leaving an event loop. |
QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher | The QFileSystemWatcher class provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications. |
QtCore.QFutureWatcherBase | |
QtCore.QIODevice | The QIODevice class is the base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt. |
QtCore.QLibrary | The QLibrary class loads shared libraries at runtime. |
QtCore.QMimeData | The QMimeData class provides a container for data that records information about its MIME type. |
QtCore.QObjectCleanupHandler | The QObjectCleanupHandler class watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects. |
QtCore.QPluginLoader | The QPluginLoader class loads a plugin at run-time. |
QtCore.QSettings | The QSettings class provides persistent platform-independent application settings. |
QtCore.QSharedMemory | The QSharedMemory class provides access to a shared memory segment. |
QtCore.QSignalMapper | The QSignalMapper class bundles signals from identifiable senders. |
QtCore.QSocketNotifier | The QSocketNotifier class provides support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor. |
QtCore.QTextCodecPlugin | The QTextCodecPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins. |
QtCore.QTimeLine | The QTimeLine class provides a timeline for controlling animations. |
QtCore.QTimer | The QTimer class provides repetitive and single-shot timers. |
QtCore.QTranslator | The QTranslator class provides internationalization support for text output. |
QtGui.QAbstractItemDelegate | The QAbstractItemDelegate class is used to display and edit data items from a model. |
QtGui.QItemDelegate | The QItemDelegate class provides display and editing facilities for data items from a model. |
QtSql.QSqlRelationalDelegate | The QSqlRelationalDelegate class provides a delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel. |
QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate | The QStyledItemDelegate class provides display and editing facilities for data items from a model. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout class is an abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QPlainTextDocumentLayout | The QPlainTextDocumentLayout class implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument |
QtGui.QAction | The QAction class provides an abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets. |
QtGui.QWidgetAction | The QWidgetAction class extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars. |
QtGui.QActionGroup | The QActionGroup class groups actions together. |
QtGui.QButtonGroup | The QButtonGroup class provides a container to organize groups of button widgets. |
QtGui.QClipboard | The QClipboard class provides access to the window system clipboard. |
QtGui.QCompleter | The QCompleter class provides completions based on an item model. |
QtGui.QDataWidgetMapper | The QDataWidgetMapper class provides mapping between a section of a data model to widgets. |
QtGui.QDrag | The QDrag class provides support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer. |
QtGui.QGesture | The QGesture class represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input. |
QtGui.QPanGesture | The QPanGesture class describes a panning gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QPinchGesture | The QPinchGesture class describes a pinch gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QSwipeGesture | The QSwipeGesture class describes a swipe gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QTapAndHoldGesture | The QTapAndHoldGesture class describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QTapGesture | The QTapGesture class describes a tap gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QGraphicsAnchor | The QGraphicsAnchor class represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout. |
QtGui.QGraphicsEffect | The QGraphicsEffect class is the base class for all graphics effects. |
QtGui.QGraphicsBlurEffect | The QGraphicsBlurEffect class provides a blur effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsColorizeEffect | The QGraphicsColorizeEffect class provides a colorize effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsDropShadowEffect | The QGraphicsDropShadowEffect class provides a drop shadow effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsOpacityEffect | The QGraphicsOpacityEffect class provides an opacity effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItemAnimation | The QGraphicsItemAnimation class provides simple animation support for QGraphicsItem. |
QtGui.QGraphicsObject | The QGraphicsObject class provides a base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties. |
QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem | The QGraphicsTextItem class provides a text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text. |
QtGui.QGraphicsWidget | The QGraphicsWidget class is the base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsProxyWidget | The QGraphicsProxyWidget class provides a proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtSvg.QGraphicsSvgItem | The QGraphicsSvgItem class is a QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files. |
QtGui.QGraphicsScene | The QGraphicsScene class provides a surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items. |
QtGui.QGraphicsTransform | The QGraphicsTransform class is an abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems. |
QtGui.QGraphicsRotation | The QGraphicsRotation class provides a rotation transformation around a given axis. |
QtGui.QGraphicsScale | The QGraphicsScale class provides a scale transformation. |
QtGui.QIconEnginePlugin | The QIconEnginePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins. |
QtGui.QIconEnginePluginV2 | The QIconEnginePluginV2 class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins. |
QtGui.QImageIOPlugin | The QImageIOPlugin class defines an interface for writing an image format plugin. |
QtGui.QInputContext | The QInputContext class abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state. |
QtGui.QInputContextPlugin | The QInputContextPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QInputContext plugins. |
QtGui.QItemSelectionModel | The QItemSelectionModel class keeps track of a view's selected items. |
QtGui.QLayout | The QLayout class is the base class of geometry managers. |
QtGui.QBoxLayout | The QBoxLayout class lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically. |
QtGui.QHBoxLayout | The QHBoxLayout class lines up widgets horizontally. |
QtGui.QVBoxLayout | The QVBoxLayout class lines up widgets vertically. |
QtGui.QFormLayout | The QFormLayout class manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels. |
QtGui.QGridLayout | The QGridLayout class lays out widgets in a grid. |
QtGui.QStackedLayout | The QStackedLayout class provides a stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time. |
QtGui.QMovie | The QMovie class is a convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader. |
QtGui.QPictureFormatPlugin | The QPictureFormatPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom picture format plugins. |
QtGui.QSessionManager | The QSessionManager class provides access to the session manager. |
QtGui.QShortcut | The QShortcut class is used to create keyboard shortcuts. |
QtGui.QSound | The QSound class provides access to the platform audio facilities. |
QtGui.QStyle | |
QtGui.QCommonStyle | The QCommonStyle class encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI. |
QtGui.QProxyStyle | The QProxyStyle class is a convenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements. |
QtGui.QStylePlugin | The QStylePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QStyle plugins. |
QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon | The QSystemTrayIcon class provides an icon for an application in the system tray. |
QtGui.QTextDocument | The QTextDocument class holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit. |
QtGui.QTextObject | The QTextObject class is a base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together. |
QtGui.QTextBlockGroup | The QTextBlockGroup class provides a container for text blocks within a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextList | The QTextList class provides a decorated list of items in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFrame | The QTextFrame class represents a frame in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextTable | The QTextTable class represents a table in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QUndoGroup | The QUndoGroup class is a group of QUndoStack objects. |
QtGui.QUndoStack | The QUndoStack class is a stack of QUndoCommand objects. |
QtGui.QValidator | The QValidator class provides validation of input text. |
QtGui.QDoubleValidator | The QDoubleValidator class provides range checking of floating-point numbers. |
QtGui.QIntValidator | The QIntValidator class provides a validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range. |
QtGui.QRegExpValidator | The QRegExpValidator class is used to check a string against a regular expression. |
QtGui.QWidget | The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects. |
QtGui.QAbstractButton | The QAbstractButton class is the abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons. |
QtGui.QCheckBox | The QCheckBox widget provides a checkbox with a text label. |
QtGui.QPushButton | The QPushButton widget provides a command button. |
QtGui.QCommandLinkButton | The QCommandLinkButton widget provides a Vista style command link button. |
QtGui.QRadioButton | The QRadioButton widget provides a radio button with a text label. |
QtGui.QToolButton | The QToolButton class provides a quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar. |
QtGui.QAbstractSlider | The QAbstractSlider class provides an integer value within a range. |
QtGui.QDial | The QDial class provides a rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer). |
QtGui.QScrollBar | The QScrollBar widget provides a vertical or horizontal scroll bar. |
QtGui.QSlider | The QSlider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider. |
QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox | The QAbstractSpinBox class provides a spinbox and a line edit to display values. |
QtGui.QDateTimeEdit | The QDateTimeEdit class provides a widget for editing dates and times. |
QtGui.QDateEdit | The QDateEdit class provides a widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget. |
QtGui.QTimeEdit | The QTimeEdit class provides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget. |
QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox | The QDoubleSpinBox class provides a spin box widget that takes doubles. |
QtGui.QSpinBox | The QSpinBox class provides a spin box widget. |
QtGui.QCalendarWidget | The QCalendarWidget class provides a monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date. |
QtGui.QComboBox | The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. |
QtGui.QFontComboBox | The QFontComboBox widget is a combobox that lets the user select a font family. |
QtGui.QDesktopWidget | The QDesktopWidget class provides access to screen information on multi-head systems. |
QtGui.QDialog | The QDialog class is the base class of dialog windows. |
QtGui.QAbstractPageSetupDialog | |
QtGui.QPageSetupDialog | The QPageSetupDialog class provides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer. |
QtGui.QAbstractPrintDialog | The QAbstractPrintDialog class provides a base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers. |
QtGui.QPrintDialog | The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer's configuration. |
QtGui.QColorDialog | The QColorDialog class provides a dialog widget for specifying colors. |
QtGui.QErrorMessage | The QErrorMessage class provides an error message display dialog. |
QtGui.QFileDialog | The QFileDialog class provides a dialog that allow users to select files or directories. |
QtGui.QFontDialog | The QFontDialog class provides a dialog widget for selecting a font. |
QtGui.QInputDialog | The QInputDialog class provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. |
QtGui.QMessageBox | The QMessageBox class provides a modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer. |
QtGui.QPrintPreviewDialog | The QPrintPreviewDialog class provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output. |
QtGui.QProgressDialog | The QProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation. |
QtGui.QWizard | The QWizard class provides a framework for wizards. |
QtGui.QDialogButtonBox | The QDialogButtonBox class is a widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style. |
QtGui.QDockWidget | The QDockWidget class provides a widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop. |
QtGui.QFocusFrame | The QFocusFrame widget provides a focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area. |
QtGui.QFrame | The QFrame class is the base class of widgets that can have a frame. |
QtGui.QAbstractScrollArea | The QAbstractScrollArea widget provides a scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars. |
QtGui.QAbstractItemView | The QAbstractItemView class provides the basic functionality for item view classes. |
QtGui.QColumnView | The QColumnView class provides a model/view implementation of a column view. |
QtGui.QHeaderView | The QHeaderView class provides a header row or header column for item views. |
QtGui.QListView | The QListView class provides a list or icon view onto a model. |
QtGui.QListWidget | The QListWidget class provides an item-based list widget. |
QtGui.QUndoView | The QUndoView class displays the contents of a QUndoStack. |
QtGui.QTableView | The QTableView class provides a default model/view implementation of a table view. |
QtGui.QTableWidget | The QTableWidget class provides an item-based table view with a default model. |
QtGui.QTreeView | The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation of a tree view. |
QtGui.QTreeWidget | The QTreeWidget class provides a tree view that uses a predefined tree model. |
QtGui.QGraphicsView | The QGraphicsView class provides a widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QMdiArea | The QMdiArea widget provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed. |
QtGui.QPlainTextEdit | The QPlainTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display plain text. |
QtGui.QScrollArea | The QScrollArea class provides a scrolling view onto another widget. |
QtGui.QTextEdit | The QTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text. |
QtGui.QTextBrowser | The QTextBrowser class provides a rich text browser with hypertext navigation. |
QtGui.QLabel | The QLabel widget provides a text or image display. |
QtGui.QLCDNumber | The QLCDNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits. |
QtGui.QSplitter | The QSplitter class implements a splitter widget. |
QtGui.QStackedWidget | The QStackedWidget class provides a stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time. |
QtGui.QToolBox | The QToolBox class provides a column of tabbed widget items. |
QtGui.QGroupBox | The QGroupBox widget provides a group box frame with a title. |
QtGui.QLineEdit | The QLineEdit widget is a one-line text editor. |
QtGui.QMainWindow | The QMainWindow class provides a main application window. |
QtGui.QMdiSubWindow | The QMdiSubWindow class provides a subwindow class for QMdiArea. |
QtGui.QMenu | The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus. |
QtGui.QMenuBar | The QMenuBar class provides a horizontal menu bar. |
QtGui.QPrintPreviewWidget | The QPrintPreviewWidget class provides a widget for previewing page layouts for printer output. |
QtGui.QProgressBar | The QProgressBar widget provides a horizontal or vertical progress bar. |
QtGui.QRubberBand | The QRubberBand class provides a rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary. |
QtGui.QSizeGrip | The QSizeGrip class provides a resize handle for resizing top-level windows. |
QtGui.QSplashScreen | The QSplashScreen widget provides a splash screen that can be shown during application startup. |
QtGui.QSplitterHandle | The QSplitterHandle class provides handle functionality of the splitter. |
QtGui.QStatusBar | The QStatusBar class provides a horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information. |
QtGui.QTabBar | The QTabBar class provides a tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs. |
QtGui.QTabWidget | The QTabWidget class provides a stack of tabbed widgets. |
QtGui.QToolBar | The QToolBar class provides a movable panel that contains a set of controls. |
QtGui.QWizardPage | The QWizardPage class is the base class for wizard pages. |
QtGui.QWorkspace | The QWorkspace widget provides a workspace window that can be used in an MDI application. |
QtOpenGL.QGLWidget | The QGLWidget class is a widget for rendering OpenGL graphics. |
QtSvg.QSvgWidget | The QSvgWidget class provides a widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files. |
QtWebKit.QWebInspector | The QWebInspector class allows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector. The inspector can display a page's hierarchy, its loading statistics and the current state of its individual elements. It is mostly used by web developers. |
QtWebKit.QWebView | The QWebView class provides a widget that is used to view and edit web documents. |
QtNetwork.QAbstractNetworkCache | The QAbstractNetworkCache class provides the interface for cache implementations. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkDiskCache | The QNetworkDiskCache class provides a very basic disk cache. |
QtNetwork.QFtp | The QFtp class provides an implementation of the client side of FTP protocol. |
QtNetwork.QHttp | The QHttp class provides an implementation of the HTTP protocol. |
QtNetwork.QHttpMultiPart | The QHttpMultiPart class resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QLocalServer | The QLocalServer class provides a local socket based server. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager | The QNetworkAccessManager class allows the application to send network requests and receive replies |
QtNetwork.QNetworkConfigurationManager | The QNetworkConfigurationManager class manages the network configurations provided by the system. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCookieJar | The QNetworkCookieJar class implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects |
QtNetwork.QNetworkSession | The QNetworkSession class provides control over the system's access points and enables session management for cases when multiple clients access the same access point. |
QtNetwork.QTcpServer | The QTcpServer class provides a TCP-based server. |
QtOpenGL.QGLShader | The QGLShader class allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled. |
QtOpenGL.QGLShaderProgram | The QGLShaderProgram class allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used. |
QtScript.QScriptEngine | The QScriptEngine class provides an environment for evaluating Qt Script code. |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionPlugin | The QScriptExtensionPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QScript extension plugins. |
QtSql.QSqlDriver | The QSqlDriver class is an abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases. |
QtSql.QSqlDriverPlugin | The QSqlDriverPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins. |
QtSvg.QSvgRenderer | The QSvgRenderer class is used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices. |
QtUiTools.QUiLoader | The QUiLoader class enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in plugin paths. |
QtWebKit.QWebFrame | The QWebFrame class represents a frame in a web page. |
QtWebKit.QWebHistoryInterface | The QWebHistoryInterface class provides an interface to implement link history. |
QtWebKit.QWebPage | The QWebPage class provides an object to view and edit web documents. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory | The QWebPluginFactory class is used to embed custom data types in web pages. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractMessageHandler | The QAbstractMessageHandler class provides a callback interface for handling messages. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver | The QAbstractUriResolver class is a callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers. |
QtCore.QObjectCleanupHandler | The QObjectCleanupHandler class watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects. |
QtCore.QObjectUserData | |
QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup | The QParallelAnimationGroup class provides a parallel group of animations. |
QtCore.QPauseAnimation | The QPauseAnimation class provides a pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup. |
QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex | The QPersistentModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. |
QtCore.QPluginLoader | The QPluginLoader class loads a plugin at run-time. |
QtCore.QPoint | The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision. |
QtCore.QPointF | The QPointF class defines a point in the plane using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QProcess | The QProcess class is used to start external programs and to communicate with them. |
QtCore.QProcessEnvironment | The QProcessEnvironment class holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program. |
QtCore.QPropertyAnimation | The QPropertyAnimation class animates Qt properties |
QtCore.QReadLocker | The QReadLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access. |
QtCore.QReadWriteLock | The QReadWriteLock class provides read-write locking. |
QtCore.QRect | The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision. |
QtCore.QRectF | The QRectF class defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QRegExp | The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions. |
QtCore.QResource | The QResource class provides an interface for reading directly from resources. |
QtCore.QRunnable | The QRunnable class is the base class for all runnable objects. |
QtCore.QSemaphore | The QSemaphore class provides a general counting semaphore. |
QtCore.QSequentialAnimationGroup | The QSequentialAnimationGroup class provides a sequential group of animations. |
QtCore.QSettings | The QSettings class provides persistent platform-independent application settings. |
QtCore.QSharedData | The QSharedData class is a base class for shared data objects. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel | The QAbstractXmlNodeModel class is an abstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery. |
QtXmlPatterns.QSimpleXmlNodeModel | The QSimpleXmlNodeModel class is an implementation of QAbstractXmlNodeModel sufficient for many common cases. |
QtCore.QSharedMemory | The QSharedMemory class provides access to a shared memory segment. |
QtCore.QSignalMapper | The QSignalMapper class bundles signals from identifiable senders. |
QtCore.QSignalTransition | The QSignalTransition class provides a transition based on a Qt signal. |
QtCore.QSize | The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision. |
QtCore.QSizeF | The QSizeF class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QSocketNotifier | The QSocketNotifier class provides support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor. |
QtCore.QState | The QState class provides a general-purpose state for QStateMachine. |
QtCore.QStateMachine | The QStateMachine class provides a hierarchical finite state machine. |
QtCore.QStringMatcher | The QStringMatcher class holds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string. |
QtCore.QStringRef | The QStringRef class provides a thin wrapper around QString substrings. |
QtCore.QSysInfo | The QSysInfo class provides information about the system. |
QtCore.QSystemLocale | The QSystemLocale class can be used to finetune the system locale of the user. |
QtCore.QSystemSemaphore | The QSystemSemaphore class provides a general counting system semaphore. |
QtCore.QTemporaryFile | The QTemporaryFile class is an I/O device that operates on temporary files. |
QtCore.QTextBoundaryFinder | The QTextBoundaryFinder class provides a way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string. |
QtCore.QTextCodec | The QTextCodec class provides conversions between text encodings. |
QtCore.QTextCodec.ConverterState | |
QtCore.QTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QTextCodecPlugin | The QTextCodecPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins. |
QtCore.QTextDecoder | The QTextDecoder class provides a state-based decoder. |
QtCore.QTextEncoder | The QTextEncoder class provides a state-based encoder. |
QtCore.QTextStream | The QTextStream class provides a convenient interface for reading and writing text. |
QtCore.QTime | The QTime class provides clock time functions. |
QtCore.QTimeLine | The QTimeLine class provides a timeline for controlling animations. |
QtCore.QTimer | The QTimer class provides repetitive and single-shot timers. |
QtCore.QTimerEvent | The QTimerEvent class contains parameters that describe a timer event. |
QtCore.QTranslator | The QTranslator class provides internationalization support for text output. |
QtCore.QUrl | The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs. |
QtCore.QUuid | The QUuid class stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). |
QtCore.QVariant | The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types. |
QtCore.QVariantAnimation | The QVariantAnimation class provides an abstract base class for animations. |
QtCore.QVariantComparisonHelper | |
QtCore.QWriteLocker | The QWriteLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamAttribute | The QXmlStreamAttribute class represents a single XML attribute |
QtCore.QXmlStreamAttributes | The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of QXmlStreamAttribute. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration | The QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration class represents a DTD entity declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamEntityResolver | The QXmlStreamEntityResolver class provides an entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration | The QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration class represents a namespace declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration | The QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration class represents a DTD notation declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamReader | The QXmlStreamReader class provides a fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamStringRef | |
QtCore.QXmlStreamWriter | The QXmlStreamWriter class provides an XML writer with a simple streaming API. |
QtGui.QAbstractButton | The QAbstractButton class is the abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons. |
QtGui.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem | The QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem class provides a common base for all path items. |
QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem | The QGraphicsEllipseItem class provides an ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem | The QGraphicsPathItem class provides a path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem | The QGraphicsPolygonItem class provides a polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem | The QGraphicsRectItem class provides a rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem | The QGraphicsSimpleTextItem class provides a simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QAbstractItemDelegate | The QAbstractItemDelegate class is used to display and edit data items from a model. |
QtGui.QAbstractItemView | The QAbstractItemView class provides the basic functionality for item view classes. |
QtGui.QAbstractPageSetupDialog | |
QtGui.QAbstractPrintDialog | The QAbstractPrintDialog class provides a base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers. |
QtGui.QAbstractProxyModel | The QAbstractProxyModel class provides a base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks. |
QtGui.QAbstractScrollArea | The QAbstractScrollArea widget provides a scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars. |
QtGui.QAbstractSlider | The QAbstractSlider class provides an integer value within a range. |
QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox | The QAbstractSpinBox class provides a spinbox and a line edit to display values. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout class is an abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layout. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.Selection | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selection. |
QtGui.QAbstractUndoItem | |
QtGui.QAction | The QAction class provides an abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets. |
QtGui.QActionEvent | The QActionEvent class provides an event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed. |
QtGui.QActionGroup | The QActionGroup class groups actions together. |
QtGui.QApplication | The QApplication class manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings. |
QtGui.QBitmap | The QBitmap class provides monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps. |
QtGui.QBoxLayout | The QBoxLayout class lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically. |
QtGui.QBrush | The QBrush class defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter. |
QtGui.QButtonGroup | The QButtonGroup class provides a container to organize groups of button widgets. |
QtGui.QCalendarWidget | The QCalendarWidget class provides a monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date. |
QtGui.QCheckBox | The QCheckBox widget provides a checkbox with a text label. |
QtGui.QClipboardEvent | |
QtGui.QCloseEvent | The QCloseEvent class contains parameters that describe a close event. |
QtGui.QColor | The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values. |
QtGui.QColorDialog | The QColorDialog class provides a dialog widget for specifying colors. |
QtGui.QColormap | The QColormap class maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values. |
QtGui.QColumnView | The QColumnView class provides a model/view implementation of a column view. |
QtGui.QComboBox | The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list. |
QtGui.QCommandLinkButton | The QCommandLinkButton widget provides a Vista style command link button. |
QtGui.QCommonStyle | The QCommonStyle class encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI. |
QtGui.QCompleter | The QCompleter class provides completions based on an item model. |
QtGui.QConicalGradient | The QConicalGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush. |
QtGui.QContextMenuEvent | The QContextMenuEvent class contains parameters that describe a context menu event. |
QtGui.QCursor | The QCursor class provides a mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape. |
QtGui.QDataWidgetMapper | The QDataWidgetMapper class provides mapping between a section of a data model to widgets. |
QtGui.QDateEdit | The QDateEdit class provides a widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget. |
QtGui.QDateTimeEdit | The QDateTimeEdit class provides a widget for editing dates and times. |
QtGui.QDesktopServices | The QDesktopServices class provides methods for accessing common desktop services. |
QtGui.QDesktopWidget | The QDesktopWidget class provides access to screen information on multi-head systems. |
QtGui.QDial | The QDial class provides a rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer). |
QtGui.QDialog | The QDialog class is the base class of dialog windows. |
QtGui.QDialogButtonBox | The QDialogButtonBox class is a widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style. |
QtGui.QDirModel | The QDirModel class provides a data model for the local filesystem. |
QtGui.QDockWidget | The QDockWidget class provides a widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop. |
QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox | The QDoubleSpinBox class provides a spin box widget that takes doubles. |
QtGui.QDoubleValidator | The QDoubleValidator class provides range checking of floating-point numbers. |
QtGui.QDrag | The QDrag class provides support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer. |
QtGui.QDragEnterEvent | The QDragEnterEvent class provides an event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it. |
QtGui.QDragLeaveEvent | The QDragLeaveEvent class provides an event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it. |
QtGui.QDragMoveEvent | The QDragMoveEvent class provides an event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress. |
QtGui.QDragResponseEvent | |
QtGui.QDropEvent | The QDropEvent class provides an event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed. |
QtGui.QErrorMessage | The QErrorMessage class provides an error message display dialog. |
QtGui.QFileDialog | The QFileDialog class provides a dialog that allow users to select files or directories. |
QtGui.QFileIconProvider | The QFileIconProvider class provides file icons for the QDirModel(obsolete) and the QFileSystemModel classes. |
QtGui.QFileOpenEvent | The QFileOpenEvent class provides an event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL. |
QtGui.QFileSystemModel | The QFileSystemModel class provides a data model for the local filesystem. |
QtGui.QFocusEvent | The QFocusEvent class contains event parameters for widget focus events. |
QtGui.QFocusFrame | The QFocusFrame widget provides a focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area. |
QtGui.QFont | The QFont class specifies a font used for drawing text. |
QtGui.QFontComboBox | The QFontComboBox widget is a combobox that lets the user select a font family. |
QtGui.QFontDatabase | The QFontDatabase class provides information about the fonts available in the underlying window system. |
QtGui.QFontDialog | The QFontDialog class provides a dialog widget for selecting a font. |
QtGui.QFontInfo | The QFontInfo class provides general information about fonts. |
QtGui.QFontMetrics | The QFontMetrics class provides font metrics information. |
QtGui.QFontMetricsF | The QFontMetricsF class provides font metrics information. |
QtGui.QFormLayout | The QFormLayout class manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels. |
QtGui.QFrame | The QFrame class is the base class of widgets that can have a frame. |
QtGui.QGesture | The QGesture class represents a gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input. |
QtGui.QGestureEvent | The QGestureEvent class provides the description of triggered gestures. |
QtGui.QGestureRecognizer | The QGestureRecognizer class provides the infrastructure for gesture recognition. |
QtGui.QGlyphRun | The QGlyphRun class provides direct access to the internal glyphs in a font. |
QtGui.QGradient | The QGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills. |
QtGui.QConicalGradient | The QConicalGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush. |
QtGui.QLinearGradient | The QLinearGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush. |
QtGui.QRadialGradient | The QRadialGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush. |
QtGui.QGraphicsAnchor | The QGraphicsAnchor class represents an anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout. |
QtGui.QGraphicsAnchorLayout | The QGraphicsAnchorLayout class provides a layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsBlurEffect | The QGraphicsBlurEffect class provides a blur effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsColorizeEffect | The QGraphicsColorizeEffect class provides a colorize effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsDropShadowEffect | The QGraphicsDropShadowEffect class provides a drop shadow effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsEffect | The QGraphicsEffect class is the base class for all graphics effects. |
QtGui.QGraphicsEllipseItem | The QGraphicsEllipseItem class provides an ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout | The QGraphicsGridLayout class provides a grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItem | The QGraphicsItem class is the base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem | The QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem class provides a common base for all path items. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItemGroup | The QGraphicsItemGroup class provides a container that treats a group of items as a single item. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem | The QGraphicsLineItem class provides a line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem | The QGraphicsPixmapItem class provides a pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItemAnimation | The QGraphicsItemAnimation class provides simple animation support for QGraphicsItem. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItemGroup | The QGraphicsItemGroup class provides a container that treats a group of items as a single item. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLayout | The QGraphicsLayout class provides the base class for all layouts in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsAnchorLayout | The QGraphicsAnchorLayout class provides a layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsGridLayout | The QGraphicsGridLayout class provides a grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLinearLayout | The QGraphicsLinearLayout class provides a horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLayoutItem | The QGraphicsLayoutItem class can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLayout | The QGraphicsLayout class provides the base class for all layouts in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLinearLayout | The QGraphicsLinearLayout class provides a horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLineItem | The QGraphicsLineItem class provides a line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsObject | The QGraphicsObject class provides a base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties. |
QtGui.QGraphicsOpacityEffect | The QGraphicsOpacityEffect class provides an opacity effect. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem | The QGraphicsPathItem class provides a path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem | The QGraphicsPixmapItem class provides a pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem | The QGraphicsPolygonItem class provides a polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsProxyWidget | The QGraphicsProxyWidget class provides a proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem | The QGraphicsRectItem class provides a rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsRotation | The QGraphicsRotation class provides a rotation transformation around a given axis. |
QtGui.QGraphicsScale | The QGraphicsScale class provides a scale transformation. |
QtGui.QGraphicsScene | The QGraphicsScene class provides a surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent | The QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent class provides context menu events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | The QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent class provides events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneEvent | The QGraphicsSceneEvent class provides a base class for all graphics view related events. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent | The QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent class provides events when a tooltip is requested. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | The QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent class provides hover events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | The QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent class provides mouse events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent | The QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent class provides events for widget moving in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent | The QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent class provides events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent | The QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent class provides wheel events in the graphics view framework. |
QtGui.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem | The QGraphicsSimpleTextItem class provides a simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem | The QGraphicsTextItem class provides a text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text. |
QtGui.QGraphicsTransform | The QGraphicsTransform class is an abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems. |
QtGui.QGraphicsView | The QGraphicsView class provides a widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsWidget | The QGraphicsWidget class is the base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGridLayout | The QGridLayout class lays out widgets in a grid. |
QtGui.QGroupBox | The QGroupBox widget provides a group box frame with a title. |
QtGui.QHBoxLayout | The QHBoxLayout class lines up widgets horizontally. |
QtGui.QHeaderView | The QHeaderView class provides a header row or header column for item views. |
QtGui.QHelpEvent | The QHelpEvent class provides an event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget. |
QtGui.QHideEvent | The QHideEvent class provides an event which is sent after a widget is hidden. |
QtGui.QHoverEvent | The QHoverEvent class contains parameters that describe a mouse event. |
QtGui.QIcon | The QIcon class provides scalable icons in different modes and states. |
QtGui.QIconDragEvent | The QIconDragEvent class indicates that a main icon drag has begun. |
QtGui.QIconEngine | The QIconEngine class provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers. |
QtGui.QIconEngineV2 | The QIconEngineV2 class provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers. |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2 | |
QtGui.QIconEnginePlugin | The QIconEnginePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins. |
QtGui.QIconEnginePluginV2 | The QIconEnginePluginV2 class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins. |
QtGui.QIconEngineV2 | The QIconEngineV2 class provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers. |
QtGui.QIconEngineV2.AvailableSizesArgument | |
QtGui.QImage | The QImage class provides a hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device. |
QtGui.QImageIOHandler | The QImageIOHandler class defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt. |
QtGui.QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QImageIOPlugin | The QImageIOPlugin class defines an interface for writing an image format plugin. |
QtGui.QImageReader | The QImageReader class provides a format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices. |
QtGui.QImageTextKeyLang | |
QtGui.QImageWriter | The QImageWriter class provides a format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices. |
QtGui.QInputContext | The QInputContext class abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state. |
QtGui.QInputContextFactory | The QInputContextFactory class creates QInputContext objects. |
QtGui.QInputContextFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QInputContextPlugin | The QInputContextPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QInputContext plugins. |
QtGui.QInputDialog | The QInputDialog class provides a simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. |
QtGui.QInputEvent | The QInputEvent class is the base class for events that describe user input. |
QtGui.QInputMethodEvent | The QInputMethodEvent class provides parameters for input method events. |
QtGui.QInputMethodEvent.Attribute | The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute. |
QtGui.QIntValidator | The QIntValidator class provides a validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range. |
QtGui.QItemDelegate | The QItemDelegate class provides display and editing facilities for data items from a model. |
QtGui.QItemEditorCreatorBase | The QItemEditorCreatorBase class provides an abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators. |
QtGui.QItemEditorFactory | The QItemEditorFactory class provides widgets for editing item data in views and delegates. |
QtGui.QItemSelection | The QItemSelection class manages information about selected items in a model. |
QtGui.QItemSelectionModel | The QItemSelectionModel class keeps track of a view's selected items. |
QtGui.QItemSelectionRange | The QItemSelectionRange class manages information about a range of selected items in a model. |
QtGui.QKeyEvent | The QKeyEvent class describes a key event. |
QtGui.QKeyEventTransition | The QKeyEventTransition class provides a transition for key events. |
QtGui.QKeySequence | The QKeySequence class encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts. |
QtGui.QLabel | The QLabel widget provides a text or image display. |
QtGui.QLayout | The QLayout class is the base class of geometry managers. |
QtGui.QLayoutItem | The QLayoutItem class provides an abstract item that a QLayout manipulates. |
QtGui.QSpacerItem | The QSpacerItem class provides blank space in a layout. |
QtGui.QWidgetItem | The QWidgetItem class is a layout item that represents a widget. |
QtGui.QWidgetItemV2 | |
QtGui.QLCDNumber | The QLCDNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits. |
QtGui.QLinearGradient | The QLinearGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush. |
QtGui.QLineEdit | The QLineEdit widget is a one-line text editor. |
QtGui.QListView | The QListView class provides a list or icon view onto a model. |
QtGui.QListWidget | The QListWidget class provides an item-based list widget. |
QtGui.QListWidgetItem | The QListWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QListWidget item view class. |
QtGui.QMainWindow | The QMainWindow class provides a main application window. |
QtGui.QMatrix | The QMatrix class specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system. |
QtGui.QMatrix4x4 | The QMatrix4x4 class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space. |
QtGui.QMdiArea | The QMdiArea widget provides an area in which MDI windows are displayed. |
QtGui.QMdiSubWindow | The QMdiSubWindow class provides a subwindow class for QMdiArea. |
QtGui.QMenu | The QMenu class provides a menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus. |
QtGui.QMenuBar | The QMenuBar class provides a horizontal menu bar. |
QtGui.QMessageBox | The QMessageBox class provides a modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer. |
QtGui.QMimeSource | The QMimeSource class is an abstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type. |
QtGui.QMouseEvent | The QMouseEvent class contains parameters that describe a mouse event. |
QtGui.QMouseEventTransition | The QMouseEventTransition class provides a transition for mouse events. |
QtGui.QMoveEvent | The QMoveEvent class contains event parameters for move events. |
QtGui.QMovie | The QMovie class is a convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader. |
QtGui.QPageSetupDialog | The QPageSetupDialog class provides a configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer. |
QtGui.QPaintDevice | The QPaintDevice class is the base class of objects that can be painted. |
QtGui.QImage | The QImage class provides a hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device. |
QtGui.QPicture | The QPicture class is a paint device that records and replays QPainter commands. |
QtGui.QPixmap | The QPixmap class is an off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device. |
QtGui.QBitmap | The QBitmap class provides monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps. |
QtGui.QPrinter | The QPrinter class is a paint device that paints on a printer. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFramebufferObject | The QGLFramebufferObject class encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object. |
QtOpenGL.QGLPixelBuffer | The QGLPixelBuffer class encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer. |
QtSvg.QSvgGenerator | The QSvgGenerator class provides a paint device that is used to create SVG drawings. |
QtGui.QPaintEngine | The QPaintEngine class provides an abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform. |
QtGui.QPaintEngineState | The QPaintEngineState class provides information about the active paint engine's current state. |
QtGui.QPainter | The QPainter class performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices. |
QtGui.QStylePainter | |
QtGui.QPainter.PixmapFragment | This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawn. |
QtGui.QPainterPath | The QPainterPath class provides a container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused. |
QtGui.QPainterPath.Element | The QPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpath. |
QtGui.QPainterPathStroker | The QPainterPathStroker class is used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path. |
QtGui.QPaintEvent | The QPaintEvent class contains event parameters for paint events. |
QtGui.QPalette | The QPalette class contains color groups for each widget state. |
QtGui.QPanGesture | The QPanGesture class describes a panning gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QPen | The QPen class defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes. |
QtGui.QPicture | The QPicture class is a paint device that records and replays QPainter commands. |
QtGui.QPictureFormatInterface | |
QtGui.QPictureFormatPlugin | The QPictureFormatPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom picture format plugins. |
QtGui.QPictureIO | The QPictureIO class contains parameters for loading and saving pictures. |
QtGui.QPinchGesture | The QPinchGesture class describes a pinch gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QPixmap | The QPixmap class is an off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device. |
QtGui.QPixmapCache | The QPixmapCache class provides an application-wide cache for pixmaps. |
QtGui.QPixmapCache.Key | The QPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCache. |
QtGui.QPlainTextDocumentLayout | The QPlainTextDocumentLayout class implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument |
QtGui.QPlainTextEdit | The QPlainTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display plain text. |
QtGui.QPolygon | The QPolygon class provides a vector of points using integer precision. |
QtGui.QPolygonF | The QPolygonF class provides a vector of points using floating point precision. |
QtGui.QPrintDialog | The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer's configuration. |
QtGui.QPrintEngine | The QPrintEngine class defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem. |
QtGui.QPrinter | The QPrinter class is a paint device that paints on a printer. |
QtGui.QPrinterInfo | The QPrinterInfo class gives access to information about existing printers. |
QtGui.QPrintPreviewDialog | The QPrintPreviewDialog class provides a dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output. |
QtGui.QPrintPreviewWidget | The QPrintPreviewWidget class provides a widget for previewing page layouts for printer output. |
QtGui.QProgressBar | The QProgressBar widget provides a horizontal or vertical progress bar. |
QtGui.QProgressDialog | The QProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation. |
QtGui.QProxyModel | The QProxyModel class provides support for processing data passed between another model and a view. |
QtGui.QProxyStyle | The QProxyStyle class is a convenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements. |
QtGui.QPushButton | The QPushButton widget provides a command button. |
QtGui.QQuaternion | The QQuaternion class represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar. |
QtGui.QRadialGradient | The QRadialGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush. |
QtGui.QRadioButton | The QRadioButton widget provides a radio button with a text label. |
QtGui.QRawFont | The QRawFont class provides access to a single physical instance of a font. |
QtGui.QRegExpValidator | The QRegExpValidator class is used to check a string against a regular expression. |
QtGui.QRegion | The QRegion class specifies a clip region for a painter. |
QtGui.QResizeEvent | The QResizeEvent class contains event parameters for resize events. |
QtGui.QRubberBand | The QRubberBand class provides a rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary. |
QtGui.QScrollArea | The QScrollArea class provides a scrolling view onto another widget. |
QtGui.QScrollBar | The QScrollBar widget provides a vertical or horizontal scroll bar. |
QtGui.QShortcut | The QShortcut class is used to create keyboard shortcuts. |
QtGui.QShortcutEvent | The QShortcutEvent class provides an event which is generated when the user presses a key combination. |
QtGui.QShowEvent | The QShowEvent class provides an event that is sent when a widget is shown. |
QtGui.QSizeGrip | The QSizeGrip class provides a resize handle for resizing top-level windows. |
QtGui.QSizePolicy | The QSizePolicy class is a layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy. |
QtGui.QSlider | The QSlider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider. |
QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel | The QSortFilterProxyModel class provides support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view. |
QtGui.QSound | The QSound class provides access to the platform audio facilities. |
QtGui.QSpacerItem | The QSpacerItem class provides blank space in a layout. |
QtGui.QSpinBox | The QSpinBox class provides a spin box widget. |
QtGui.QSplashScreen | The QSplashScreen widget provides a splash screen that can be shown during application startup. |
QtGui.QSplitter | The QSplitter class implements a splitter widget. |
QtGui.QSplitterHandle | The QSplitterHandle class provides handle functionality of the splitter. |
QtGui.QStackedLayout | The QStackedLayout class provides a stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time. |
QtGui.QStackedWidget | The QStackedWidget class provides a stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time. |
QtGui.QStandardItem | The QStandardItem class provides an item for use with the QStandardItemModel class. |
QtGui.QStandardItemModel | The QStandardItemModel class provides a generic model for storing custom data. |
QtGui.QStaticText | The QStaticText class enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely. |
QtGui.QStatusBar | The QStatusBar class provides a horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information. |
QtGui.QStatusTipEvent | The QStatusTipEvent class provides an event that is used to show messages in a status bar. |
QtGui.QStringListModel | The QStringListModel class provides a model that supplies strings to views. |
QtGui.QStyle | |
QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate | The QStyledItemDelegate class provides display and editing facilities for data items from a model. |
QtGui.QStyleFactory | The QStyleFactory class creates QStyle objects. |
QtGui.QStyleFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturn | The QStyleHintReturn class provides style hints that return more than basic data types. |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturnMask | The QStyleHintReturnMask class provides style hints that return a QRegion. |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturnVariant | The QStyleHintReturnVariant class provides style hints that return a QVariant. |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturnMask | The QStyleHintReturnMask class provides style hints that return a QRegion. |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturnVariant | The QStyleHintReturnVariant class provides style hints that return a QVariant. |
QtGui.QStyleOption | The QStyleOption class stores the parameters used by QStyle functions. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionButton | The QStyleOptionButton class is used to describe the parameters for drawing buttons. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionComplex | The QStyleOptionComplex class is used to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox | The QStyleOptionComboBox class is used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionGroupBox | The QStyleOptionGroupBox class describes the parameters for drawing a group box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSizeGrip | The QStyleOptionSizeGrip class is used to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSlider | The QStyleOptionSlider class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSpinBox | The QStyleOptionSpinBox class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTitleBar | The QStyleOptionTitleBar class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolButton | The QStyleOptionToolButton class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionDockWidget | The QStyleOptionDockWidget class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 | |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFocusRect | The QStyleOptionFocusRect class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrame | The QStyleOptionFrame class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a frame. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrameV2 | The QStyleOptionFrameV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrameV3 | The QStyleOptionFrameV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem | The QStyleOptionGraphicsItem class is used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionHeader | The QStyleOptionHeader class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a header. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionMenuItem | The QStyleOptionMenuItem class is used to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionProgressBar | The QStyleOptionProgressBar class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 | The QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionRubberBand | The QStyleOptionRubberBand class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTab | The QStyleOptionTab class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabV2 | The QStyleOptionTabV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabV3 | The QStyleOptionTabV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.5 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabBarBase | The QStyleOptionTabBarBase class is used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2 | The QStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2 class is used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame | The QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame class is used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 | The QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 class is used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBar | The QStyleOptionToolBar class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBox | The QStyleOptionToolBox class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 | The QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem | The QStyleOptionViewItem class is used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV2 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.2 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV3 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV4 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV4 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.4 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionButton | The QStyleOptionButton class is used to describe the parameters for drawing buttons. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox | The QStyleOptionComboBox class is used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionComplex | The QStyleOptionComplex class is used to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionDockWidget | The QStyleOptionDockWidget class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 | |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFocusRect | The QStyleOptionFocusRect class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrame | The QStyleOptionFrame class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a frame. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrameV2 | The QStyleOptionFrameV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionFrameV3 | The QStyleOptionFrameV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem | The QStyleOptionGraphicsItem class is used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionGroupBox | The QStyleOptionGroupBox class describes the parameters for drawing a group box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionHeader | The QStyleOptionHeader class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a header. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionMenuItem | The QStyleOptionMenuItem class is used to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionProgressBar | The QStyleOptionProgressBar class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 | The QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionRubberBand | The QStyleOptionRubberBand class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSizeGrip | The QStyleOptionSizeGrip class is used to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSlider | The QStyleOptionSlider class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionSpinBox | The QStyleOptionSpinBox class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTab | The QStyleOptionTab class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabBarBase | The QStyleOptionTabBarBase class is used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2 | The QStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2 class is used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabV2 | The QStyleOptionTabV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.1 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabV3 | The QStyleOptionTabV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.5 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame | The QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame class is used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 | The QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 class is used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionTitleBar | The QStyleOptionTitleBar class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBar | The QStyleOptionToolBar class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBox | The QStyleOptionToolBox class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 | The QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionToolButton | The QStyleOptionToolButton class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem | The QStyleOptionViewItem class is used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV2 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV2 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.2 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV3 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV3 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above. |
QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItemV4 | The QStyleOptionViewItemV4 class is used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.4 or above. |
QtGui.QStylePainter | |
QtGui.QStylePlugin | The QStylePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QStyle plugins. |
QtGui.QSwipeGesture | The QSwipeGesture class describes a swipe gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon | The QSystemTrayIcon class provides an icon for an application in the system tray. |
QtGui.QTabBar | The QTabBar class provides a tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs. |
QtGui.QTabletEvent | The QTabletEvent class contains parameters that describe a Tablet event. |
QtGui.QTableView | The QTableView class provides a default model/view implementation of a table view. |
QtGui.QTableWidget | The QTableWidget class provides an item-based table view with a default model. |
QtGui.QTableWidgetItem | The QTableWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QTableWidget class. |
QtGui.QTableWidgetSelectionRange | The QTableWidgetSelectionRange class provides a way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model. |
QtGui.QTabWidget | The QTabWidget class provides a stack of tabbed widgets. |
QtGui.QTapAndHoldGesture | The QTapAndHoldGesture class describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QTapGesture | The QTapGesture class describes a tap gesture made by the user. |
QtGui.QTextBlock | The QTextBlock class provides a container for text fragments in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextBlock.iterator | The QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlock. |
QtGui.QTextBlockFormat | The QTextBlockFormat class provides formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextBlockGroup | The QTextBlockGroup class provides a container for text blocks within a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextBlockUserData | The QTextBlockUserData class is used to associate custom data with blocks of text. |
QtGui.QTextBrowser | The QTextBrowser class provides a rich text browser with hypertext navigation. |
QtGui.QTextCharFormat | The QTextCharFormat class provides formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextImageFormat | The QTextImageFormat class provides formatting information for images in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextTableCellFormat | The QTextTableCellFormat class provides formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextCursor | The QTextCursor class offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QTextDocument | The QTextDocument class holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit. |
QtGui.QTextDocumentFragment | The QTextDocumentFragment class represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextDocumentWriter | The QTextDocumentWriter class provides a format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices. |
QtGui.QTextEdit | The QTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text. |
QtGui.QTextEdit.ExtraSelection | The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document |
QtGui.QTextFormat | The QTextFormat class provides formatting information for a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextBlockFormat | The QTextBlockFormat class provides formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextCharFormat | The QTextCharFormat class provides formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFrameFormat | The QTextFrameFormat class provides formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextTableFormat | The QTextTableFormat class provides formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextListFormat | The QTextListFormat class provides formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFragment | The QTextFragment class holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat. |
QtGui.QTextFrame | The QTextFrame class represents a frame in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFrame.iterator | |
QtGui.QTextFrameFormat | The QTextFrameFormat class provides formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFrameLayoutData | |
QtGui.QTextImageFormat | The QTextImageFormat class provides formatting information for images in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextInlineObject | The QTextInlineObject class represents an inline object in a QTextLayout. |
QtGui.QTextItem | The QTextItem class provides all the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine. |
QtGui.QTextLayout | The QTextLayout class is used to lay out and render text. |
QtGui.QTextLayout.FormatRange | The QTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's content. |
QtGui.QTextLength | The QTextLength class encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextLine | The QTextLine class represents a line of text inside a QTextLayout. |
QtGui.QTextList | The QTextList class provides a decorated list of items in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextListFormat | The QTextListFormat class provides formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextObject | The QTextObject class is a base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together. |
QtGui.QTextObjectInterface | The QTextObjectInterface class allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QTextOption | The QTextOption class provides a description of general rich text properties. |
QtGui.QTextOption.Tab | |
QtGui.QTextTable | The QTextTable class represents a table in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextTableCell | The QTextTableCell class represents the properties of a cell in a QTextTable. |
QtGui.QTextTableCellFormat | The QTextTableCellFormat class provides formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextTableFormat | The QTextTableFormat class provides formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTileRules | |
QtGui.QTimeEdit | The QTimeEdit class provides a widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget. |
QtGui.QToolBar | The QToolBar class provides a movable panel that contains a set of controls. |
QtGui.QToolBarChangeEvent | |
QtGui.QToolBox | The QToolBox class provides a column of tabbed widget items. |
QtGui.QToolButton | The QToolButton class provides a quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar. |
QtGui.QToolTip | The QToolTip class provides tool tips (balloon help) for any widget. |
QtGui.QTouchEvent | The QTouchEvent class contains parameters that describe a touch event. |
QtGui.QTouchEvent.TouchPoint | |
QtGui.QTransform | The QTransform class specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system. |
QtGui.QTreeView | The QTreeView class provides a default model/view implementation of a tree view. |
QtGui.QTreeWidget | The QTreeWidget class provides a tree view that uses a predefined tree model. |
QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem | The QTreeWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class. |
QtGui.QTreeWidgetItemIterator | The QTreeWidgetItemIterator class provides a way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance. |
QtGui.QUndoCommand | The QUndoCommand class is the base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack. |
QtGui.QUndoGroup | The QUndoGroup class is a group of QUndoStack objects. |
QtGui.QUndoStack | The QUndoStack class is a stack of QUndoCommand objects. |
QtGui.QUndoView | The QUndoView class displays the contents of a QUndoStack. |
QtGui.QValidator | The QValidator class provides validation of input text. |
QtGui.QVBoxLayout | The QVBoxLayout class lines up widgets vertically. |
QtGui.QVector2D | The QVector2D class represents a vector or vertex in 2D space. |
QtGui.QVector3D | The QVector3D class represents a vector or vertex in 3D space. |
QtGui.QVector4D | The QVector4D class represents a vector or vertex in 4D space. |
QtGui.QWhatsThis | The QWhatsThis class provides a simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's This?". |
QtGui.QWhatsThisClickedEvent | The QWhatsThisClickedEvent class provides an event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text. |
QtGui.QWheelEvent | The QWheelEvent class contains parameters that describe a wheel event. |
QtGui.QWidget | The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects. |
QtGui.QWidgetAction | The QWidgetAction class extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars. |
QtGui.QWidgetItem | The QWidgetItem class is a layout item that represents a widget. |
QtGui.QWidgetItemV2 | |
QtGui.QWindowStateChangeEvent | The QWindowStateChangeEvent class provides the window state before a window state change. |
QtGui.QWizard | The QWizard class provides a framework for wizards. |
QtGui.QWizardPage | The QWizardPage class is the base class for wizard pages. |
QtGui.QWorkspace | The QWorkspace widget provides a workspace window that can be used in an MDI application. |
QtNetwork.QAbstractNetworkCache | The QAbstractNetworkCache class provides the interface for cache implementations. |
QtNetwork.QAbstractSocket | The QAbstractSocket class provides the base functionality common to all socket types. |
QtNetwork.QAuthenticator | The QAuthenticator class provides an authentication object. |
QtNetwork.QFtp | The QFtp class provides an implementation of the client side of FTP protocol. |
QtNetwork.QHostAddress | The QHostAddress class provides an IP address. |
QtNetwork.QHostInfo | The QHostInfo class provides static functions for host name lookups. |
QtNetwork.QHttp | The QHttp class provides an implementation of the HTTP protocol. |
QtNetwork.QHttpHeader | The QHttpHeader class contains header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpRequestHeader | The QHttpRequestHeader class contains request header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpResponseHeader | The QHttpResponseHeader class contains response header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpMultiPart | The QHttpMultiPart class resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpPart | The QHttpPart class holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message. |
QtNetwork.QHttpRequestHeader | The QHttpRequestHeader class contains request header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpResponseHeader | The QHttpResponseHeader class contains response header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QIPv6Address | |
QtNetwork.QLocalServer | The QLocalServer class provides a local socket based server. |
QtNetwork.QLocalSocket | The QLocalSocket class provides a local socket. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager | The QNetworkAccessManager class allows the application to send network requests and receive replies |
QtNetwork.QNetworkAddressEntry | The QNetworkAddressEntry class stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCacheMetaData | The QNetworkCacheMetaData class provides cache information. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkConfiguration | The QNetworkConfiguration class provides an abstraction of one or more access point configurations. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkConfigurationManager | The QNetworkConfigurationManager class manages the network configurations provided by the system. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCookie | The QNetworkCookie class holds one network cookie. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCookieJar | The QNetworkCookieJar class implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects |
QtNetwork.QNetworkDiskCache | The QNetworkDiskCache class provides a very basic disk cache. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface | The QNetworkInterface class provides a listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy | The QNetworkProxy class provides a network layer proxy. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxyFactory | The QNetworkProxyFactory class provides fine-grained proxy selection. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxyQuery | The QNetworkProxyQuery class is used to query the proxy settings for a socket |
QtNetwork.QNetworkReply | The QNetworkReply class contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest | The QNetworkRequest class holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkSession | The QNetworkSession class provides control over the system's access points and enables session management for cases when multiple clients access the same access point. |
QtNetwork.QSslCertificate | The QSslCertificate class provides a convenient API for an X509 certificate. |
QtNetwork.QSslCipher | The QSslCipher class represents an SSL cryptographic cipher. |
QtNetwork.QSslConfiguration | The QSslConfiguration class holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection |
QtNetwork.QSslError | The QSslError class provides an SSL error. |
QtNetwork.QSslKey | The QSslKey class provides an interface for private and public keys. |
QtNetwork.QSslSocket | The QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers. |
QtNetwork.QTcpServer | The QTcpServer class provides a TCP-based server. |
QtNetwork.QTcpSocket | The QTcpSocket class provides a TCP socket. |
QtNetwork.QUdpSocket | The QUdpSocket class provides a UDP socket. |
QtNetwork.QUrlInfo | The QUrlInfo class stores information about URLs. |
QtOpenGL.QGLBuffer | The QGLBuffer class provides functions for creating and managing GL buffer objects. |
QtOpenGL.QGLColormap | The QGLColormap class is used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget. |
QtOpenGL.QGLContext | The QGLContext class encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFormat | The QGLFormat class specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFramebufferObject | The QGLFramebufferObject class encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFramebufferObjectFormat | The QGLFramebufferObjectFormat class specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object. |
QtOpenGL.QGLPixelBuffer | The QGLPixelBuffer class encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer. |
QtOpenGL.QGLShader | The QGLShader class allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled. |
QtOpenGL.QGLShaderProgram | The QGLShaderProgram class allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used. |
QtOpenGL.QGLWidget | The QGLWidget class is a widget for rendering OpenGL graphics. |
QtScript.QScriptable | The QScriptable class provides access to the Qt Script environment from Qt C++ member functions. |
QtScript.QScriptClass | The QScriptClass class provides an interface for defining custom behavior of (a class of) Qt Script objects. |
QtScript.QScriptClassPropertyIterator | The QScriptClassPropertyIterator class provides an iterator interface for custom Qt Script objects. |
QtScript.QScriptContext | The QScriptContext class represents a Qt Script function invocation. |
QtScript.QScriptContextInfo | The QScriptContextInfo class provides additional information about a QScriptContext. |
QtScript.QScriptEngine | The QScriptEngine class provides an environment for evaluating Qt Script code. |
QtScript.QScriptEngineAgent | The QScriptEngineAgent class provides an interface to report events pertaining to QScriptEngine execution. |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionInterface | |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionPlugin | The QScriptExtensionPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QScript extension plugins. |
QtScript.QScriptString | The QScriptString class acts as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine. |
QtScript.QScriptSyntaxCheckResult | The QScriptSyntaxCheckResult class provides the result of a script syntax check. |
QtScript.QScriptValue | The QScriptValue class acts as a container for the Qt Script data types. |
QtScript.QScriptValueIterator | The QScriptValueIterator class provides a Java-style iterator for QScriptValue. |
QtSql.QSqlDatabase | The QSqlDatabase class represents a connection to a database. |
QtSql.QSqlDriver | The QSqlDriver class is an abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases. |
QtSql.QSqlDriverCreatorBase | The QSqlDriverCreatorBase class is the base class for SQL driver factories. |
QtSql.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
QtSql.QSqlDriverPlugin | The QSqlDriverPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins. |
QtSql.QSqlError | The QSqlError class provides SQL database error information. |
QtSql.QSqlField | The QSqlField class manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views. |
QtSql.QSqlIndex | The QSqlIndex class provides functions to manipulate and describe database indexes. |
QtSql.QSqlQuery | The QSqlQuery class provides a means of executing and manipulating SQL statements. |
QtSql.QSqlQueryModel | The QSqlQueryModel class provides a read-only data model for SQL result sets. |
QtSql.QSqlRecord | The QSqlRecord class encapsulates a database record. |
QtSql.QSqlIndex | The QSqlIndex class provides functions to manipulate and describe database indexes. |
QtSql.QSqlRelation | The QSqlRelation class stores information about an SQL foreign key. |
QtSql.QSqlRelationalDelegate | The QSqlRelationalDelegate class provides a delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel. |
QtSql.QSqlRelationalTableModel | The QSqlRelationalTableModel class provides an editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support. |
QtSql.QSqlResult | The QSqlResult class provides an abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases. |
QtSql.QSqlTableModel | The QSqlTableModel class provides an editable data model for a single database table. |
QtSvg.QGraphicsSvgItem | The QGraphicsSvgItem class is a QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files. |
QtSvg.QSvgGenerator | The QSvgGenerator class provides a paint device that is used to create SVG drawings. |
QtSvg.QSvgRenderer | The QSvgRenderer class is used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices. |
QtSvg.QSvgWidget | The QSvgWidget class provides a widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files. |
QtUiTools.QUiLoader | The QUiLoader class enables standalone applications to dynamically create user interfaces at run-time using the information stored in UI files or specified in plugin paths. |
QtWebKit.QWebDatabase | The QWebDatabase class provides access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript. |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection | The QWebElementCollection class represents a collection of web elements. |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection.const_iterator | |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection.iterator | The QWebElementCollection::iterator class provides an STL-style iterator for QWebElementCollection. |
QtWebKit.QWebHistoryInterface | The QWebHistoryInterface class provides an interface to implement link history. |
QtWebKit.QWebHistoryItem | The QWebHistoryItem class represents one item in the history of a QWebPage |
QtWebKit.QWebHitTestResult | The QWebHitTestResult class provides information about the web page content after a hit test. |
QtWebKit.QWebInspector | The QWebInspector class allows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector. The inspector can display a page's hierarchy, its loading statistics and the current state of its individual elements. It is mostly used by web developers. |
QtWebKit.QWebPage | The QWebPage class provides an object to view and edit web documents. |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ViewportAttributes | The QWebPage::ViewportAttributes class describes hints that can be applied to a viewport. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory | The QWebPluginFactory class is used to embed custom data types in web pages. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.ExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.ExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.MimeType | The QWebPluginFactory::MimeType structure describes a mime type supported by a plugin. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.Plugin | The QWebPluginFactory::Plugin structure describes the properties of a plugin a QWebPluginFactory can create. |
QtWebKit.QWebSecurityOrigin | The QWebSecurityOrigin class defines a security boundary for web sites. |
QtWebKit.QWebView | The QWebView class provides a widget that is used to view and edit web documents. |
QtXml.QDomAttr | The QDomAttr class represents one attribute of a QDomElement. |
QtXml.QDomCDATASection | The QDomCDATASection class represents an XML CDATA section. |
QtXml.QDomCharacterData | The QDomCharacterData class represents a generic string in the DOM. |
QtXml.QDomComment | The QDomComment class represents an XML comment. |
QtXml.QDomText | The QDomText class represents text data in the parsed XML document. |
QtXml.QDomCDATASection | The QDomCDATASection class represents an XML CDATA section. |
QtXml.QDomComment | The QDomComment class represents an XML comment. |
QtXml.QDomDocument | The QDomDocument class represents an XML document. |
QtXml.QDomDocumentFragment | The QDomDocumentFragment class is a tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument. |
QtXml.QDomDocumentType | The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD in the document tree. |
QtXml.QDomElement | The QDomElement class represents one element in the DOM tree. |
QtXml.QDomEntity | The QDomEntity class represents an XML entity. |
QtXml.QDomEntityReference | The QDomEntityReference class represents an XML entity reference. |
QtXml.QDomImplementation | The QDomImplementation class provides information about the features of the DOM implementation. |
QtXml.QDomNamedNodeMap | The QDomNamedNodeMap class contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name. |
QtXml.QDomNode | The QDomNode class is the base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree. |
QtXml.QDomAttr | The QDomAttr class represents one attribute of a QDomElement. |
QtXml.QDomCharacterData | The QDomCharacterData class represents a generic string in the DOM. |
QtXml.QDomDocument | The QDomDocument class represents an XML document. |
QtXml.QDomDocumentFragment | The QDomDocumentFragment class is a tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument. |
QtXml.QDomDocumentType | The QDomDocumentType class is the representation of the DTD in the document tree. |
QtXml.QDomElement | The QDomElement class represents one element in the DOM tree. |
QtXml.QDomEntity | The QDomEntity class represents an XML entity. |
QtXml.QDomEntityReference | The QDomEntityReference class represents an XML entity reference. |
QtXml.QDomNotation | The QDomNotation class represents an XML notation. |
QtXml.QDomProcessingInstruction | The QDomProcessingInstruction class represents an XML processing instruction. |
QtXml.QDomNodeList | The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects. |
QtXml.QDomNotation | The QDomNotation class represents an XML notation. |
QtXml.QDomProcessingInstruction | The QDomProcessingInstruction class represents an XML processing instruction. |
QtXml.QDomText | The QDomText class represents text data in the parsed XML document. |
QtXml.QXmlAttributes | The QXmlAttributes class provides XML attributes. |
QtXml.QXmlContentHandler | The QXmlContentHandler class provides an interface to report the logical content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler | The QXmlDeclHandler class provides an interface to report declaration content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler | The QXmlDTDHandler class provides an interface to report DTD content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlEntityResolver | The QXmlEntityResolver class provides an interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlErrorHandler | The QXmlErrorHandler class provides an interface to report errors in XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlInputSource | The QXmlInputSource class provides the input data for the QXmlReader subclasses. |
QtXml.QXmlLexicalHandler | The QXmlLexicalHandler class provides an interface to report the lexical content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlLocator | The QXmlLocator class provides the XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file. |
QtXml.QXmlNamespaceSupport | The QXmlNamespaceSupport class is a helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support. |
QtXml.QXmlParseException | The QXmlParseException class is used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface. |
QtXml.QXmlReader | The QXmlReader class provides an interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers). |
QtXml.QXmlSimpleReader | The QXmlSimpleReader class provides an implementation of a simple XML parser. |
QtXml.QXmlSimpleReader | The QXmlSimpleReader class provides an implementation of a simple XML parser. |
QtXml.QXmlStreamWriter | The QXmlStreamWriter class provides an XML writer with a simple streaming API. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractMessageHandler | The QAbstractMessageHandler class provides a callback interface for handling messages. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractUriResolver | The QAbstractUriResolver class is a callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel | The QAbstractXmlNodeModel class is an abstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractXmlReceiver | The QAbstractXmlReceiver class provides a callback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery. |
QtXmlPatterns.QSimpleXmlNodeModel | The QSimpleXmlNodeModel class is an implementation of QAbstractXmlNodeModel sufficient for many common cases. |
QtXmlPatterns.QSourceLocation | The QSourceLocation class identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlFormatter | The QXmlFormatter class is an implementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlItem | The QXmlItem class contains either an XML node or an atomic value. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlName | The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlNamePool | The QXmlNamePool class is a table of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex | The QXmlNodeModelIndex class identifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlQuery | The QXmlQuery class performs XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML. |
QXmlSchema | The QXmlSchema class provides loading and validation of a W3C XML Schema. |
QXmlSchemaValidator | The QXmlSchemaValidator class validates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema. |
QXmlSerializer | The QXmlSerializer class is an implementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlFormatter | The QXmlFormatter class is an implementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML. |
QtCore.IQFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.IQTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QTextCodecPlugin | The QTextCodecPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins. |
QtCore.QFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.IQIconEngineFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QIconEnginePlugin | The QIconEnginePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins. |
QtGui.IQIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2 | |
QtGui.QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2 | |
QtGui.QIconEnginePluginV2 | The QIconEnginePluginV2 class provides an abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins. |
QtGui.IQImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QImageIOPlugin | The QImageIOPlugin class defines an interface for writing an image format plugin. |
QtGui.IQInputContextFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QInputContextFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QInputContextPlugin | The QInputContextPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QInputContext plugins. |
QtGui.IQPictureFormatInterface | |
QtGui.QPictureFormatInterface | |
QtGui.QPictureFormatPlugin | The QPictureFormatPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom picture format plugins. |
QtGui.IQStyleFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QStyleFactoryInterface | |
QtGui.QStylePlugin | The QStylePlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QStyle plugins. |
QtScript.IQScriptExtensionInterface | |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionInterface | |
QtScript.QScriptExtensionPlugin | The QScriptExtensionPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QScript extension plugins. |
QtSql.IQSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
QtSql.QSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
QtSql.QSqlDriverPlugin | The QSqlDriverPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins. |
QtGui.IQGraphicsItem | |
QtGui.QGraphicsItem | The QGraphicsItem class is the base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsObject | The QGraphicsObject class provides a base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties. |
QtGui.IQGraphicsLayoutItem | |
QtGui.QGraphicsLayoutItem | The QGraphicsLayoutItem class can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts. |
QtGui.QGraphicsWidget | The QGraphicsWidget class is the base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.IQLayoutItem | |
QtGui.QLayout | The QLayout class is the base class of geometry managers. |
QtGui.QLayoutItem | The QLayoutItem class provides an abstract item that a QLayout manipulates. |
QtGui.IQMimeSource | |
QtGui.QDropEvent | The QDropEvent class provides an event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed. |
QtGui.QMimeSource | The QMimeSource class is an abstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type. |
IQObjectSignals | |
IQAbstractMessageHandlerSignals | |
IQAbstractUriResolverSignals | |
QtCore.IQObjectSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractAnimationSignals | |
QtCore.IQAnimationGroupSignals | |
QtCore.IQParallelAnimationGroupSignals | |
QtCore.IQSequentialAnimationGroupSignals | |
QtCore.IQPauseAnimationSignals | |
QtCore.IQVariantAnimationSignals | |
QtCore.IQPropertyAnimationSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractEventDispatcherSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractItemModelSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractListModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQStringListModelSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractTableModelSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlQueryModelSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlTableModelSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlRelationalTableModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractProxyModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQSortFilterProxyModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQDirModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQFileSystemModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQProxyModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQStandardItemModelSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractStateSignals | |
QtCore.IQFinalStateSignals | |
QtCore.IQHistoryStateSignals | |
QtCore.IQStateSignals | |
QtCore.IQStateMachineSignals | |
QtCore.IQAbstractTransitionSignals | |
QtCore.IQEventTransitionSignals | |
QtGui.IQKeyEventTransitionSignals | |
QtGui.IQMouseEventTransitionSignals | |
QtCore.IQSignalTransitionSignals | |
QtCore.IQCoreApplicationSignals | |
QtGui.IQApplicationSignals | |
QtCore.IQEventLoopSignals | |
QtCore.IQFileSystemWatcherSignals | |
QtCore.IQFutureWatcherBaseSignals | |
QtCore.IQIODeviceSignals | |
QtCore.IQBufferSignals | |
QtCore.IQFileSignals | |
QtCore.IQTemporaryFileSignals | |
QtCore.IQProcessSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQAbstractSocketSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQTcpSocketSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQSslSocketSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQUdpSocketSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQLocalSocketSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkReplySignals | |
QtCore.IQLibrarySignals | |
QtCore.IQMimeDataSignals | |
QtCore.IQObjectCleanupHandlerSignals | |
QtCore.IQPluginLoaderSignals | |
QtCore.IQSettingsSignals | |
QtCore.IQSharedMemorySignals | |
QtCore.IQSignalMapperSignals | |
QtCore.IQSocketNotifierSignals | |
QtCore.IQTextCodecPluginSignals | |
QtCore.IQTimeLineSignals | |
QtCore.IQTimerSignals | |
QtCore.IQTranslatorSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractItemDelegateSignals | |
QtGui.IQItemDelegateSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlRelationalDelegateSignals | |
QtGui.IQStyledItemDelegateSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractTextDocumentLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQPlainTextDocumentLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQActionGroupSignals | |
QtGui.IQActionSignals | |
QtGui.IQWidgetActionSignals | |
QtGui.IQButtonGroupSignals | |
QtGui.IQClipboardSignals | |
QtGui.IQCompleterSignals | |
QtGui.IQDataWidgetMapperSignals | |
QtGui.IQDragSignals | |
QtGui.IQGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQPanGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQPinchGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQSwipeGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQTapAndHoldGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQTapGestureSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsAnchorSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsEffectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsBlurEffectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsColorizeEffectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsDropShadowEffectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsOpacityEffectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsItemAnimationSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsObjectSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsTextItemSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsProxyWidgetSignals | |
QtSvg.IQGraphicsSvgItemSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsSceneSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsTransformSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsRotationSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsScaleSignals | |
QtGui.IQIconEnginePluginSignals | |
QtGui.IQIconEnginePluginV2Signals | |
QtGui.IQImageIOPluginSignals | |
QtGui.IQInputContextPluginSignals | |
QtGui.IQInputContextSignals | |
QtGui.IQItemSelectionModelSignals | |
QtGui.IQLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQBoxLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQHBoxLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQVBoxLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQFormLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQGridLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQStackedLayoutSignals | |
QtGui.IQMovieSignals | |
QtGui.IQPictureFormatPluginSignals | |
QtGui.IQSessionManagerSignals | |
QtGui.IQShortcutSignals | |
QtGui.IQSoundSignals | |
QtGui.IQStylePluginSignals | |
QtGui.IQStyleSignals | |
QtGui.IQCommonStyleSignals | |
QtGui.IQProxyStyleSignals | |
QtGui.IQSyntaxHighlighterSignals | |
QtGui.IQSystemTrayIconSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextDocumentSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextObjectSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextBlockGroupSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextListSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextFrameSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextTableSignals | |
QtGui.IQUndoGroupSignals | |
QtGui.IQUndoStackSignals | |
QtGui.IQValidatorSignals | |
QtGui.IQDoubleValidatorSignals | |
QtGui.IQIntValidatorSignals | |
QtGui.IQRegExpValidatorSignals | |
QtGui.IQWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractButtonSignals | |
QtGui.IQCheckBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQPushButtonSignals | |
QtGui.IQCommandLinkButtonSignals | |
QtGui.IQRadioButtonSignals | |
QtGui.IQToolButtonSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractSliderSignals | |
QtGui.IQDialSignals | |
QtGui.IQScrollBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQSliderSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractSpinBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQDateTimeEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQDateEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQTimeEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQDoubleSpinBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQSpinBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQCalendarWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQComboBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQFontComboBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQDesktopWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQDialogButtonBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractPageSetupDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQPageSetupDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractPrintDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQPrintDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQColorDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQErrorMessageSignals | |
QtGui.IQFileDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQFontDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQInputDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQMessageBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQPrintPreviewDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQProgressDialogSignals | |
QtGui.IQWizardSignals | |
QtGui.IQDockWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQFocusFrameSignals | |
QtGui.IQFrameSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractScrollAreaSignals | |
QtGui.IQAbstractItemViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQColumnViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQHeaderViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQListViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQListWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQUndoViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQTableViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQTableWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQTreeViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQTreeWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQGraphicsViewSignals | |
QtGui.IQMdiAreaSignals | |
QtGui.IQPlainTextEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQScrollAreaSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQTextBrowserSignals | |
QtGui.IQLabelSignals | |
QtGui.IQLCDNumberSignals | |
QtGui.IQSplitterSignals | |
QtGui.IQStackedWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQToolBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQGroupBoxSignals | |
QtGui.IQLineEditSignals | |
QtGui.IQMainWindowSignals | |
QtGui.IQMdiSubWindowSignals | |
QtGui.IQMenuBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQMenuSignals | |
QtGui.IQPrintPreviewWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQProgressBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQRubberBandSignals | |
QtGui.IQSizeGripSignals | |
QtGui.IQSplashScreenSignals | |
QtGui.IQSplitterHandleSignals | |
QtGui.IQStatusBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQTabBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQTabWidgetSignals | |
QtGui.IQToolBarSignals | |
QtGui.IQWizardPageSignals | |
QtGui.IQWorkspaceSignals | |
QtOpenGL.IQGLWidgetSignals | |
QtSvg.IQSvgWidgetSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebInspectorSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebViewSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQAbstractNetworkCacheSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkDiskCacheSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQFtpSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQHttpMultiPartSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQHttpSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQLocalServerSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkAccessManagerSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkConfigurationManagerSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkCookieJarSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQNetworkSessionSignals | |
QtNetwork.IQTcpServerSignals | |
QtOpenGL.IQGLShaderProgramSignals | |
QtOpenGL.IQGLShaderSignals | |
QtScript.IQScriptEngineSignals | |
QtScript.IQScriptExtensionPluginSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlDriverPluginSignals | |
QtSql.IQSqlDriverSignals | |
QtSvg.IQSvgRendererSignals | |
QtUiTools.IQUiLoaderSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebFrameSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebHistoryInterfaceSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebPageSignals | |
QtWebKit.IQWebPluginFactorySignals | |
QtGui.IQPaintDevice | |
QtGui.QPaintDevice | The QPaintDevice class is the base class of objects that can be painted. |
QtGui.QWidget | The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects. |
QtCore.IQSharedData | |
QtCore.QSharedData | The QSharedData class is a base class for shared data objects. |
QtXml.IQXmlDeclHandler | |
QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler | The QXmlDeclHandler class provides an interface to report declaration content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.IQXmlDTDHandler | |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler | The QXmlDTDHandler class provides an interface to report DTD content of XML data. |
QtXml.IQXmlEntityResolver | |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlEntityResolver | The QXmlEntityResolver class provides an interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data. |
QtXml.IQXmlErrorHandler | |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlErrorHandler | The QXmlErrorHandler class provides an interface to report errors in XML data. |
QtXml.IQXmlLexicalHandler | |
QtXml.QXmlDefaultHandler | The QXmlDefaultHandler class provides a default implementation of all the XML handler classes. |
QtXml.QXmlLexicalHandler | The QXmlLexicalHandler class provides an interface to report the lexical content of XML data. |
QAbstractXmlReceiver | |
QXmlSerializer | The QXmlSerializer class is an implementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML. |
QtCore.Qt | The Qt namespace contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt library. |
QtCore.QObject | The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects. |
ISmokeObject | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine | The QAbstractFileEngine class provides an abstraction for accessing the filesystem. |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.ExtensionOption | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngine.ExtensionReturn | |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngineHandler | The QAbstractFileEngineHandler class provides a way to register custom file engines with your application. |
QtCore.QAbstractFileEngineIterator | The QAbstractFileEngineIterator class provides an iterator interface for custom file engines. |
QtCore.QBasicAtomicInt | |
QtCore.QBasicTimer | The QBasicTimer class provides timer events for objects. |
QtCore.QBitArray | The QBitArray class provides an array of bits. |
QtCore.QBitRef | |
QtCore.QBool | |
QtCore.QByteArray | The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes. |
QtCore.QByteArrayMatcher | The QByteArrayMatcher class holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array. |
QtCore.QByteRef | |
QtCore.QChar | The QChar class provides a 16-bit Unicode character. |
QtCore.QCharRef | |
QtCore.QCryptographicHash | The QCryptographicHash class provides a way to generate cryptographic hashes. |
QtCore.QDataStream | The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice. |
QtCore.QDate | The QDate class provides date functions. |
QtCore.QDateTime | The QDateTime class provides date and time functions. |
QtCore.QDebug | The QDebug class provides an output stream for debugging information. |
QtCore.QDir | The QDir class provides access to directory structures and their contents. |
QtCore.QDirIterator | The QDirIterator class provides an iterator for directory entrylists. |
QtCore.QEasingCurve | The QEasingCurve class provides easing curves for controlling animation. |
QtCore.QElapsedTimer | The QElapsedTimer class provides a fast way to calculate elapsed times. |
QtCore.QEvent | The QEvent class is the base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters. |
QtCore.QFactoryInterface | |
QtCore.QFileInfo | The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information. |
QtCore.QFlag | The QFlag class is a helper data type for QFlags. |
QtCore.QFutureInterfaceBase | |
QtCore.QGenericArgument | The QGenericArgument class is an internal helper class for marshalling arguments. |
QtCore.QIncompatibleFlag | |
QtCore.QInternal | |
QtCore.QLatin1Char | The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character. |
QtCore.QLatin1String | The QLatin1String class provides a thin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal. |
QtCore.QLibraryInfo | The QLibraryInfo class provides information about the Qt library. |
QtCore.QLine | The QLine class provides a two-dimensional vector using integer precision. |
QtCore.QLineF | The QLineF class provides a two-dimensional vector using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QLocale | The QLocale class converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages. |
QtCore.QMargins | The QMargins class defines the four margins of a rectangle. |
QtCore.QMetaClassInfo | The QMetaClassInfo class provides additional information about a class. |
QtCore.QMetaEnum | The QMetaEnum class provides meta-data about an enumerator. |
QtCore.QMetaMethod | The QMetaMethod class provides meta-data about a member function. |
QtCore.QMetaObject | The QMetaObject class contains meta-information about Qt objects. |
QtCore.QMetaProperty | The QMetaProperty class provides meta-data about a property. |
QtCore.QMetaType | The QMetaType class manages named types in the meta-object system. |
QtCore.QModelIndex | The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. |
QtCore.QNoDebug | |
QtCore.QObject | The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects. |
QtCore.QObjectUserData | |
QtCore.QPersistentModelIndex | The QPersistentModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model. |
QtCore.QPoint | The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision. |
QtCore.QPointF | The QPointF class defines a point in the plane using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QProcessEnvironment | The QProcessEnvironment class holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program. |
QtCore.QReadLocker | The QReadLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access. |
QtCore.QReadWriteLock | The QReadWriteLock class provides read-write locking. |
QtCore.QRect | The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision. |
QtCore.QRectF | The QRectF class defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QRegExp | The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions. |
QtCore.QResource | The QResource class provides an interface for reading directly from resources. |
QtCore.QRunnable | The QRunnable class is the base class for all runnable objects. |
QtCore.QSemaphore | The QSemaphore class provides a general counting semaphore. |
QtCore.QSharedData | The QSharedData class is a base class for shared data objects. |
QtCore.QSize | The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision. |
QtCore.QSizeF | The QSizeF class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision. |
QtCore.QStringMatcher | The QStringMatcher class holds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string. |
QtCore.QStringRef | The QStringRef class provides a thin wrapper around QString substrings. |
QtCore.QSysInfo | The QSysInfo class provides information about the system. |
QtCore.QSystemLocale | The QSystemLocale class can be used to finetune the system locale of the user. |
QtCore.QSystemSemaphore | The QSystemSemaphore class provides a general counting system semaphore. |
QtCore.QTextBoundaryFinder | The QTextBoundaryFinder class provides a way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string. |
QtCore.QTextCodec | The QTextCodec class provides conversions between text encodings. |
QtCore.QTextCodec.ConverterState | |
QtCore.QTextDecoder | The QTextDecoder class provides a state-based decoder. |
QtCore.QTextEncoder | The QTextEncoder class provides a state-based encoder. |
QtCore.QTextStream | The QTextStream class provides a convenient interface for reading and writing text. |
QtCore.QTime | The QTime class provides clock time functions. |
QtCore.QUrl | The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs. |
QtCore.QUuid | The QUuid class stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). |
QtCore.QVariant | The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types. |
QtCore.QVariantComparisonHelper | |
QtCore.QWriteLocker | The QWriteLocker class is a convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamAttribute | The QXmlStreamAttribute class represents a single XML attribute |
QtCore.QXmlStreamAttributes | The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of QXmlStreamAttribute. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration | The QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration class represents a DTD entity declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamEntityResolver | The QXmlStreamEntityResolver class provides an entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration | The QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration class represents a namespace declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration | The QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration class represents a DTD notation declaration. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamReader | The QXmlStreamReader class provides a fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API. |
QtCore.QXmlStreamStringRef | |
QtCore.QXmlStreamWriter | The QXmlStreamWriter class provides an XML writer with a simple streaming API. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.PaintContext | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layout. |
QtGui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout.Selection | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selection. |
QtGui.QAbstractUndoItem | |
QtGui.QBrush | The QBrush class defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter. |
QtGui.QColor | The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values. |
QtGui.QColormap | The QColormap class maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values. |
QtGui.QCursor | The QCursor class provides a mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape. |
QtGui.QDesktopServices | The QDesktopServices class provides methods for accessing common desktop services. |
QtGui.QFileIconProvider | The QFileIconProvider class provides file icons for the QDirModel(obsolete) and the QFileSystemModel classes. |
QtGui.QFont | The QFont class specifies a font used for drawing text. |
QtGui.QFontDatabase | The QFontDatabase class provides information about the fonts available in the underlying window system. |
QtGui.QFontInfo | The QFontInfo class provides general information about fonts. |
QtGui.QFontMetrics | The QFontMetrics class provides font metrics information. |
QtGui.QFontMetricsF | The QFontMetricsF class provides font metrics information. |
QtGui.QGestureRecognizer | The QGestureRecognizer class provides the infrastructure for gesture recognition. |
QtGui.QGlyphRun | The QGlyphRun class provides direct access to the internal glyphs in a font. |
QtGui.QGradient | The QGradient class is used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills. |
QtGui.QGraphicsItem | The QGraphicsItem class is the base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene. |
QtGui.QGraphicsLayoutItem | The QGraphicsLayoutItem class can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts. |
QtGui.QIcon | The QIcon class provides scalable icons in different modes and states. |
QtGui.QIconEngine | The QIconEngine class provides an abstract base class for QIcon renderers. |
QtGui.QIconEngineV2.AvailableSizesArgument | |
QtGui.QImageIOHandler | The QImageIOHandler class defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt. |
QtGui.QImageReader | The QImageReader class provides a format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices. |
QtGui.QImageTextKeyLang | |
QtGui.QImageWriter | The QImageWriter class provides a format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices. |
QtGui.QInputContextFactory | The QInputContextFactory class creates QInputContext objects. |
QtGui.QInputMethodEvent.Attribute | The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute. |
QtGui.QItemEditorCreatorBase | The QItemEditorCreatorBase class provides an abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators. |
QtGui.QItemEditorFactory | The QItemEditorFactory class provides widgets for editing item data in views and delegates. |
QtGui.QItemSelection | The QItemSelection class manages information about selected items in a model. |
QtGui.QItemSelectionRange | The QItemSelectionRange class manages information about a range of selected items in a model. |
QtGui.QKeySequence | The QKeySequence class encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts. |
QtGui.QLayoutItem | The QLayoutItem class provides an abstract item that a QLayout manipulates. |
QtGui.QListWidgetItem | The QListWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QListWidget item view class. |
QtGui.QMatrix | The QMatrix class specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system. |
QtGui.QMatrix4x4 | The QMatrix4x4 class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space. |
QtGui.QMimeSource | The QMimeSource class is an abstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type. |
QtGui.QPaintDevice | The QPaintDevice class is the base class of objects that can be painted. |
QtGui.QPaintEngine | The QPaintEngine class provides an abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform. |
QtGui.QPaintEngineState | The QPaintEngineState class provides information about the active paint engine's current state. |
QtGui.QPainter | The QPainter class performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices. |
QtGui.QPainter.PixmapFragment | This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawn. |
QtGui.QPainterPath | The QPainterPath class provides a container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused. |
QtGui.QPainterPath.Element | The QPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpath. |
QtGui.QPainterPathStroker | The QPainterPathStroker class is used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path. |
QtGui.QPalette | The QPalette class contains color groups for each widget state. |
QtGui.QPen | The QPen class defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes. |
QtGui.QPictureIO | The QPictureIO class contains parameters for loading and saving pictures. |
QtGui.QPixmapCache | The QPixmapCache class provides an application-wide cache for pixmaps. |
QtGui.QPixmapCache.Key | The QPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCache. |
QtGui.QPolygon | The QPolygon class provides a vector of points using integer precision. |
QtGui.QPolygonF | The QPolygonF class provides a vector of points using floating point precision. |
QtGui.QPrintEngine | The QPrintEngine class defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem. |
QtGui.QPrinterInfo | The QPrinterInfo class gives access to information about existing printers. |
QtGui.QQuaternion | The QQuaternion class represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar. |
QtGui.QRawFont | The QRawFont class provides access to a single physical instance of a font. |
QtGui.QRegion | The QRegion class specifies a clip region for a painter. |
QtGui.QSizePolicy | The QSizePolicy class is a layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy. |
QtGui.QStandardItem | The QStandardItem class provides an item for use with the QStandardItemModel class. |
QtGui.QStaticText | The QStaticText class enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely. |
QtGui.QStyleFactory | The QStyleFactory class creates QStyle objects. |
QtGui.QStyleHintReturn | The QStyleHintReturn class provides style hints that return more than basic data types. |
QtGui.QStyleOption | The QStyleOption class stores the parameters used by QStyle functions. |
QtGui.QTableWidgetItem | The QTableWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QTableWidget class. |
QtGui.QTableWidgetSelectionRange | The QTableWidgetSelectionRange class provides a way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model. |
QtGui.QTextBlock | The QTextBlock class provides a container for text fragments in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextBlock.iterator | The QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlock. |
QtGui.QTextBlockUserData | The QTextBlockUserData class is used to associate custom data with blocks of text. |
QtGui.QTextCursor | The QTextCursor class offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QTextDocumentFragment | The QTextDocumentFragment class represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextDocumentWriter | The QTextDocumentWriter class provides a format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices. |
QtGui.QTextEdit.ExtraSelection | The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document |
QtGui.QTextFormat | The QTextFormat class provides formatting information for a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextFragment | The QTextFragment class holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat. |
QtGui.QTextFrame.iterator | |
QtGui.QTextFrameLayoutData | |
QtGui.QTextInlineObject | The QTextInlineObject class represents an inline object in a QTextLayout. |
QtGui.QTextItem | The QTextItem class provides all the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine. |
QtGui.QTextLayout | The QTextLayout class is used to lay out and render text. |
QtGui.QTextLayout.FormatRange | The QTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's content. |
QtGui.QTextLength | The QTextLength class encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument. |
QtGui.QTextLine | The QTextLine class represents a line of text inside a QTextLayout. |
QtGui.QTextObjectInterface | The QTextObjectInterface class allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocuments. |
QtGui.QTextOption | The QTextOption class provides a description of general rich text properties. |
QtGui.QTextOption.Tab | |
QtGui.QTextTableCell | The QTextTableCell class represents the properties of a cell in a QTextTable. |
QtGui.QTileRules | |
QtGui.QToolTip | The QToolTip class provides tool tips (balloon help) for any widget. |
QtGui.QTouchEvent.TouchPoint | |
QtGui.QTransform | The QTransform class specifies 2D transformations of a coordinate system. |
QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem | The QTreeWidgetItem class provides an item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class. |
QtGui.QTreeWidgetItemIterator | The QTreeWidgetItemIterator class provides a way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance. |
QtGui.QUndoCommand | The QUndoCommand class is the base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack. |
QtGui.QVector2D | The QVector2D class represents a vector or vertex in 2D space. |
QtGui.QVector3D | The QVector3D class represents a vector or vertex in 3D space. |
QtGui.QVector4D | The QVector4D class represents a vector or vertex in 4D space. |
QtGui.QWhatsThis | The QWhatsThis class provides a simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's This?". |
QtNetwork.QAuthenticator | The QAuthenticator class provides an authentication object. |
QtNetwork.QHostAddress | The QHostAddress class provides an IP address. |
QtNetwork.QHostInfo | The QHostInfo class provides static functions for host name lookups. |
QtNetwork.QHttpHeader | The QHttpHeader class contains header information for HTTP. |
QtNetwork.QHttpPart | The QHttpPart class holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message. |
QtNetwork.QIPv6Address | |
QtNetwork.QNetworkAddressEntry | The QNetworkAddressEntry class stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCacheMetaData | The QNetworkCacheMetaData class provides cache information. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkConfiguration | The QNetworkConfiguration class provides an abstraction of one or more access point configurations. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkCookie | The QNetworkCookie class holds one network cookie. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkInterface | The QNetworkInterface class provides a listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy | The QNetworkProxy class provides a network layer proxy. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxyFactory | The QNetworkProxyFactory class provides fine-grained proxy selection. |
QtNetwork.QNetworkProxyQuery | The QNetworkProxyQuery class is used to query the proxy settings for a socket |
QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest | The QNetworkRequest class holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager. |
QtNetwork.QSslCertificate | The QSslCertificate class provides a convenient API for an X509 certificate. |
QtNetwork.QSslCipher | The QSslCipher class represents an SSL cryptographic cipher. |
QtNetwork.QSslConfiguration | The QSslConfiguration class holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection |
QtNetwork.QSslError | The QSslError class provides an SSL error. |
QtNetwork.QSslKey | The QSslKey class provides an interface for private and public keys. |
QtNetwork.QUrlInfo | The QUrlInfo class stores information about URLs. |
QtOpenGL.QGLBuffer | The QGLBuffer class provides functions for creating and managing GL buffer objects. |
QtOpenGL.QGLColormap | The QGLColormap class is used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget. |
QtOpenGL.QGLContext | The QGLContext class encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFormat | The QGLFormat class specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context. |
QtOpenGL.QGLFramebufferObjectFormat | The QGLFramebufferObjectFormat class specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object. |
QtScript.QScriptable | The QScriptable class provides access to the Qt Script environment from Qt C++ member functions. |
QtScript.QScriptClass | The QScriptClass class provides an interface for defining custom behavior of (a class of) Qt Script objects. |
QtScript.QScriptClassPropertyIterator | The QScriptClassPropertyIterator class provides an iterator interface for custom Qt Script objects. |
QtScript.QScriptContext | The QScriptContext class represents a Qt Script function invocation. |
QtScript.QScriptContextInfo | The QScriptContextInfo class provides additional information about a QScriptContext. |
QtScript.QScriptEngineAgent | The QScriptEngineAgent class provides an interface to report events pertaining to QScriptEngine execution. |
QtScript.QScriptString | The QScriptString class acts as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine. |
QtScript.QScriptSyntaxCheckResult | The QScriptSyntaxCheckResult class provides the result of a script syntax check. |
QtScript.QScriptValue | The QScriptValue class acts as a container for the Qt Script data types. |
QtScript.QScriptValueIterator | The QScriptValueIterator class provides a Java-style iterator for QScriptValue. |
QtSql.QSqlDatabase | The QSqlDatabase class represents a connection to a database. |
QtSql.QSqlDriverCreatorBase | The QSqlDriverCreatorBase class is the base class for SQL driver factories. |
QtSql.QSqlError | The QSqlError class provides SQL database error information. |
QtSql.QSqlField | The QSqlField class manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views. |
QtSql.QSqlQuery | The QSqlQuery class provides a means of executing and manipulating SQL statements. |
QtSql.QSqlRecord | The QSqlRecord class encapsulates a database record. |
QtSql.QSqlRelation | The QSqlRelation class stores information about an SQL foreign key. |
QtSql.QSqlResult | The QSqlResult class provides an abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases. |
QtWebKit.QWebDatabase | The QWebDatabase class provides access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript. |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection | The QWebElementCollection class represents a collection of web elements. |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection.const_iterator | |
QtWebKit.QWebElementCollection.iterator | The QWebElementCollection::iterator class provides an STL-style iterator for QWebElementCollection. |
QtWebKit.QWebHistory | The QWebHistory class represents the history of a QWebPage |
QtWebKit.QWebHistoryItem | The QWebHistoryItem class represents one item in the history of a QWebPage |
QtWebKit.QWebHitTestResult | The QWebHitTestResult class provides information about the web page content after a hit test. |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPage.ViewportAttributes | The QWebPage::ViewportAttributes class describes hints that can be applied to a viewport. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.ExtensionOption | |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.ExtensionReturn | |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.MimeType | The QWebPluginFactory::MimeType structure describes a mime type supported by a plugin. |
QtWebKit.QWebPluginFactory.Plugin | The QWebPluginFactory::Plugin structure describes the properties of a plugin a QWebPluginFactory can create. |
QtWebKit.QWebSecurityOrigin | The QWebSecurityOrigin class defines a security boundary for web sites. |
QtWebKit.QWebSettings | The QWebSettings class provides an object to store the settings used by QWebPage and QWebFrame. |
QtXml.QDomImplementation | The QDomImplementation class provides information about the features of the DOM implementation. |
QtXml.QDomNamedNodeMap | The QDomNamedNodeMap class contains a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name. |
QtXml.QDomNode | The QDomNode class is the base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree. |
QtXml.QDomNodeList | The QDomNodeList class is a list of QDomNode objects. |
QtXml.QXmlAttributes | The QXmlAttributes class provides XML attributes. |
QtXml.QXmlContentHandler | The QXmlContentHandler class provides an interface to report the logical content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlDeclHandler | The QXmlDeclHandler class provides an interface to report declaration content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlDTDHandler | The QXmlDTDHandler class provides an interface to report DTD content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlEntityResolver | The QXmlEntityResolver class provides an interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlErrorHandler | The QXmlErrorHandler class provides an interface to report errors in XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlInputSource | The QXmlInputSource class provides the input data for the QXmlReader subclasses. |
QtXml.QXmlLexicalHandler | The QXmlLexicalHandler class provides an interface to report the lexical content of XML data. |
QtXml.QXmlLocator | The QXmlLocator class provides the XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file. |
QtXml.QXmlNamespaceSupport | The QXmlNamespaceSupport class is a helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support. |
QtXml.QXmlParseException | The QXmlParseException class is used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface. |
QtXml.QXmlReader | The QXmlReader class provides an interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers). |
QtXml.QXmlStreamWriter | The QXmlStreamWriter class provides an XML writer with a simple streaming API. |
QtXmlPatterns.QAbstractXmlReceiver | The QAbstractXmlReceiver class provides a callback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery. |
QtXmlPatterns.QSourceLocation | The QSourceLocation class identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlItem | The QXmlItem class contains either an XML node or an atomic value. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlName | The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlNamePool | The QXmlNamePool class is a table of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex | The QXmlNodeModelIndex class identifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel. |
QtXmlPatterns.QXmlQuery | The QXmlQuery class performs XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML. |
QXmlSchema | The QXmlSchema class provides loading and validation of a W3C XML Schema. |
QXmlSchemaValidator | The QXmlSchemaValidator class validates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema. |