Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
►NConversionCheck | |
►NKAuth | |
►NKDE | Namespace for general KDE functions |
►Nkencodingprober | |
►Nkhtml | |
►NKNetwork | A namespace to store all networking-related (socket) classes |
►NKTraderParse | |
►NKTypeTraits | |
►NKuit | |
►Norg | |
►NSonnet | The sonnet namespace |
CAction | |
Caddrinfo | |
CDateTimeComponents | |
CI18nTypeCheck | |
CI18nTypeCheck< char[s], s > | |
CKAboutData | This class is used to store information about a program |
CKAboutLicense | This class is used to store information about a license |
CKAboutPerson | This class is used to store information about a person or developer |
CKAr | KAr is a class for reading archives in ar format |
CKArchive | KArchive is a base class for reading and writing archives |
CKArchiveDirectory | Represents a directory entry in a KArchive |
CKArchiveEntry | A base class for entries in an KArchive |
CKArchiveFile | Represents a file entry in a KArchive |
CKAutoSaveFile | Creates and manages a temporary "auto-save" file |
CKAutostart | KAutostart provides a programmatic means to control the state of autostart services on a per-user basis |
CKCalendarEra | |
CKCalendarSystem | KCalendarSystem abstract base class, provides support for local Calendar Systems in KDE |
CKCalendarSystemCoptic | |
CKCalendarSystemCopticPrivate | |
CKCalendarSystemEthiopian | |
CKCalendarSystemGregorian | |
CKCalendarSystemGregorianPrivate | |
CKCalendarSystemHebrew | |
CKCalendarSystemIndianNational | |
CKCalendarSystemIslamicCivil | |
CKCalendarSystemJalali | Jalali calendar type implementation |
CKCalendarSystemJapanese | |
CKCalendarSystemJulian | |
CKCalendarSystemMinguo | |
CKCalendarSystemPrivate | |
CKCalendarSystemQDate | |
CKCalendarSystemThai | |
CKCatalog | This class abstracts a gettext message catalog |
CKCatalogLoader | This class is useful in libraries where you want to make sure that anyone that uses your library will get the correct catalog loaded |
CKCatalogName | |
CKCharMacroExpander | Abstract base class for single char macro substitutors |
CKCharsets | Charset font and encoder/decoder handling |
CKCmdLineArgs | A class for command-line argument handling |
CKCmdLineOptions | Class that holds command line options |
CKComponentData | Per component data |
CKComponentDataPrivate | |
CKCompositeJob | The base class for all jobs able to be composed of one or more subjobs |
CKCompositeJobPrivate | |
CKConfig | The central class of the KDE configuration data system |
CKConfigBackend | Provides the implementation for accessing configuration sources |
CKConfigBase | |
CKConfigBasePrivate | |
CKConfigGroup | A class for one specific group in a KConfig object |
CKConfigGroupGui | |
►CKConfigIniBackend | |
CKConfigPrivate | |
CKConfigSkeletonGenericItem | |
CKConfigSkeletonItem | Class for storing a preferences setting |
CKConfigSkeletonItemPrivate | |
►CKCoreConfigSkeleton | Class for handling preferences settings for an application |
CKCurrencyCode | |
►CKDateTime | A class representing a date and time with an associated time zone |
CKDateTimeFormatter | |
CKDateTimeParser | |
CKDayPeriod | |
Ckde_addrinfo | |
Ckde_in6_addr | |
Ckde_sockaddr_in6 | |
►CKDebug | |
CKDebugDBusIface | D-Bus interface to KDebug |
CKDebugTag | |
CKDEDModule | The base class for KDED modules |
CKDEPluginVerificationData | |
CKDesktopFile | KDE Desktop File Management |
CKDETranslator | |
CKDirWatch | Class for watching directory and file changes |
►CKDirWatchPrivate | |
CKEncodingDetector | Provides encoding detection capabilities |
CKEncodingProber | Provides encoding detection(probe) capabilities |
CKEntry | Map/dict/list config node entry |
CKEntryKey | Key structure holding both the actual key and the group to which it belongs |
CKEntryMap | |
CKFileSystemWatcher | |
CKFilterBase | This is the base class for compression filters such as gzip and bzip2 |
CKFilterDev | A class for reading and writing compressed data onto a device (e.g |
CKFolderMimeType | Mimetype for a folder (inode/directory) |
CKGenericFactory | This template provides a generic implementation of a KLibFactory , for use with shared library components |
CKGenericFactory< KTypeList< Product, ProductListTail >, KTypeList< ParentType, ParentTypeListTail > > | |
CKGenericFactory< KTypeList< Product, ProductListTail >, QObject > | |
CKGenericFactoryBase | |
CKGzipFilter | Internal class used by KFilterDev |
CKIOBufferBase | Base for I/O buffer implementation |
CKJob | The base class for all jobs |
CKJobPrivate | |
CKJobTrackerInterface | The interface to implement to track the progresses of a job |
CKJobUiDelegate | The base class for all KJob UI delegate |
CKLibLoader | The KLibLoader allows you to load libraries dynamically at runtime |
CKLibrary | Thin wrapper around QLibrary; you should rarely use this directly, see KPluginLoader for higher-level loading of plugins |
CKLimitedIODevice | A readonly device that reads from an underlying device from a given point to another (e.g |
CKLocale | KLocale provides support for country specific stuff like the national language |
CKLocaleMacPrivate | |
CKLocalePrivate | |
CKLocaleUnixPrivate | |
CKLocaleWindowsPrivate | |
CKLocalizedDate | A class representing a date localized using the local calendar system, language and formats |
CKLocalizedString | Class for producing and handling localized messages |
CKLocalSocket | KLocalSocket allows one to create and use local (Unix) sockets |
CKLocalSocketPrivate | |
CKLocalSocketServer | KLocalSocketServer allows one to create a listening local socket and accept incoming connections |
CKLocalSocketServerPrivate | |
CKLockFile | NFS safe lockfiles |
CKMacroExpanderBase | Abstract base class for the worker classes behind the KMacroExpander namespace and the KCharMacroExpander and KWordMacroExpander classes |
CKMacroExpanderBasePrivate | |
CKMakeTypeList | This class template implements a compile-time algorithm for generating typelists |
CKMakeTypeList< KDE::NullType, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18 > | |
CKMakeTypeList<> | |
CKMD5 | An adapted C++ implementation of RSA Data Securities MD5 algorithm |
CKMemFile | |
CKMessageHandler | Abstract class for KMessage handler |
►CKMimeGlobsFileParser | |
CKMimeMagicMatch | |
CKMimeMagicRule | |
CKMimeType | Represent a mime type, like "text/plain", and the data that is associated with it |
►CKMimeTypeFactory | |
CKMimeTypePrivate | |
CKMimeTypeRepository | |
CKMimeTypeTrader | KDE's trader for services associated to a given mimetype |
►CKMountPoint | Information about mounted and unmounted disks |
Ckndbgstream | |
►CKPluginFactory | If you develop a library that is to be loaded dynamically at runtime, then you should return a pointer to a KPluginFactory |
CKPluginFactoryPrivate | |
CKPluginInfo | Information about a plugin |
CKPluginLoader | This class can be used to dynamically load a plugin library at runtime |
CKProcess | Child process invocation, monitoring and control |
CKProcessPrivate | |
►CKProtocolInfo | Information about I/O (Internet, etc.) protocols supported by KDE |
CKProtocolInfoFactory | Factory for KProtocolInfo |
CKProtocolInfoPrivate | |
CKRandomSequence | A class to create a pseudo-random sequence |
CKSaveFile | Class to allow for atomic file I/O, as well as utility functions |
CKSDCLock | This class defines an interface used by KSharedDataCache::Private to offload proper locking and unlocking depending on what the platform supports at runtime and compile-time |
►CKService | Represent a service, like an application or plugin bound to one or several mimetypes (or servicetypes) as written in its desktop entry file |
CKServiceAction | Represents an action in a .desktop file Actions are defined with the config key Actions in the [Desktop Entry] group, followed by one group per action, as per the desktop entry standard |
CKServiceFactory | |
CKServiceGroup | KServiceGroup represents a group of service, for example screensavers |
CKServiceGroupFactory | |
CKServiceGroupPrivate | |
CKServiceOffer | Holds the user's preference of a service |
CKServicePrivate | |
CKServiceSeparator | |
CKServiceType | A service type is, well, a type of service, where a service is an application or plugin |
CKServiceTypeFactory | |
CKServiceTypePrivate | |
CKServiceTypeProfileEntry | |
CKServiceTypeTrader | KDE's trader interface (similar to the CORBA Trader), which provides a way to query the KDE infrastructure for specific applications or components |
CKSharedConfig | KConfig variant using shared memory |
CKSharedDataCache | A simple data cache which uses shared memory to quickly access data stored on disk |
CKSharedPtr | Can be used to control the lifetime of an object that has derived QSharedData |
CKSortableItem | KSortableItem is a QPair that provides several operators for sorting |
CKSortableList | KSortableList is a QList which associates a key with each item in the list |
CKSslCaCertificate | |
CKSslCertificateManager | |
CKSslCertificateManagerPrivate | |
CKSslCertificateRule | |
CKSslCipher | |
CKSSLDAdaptor | |
CKSslError | |
►CKSslErrorUiData | This class can hold all the necessary data from a KTcpSocket to ask the user to continue connecting in the face of SSL errors |
CKSslKey | |
CKStandardDirs | Site-independent access to standard KDE directories |
CKSycoca | |
CKSycocaAbstractDevice | |
CKSycocaBufferDevice | |
CKSycocaDict | |
CKSycocaEntry | Base class for all Sycoca entries |
CKSycocaEntryPrivate | |
CKSycocaFactory | |
CKSycocaFactoryContainer | Workaround for the lack of QThreadStorage::setAutoDelete(false) |
CKSycocaFactoryList | This, instead of a typedef, allows to declare "class ..." in header files |
CKSycocaFactorySingleton | Template for making it easier to define a threadsafe singleton for each factory, with support for kbuildsycoca providing a subclass of the factory |
CKSycocaFileDevice | |
CKSycocaMemFileDevice | |
CKSycocaPrivate | |
CKSystemTimeZone | Time zone in the system database |
CKSystemTimeZoneBackend | Backend class for KSystemTimeZone class |
CKSystemTimeZoneData | Parsed system time zone data |
CKSystemTimeZones | System time zone database, consisting of a collection of individual system time zone definitions, indexed by name |
CKSystemTimeZoneSource | A class to read and parse system time zone data |
CKSystemTimeZoneSourceWindows | A class to read and parse the timezone information from the Windows registry |
CKSystemTimeZoneWindows | Time zone defined in the Windows registry |
CKTar | A class for reading / writing (optionally compressed) tar archives |
CKTcpSocket | |
CKTempDir | Create a unique directory for temporary use |
CKTemporaryFile | A QTemporaryFile that will save in the KDE temp directory |
►CKTimeZone | Base class representing a time zone |
CKTimeZoneBackend | Base backend class for KTimeZone classes |
CKTimeZoneData | Base class for the parsed data returned by a KTimeZoneSource class |
CKTimeZones | Time zone database which consists of a collection of individual time zone definitions |
CKTimeZoneSource | Base class representing a source of time zone information |
CKToolInvocation | KToolInvocation: for starting other programs |
CKTranscript | Class for supporting programmable translations |
CKTypeList | The building block of typelists of any length |
CKTypeListAfterPivot | |
CKTypeListAppend | Concatenates two typelists |
CKTypeListAppend< KDE::NullType, List2 > | |
CKTypeListAt | Index-Operator |
CKTypeListAt< KDE::NullType, 0 > | |
CKTypeListAt< KDE::NullType, pos > | |
CKTypeListAt< Types, 0 > | |
CKTypeListAtWithDefault | Like KTypeListAt |
CKTypeListAtWithDefault< KDE::NullType, 0, Default > | |
CKTypeListAtWithDefault< KDE::NullType, pos, Default > | |
CKTypeListAtWithDefault< Types, 0, Default > | |
CKTypeListBeforePivot | |
CKTypeListContains | |
CKTypeListContains< KDE::NullType, Type > | |
CKTypeListContains< KTypeList< Type, Tail >, Type > | |
CKTypeListEnd | Get last element |
CKTypeListEnd< K_TYPELIST_1(Type)> | |
CKTypeListFold | |
CKTypeListFold< KDE::NullType, Folder, Start > | |
CKTypeListForeach | |
CKTypeListForeach< KDE::NullType, Manip > | |
CKTypeListIndexOf | This class template implements a compile-time algorithm for processing typelists |
CKTypeListIndexOf< KDE::NullType, T > | |
CKTypeListIndexOf< KTypeList< Head, Tail >, T > | |
CKTypeListIndexOf< KTypeList< T, Tail >, T > | |
CKTypeListLength | This class template implements a compile-time algorithm for processing typelists |
CKTypeListLength< KDE::NullType > | |
CKTypeListLength< KTypeList< T, U > > | |
CKTypeListPop | Pop last element |
CKTypeListPop< K_TYPELIST_1(Type)> | |
CKTypeListPush | Push Type |
CKTypeListPush< KDE::NullType, Type > | |
CKTypeListReplaceBegin | |
CKTypeListReplaceBegin< KDE::NullType, Replace > | |
CKTypeListReplaceBegin< Types, KDE::NullType > | |
CKTypeListRevert | |
CKTypeListSort | Slow Quick-Sort |
CKTypeListSort< KDE::NullType, Comparator > | |
CKTzfileTimeZone | Time zone defined in tzfile(5) format |
CKTzfileTimeZoneBackend | Backend class for KTzfileTimeZone class |
CKTzfileTimeZoneData | Parsed data from tzfile(5) time zone definition files |
CKTzfileTimeZoneSource | A class to read and parse tzfile time zone definition files |
CKuitSemantics | Class for formatting semantic markup in UI messages |
►CKUrl | Represents and parses a URL |
CKUser | Represents a user on your system |
CKUserGroup | Represents a group on your system |
CKWordMacroExpander | Abstract base class for simple word macro substitutors |
CKZip | A class for reading / writing zip archives |
CKZipFileEntry | A KZipFileEntry represents an file in a zip archive |
CKZoneAllocator | Memory allocator for large groups of small objects |
COrgKdeKLauncherInterface | |
COrgKdeKSSLDInterface | |
CQDBusAbstractAdaptor | |
CQDBusAbstractInterface | |
CQHash | |
CQIODevice | |
CQLibrary | |
CQList | |
CQMap | |
CQObject | |
CQPair | |
CQPluginLoader | |
CQProcess | |
CQSet | |
CQSharedData | |
CQTcpSocket | |
CQTemporaryFile | |
CQThread | |
CQTranslator | |
CQUrl | |
CQValueList | |
CSharedLock | |
CsimpleSpinLock | This is a very basic lock that should work on any system where GCC atomic intrinsics are supported |
CWrongSyntax | |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:47:12 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:47:12 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.