CKIO::AnimationState | |
CKNTLM::Auth | The NTLM Type 3 structure |
CKIO::AuthInfo | This class is intended to make it easier to prompt for, cache and retrieve authorization information |
CKIO::NetRC::AutoLogin | Contains auto login information |
CKIO::BasicOperation | |
CKNTLM::Blob | |
CKNTLM::Challenge | The NTLM Type 2 structure |
CKIO::CopyInfo | |
Cdes_key | |
Cdhcp_msg | |
CKonqBookmarkMenu::DynMenuInfo | Structure used for storing information about the dynamic menu setting |
CKPAC::Script::Error | |
CKIO::RenameDialogPlugin::FileItem | File Representation consisting of the KUrl, MimeType and filesize and the times of the last changes |
CKDirLister::Private::FilterSettings | |
CKIO::HostQueue | |
CKIO::ImageFilter | |
CKDirLister::Private::JobData | |
CKAbstractFileWidget | Base class for KFileWidget |
CKACL | Encapsulates a POSIX Access Control List |
►CKBookmark | |
CKBookmarkGroup | A group of bookmarks |
►CKBookmarkActionInterface | |
CKBookmarkAction | |
CKBookmarkActionMenu | |
CKImportedBookmarkActionMenu | |
►CKBookmarkExporterBase | |
CKIEBookmarkExporterImpl | |
CKNSBookmarkExporterImpl | |
CKOperaBookmarkExporterImpl | |
►CKBookmarkGroupTraverser | |
CKXBELBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing XBEL files |
►CKBookmarkOwner | The KBookmarkMenu and KBookmarkBar classes gives the user the ability to either edit bookmarks or add their own |
CKonqBookmarkOwner | |
CKBookmarkSettings | |
►CKCompletionBase [external] | |
►CKComboBox [external] | |
CKUrlComboBox | This combobox shows a number of recent URLs/directories, as well as some default directories |
CKDataToolInfo | This is a convenience class for KService |
CKDBusServiceStarter | A generic DBUS service starter, using KServiceTypeTrader |
CKDeviceListItem | Item for the Device List model Represent a Solid::Device in the tree device list model |
CKDirListerCacheDirectoryData | |
CKEMailSettings | This is just a small class to facilitate accessing e-mail settings in a sane way, and allowing any program to manage multiple e-mail profiles effortlessly |
CKFile | KFile is a class which provides a namespace for some enumerated values associated with the kfile library |
CKFileItem | A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote |
CKFileItemListProperties | Provides information about the common properties of a group of KFileItem objects |
CKFileMetaInfo | KFileMetaInfo provides metadata extracted from a file or other resource |
CKFileMetaInfoGroup | |
CKFileMetaInfoItem | |
CKFileWriterProvider | |
►CKJobPrivate [external] | |
►CKCompositeJobPrivate [external] | |
►CKIO::JobPrivate | |
►CKIO::SimpleJobPrivate | |
CKIO::TransferJobPrivate | |
►CKMessageBox [external] | |
CKMessageBoxWrapper | |
CKNfoTranslator | Returns translations for Nepomuk File Ontology URIs |
CKNTLM | KNTLM class implements the NTLM authentication protocol |
CKOpenSSLProxy | Dynamically load and wrap OpenSSL |
CKIO::KPasswdServer | Interface class for kpasswdserver |
►CKPixmapProvider [external] | |
CKUrlPixmapProvider | Implementation of KPixmapProvider |
CKProtocolManager | Provides information about I/O (Internet, etc.) settings chosen/set by the end user |
CKRecentDocument | Manage the "Recent Document Menu" entries displayed by applications such as Kicker and Konqueror |
CKRemoteEncoding | Allows encoding and decoding properly remote filenames into Unicode |
CKRun::KRunPrivate | |
CKSambaShareData | This class represents a Samba user share |
CKSambaSharePrivate | |
CKSMIMECrypto | |
CKSSL | KDE SSL Wrapper Class |
CKSSLCertChain | KDE Certificate Chain Representation Class |
CKSSLCertDialogRet | This class is used in the internal DCOP communication between TPCSlaveBase and kuiserver |
CKSSLCertificate | KDE X.509 Certificate |
CKSSLCertificateFactory | |
CKSSLCertificateHome | |
CKSSLConnectionInfo | KDE SSL Connection Information |
CKSSLCSessionCache | |
CKSSLPeerInfo | KDE SSL Peer Data |
CKSSLPKCS12 | KDE PKCS#12 Certificate |
CKSSLPKCS7 | KDE PKCS#7 Certificate |
CKSSLSession | KDE SSL Session Information |
CKSSLSettings | KDE SSL Settings |
CKSSLSigners | KDE SSL Signer Database |
CKSSLX509Map | X.509 Map Parsing Class |
CKSSLX509V3 | KDE X509v3 Flag Class |
CKUriFilter | KUriFilter applies a number of filters to a URI and returns a filtered version if any filter matches |
CKUriFilterData | This class is a basic messaging class used to exchange filtering information between the filter plugins and the application requesting the filtering service |
CKUriFilterSearchProvider | Class that holds information about a search provider |
CKNTLM::Negotiate | The NTLM Type 1 structure |
CKIO::NetRC | A Singleton class that provides access to passwords stored in .netrc files for automatic login purposes |
CKIO::PerSlaveQueue | |
CPredicateProperties | A predicate is part of the RDF trinity: subject, predicate, object |
CKDirLister::Private | |
►CQAbstractItemDelegate | |
CKFileItemDelegate | KFileItemDelegate is intended to be used to provide a KDE file system view, when using one of the standard item views in Qt with KDirModel |
►CQAbstractItemModel [external] | |
CKApplicationModel | |
CKDeviceListModel | Device list model in Qt's Interview framework |
CKDirModel | A model for a KIO-based directory tree |
►CQAction [external] | |
►CKAction [external] | |
►CKActionMenu [external] | |
CKBookmarkActionMenu | |
CKImportedBookmarkActionMenu | |
CKBookmarkAction | |
CKDataToolAction | This class helps applications implement support for KDataTool |
►CQComboBox [external] | |
CKComboBox [external] | |
►CQDBusAbstractAdaptor [external] | |
CKBookmarkManagerAdaptor | |
►CQDBusAbstractInterface [external] | |
COrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface | Proxy class for interface org.kde.KDirNotify |
►CQDialog [external] | |
►CKDialog [external] | |
CDisplayCertDialog | |
CKBookmarkDialog | This class provides a Dialog for editing properties, adding Bookmarks and creating new folders |
►CKFileDialog | Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to select files and directories |
CKEncodingFileDialog | Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to select files with support for choosing encoding |
CKIconDialog | Dialog for interactive selection of icons |
CKIO::PasteDialog | |
CKIO::SkipDialog | |
CKMimeTypeChooserDialog | A Dialog to choose some mimetypes |
CKOpenWithDialog | "Open With" dialog box |
►CKPageDialog [external] | |
CKOCRDialog | Base class for OCR Dialogs |
CKPropertiesDialog | The main properties dialog class |
CKScanDialog | This is a base class for scanning dialogs |
►CKPasswordDialog [external] | |
CKIO::PasswordDialog | Dialog for requesting login and password from the end user |
CKSSLCertDialog | KDE X.509 Certificate Dialog |
CKSslInfoDialog | KDE SSL Information Dialog |
CKUrlRequesterDialog | Dialog in which a user can enter a filename or url |
CKIO::RenameDialog | The dialog shown when a CopyJob realizes that a destination file already exists, and wants to offer the user with the choice to either Rename, Overwrite, Skip; this dialog is also used when a .part file exists and the user can choose to Resume a previous download |
►CQFrame [external] | |
►CKHBox [external] | |
►CKUrlRequester | This class is a widget showing a lineedit and a button, which invokes a filedialog |
CKUrlComboRequester | |
►CKVBox [external] | |
CKMimeTypeChooser | This widget provides a checkable list of all available mimetypes, and a list of selected ones, as well as a corresponding list of file extensions, an optional text and an optional edit button (not working yet) |
►CQList< KBookmark > [external] | |
CKBookmark::List | KUrl::Bookmark is a QList that contains bookmarks with a few convenience methods |
►CQList< KFileItem > [external] | |
CKFileItemList | List of KFileItems, which adds a few helper methods to QList<KFileItem> |
►CQListWidget [external] | |
►CKListWidget [external] | |
CKIconCanvas | Icon canvas for KIconDialog |
►CQMap< QString, QString > [external] | |
CKIO::MetaData | MetaData is a simple map of key/value strings |
►CQMenu [external] | |
►CKMenu [external] | |
►CKBookmarkContextMenu | |
CKonqBookmarkContextMenu | |
►CQNetworkAccessManager | |
CKIO::AccessManager | A KDE implementation of QNetworkAccessManager |
►CQNetworkCookieJar | |
CKIO::Integration::CookieJar | A KDE implementation of QNetworkCookieJar |
►CQNetworkReply | |
CKDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply | Used for KIO::AccessManager; KDE implementation of QNetworkReply |
►CQObject [external] | |
CBugMailer | |
►CHTTPFilterBase | |
CHTTPFilterChain | |
►CHTTPFilterGZip | |
CHTTPFilterDeflate | |
CHTTPFilterMD5 | |
CJobUrlCache | |
CKAbstractFileItemActionPlugin | Base class for KFileItemAction plugins |
CKAbstractFileModule | Interface to the module that contains the file widget |
►CKAbstractViewAdapter | |
CKIO::DefaultViewAdapter | Implementation of the view adapter for the default case when an instance of QAbstractItemView is used as view |
CKAutoMount | This class implements synchronous mounting of devices, as well as showing a file-manager window after mounting a device, optionally |
CKAutoUnmount | This class implements synchronous unmounting of devices, It is a wrapper around the asychronous KIO::special() call for unmount, used by KMimeType |
CKBookmarkDomBuilder | |
►CKBookmarkImporterBase | A class for importing NS bookmarks KEditBookmarks uses it to insert bookmarks into its DOM tree, and KActionMenu uses it to create actions directly |
CKCrashBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing all crash sessions as bookmarks |
CKIEBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing IE bookmarks |
►CKNSBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing NS bookmarks utf8 defaults to off |
CKMozillaBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing Mozilla bookmarks utf8 defaults to on |
CKOperaBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing Opera bookmarks |
CKXBELBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing XBEL files |
CKBookmarkManager | This class implements the reading/writing of bookmarks in XML |
►CKBookmarkMenu | This class provides a bookmark menu |
CKImportedBookmarkMenu | |
CKonqBookmarkMenu | |
CKBookmarkMenuImporter | A class connected to KNSBookmarkImporter, to fill KActionMenus |
►CKCompletion [external] | |
►CKUrlCompletion | This class does completion of URLs including user directories (~user) and environment variables |
CKShellCompletion | This class does shell-like completion of file names |
CKCrashBookmarkImporter | A class for importing all crash sessions as bookmarks |
CKDataTool | A generic tool that processes data |
►CKDEDModule [external] | |
CKPAC::ProxyScout | |
CKDirLister | Helper class for the kiojob used to list and update a directory |
CKDirListerCache | Design of the cache: There is a single KDirListerCache for the whole process |
CKDiskFreeSpace | |
CKFileItemActionPlugin | |
CKFileItemActions | This class creates and handles the actions for a url (or urls) in a popupmenu |
CKFileItemActionsPrivate | |
CKFileMetaDataProvider | Provides the data for the KMetaDataWidget |
CKFileMetaDataReader | Provides metadata extracted from files |
CKFileSharePrivate | |
CKFileWritePlugin | |
CKfsProcess | |
CKfsProcessController | |
►CKIO::AbstractConnectionBackend | |
CKIO::SocketConnectionBackend | |
CKIO::CachedRendering | |
CKIO::ClipboardUpdater | Updates the clipboard when it is affected by KIO operations |
CKIO::CommandRecorder | |
CKIO::ConnectedSlaveQueue | |
CKIO::DelegateAnimationHandler | |
CKIO::FileUndoManager | FileUndoManager: makes it possible to undo kio jobs |
CKIO::FileUndoManagerPrivate | |
CKIO::ForwardingSlaveBase | This class should be used as a base for ioslaves acting as a forwarder to other ioslaves |
CKIO::NetAccess | Net Transparency |
CKIO::ProtoQueue | |
CKIO::Scheduler | The KIO::Scheduler manages io-slaves for the application |
CKIO::SessionData | |
CKIO::SlaveConfig | SlaveConfig |
►CKIO::SlaveInterface | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application ( KIO::Job) and kioslave |
►CKIO::Slave | |
►CKIO::DataSlave | This class provides a high performance implementation for the data url scheme (rfc2397) |
CKIO::DataProtocol | This kioslave provides support of data urls as specified by rfc 2397 |
CKIO::SlaveKeeper | |
CKIO::UserNotificationHandler | |
►CKJob [external] | |
►CKCompositeJob [external] | |
►CKIO::Job | The base class for all jobs |
CKIO::ChmodJob | This job changes permissions on a list of files or directories, optionally in a recursive manner |
CKIO::CopyJob | CopyJob is used to move, copy or symlink files and directories |
CKIO::DeleteJob | A more complex Job to delete files and directories |
CKIO::DirectorySizeJob | Computes a directory size (similar to "du", but doesn't give the same results since we simply sum up the dir and file sizes, whereas du speaks disk blocks) |
CKIO::FileCopyJob | The FileCopyJob copies data from one place to another |
CKIO::MetaInfoJob | MetaInfoJob is a KIO Job to retrieve meta information from files |
CKIO::PreviewJob | KIO Job to get a thumbnail picture |
►CKIO::SimpleJob | A simple job (one url and one command) |
CKIO::DirectCopyJob | |
CKIO::FileJob | The file-job is an asynchronious version of normal file handling |
CKIO::ListJob | A ListJob is allows you to get the get the content of a directory |
CKIO::MkdirJob | A KIO job that creates a directory |
CKIO::StatJob | A KIO job that retrieves information about a file or directory |
►CKIO::TransferJob | The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave |
CKIO::DavJob | The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave |
CKIO::MimetypeJob | A MimetypeJob is a TransferJob that allows you to get the mime type of an URL |
CKIO::MultiGetJob | The MultiGetJob is a TransferJob that allows you to get several files from a single server |
CKIO::SpecialJob | A class that sends a special command to an ioslave |
CKIO::StoredTransferJob | StoredTransferJob is a TransferJob (for downloading or uploading data) that also stores a QByteArray with the data, making it simpler to use than the standard TransferJob |
CKDirLister::Private::CachedItemsJob | |
►CKJobTrackerInterface [external] | |
CKDynamicJobTracker | This class implements a simple job tracker which registers any job to the KWidgetJobTracker if a kuiserver isn't available on the DBus, or to the KUiServerJobTracker, if a kuiserver is available |
►CKJobUiDelegate [external] | |
►CKDialogJobUiDelegate [external] | |
CKIO::JobUiDelegate | A UI delegate tuned to be used with KIO Jobs |
CKMimeTypeResolver | This class implements the "delayed-mimetype-determination" feature, for directory views |
CKNFSShare | Similar functionality like KFileShare, but works only for NFS and do not need any suid script |
CKOperaBookmarkImporter | A class for importing Opera bookmarks |
►CKPAC::Downloader | |
CKPAC::Discovery | |
CKProcessRunner | |
►CKPropertiesDialogPlugin | A Plugin in the Properties dialog This is an abstract class |
CKDEPrivate::KDesktopPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] Type=Application |
CKDEPrivate::KDevicePropsPlugin | Properties plugin for device .desktop files |
CKDEPrivate::KFilePermissionsPropsPlugin | 'Permissions' plugin In this plugin you can modify permissions and change the owner of a file |
CKDEPrivate::KFilePropsPlugin | 'General' plugin This plugin displays the name of the file, its size and access times |
CKDEPrivate::KUrlPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] URL=... |
CKFileMetaPropsPlugin | |
CKFileSharePropsPlugin | This plugin provides a page to KProperiessDialog, showing the "file sharing" options |
CKPreviewPropsPlugin | |
CKRun | To open files with their associated applications in KDE, use KRun |
CKSambaShare | This class lists Samba user shares and monitors them for addition, update and removal |
CKUriFilterPlugin | Base class for URI filter plugins |
►CQProgressDialog | |
CKBuildSycocaProgressDialog | Progress dialog while ksycoca is being rebuilt (by kbuildsycoca) |
►CQPushButton [external] | |
CKIconButton | A pushbutton for choosing an icon |
►CQSharedData [external] | |
CKFileMetaInfoItemPrivate | |
CKSambaShareDataPrivate | |
►CQTreeView | |
CKApplicationView | |
►CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CKBookmarkTreeItem | |
CKIO::DataSlave::QueueStruct | Structure for queuing |
►CQWidget [external] | |
CCaCertificatesPage | |
►CKCModule [external] | |
CKcmSsl | |
CKCommentWidget | Allows to edit and show a comment as part of KMetaDataWidget |
CKFileMetaDataConfigurationWidget | Widget which allows to configure which meta data should be shown in the KFileMetaDataWidget |
CKFileMetaDataWidget | Shows the meta data of one or more file items |
CKFileMetaInfoWidget | |
CKIO::RenameDialogPlugin | Base class for RenameDialog plugins |
►CKPreviewWidgetBase | Abstract baseclass for all preview widgets which shall be used via KFileDialog::setPreviewWidget(const KPreviewWidgetBase *) |
CKFileMetaPreview | |
CKImageFilePreview | Image preview widget for the file dialog |
CKSslCertificateBox | |
CKStatusBarOfflineIndicator | Widget indicating network connection status using an icon and tooltip |
►CQWidgetAction [external] | |
CKAction [external] | |
►CQWizard | |
CKSSLKeyGen | KDE Key Generation dialog |
►CQWizardPage | |
CKSSLKeyGenWizardPage2 | |
CKIO::UserNotificationHandler::Request | |
CKEncodingFileDialog::Result | |
CKPAC::Script | |
CKNTLM::SecBuf | |
CKIO::SerialPicker | |
CKFileItemActionsPrivate::ServiceRank | |
►CKIO::SlaveBase | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave |
CKIO::ForwardingSlaveBase | This class should be used as a base for ioslaves acting as a forwarder to other ioslaves |
CKIO::TCPSlaveBase | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave |
CKIO::SlaveInterfacePrivate | |
CKIO::Task | |
►CThumbCreator | This is the baseclass for "thumbnail-plugins" in KDE |
CThumbCreatorV2 | |
CThumbSequenceCreator | |
CKIO::UDSEntry | Universal Directory Service |
CKIO::FileUndoManager::UiInterface | Interface for the gui handling of FileUndoManager |
CKIO::UndoCommand | |
►CQEventLoop | |
CKIO::KPasswdServerLoop | |