►NGeoCute | |
CAccuracy | |
►CMasterClient | |
CPrivate | |
CPosition | |
►CPositionProvider | |
CPrivate | |
►CProvider | |
CPrivate | |
CSimpleDBusInterface | |
CVelocity | |
►CVelocityProvider | |
CPrivate | |
►NMarble | Tiled dataset stored in a layer |
►Ndgml | |
CDgmlAvailableTagHandler | |
CDgmlBlendingTagHandler | |
CDgmlBrushTagHandler | |
CDgmlDescriptionTagHandler | |
CDgmlDiscreteTagHandler | |
CDgmlDocumentTagHandler | |
CDgmlDownloadPolicyTagHandler | |
CDgmlDownloadUrlTagHandler | |
CDgmlFilterTagHandler | |
CDgmlGeodataTagHandler | |
CDgmlGroupTagHandler | |
CDgmlHeadingTagHandler | |
CDgmlHeadTagHandler | |
CDgmlIconTagHandler | |
CDgmlInstallMapTagHandler | |
CDgmlItemTagHandler | |
CDgmlLayerTagHandler | |
CDgmlLegendTagHandler | |
CDgmlLicenseTagHandler | |
CDgmlMapTagHandler | |
CDgmlMaximumTagHandler | |
CDgmlMinimumTagHandler | |
CDgmlNameTagHandler | |
CDgmlPaletteTagHandler | |
CDgmlPenTagHandler | |
CDgmlProjectionTagHandler | |
CDgmlPropertyTagHandler | |
CDgmlSectionTagHandler | |
CDgmlSettingsTagHandler | |
CDgmlSourceDirTagHandler | |
CDgmlSourceFileTagHandler | |
CDgmlStorageLayoutTagHandler | |
CDgmlTargetTagHandler | |
CDgmlTextTagHandler | |
CDgmlTextureTagHandler | |
CDgmlThemeTagHandler | |
CDgmlTileSizeTagHandler | |
CDgmlValueTagHandler | |
CDgmlVectorTagHandler | |
CDgmlVectortileTagHandler | |
CDgmlVisibleTagHandler | |
CDgmlZoomTagHandler | |
►Ngpx | |
CGPXcmtTagHandler | |
CGPXdescTagHandler | |
CGPXeleTagHandler | |
CGPXextensionsTagHandler | |
CGPXgpxTagHandler | |
CGPXhrTagHandler | |
CGPXlinkTagHandler | |
CGPXnameTagHandler | |
CGPXrteptTagHandler | |
CGPXrteTagHandler | |
CGPXtimeTagHandler | |
CGPXTrackPointExtensionTagHandler | |
CGPXtrkptTagHandler | |
CGPXtrksegTagHandler | |
CGPXtrkTagHandler | |
CGPXtypeTagHandler | |
CGPXurlnameTagHandler | Text ooccurs only in link in gpx 1.1 |
CGPXurlTagHandler | |
CGPXwptTagHandler | |
►Nkml | |
►Ngx | |
CKmlTimeSpanTagHandler | |
CKmlTimeStampTagHandler | |
CKmlAliasTagHandler | |
CKmlaltitudeModeTagHandler | |
CKmlaltitudeTagHandler | |
CKmlareaTagHandler | |
CKmlBalloonStyleTagHandler | |
CKmlbeginTagHandler | |
CKmlbgColorTagHandler | |
CKmlbottomFovTagHandler | |
CKmlCameraTagHandler | |
CKmlcolorModeTagHandler | |
CKmlcolorTagHandler | |
CKmlcookieTagHandler | |
CKmlcoordinatesTagHandler | |
CKmlcountrycodeTagHandler | |
CKmlCountryNameCodeTagHandler | |
CKmlDataTagHandler | |
CKmldescriptionTagHandler | |
CKmldisplayModeTagHandler | |
CKmldisplayNameTagHandler | |
CKmlDocumentTagHandler | |
CKmldrawOrderTagHandler | |
CKmldurationTagHandler | |
CKmleastTagHandler | |
CKmlendTagHandler | |
CKmlexpiresTagHandler | |
CKmlExtendedDataTagHandler | |
CKmlextrudeTagHandler | |
CKmlfillTagHandler | |
CKmlflyToModeTagHandler | |
CKmlFlyToTagHandler | |
CKmlflyToViewTagHandler | |
CKmlFolderTagHandler | |
CKmlgridOriginTagHandler | |
CKmlGroundOverlayTagHandler | |
CKmlheadingTagHandler | |
CKmlhotSpotTagHandler | |
CKmlhrefTagHandler | |
CKmlhttpQueryTagHandler | |
CKmlIconStyleTagHandler | |
CKmlIconTagHandler | |
CKmlImagePyramidTagHandler | |
CKmlinnerBoundaryIsTagHandler | |
CKmlItemIconTagHandler | |
CKmlkeyTagHandler | |
CKmlLabelStyleTagHandler | |
CKmllatitudeTagHandler | |
CKmlLatLonAltBoxTagHandler | |
CKmlLatLonBoxTagHandler | |
CKmlLatLonQuadTagHandler | |
CKmlleftFovTagHandler | |
CKmlLinearRingTagHandler | |
CKmlLineStringTagHandler | |
CKmlLineStyleTagHandler | |
CKmllinkDescriptionTagHandler | |
CKmllinkNameTagHandler | |
CKmllinkSnippetTagHandler | |
CKmlLinkTagHandler | |
CKmllistItemTypeTagHandler | |
CKmlListStyleTagHandler | |
CKmlLocationTagHandler | |
CKmlLodTagHandler | |
CKmllongitudeTagHandler | |
CKmlLookAtTagHandler | |
CKmlMarblePlacemarkTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxAltitudeTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxFadeExtentTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxHeightTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxLodPixelsTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxSessionLengthTagHandler | |
CKmlmaxWidthTagHandler | |
CKmlmessageTagHandler | |
CKmlminAltitudeTagHandler | |
CKmlminFadeExtentTagHandler | |
CKmlminLodPixelsTagHandler | |
CKmlminRefreshPeriodTagHandler | |
CKmlModelTagHandler | |
CKmlMultiGeometryTagHandler | |
CKmlMultiTrackTagHandler | |
CKmlnameTagHandler | |
CKmlnearTagHandler | |
CKmlNetworkLinkControlTagHandler | |
CKmlNetworkLinkTagHandler | |
CKmlnorthTagHandler | |
CKmlopenTagHandler | |
CKmlOrientationTagHandler | |
CKmlouterBoundaryIsTagHandler | |
CKmloutlineTagHandler | |
CKmloverlayXYTagHandler | |
CKmlPairTagHandler | |
CKmlPhotoOverlayTagHandler | |
CKmlPlacemarkTagHandler | |
CKmlPlaylistTagHandler | |
CKmlplayModeTagHandler | |
CKmlPointTagHandler | |
CKmlPolygonTagHandler | |
CKmlPolyStyleTagHandler | |
CKmlpopTagHandler | |
CKmlrangeTagHandler | |
CKmlrefreshIntervalTagHandler | |
CKmlrefreshModeTagHandler | |
CKmlrefreshVisibilityTagHandler | |
CKmlRegionTagHandler | |
CKmlResourceMapTagHandler | |
CKmlrightFovTagHandler | |
CKmlroleTagHandler | |
CKmlrollTagHandler | |
CKmlrotationTagHandler | |
CKmlrotationXYTagHandler | |
CKmlscaleTagHandler | |
CKmlScaleTagHandler | |
CKmlSchemaDataTagHandler | |
CKmlSchemaTagHandler | |
CKmlScreenOverlayTagHandler | |
CKmlscreenXYTagHandler | |
CKmlshapeTagHandler | |
CKmlSimpleArrayDataTagHandler | |
CKmlSimpleFieldTagHandler | |
CKmlsizeTagHandler | |
CKmlsourceHrefTagHandler | |
CKmlsouthTagHandler | |
CKmlstateTagHandler | |
CKmlStyleMapTagHandler | |
CKmlStyleTagHandler | |
CKmlstyleUrlTagHandler | |
CKmltargetHrefTagHandler | |
CKmltessellateTagHandler | |
CKmltextColorTagHandler | |
CKmltextTagHandler | |
CKmltileSizeTagHandler | |
CKmltiltTagHandler | |
CKmlTimeSpanTagHandler | |
CKmlTimeStampTagHandler | |
CKmltopFovTagHandler | |
CKmlTourControlTagHandler | |
CKmlTourTagHandler | |
CKmlTrackTagHandler | |
CKmlUpdateTagHandler | |
CKmlvalueTagHandler | |
CKmlviewBoundScaleTagHandler | |
CKmlviewFormatTagHandler | |
CKmlviewRefreshModeTagHandler | |
CKmlviewRefreshTimeTagHandler | |
CKmlViewVolumeTagHandler | |
CKmlvisibilityTagHandler | |
CKmlwestTagHandler | |
CKmlwhenTagHandler | |
CKmlwidthTagHandler | |
CKmlxTagHandler | |
CKmlyTagHandler | |
CKmlzTagHandler | |
►Nosm | |
COsmBoundsTagHandler | |
COsmBoundTagHandler | |
COsmGlobals | |
COsmMemberTagHandler | |
COsmNdTagHandler | |
COsmNodeFactory | |
COsmNodeTagHandler | |
COsmOsmTagHandler | |
COsmRelationFactory | |
COsmRelationTagHandler | |
COsmTagTagHandler | |
COsmWayFactory | |
COsmWayTagHandler | |
CAbstractDataPlugin | An abstract class for plugins that show data that has a geo coordinate |
CAbstractDataPluginItem | |
CAbstractDataPluginModel | An abstract data model (not based on QAbstractModel) for a AbstractDataPlugin |
CAbstractFloatItem | The abstract class for float item plugins |
CAbstractMarbleGraphicsLayout | |
CAbstractProjection | A base class for all projections in Marble |
CAbstractProjectionPrivate | |
CAbstractWeatherService | |
CAbstractWorkerThread | The AbstractWorkerThread is a class written for small tasks that have to run multiple times on different data asynchronously |
CAdditiveBlending | |
CAdditiveSubtractiveBlending | |
CAllanonBlending | |
CAlternativeRoutesModel | |
CAnnotatePlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CAprsFile | |
CAprsGatherer | |
CAprsObject | |
CAprsPlugin | This class displays a layer of aprs (which aprs TBD) |
CAprsSource | |
CAprsTCPIP | |
CAprsTTY | |
CArcusTangentBlending | |
CAreaAnnotation | |
CArrowDiscWidget | |
CAtmospherePlugin | |
CAudioOutput | Audio (mainly voice) output of driving instructions |
CAutoNavigation | |
CAxisTick | |
CBBCItemGetter | |
CBBCParser | |
CBBCStation | |
CBBCWeatherItem | |
CBBCWeatherService | |
CBillboardGraphicsItem | Base class for all 2D labels (a.k.a |
CBleachBlending | |
CBlending | |
CBlendingFactory | |
CBookmarkManager | This class is responsible for loading the book mark objects from the files and various book mark operations |
CBookmarkManagerDialog | |
CBookmarkManagerPrivate | |
CBookmarkSyncManager | |
CBranchFilterProxyModel | |
CCachePlugin | |
CCacheRunner | |
CCacheStoragePolicy | |
CCarWorker | |
CClipPainter | |
CCloudRouteModel | |
CCloudRoutesDialog | |
CCloudsBlending | |
CCloudSyncManager | |
CColorBurnBlending | |
CColorDodgeBlending | |
CCompassFloatItem | The class that creates a compass |
CConflictDialog | |
CConstellation | |
CControlView | |
CCoordinate | |
CCoordinatesParser | |
CCrosshairsPlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CCurrentLocationWidget | |
CCustomServerLayout | |
CCylindricalProjection | A base class for the Equirectangular and Mercator projections in Marble |
CCylindricalProjectionPrivate | |
CDarkBlending | |
CDarkenBlending | |
CDatabaseQuery | Parse result of a user's search term |
CDataMigration | |
CDeclarativeDataPluginItem | |
CDeclarativeDataPluginModel | |
CDeferredFlag | |
CDgmlDocumentTagWriter | |
CDgmlGeodataTagWriter | |
CDgmlHeadTagWriter | |
CDgmlItemTagWriter | |
CDgmlLayerTagWriter | |
CDgmlLegendTagWriter | |
CDgmlMapTagWriter | |
CDgmlSectionTagWriter | |
CDgmlSettingsTagWriter | |
CDgmlTagWriter | |
CDgmlTextureTagWriter | |
CDgmlVectorTagWriter | |
CDialogConfigurationInterface | This interface allows a plugin to provide a QWidget-based configuration dialog which is accessible within Marble's own configuration dialog |
CDifferenceBlending | |
CDiscCache | |
CDivideBlending | |
CDownloadPolicy | |
CDownloadPolicyKey | |
CDownloadQueueSet |
CDownloadRegion | |
CDownloadRegionDialog | |
CDsoPoint | |
CEarthquakeItem | |
CEarthquakeModel | |
CEarthquakePlugin | |
CEditBookmarkDialog | |
CElement | |
CElevationModel | |
CElevationProfileFloatItem | The class that creates an interactive elvation profile |
CElevationProfileMarker | |
CElevationProfilePlotAxis | A helper class handling a plot axis for the Elevation Profile |
CEquirectProjection | A class to implement the Equirectangular projection used by the "Flat Map" view |
CEquirectScanlineTextureMapper | |
CEquivalenceBlending | |
CExternalEditorDialog | |
CFakeWeatherItem | |
CFakeWeatherService | |
CFileLoader | |
CFileManager | This class is responsible for loading the different files into Geodata model |
CFileStoragePolicy | |
CFileStorageWatcher | |
CFileStorageWatcherThread | |
CFileViewFloatItem | Provides a float item with a list of opened files |
CFileViewWidget | |
CFITemplateFloatItem | The class that creates a .. |
CFlickrParser | |
CFlightGearPositionProviderPlugin | |
CFogLayer | |
CFoursquareItem | |
CFoursquareModel | |
CFoursquarePlugin | |
CFpsLayer | |
CFrameGraphicsItem | |
CFrameGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CGammaDarkBlending | |
CGammaLightBlending | |
CGeoAprsCoordinates | |
CGeoCluePositionProviderPlugin | |
CGeoDataAbstractView | |
CGeoDataAccuracy | |
CGeoDataAlias | |
CGeoDataBalloonStyle | |
CGeoDataCamera | |
CGeoDataCameraPrivate | |
CGeoDataColorStyle | Abstract base class for various style classes |
CGeoDataContainer | A base class that can hold GeoDataFeatures |
CGeoDataContainerPrivate | |
CGeoDataCoordinates | A 3d point representation |
CGeoDataCoordinatesPrivate | |
CGeoDataData | |
CGeoDataDataPrivate | |
CGeoDataDocument | A container for Features, Styles and in the future Schemas |
CGeoDataDocumentPrivate | |
CGeoDataExtendedData | Class which allows to add custom data to KML Feature |
CGeoDataExtendedDataPrivate | |
CGeoDataFeature | A base class for all geodata features |
CGeoDataFeaturePrivate | |
CGeoDataFlyTo | |
CGeoDataFolder | |
CGeoDataGeometry | A base class for all geodata features |
CGeoDataGeometryPrivate | |
CGeoDataGroundOverlay | |
CGeoDataHotSpot | |
CGeoDataIconStyle | |
CGeoDataImagePyramid | |
CGeoDataInnerBoundary | |
CGeoDataItemIcon | |
CGeoDataLabelStyle | How the name of a GeoDataFeature is drawn |
CGeoDataLatLonAltBox | A class that defines a 3D bounding box for geographic data |
CGeoDataLatLonBox | A class that defines a 2D bounding box for geographic data |
CGeoDataLatLonQuad | |
CGeoDataLinearRing | A LinearRing that allows to store a closed, contiguous set of line segments |
CGeoDataLinearRingPrivate | |
CGeoDataLineString | A LineString that allows to store a contiguous set of line segments |
CGeoDataLineStringPrivate | |
CGeoDataLineStyle | Style how lines are drawn |
CGeoDataLink | |
CGeoDataListStyle | |
CGeoDataLocation | |
CGeoDataLod | The level of detail which indicates visibility and importance |
CGeoDataLodPrivate | |
CGeoDataLookAt | |
CGeoDataLookAtPrivate | |
CGeoDataModel | |
CGeoDataMultiGeometry | |
CGeoDataMultiGeometryPrivate | |
CGeoDataMultiTrack | |
CGeoDataMultiTrackPrivate | |
CGeoDataNetworkLink | |
CGeoDataNetworkLinkControl | |
CGeoDataObject | A base class for all geodata objects |
CGeoDataOrientation | |
CGeoDataOuterBoundary | |
CGeoDataOverlay | |
CGeoDataParser | |
CGeoDataPhotoOverlay | |
CGeoDataPlacemark | Class representing a point of interest on the map |
CGeoDataPlacemarkPrivate | |
CGeoDataPlaylist | |
CGeoDataPoint | A Geometry object representing a 3d point |
CGeoDataPointPrivate | |
CGeoDataPolygon | A polygon that can have "holes" |
CGeoDataPolygonPrivate | |
CGeoDataPolyStyle | Style how polygons are drawn |
CGeoDataRegion | GeoDataRegion describes the visibility and extent of a feature |
CGeoDataRegionPrivate | |
CGeoDataResourceMap | |
CGeoDataScale | |
CGeoDataScreenOverlay | |
CGeoDataSimpleArrayData | |
CGeoDataStyle | Addressable style group |
CGeoDataStyleMap | Class to map different styles to one style |
CGeoDataStyleSelector | Base class for the style classes |
CGeoDataTimePrimitive | Base class for the style classes |
CGeoDataTimePrimitivePrivate | |
CGeoDataTimeSpan | |
CGeoDataTimeSpanPrivate | |
CGeoDataTimeStamp | |
CGeoDataTimeStampPrivate | |
CGeoDataTour | |
CGeoDataTourControl | |
CGeoDataTourPrimitive | |
CGeoDataTrack | A geometry for tracking objects made of (time, coordinates) pairs |
CGeoDataTreeModel | The representation of GeoData in a model This class represents all available data given by kml-data files |
CGeoDataUpdate | |
CGeoDataVec2 | |
CGeoDataViewVolume | |
CGeoDocument | A shared base class between GeoDataDocument/GeoSourceDocument |
CGeoGraphicsItem | |
CGeoGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CGeoGraphicsScene | This is the home of all GeoGraphicsItems to be shown on the map |
CGeoLineStringGraphicsItem | |
CGeometricMeanBlending | |
CGeometryLayer | |
CGeonamesParser | |
CGeoNamesWeatherItem | |
CGeoNamesWeatherService | |
CGeoNode | A shared base class for all classes that are mapped to a specific tag (ie |
CGeoPainter | A painter that allows to draw geometric primitives on the map |
CGeoPainterPrivate | |
CGeoParser | |
CGeoPhotoGraphicsItem | |
CGeoPointGraphicsItem | |
CGeoPolygon | |
CGeoPolygonGraphicsItem | |
CGeoSceneAbstractDataset | Contents used inside a layer |
CGeoSceneDocument | A container for features parsed from the DGML file |
CGeoSceneFilter | Filter of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneGeodata | |
CGeoSceneGroup | Group inside the settings of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneHead | General properties and identifiers of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneIcon | Icon properties of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneItem | The section item in a legend of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneLayer | Layer of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneLegend | Legend of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneLicense | |
CGeoSceneMap | Map layer structure of a GeoScene document |
CGeoScenePalette | Palette of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneParser | |
CGeoSceneProperty | Settings property within a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneSection | Section of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneSettings | Settings of a GeoScene document |
CGeoSceneTextureTile | |
CGeoSceneTiled | |
CGeoSceneVector | Vector dataset stored in a layer |
CGeoSceneVectorTile | |
CGeoSceneZoom | Zoom properties of a GeoScene document |
CGeoStackItem | |
CGeoTagHandler | A base class for XML tag handlers This is a base class that is used in the GeoParser architecture |
CGeoTagHandlerRegistrar | |
CGeoTagWriter | Base class intended to be subclassed by specific XML tag writers This class provides a base class that allows the writing of many different XML formats |
CGeoTagWriterRegistrar | |
CGeoTrackGraphicsItem | |
CGeoWidgetBubble | |
CGeoWriter | Standard Marble way of writing XML This class is intended to be a standardised way of writing XML for marble |
CGosmorePlugin | |
CGosmoreRunner | |
CGoToDialog | A dialog that provides a list of targets to go to: The current location, route start, destination and via points and bookmarks |
CGpsdConnection | |
CGpsdPositionProviderPlugin | |
CGpsdThread | |
CGpsInfo | The class that displays Position Tracking info |
CGpxParser | |
CGpxPlugin | |
CGpxRunner | |
CGraticulePlugin | A plugin that creates a coordinate grid on top of the map |
CGrayscaleBlending | |
CGroundLayer | |
CHalfDifferenceBlending | |
CHardLightBlending | |
CHostipPlugin | |
CHostipRunner | |
CHttpDownloadManager | This class manages scheduled downloads |
CHttpJob | |
CImageF | |
CIndependentChannelBlending | |
CInhibitScreensaverPlugin | A plugin that inhibits the screensaver as long as a position provider plugin is active |
CInstructionTransformation | Transforms waypoints and metadata into driving directions |
CJsonParser | |
CJsonPlugin | |
CJsonRunner | |
CKmlBalloonStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlCameraTagWriter | |
CKmlColorStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlDataTagWriter | |
CKmlDocument | |
CKmlDocumentTagWriter | |
CKmlExtendedDataTagWriter | |
CKmlFlyToTagWriter | |
CKmlFolderTagWriter | |
CKmlGroundOverlayWriter | |
CKmlIconStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlLatLonAltBoxWriter | |
CKmlLatLonBoxWriter | |
CKmlLatLonQuadWriter | |
CKmlLinearRingTagWriter | |
CKmlLineStringTagWriter | |
CKmlLineStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlLinkTagWriter | |
CKmlListStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlLodTagWriter | |
CKmlLookAtTagWriter | |
CKmlModelTagWriter | |
CKmlMultiGeometryTagWriter | |
CKmlMultiTrackTagWriter | |
CKmlNetworkLinkTagWriter | |
CKmlOverlayTagWriter | |
CKmlParser | |
CKmlPhotoOverlayWriter | |
CKmlPlacemarkTagWriter | |
CKmlPlugin | |
CKmlPointTagWriter | |
CKmlPolygonTagWriter | |
CKmlPolyStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlRegionTagWriter | |
CKmlRunner | |
CKmlScreenOverlayWriter | |
CKmlStyleMapTagWriter | |
CKmlStyleTagWriter | |
CKmlTagWriter | |
CKmlTimeSpanWriter | |
CKmlTimeStampTagWriter | |
CKmlTrackWriter | |
CKmzHandler | |
CLabelGraphicsItem | A label item provides an Item that displays text or images/pixmaps |
CLabelGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CLatLonBoxWidget | |
CLatLonEdit | |
CLatLonPlugin | |
CLatLonRunner | |
CLayerInterface | |
CLayerManager | Handles rendering of all active layers in the correct order |
CLegendWidget | |
CLicense | The class that displays copyright info |
CLightBlending | |
CLightenBlending | |
CLinearBurnBlending | |
CLinearLightBlending | |
CLocalDatabasePlugin | |
CLocalDatabaseRunner | |
CLocalOsmSearchPlugin | |
CLocalOsmSearchRunner | |
CLogfilePlugin | |
CLogRunner | |
CMaemoPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMainWindow | |
CManeuver | |
CMapQuestPlugin | |
CMapQuestRunner | |
CMapScaleFloatItem | The class that creates a map scale |
CMapThemeDownloadDialog | |
CMapThemeManager | The class that handles map themes that are locally available |
CMapThemeSortFilterProxyModel | |
CMapViewWidget | |
CMapWizard | |
CMarbleAboutDialog | |
CMarbleClock | |
CMarbleControlBox | A widget class that contains advanced controls for a MarbleWidget |
CMarbleDebug | Class which takes all the settings and exposes them |
CMarbleDirs | A class that manages data look-up for Marble |
CMarbleGlobal | |
CMarbleGlobalPrivate | |
CMarbleGraphicsGridLayout | |
CMarbleGraphicsItem | |
CMarbleGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CMarbleLegendBrowser | |
CMarbleLineEdit | A QLineEdit with an embedded clear button |
CMarbleLocale | A class that contains all localization stuff for Marble |
CMarbleLocalePrivate | |
CMarbleMap | A class that can paint a view of the earth |
CMarbleModel | The data model (not based on QAbstractModel) for a MarbleWidget |
CMarbleNavigator | A widget class that contains simple controls for a MarbleWidget |
CMarblePart | |
CMarblePhysics | |
CMarblePlacemarkModel | This class represents a model of all place marks which are currently available through a given PlacemarkManager |
CMarblePluginSettingsWidget | |
CMarbleServerLayout | |
CMarbleSplashLayer | |
CMarbleTest | |
CMarbleWidget | A widget class that displays a view of the earth |
CMarbleWidgetDefaultInputHandler | |
CMarbleWidgetInputHandler | |
CMarbleWidgetPopupMenu | The MarbleWidgetPopupMenu handles context menus |
CMeasureToolPlugin | |
CMercatorProjection | A class to implement the Mercator projection |
CMercatorScanlineTextureMapper | |
CMergedLayerDecorator | |
CMergeItem | |
CMonavConfigWidget | |
CMonavMap | |
CMonavMapsModel | |
CMonavPlugin | |
CMonavRunner | |
CMultiplyBlending | |
CNavigationButton | |
CNavigationFloatItem | Provides a float item with zoom and move controls |
CNavigationSlider | |
CNavigationWidget | |
CNewBookmarkFolderDialog | |
CNewstuffModel | |
CNode | |
CNoiseBlending | |
CNominatimPlugin | |
COpenCachingCache | Contains all information about a cache, including logs and descriptions in all available languages |
COpenCachingCacheDescription | Stores the description of a cache in a single language |
COpenCachingCacheLog | All log entries for a cache |
COpenCachingCacheLogEntry | Single log entry for a cache |
COpenCachingComItem | |
COpenCachingComModel | |
COpenCachingComPlugin | Plugin to display geocaches from opencaching.com on the map |
COpenCachingItem | Item representing a single cache |
COpenCachingModel | Model that manages cache information |
COpenCachingPlugin | Plugin to display geocaches from opencaching.de on the map |
COpenDesktopItem | |
COpenDesktopModel | |
COpenDesktopPlugin | |
COpenRouteServicePlugin | |
COpenRouteServiceRunner | |
COsmDatabase | |
COsmNominatimRunner | |
COsmOsmRegion | |
COsmParser | |
COsmPlacemark | A lightweight data structure to represent points of interest like addresses with support for serialization |
COsmPlugin | |
COsmRegion | A lightweight data structure to represent administrative regions like villages, cities, states, .. |
COsmRegionTree | |
COsmRunner | |
COsmServerLayout | |
COSRMPlugin | |
COSRMRunner | |
COverlayBlending | |
COverpaintBlending | |
COverviewMap | The class that creates an overview map |
COwncloudSyncBackend | |
CPanoramioModel | |
CPanoramioPlugin | |
CPanoramioWidget | |
CParallelBlending | |
CParseRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a parsing task |
CParsingRunner | |
CParsingRunnerManager | |
CParsingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a file Parsing |
CPhotoPlugin | |
CPhotoPluginItem | |
CPhotoPluginModel | |
CPinLightBlending | |
CPlacemarkLayer | |
CPlacemarkLayout | Layouts the place marks with a passed QPainter |
CPlacemarkPositionProviderPlugin | |
CPlacemarkTextAnnotation | |
CPlanet | |
CPlasmaRunner | |
CPluginAboutDialog | |
CPluginAuthor | |
CPluginInterface | This class specifies interface of a Marble plugin |
CPluginItemDelegate | |
CPluginManager | The class that handles Marble's plugins |
CPn2Plugin | |
CPn2Runner | |
CPntMap | |
CPntMapLoader | |
CPntPlugin | |
CPntRunner | |
CPopupItem | The PopupItem Class |
CPopupLayer | The PopupLayer class |
CPositionMarker | |
CPositionProviderPlugin | The abstract class that provides position information |
CPositionProviderPluginInterface | The interface for position provider plugins |
CPositionTracking | |
CPostalCodeItem | |
CPostalCodeModel | |
CPostalCodePlugin | |
CPrintOptionsWidget | |
CProgressFloatItem | A float item that shows a pie-chart progress indicator when downloads are active |
CQtMarbleConfigDialog | |
CQtMobilityPositionProviderPlugin | |
CQuadTreeServerLayout | |
CQuaternion | |
CRelation | |
CRenderPlugin | The abstract class that creates a renderable item |
CRenderPluginInterface | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CRenderPluginModel | Provides common access to various kinds of plugins without having to know about their details |
CReverseGeocodingRunner | |
CReverseGeocodingRunnerManager | |
CReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a reverse geocoding task |
CReverseGeocodingTask | A RunnerTask that executes reverse geocoding |
CRoute | |
CRouteItem | |
CRouteItemDelegate | |
CRouteRequest | Points to be included in a route |
CRouteSegment | |
CRouteSimulationPositionProviderPlugin | |
CRouteSyncManager | |
CRoutingInputWidget | Combines a line edit for input and a couple of buttons to let the user type in a search term, find according placemarks using the marble runner manager and store one of them as the current selection (target position) |
CRoutingInstruction | Stores data related to one instruction: Road name, angle to predecessor, associated waypoints etc |
CRoutingLayer | A paint layer that serves as a view on a route model |
CRoutingManager | Delegates data retrieval and model updates to the appropriate routing provider |
CRoutingModel | |
CRoutingPlugin | |
CRoutingPoint | There are many Point classes, but this is mine |
CRoutingProfile | |
CRoutingProfileSettingsDialog | |
CRoutingProfilesModel | |
CRoutingProfilesWidget | |
CRoutingRunner | |
CRoutingRunnerManager | |
►CRoutingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a routing task |
CConfigWidget | |
CRoutingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a route calculation |
CRoutingWaypoint | Stores one line of gosmore/routino output |
CRoutingWidget | A widget consisting of input fields for places / routing destinations, a list view showing routing instructions and a interactive paint layer showing placemarks and the route |
CRoutinoPlugin | |
CRoutinoRunner | |
CSatellitesConfigAbstractItem | |
CSatellitesConfigDialog | |
CSatellitesConfigLeafItem | |
CSatellitesConfigModel | |
CSatellitesConfigNodeItem | |
CSatellitesModel | The model for satellites |
CSatellitesMSCItem | An instance of SatellitesMSCItem represents an item of a Marble satellites catalog |
CSatellitesPlugin | This plugin displays satellites and their orbits |
CSatellitesTLEItem | An instance SatellitesTLEItem represents an item of a two-line-elements set catalog |
CScanlineTextureMapperContext | |
CSceneGraphicsItem | |
CScheduleEntry | |
CScreenBlending | |
CScreenGraphicsItem | |
CScreenGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CScreenOverlayGraphicsItem | |
CScreenPolygon | |
CSearchInputWidget | |
CSearchRunner | |
CSearchRunnerManager | |
CSearchRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a placemark search |
CSearchTask | A RunnerTask that executes a placemark search |
CSearchWidget | |
CSerializable | |
CServerLayout | |
CShpPlugin | |
CShpRunner | |
CSoftLightBlending | |
CSpeakersModel | |
CSpeedometer | The class that displays Position Tracking info |
CSphericalProjection | A class to implement the spherical projection used by the "Globe" view |
CSphericalProjectionPrivate | |
CSphericalScanlineTextureMapper | |
CSqlWriter | |
CStackableWindow | A main window that sets the WA_Maemo5StackedWindow attribute to serve as a stackable window on Maemo |
CStackedTile | A single tile that consists of a stack of Tile layers |
CStackedTileLoader | Tile loading from a quad tree |
CStarPoint | |
CStarsPlugin | |
CStationListParser | |
CStatistic | |
CStoragePolicy | |
CSubtractiveBlending | |
CSunControlWidget | |
CSunLightBlending | |
CSunLocator | |
CSunPlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CTCCoreApplication | |
CTemplateDocument | The Template Document |
CTextEditor | |
CTextureBlending | |
CTextureColorizer | |
CTextureLayer | |
CTextureMapperInterface | |
CTextureTile | A class that resembles an image tile (extends Tile) |
CTile | A class that resembles a tile (then it is extended to TextureTile or Vectortile) |
CTileCoordsPyramid | |
CTileCreator | |
CTileCreatorDialog | |
CTileCreatorSource | Base Class for custom tile source |
CTileId | |
CTileLevelRangeWidget | |
CTileLoader | |
CTileRunner | |
CTileScalingTextureMapper | |
CTimeControlWidget | |
CTinyWebBrowser | This class provides a tiny web browser based on QWebView (WebKit) |
CTmsServerLayout | |
CTrackerPluginItem | Subclass this to represent items in your TrackerPluginModel |
CTrackerPluginModel | A model used to download, store and update items |
CTravelingSalesmanPlugin | |
CTravelingSalesmanRunner | |
CtwitterPlugin | |
CtwitterStructure | The class that specifies the a simple panormaio plugin |
CVectorComposer | |
CVectorMap | |
CVectorMapBaseLayer | |
CVectorMapLayer | |
CVectorTileLayer | |
CVectorTileModel | |
CViewParams | A public class that controls the painting of a MarbleWidget |
CViewportParams | A public class that controls what is visible in the viewport of a Marble map |
CVisiblePlacemark | A class which represents the visible place marks on a map |
CVividLightBlending | |
CVoiceNavigationModel | |
CWay | |
CWayMerger | |
CWaypointParser | |
CWeatherData | |
CWeatherItem | This is the class painting a weather item on the screen |
CWeatherModel | |
CWeatherPlugin | |
CWidgetGraphicsItem | |
CWidgetGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CWikipediaItem | |
CWikipediaModel | |
CWikipediaPlugin | |
CWindow | |
CWlocatePositionProviderPlugin | |
CWmsServerLayout | |
CWorldClock | |
CWriter | |
CXmlParser | |
CYoursPlugin | |
CYoursRunner | |
►NMoNav | |
CCommandType | |
CEdge | |
CNode | |
CRoutingCommand | |
CRoutingResult | |
CUnpackCommand | |
CUnpackResult | |
C_containerType | |
C_containerType< QHash< T, U >, T, U > | |
C_containerType< QMap< T, U >, T, U > | |
CAboutMarblePage | |
CAbstractDataPluginWidget | |
CActivitySelectionView | |
CBilinearInterpolation | |
CBookmarks | |
CBookmarksModel | |
CButton | |
CCloudSync | |
Ccloudsync | |
CCloudSyncPage | |
CCoordinate | Represents a coordinate with the properties of a name and coordinates |
CDeclarativeDataPlugin | |
CDynamicLayer | |
CEarthquakesModel | |
CEclipse | |
Celsetrec | |
CExplore | |
Cexplore | |
CFileDialog | |
CFileOpenDialog | |
CFileSaveDialog | |
CFloatButton | |
CFriends | |
CGeocaching | |
CgoogleMapDataStructure | |
CInputField | |
CIntegerInterpolation | |
CInterpolationMethod | |
CItem | |
CJob | |
CJobManager | |
CJobParameters | |
CJobQueue | |
CjsonParser | |
►CKBiAssociativeContainer | |
C_iterator | |
CKBiHash | KBiHash provides a bi-directional hash container |
CKConfigSkeleton | |
CKDescendantsProxyModel | Proxy Model for restructuring a Tree into a list |
CKHash2Map | |
CKineticModel | |
CKXmlGuiWindow | |
CLatLonEditPlugin | |
CListModel | |
CLogger | |
Cmain | |
CMainWidget | |
CMapThemeImageProvider | |
CMapThemeManager | Provides access to all map themes installed locally |
CMapThemeModel | |
CMapThemePage | |
CMapThemeSelectionPage | |
CMarbleAbstractRunner | |
CMarbleDeclarativeObject | Provides access to global Marble related properties and methods to QML (intended to be registered as a global QML object) |
CMarbleDeclarativePlugin | Registers MarbleWidget, MarbleRunnerManager and MarbleThemeManager as QQml extensions for use in QML |
CMarbleMenuLayout | |
CMarbleNavigatorPlugin | |
CMarbleSettings | |
CMarbleToolIcon | |
CMarbleTouch | |
CMarbleWebView | |
CMarbleWidget | Wraps a Marble::MarbleWidget, providing access to important properties and methods |
CMarbleWidgetPlugin | |
CMarbleWindow | |
CMat3 | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemSwitch | |
CMenuLayout | |
CMoon200 | |
CNasaWorldWindToOpenStreetMapConverter | |
CNavigation | |
CNearestNeighborInterpolation | |
CNwwMapImage | |
COfflineDataModel | |
COfflineDataPage | |
COsmTileClusterRenderer | |
CPage | |
CPageStackWindow | |
CpanoramioDataStructure | This is a generic class built up for parsing Json that is JavaScript Object Notification FIXME: the class presently has no sanity checking mechanism, it just can't check whether the input given to it is only JSON or Javascript ; a point of potential breach for the software |
CPbfParser | |
CPendingJob | |
CPlacemark | Wraps a GeoDataPlacemark for QML access |
CPlacemarkEditor | |
CPlanetarySats | |
CPositionIndicator | |
CPositionSource | |
CPreferencesPage | |
CQAbstractButton | |
CQAbstractItemModel | |
CQAbstractProxyModel | |
CQAbstractSlider | |
CQAbstractTableModel | |
CQCoreApplication | |
CQDeclarativeExtensionPlugin | |
CQDesignerCustomWidgetInterface | |
CQDialog | |
CQGraphicsProxyWidget | |
CQLineEdit | |
CQMainWindow | |
CQObject | |
CQPainter | |
CQQuickImageProvider | |
CQThread | |
CQToolBox | |
CQWebView | |
CQWidget | |
CQWizard | |
CQXmlDefaultHandler | |
CQXmlStreamReader | |
CQXmlStreamWriter | |
CReadOnlyMapDefinition | |
CReadOnlyMapImage | |
CRectangle | |
CRegion | |
CRouteEditor | |
CRouteRequestModel | |
CRouting | |
CRunnerPlugin | |
CSearch | |
Csearch | |
CSearchField | |
CSettings | |
CSevenWondersOfTheAncientWorld | |
CSheet | |
CSimpleMapImage | |
CSpaceView | |
CStaticLayer | |
CSun200 | |
CSVGXmlHandler | |
CSwitch | |
CTextField | |
Cthat | |
CThread | |
CToggle | |
CToolButton | |
CToolIcon | |
Ctracking | |
CTracking | |
CtwitterDataStructure | This is a generic class built up for parsing Json that is JavaScript Object Notification FIXME: the class presently has no sanity checking mechanism, it just can't check whether the input given to it is only JSON or Javascript ; a point of potential breach for the software |
CUpload | |
CVec3 | |
CViaPointEditor | |
CVirtualGlobe | |
CWeather | |
CXmlListModel | |
CZoomButtonInterceptor | |