C_containerType< Container, T, U > | |
C_containerType< QHash< T, U >, T, U > | |
C_containerType< QMap< T, U >, T, U > | |
CKBiAssociativeContainer< LeftContainer, RightContainer >::_iterator< Container > | |
►CAbstractDataPluginWidget | |
CMarble::PanoramioWidget | |
►CMarble::AbstractMarbleGraphicsLayout | |
CMarble::MarbleGraphicsGridLayout | |
►CMarble::AbstractProjection | A base class for all projections in Marble |
►CMarble::CylindricalProjection | A base class for the Equirectangular and Mercator projections in Marble |
CMarble::EquirectProjection | A class to implement the Equirectangular projection used by the "Flat Map" view |
CMarble::MercatorProjection | A class to implement the Mercator projection |
CMarble::SphericalProjection | A class to implement the spherical projection used by the "Globe" view |
►CMarble::AbstractProjectionPrivate | |
CMarble::CylindricalProjectionPrivate | |
CMarble::SphericalProjectionPrivate | |
►CAbstractRunner | |
CMarble::PlasmaRunner | |
CGeoCute::Accuracy | |
►CApplet | |
CMarble::WorldClock | |
CMarble::AprsObject | |
►CMarble::AprsSource | |
CMarble::AprsFile | |
CMarble::AprsTCPIP | |
CMarble::AprsTTY | |
CMarble::AxisTick | |
CMarble::BBCStation | |
►CMarble::Blending | |
CMarble::CloudsBlending | |
CMarble::GrayscaleBlending | |
►CMarble::IndependentChannelBlending | |
CMarble::AdditiveBlending | |
CMarble::AdditiveSubtractiveBlending | |
CMarble::AllanonBlending | |
CMarble::ArcusTangentBlending | |
CMarble::BleachBlending | |
CMarble::ColorBurnBlending | |
CMarble::ColorDodgeBlending | |
CMarble::DarkBlending | |
CMarble::DarkenBlending | |
CMarble::DifferenceBlending | |
CMarble::DivideBlending | |
CMarble::EquivalenceBlending | |
CMarble::GammaDarkBlending | |
CMarble::GammaLightBlending | |
CMarble::GeometricMeanBlending | |
CMarble::HalfDifferenceBlending | |
CMarble::HardLightBlending | |
CMarble::LightBlending | |
CMarble::LightenBlending | |
CMarble::LinearBurnBlending | |
CMarble::LinearLightBlending | |
CMarble::MultiplyBlending | |
CMarble::OverlayBlending | |
CMarble::ParallelBlending | |
CMarble::PinLightBlending | |
CMarble::ScreenBlending | |
CMarble::SoftLightBlending | |
CMarble::SubtractiveBlending | |
CMarble::TextureBlending | |
CMarble::VividLightBlending | |
CMarble::NoiseBlending | |
CMarble::OverpaintBlending | |
CMarble::SunLightBlending | |
CMarble::BlendingFactory | |
CMarble::BookmarkManagerPrivate | |
CMoNav::CommandType | |
CMarble::Constellation | |
CMarble::Coordinate | |
CMarble::DatabaseQuery | Parse result of a user's search term |
►CMarble::DialogConfigurationInterface | This interface allows a plugin to provide a QWidget-based configuration dialog which is accessible within Marble's own configuration dialog |
CMarble::AprsPlugin | This class displays a layer of aprs (which aprs TBD) |
CMarble::CompassFloatItem | The class that creates a compass |
CMarble::CrosshairsPlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CMarble::EarthquakePlugin | |
CMarble::ElevationProfileFloatItem | The class that creates an interactive elvation profile |
CMarble::GraticulePlugin | A plugin that creates a coordinate grid on top of the map |
CMarble::MapScaleFloatItem | The class that creates a map scale |
CMarble::MeasureToolPlugin | |
CMarble::OpenDesktopPlugin | |
CMarble::OverviewMap | The class that creates an overview map |
CMarble::PhotoPlugin | |
CMarble::PositionMarker | |
CMarble::RoutingPlugin | |
CMarble::SatellitesPlugin | This plugin displays satellites and their orbits |
CMarble::StarsPlugin | |
CMarble::WeatherPlugin | |
CMarble::WikipediaPlugin | |
CMarble::DiscCache | |
CMarble::DownloadPolicy | |
CMarble::DownloadPolicyKey | |
CMarble::DsoPoint | |
CEclipse | |
CMoNav::Edge | |
►CMarble::Element | |
CMarble::Node | |
CMarble::Relation | |
CMarble::Way | |
Celsetrec | |
►CExternalEditor | |
CMarble::ExternalEditorDialog | |
CMarble::FpsLayer | |
CMarble::FrameGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataAccuracy | |
CMarble::GeoDataCameraPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDataCoordinates | A 3d point representation |
CMarble::GeoAprsCoordinates | |
►CMarble::GeoDataCoordinatesPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataPointPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataDataPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataExtendedDataPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDataFeaturePrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDataContainerPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataDocumentPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataPlacemarkPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDataGeometryPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDataLineStringPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataLinearRingPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataMultiGeometryPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataMultiTrackPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataPointPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataPolygonPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataLodPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataLookAtPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataRegionPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataTimePrimitivePrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataTimeSpanPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoDataTimeStampPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoDocument | A shared base class between GeoDataDocument/GeoSourceDocument |
►CMarble::GeoDataDocument | A container for Features, Styles and in the future Schemas |
CMarble::KmlDocument | |
CMarble::GeoSceneDocument | A container for features parsed from the DGML file |
►CMarble::GeoGraphicsItem | |
►CMarble::GeoLineStringGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::GeoTrackGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::GeoPhotoGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::GeoPointGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::GeoPolygonGraphicsItem | |
►CMarble::SceneGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::AreaAnnotation | |
CMarble::PlacemarkTextAnnotation | |
CMarble::GeoGraphicsItemPrivate | |
►CMarble::GeoNode | A shared base class for all classes that are mapped to a specific tag (ie |
CMarble::GeoDataAlias | |
►CMarble::GeoDataObject | A base class for all geodata objects |
►CMarble::GeoDataAbstractView | |
CMarble::GeoDataCamera | |
CMarble::GeoDataLookAt | |
►CMarble::GeoDataColorStyle | Abstract base class for various style classes |
CMarble::GeoDataBalloonStyle | |
CMarble::GeoDataIconStyle | |
CMarble::GeoDataLabelStyle | How the name of a GeoDataFeature is drawn |
CMarble::GeoDataLineStyle | Style how lines are drawn |
CMarble::GeoDataPolyStyle | Style how polygons are drawn |
CMarble::GeoDataData | |
CMarble::GeoDataExtendedData | Class which allows to add custom data to KML Feature |
►CMarble::GeoDataFeature | A base class for all geodata features |
►CMarble::GeoDataContainer | A base class that can hold GeoDataFeatures |
CMarble::GeoDataDocument | A container for Features, Styles and in the future Schemas |
CMarble::GeoDataFolder | |
CMarble::GeoDataNetworkLinkControl | |
CMarble::GeoDataNetworkLink | |
►CMarble::GeoDataOverlay | |
CMarble::GeoDataGroundOverlay | |
CMarble::GeoDataPhotoOverlay | |
CMarble::GeoDataScreenOverlay | |
CMarble::GeoDataPlacemark | Class representing a point of interest on the map |
CMarble::GeoDataTour | |
CMarble::GeoDataFlyTo | |
►CMarble::GeoDataGeometry | A base class for all geodata features |
►CMarble::GeoDataLineString | A LineString that allows to store a contiguous set of line segments |
CMarble::GeoDataLinearRing | A LinearRing that allows to store a closed, contiguous set of line segments |
CMarble::GeoDataModel | |
CMarble::GeoDataMultiGeometry | |
CMarble::GeoDataMultiTrack | |
CMarble::GeoDataPoint | A Geometry object representing a 3d point |
►CMarble::GeoDataPolygon | A polygon that can have "holes" |
CMarble::GeoDataInnerBoundary | |
CMarble::GeoDataOuterBoundary | |
CMarble::GeoDataTrack | A geometry for tracking objects made of (time, coordinates) pairs |
CMarble::GeoDataHotSpot | |
CMarble::GeoDataImagePyramid | |
CMarble::GeoDataItemIcon | |
►CMarble::GeoDataLatLonBox | A class that defines a 2D bounding box for geographic data |
CMarble::GeoDataLatLonAltBox | A class that defines a 3D bounding box for geographic data |
CMarble::GeoDataLatLonQuad | |
CMarble::GeoDataLink | |
CMarble::GeoDataListStyle | |
CMarble::GeoDataLocation | |
CMarble::GeoDataLod | The level of detail which indicates visibility and importance |
CMarble::GeoDataOrientation | |
CMarble::GeoDataPlaylist | |
CMarble::GeoDataRegion | GeoDataRegion describes the visibility and extent of a feature |
CMarble::GeoDataScale | |
CMarble::GeoDataSimpleArrayData | |
►CMarble::GeoDataStyleSelector | Base class for the style classes |
CMarble::GeoDataStyle | Addressable style group |
CMarble::GeoDataStyleMap | Class to map different styles to one style |
►CMarble::GeoDataTimePrimitive | Base class for the style classes |
CMarble::GeoDataTimeSpan | |
CMarble::GeoDataTimeStamp | |
►CMarble::GeoDataTourPrimitive | |
CMarble::GeoDataTourControl | |
CMarble::GeoDataUpdate | |
CMarble::GeoDataViewVolume | |
CMarble::GeoDataResourceMap | |
►CMarble::GeoSceneAbstractDataset | Contents used inside a layer |
CMarble::GeoSceneGeodata | |
►CMarble::GeoSceneTiled | |
CMarble::GeoSceneTextureTile | |
CMarble::GeoSceneVectorTile | |
CMarble::GeoSceneVector | Vector dataset stored in a layer |
CMarble::GeoSceneDocument | A container for features parsed from the DGML file |
CMarble::GeoSceneFilter | Filter of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneGroup | Group inside the settings of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneHead | General properties and identifiers of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneIcon | Icon properties of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneItem | The section item in a legend of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneLayer | Layer of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneLegend | Legend of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneLicense | |
CMarble::GeoSceneMap | Map layer structure of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoScenePalette | Palette of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneProperty | Settings property within a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneSection | Section of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneSettings | Settings of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneZoom | Zoom properties of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoPainterPrivate | |
CMarble::GeoStackItem | |
►CMarble::GeoTagHandler | A base class for XML tag handlers This is a base class that is used in the GeoParser architecture |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlAvailableTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlBlendingTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlBrushTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlDescriptionTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlDiscreteTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlDocumentTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlDownloadPolicyTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlDownloadUrlTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlFilterTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlGeodataTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlGroupTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlHeadingTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlHeadTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlIconTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlInstallMapTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlItemTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlLayerTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlLegendTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlLicenseTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlMapTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlMaximumTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlMinimumTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlNameTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlPaletteTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlPenTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlProjectionTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlPropertyTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlSectionTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlSettingsTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlSourceDirTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlSourceFileTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlStorageLayoutTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlTargetTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlTextTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlTextureTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlThemeTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlTileSizeTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlValueTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlVectorTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlVectortileTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlVisibleTagHandler | |
CMarble::dgml::DgmlZoomTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXcmtTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXdescTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXeleTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXextensionsTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXgpxTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXhrTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXlinkTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXnameTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXrteptTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXrteTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXtimeTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXTrackPointExtensionTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXtrkptTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXtrksegTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXtrkTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXtypeTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXurlnameTagHandler | Text ooccurs only in link in gpx 1.1 |
CMarble::gpx::GPXurlTagHandler | |
CMarble::gpx::GPXwptTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::gx::KmlTimeSpanTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::gx::KmlTimeStampTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlAliasTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlaltitudeModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlaltitudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlareaTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlBalloonStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlbeginTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlbgColorTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlbottomFovTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlCameraTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlcolorModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlcolorTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlcookieTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlcoordinatesTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlcountrycodeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlCountryNameCodeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlDataTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmldescriptionTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmldisplayModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmldisplayNameTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlDocumentTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmldrawOrderTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmldurationTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmleastTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlendTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlexpiresTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlExtendedDataTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlextrudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlfillTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlflyToModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlFlyToTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlflyToViewTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlFolderTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlgridOriginTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlGroundOverlayTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlheadingTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlhotSpotTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlhrefTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlhttpQueryTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlIconStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlIconTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlImagePyramidTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlinnerBoundaryIsTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlItemIconTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlkeyTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLabelStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllatitudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLatLonAltBoxTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLatLonBoxTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLatLonQuadTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlleftFovTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLinearRingTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLineStringTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLineStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllinkDescriptionTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllinkNameTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllinkSnippetTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLinkTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllistItemTypeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlListStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLocationTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLodTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmllongitudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlLookAtTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlMarblePlacemarkTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxAltitudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxFadeExtentTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxHeightTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxLodPixelsTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxSessionLengthTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmaxWidthTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlmessageTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlminAltitudeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlminFadeExtentTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlminLodPixelsTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlminRefreshPeriodTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlModelTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlMultiGeometryTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlMultiTrackTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlnameTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlnearTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlNetworkLinkControlTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlNetworkLinkTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlnorthTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlopenTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlOrientationTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlouterBoundaryIsTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmloutlineTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmloverlayXYTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPairTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPhotoOverlayTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPlacemarkTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPlaylistTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlplayModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPointTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPolygonTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlPolyStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlpopTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrangeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrefreshIntervalTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrefreshModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrefreshVisibilityTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlRegionTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlResourceMapTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrightFovTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlroleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrollTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrotationTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlrotationXYTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlScaleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlscaleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlSchemaDataTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlSchemaTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlScreenOverlayTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlscreenXYTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlshapeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlSimpleArrayDataTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlSimpleFieldTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlsizeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlsourceHrefTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlsouthTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlstateTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlStyleMapTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlStyleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlstyleUrlTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltargetHrefTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltessellateTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltextColorTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltextTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltileSizeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltiltTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlTimeSpanTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlTimeStampTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmltopFovTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlTourControlTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlTourTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlTrackTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlUpdateTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlvalueTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlviewBoundScaleTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlviewFormatTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlviewRefreshModeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlviewRefreshTimeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlViewVolumeTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlvisibilityTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlwestTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlwhenTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlwidthTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlxTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlyTagHandler | |
CMarble::kml::KmlzTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmBoundsTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmBoundTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmMemberTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmNdTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmNodeTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmOsmTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmRelationTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmTagTagHandler | |
CMarble::osm::OsmWayTagHandler | |
CMarble::GeoTagHandlerRegistrar | |
►CMarble::GeoTagWriter | Base class intended to be subclassed by specific XML tag writers This class provides a base class that allows the writing of many different XML formats |
CMarble::DgmlDocumentTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlGeodataTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlHeadTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlItemTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlLayerTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlLegendTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlMapTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlSectionTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlSettingsTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlTextureTagWriter | |
CMarble::DgmlVectorTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlBalloonStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlCameraTagWriter | |
►CMarble::KmlColorStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlIconStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLineStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlPolyStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlDataTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlDocumentTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlExtendedDataTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlFlyToTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlFolderTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLatLonAltBoxWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLatLonBoxWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLatLonQuadWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLinearRingTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLineStringTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLinkTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlListStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLodTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlLookAtTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlModelTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlMultiGeometryTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlMultiTrackTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlNetworkLinkTagWriter | |
►CMarble::KmlOverlayTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlGroundOverlayWriter | |
CMarble::KmlPhotoOverlayWriter | |
CMarble::KmlScreenOverlayWriter | |
CMarble::KmlPlacemarkTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlPointTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlPolygonTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlRegionTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlStyleMapTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlStyleTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlTimeSpanWriter | |
CMarble::KmlTimeStampTagWriter | |
CMarble::KmlTrackWriter | |
CMarble::GeoTagWriterRegistrar | |
CMarble::GeoWidgetBubble | |
CgoogleMapDataStructure | |
CMarble::ImageF | |
CMarble::InstructionTransformation | Transforms waypoints and metadata into driving directions |
►CInterpolationMethod | |
CBilinearInterpolation | |
CIntegerInterpolation | |
CNearestNeighborInterpolation | |
►CItem | |
CActivitySelectionView | |
CMainWidget | |
CMarbleMenuLayout | |
CMarbleSettings | |
CMarbleTouch | |
►CMarbleWindow | |
Cmain | |
CPlacemarkEditor | |
CPositionIndicator | |
CRouteEditor | |
CViaPointEditor | |
CJobParameters | |
CMarble::JsonParser | |
CjsonParser | |
CKBiAssociativeContainer< LeftContainer, RightContainer > | |
►CKBiAssociativeContainer< QHash< QPersistentModelIndex, int >, QMap< int, QPersistentModelIndex > > | |
CKHash2Map< QPersistentModelIndex, int > | |
►CKBiAssociativeContainer< QHash< T, U >, QHash< U, T > > | |
CKBiHash< T, U > | KBiHash provides a bi-directional hash container |
►CKBiAssociativeContainer< QHash< T, U >, QMap< U, T > > | |
CKHash2Map< T, U > | |
►CKConfigSkeleton | |
CMarbleSettings | |
CMarble::KmzHandler | |
►CKXmlGuiWindow | |
CMarble::MainWindow | |
CMarble::LabelGraphicsItemPrivate | |
►CMarble::LayerInterface | |
CMarble::FogLayer | |
CMarble::GeometryLayer | |
CMarble::GroundLayer | |
CMarble::MarbleSplashLayer | |
CMarble::PlacemarkLayer | |
CMarble::PopupLayer | The PopupLayer class |
►CMarble::RenderPluginInterface | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
►CMarble::RenderPlugin | The abstract class that creates a renderable item |
►CMarble::AbstractDataPlugin | An abstract class for plugins that show data that has a geo coordinate |
CDeclarativeDataPlugin | |
CMarble::EarthquakePlugin | |
CMarble::FoursquarePlugin | |
CMarble::OpenCachingComPlugin | Plugin to display geocaches from opencaching.com on the map |
CMarble::OpenCachingPlugin | Plugin to display geocaches from opencaching.de on the map |
CMarble::OpenDesktopPlugin | |
CMarble::PanoramioPlugin | |
CMarble::PhotoPlugin | |
CMarble::PostalCodePlugin | |
CMarble::WeatherPlugin | |
CMarble::WikipediaPlugin | |
►CMarble::AbstractFloatItem | The abstract class for float item plugins |
CMarble::CompassFloatItem | The class that creates a compass |
CMarble::ElevationProfileFloatItem | The class that creates an interactive elvation profile |
CMarble::FileViewFloatItem | Provides a float item with a list of opened files |
CMarble::FITemplateFloatItem | The class that creates a .. |
CMarble::GpsInfo | The class that displays Position Tracking info |
CMarble::License | The class that displays copyright info |
CMarble::MapScaleFloatItem | The class that creates a map scale |
CMarble::NavigationFloatItem | Provides a float item with zoom and move controls |
CMarble::OverviewMap | The class that creates an overview map |
CMarble::ProgressFloatItem | A float item that shows a pie-chart progress indicator when downloads are active |
CMarble::RoutingPlugin | |
CMarble::Speedometer | The class that displays Position Tracking info |
CMarble::AnnotatePlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CMarble::AprsPlugin | This class displays a layer of aprs (which aprs TBD) |
CMarble::AtmospherePlugin | |
CMarble::CrosshairsPlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CMarble::ElevationProfileMarker | |
CMarble::GraticulePlugin | A plugin that creates a coordinate grid on top of the map |
CMarble::InhibitScreensaverPlugin | A plugin that inhibits the screensaver as long as a position provider plugin is active |
CMarble::MeasureToolPlugin | |
CMarble::PositionMarker | |
CMarble::SatellitesPlugin | This plugin displays satellites and their orbits |
CMarble::StarsPlugin | |
CMarble::SunPlugin | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
CMarble::twitterPlugin | |
CMarble::RoutingLayer | A paint layer that serves as a view on a route model |
CMarble::TextureLayer | |
CMarble::VectorMapBaseLayer | |
CMarble::VectorMapLayer | |
CMarble::VectorTileLayer | |
►CListModel | |
CSevenWondersOfTheAncientWorld | |
CMarble::Maneuver | |
►CMarbleAbstractRunner | |
CMarble::TravelingSalesmanRunner | |
CMarble::MarbleDebug | Class which takes all the settings and exposes them |
CMarble::MarbleDirs | A class that manages data look-up for Marble |
CMarble::MarbleGlobal | |
CMarble::MarbleGlobalPrivate | |
►CMarble::MarbleGraphicsItem | |
►CMarble::BillboardGraphicsItem | Base class for all 2D labels (a.k.a |
►CMarble::AbstractDataPluginItem | |
CMarble::DeclarativeDataPluginItem | |
CMarble::EarthquakeItem | |
CMarble::FoursquareItem | |
CMarble::OpenCachingComItem | |
CMarble::OpenCachingItem | Item representing a single cache |
CMarble::OpenDesktopItem | |
CMarble::PhotoPluginItem | |
CMarble::PostalCodeItem | |
►CMarble::WeatherItem | This is the class painting a weather item on the screen |
CMarble::BBCWeatherItem | |
CMarble::FakeWeatherItem | |
CMarble::GeoNamesWeatherItem | |
CMarble::WikipediaItem | |
CMarble::PopupItem | The PopupItem Class |
►CMarble::ScreenGraphicsItem | |
►CMarble::FrameGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::AbstractFloatItem | The abstract class for float item plugins |
CMarble::LabelGraphicsItem | A label item provides an Item that displays text or images/pixmaps |
CMarble::ScreenOverlayGraphicsItem | |
CMarble::WidgetGraphicsItem | |
►CMarble::MarbleGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CMarble::ScreenGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CMarble::MarbleLocale | A class that contains all localization stuff for Marble |
CMarble::MarbleLocalePrivate | |
CMarble::MarbleTest | |
CMat3 | |
►CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemSwitch | |
►CMenuLayout | |
CMarbleMenuLayout | |
CMarble::MergedLayerDecorator | |
►CMonavConfigWidget | |
CMarble::MonavConfigWidget | |
CMarble::MonavMap | |
CMoon200 | |
CMoNav::Node | |
CMarble::OpenCachingCache | Contains all information about a cache, including logs and descriptions in all available languages |
CMarble::OpenCachingCacheDescription | Stores the description of a cache in a single language |
CMarble::OpenCachingCacheLog | All log entries for a cache |
CMarble::OpenCachingCacheLogEntry | Single log entry for a cache |
CMarble::OsmDatabase | |
CMarble::osm::OsmGlobals | |
CMarble::osm::OsmNodeFactory | |
CMarble::OsmOsmRegion | |
CMarble::OsmPlacemark | A lightweight data structure to represent points of interest like addresses with support for serialization |
CMarble::OsmRegion | A lightweight data structure to represent administrative regions like villages, cities, states, .. |
CMarble::OsmRegionTree | |
CMarble::osm::OsmRelationFactory | |
CMarble::osm::OsmWayFactory | |
►CPage | |
CAboutMarblePage | |
CCloudSyncPage | |
CExplore | |
CFriends | |
CGeocaching | |
CMapThemePage | |
CMapThemeSelectionPage | |
CNavigation | |
COfflineDataPage | |
CPlacemark | Wraps a GeoDataPlacemark for QML access |
CPreferencesPage | |
CRouting | |
CSearch | |
CSpaceView | |
CTracking | |
CVirtualGlobe | |
CWeather | |
►CPageStackWindow | |
CMarbleWindow | |
CpanoramioDataStructure | This is a generic class built up for parsing Json that is JavaScript Object Notification FIXME: the class presently has no sanity checking mechanism, it just can't check whether the input given to it is only JSON or Javascript ; a point of potential breach for the software |
CPendingJob | |
CMarble::Planet | |
CPlanetarySats | |
CMarble::PluginAuthor | |
►CMarble::PluginInterface | This class specifies interface of a Marble plugin |
►CMarble::ParseRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a parsing task |
CMarble::CachePlugin | |
CMarble::GpxPlugin | |
CMarble::JsonPlugin | |
CMarble::KmlPlugin | |
CMarble::LogfilePlugin | |
CMarble::OsmPlugin | |
CMarble::Pn2Plugin | |
CMarble::PntPlugin | |
CMarble::ShpPlugin | |
►CMarble::PositionProviderPluginInterface | The interface for position provider plugins |
►CMarble::PositionProviderPlugin | The abstract class that provides position information |
CMarble::FlightGearPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::GeoCluePositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::GpsdPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::MaemoPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::PlacemarkPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::QtMobilityPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::RouteSimulationPositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::WlocatePositionProviderPlugin | |
CMarble::RenderPluginInterface | The class that specifies the Marble layer interface of a plugin |
►CMarble::ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a reverse geocoding task |
CMarble::GosmorePlugin | |
CMarble::NominatimPlugin | |
►CMarble::RoutingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a routing task |
CMarble::GosmorePlugin | |
CMarble::MapQuestPlugin | |
CMarble::MonavPlugin | |
CMarble::OpenRouteServicePlugin | |
CMarble::OSRMPlugin | |
CMarble::RoutinoPlugin | |
CMarble::YoursPlugin | |
►CMarble::SearchRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a placemark search |
CMarble::HostipPlugin | |
CMarble::LatLonPlugin | |
CMarble::LocalDatabasePlugin | |
CMarble::LocalOsmSearchPlugin | |
CMarble::NominatimPlugin | |
CGeoCute::Position | |
►CPrintOptions | |
CMarble::PrintOptionsWidget | |
CGeoCute::Provider::Private | |
CGeoCute::VelocityProvider::Private | |
CGeoCute::PositionProvider::Private | |
CGeoCute::MasterClient::Private | |
►CPtrVector | |
CMarble::PntMap | |
►CQAbstractButton | |
CMarble::NavigationButton | |
►CQAbstractItemDelegate | |
CMarble::PluginItemDelegate | |
►CQAbstractItemModel | |
CMarble::GeoDataTreeModel | The representation of GeoData in a model This class represents all available data given by kml-data files |
CMarble::SatellitesConfigModel | |
►CQAbstractListModel | |
CMarble::AlternativeRoutesModel | |
CMarble::CloudRouteModel | |
CMarble::MarblePlacemarkModel | This class represents a model of all place marks which are currently available through a given PlacemarkManager |
CMarble::NewstuffModel | |
CMarble::RoutingModel | |
CMarble::RoutingProfilesModel | |
CMarble::SpeakersModel | |
CRouteRequestModel | |
►CQAbstractProxyModel | |
CKDescendantsProxyModel | Proxy Model for restructuring a Tree into a list |
►CQAbstractSlider | |
CMarble::NavigationSlider | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CMarble::MonavMapsModel | |
►CQCoreApplication | |
CMarble::TCCoreApplication | |
CMarble::TCCoreApplication | |
►CQDeclarativeExtensionPlugin | |
CMarbleDeclarativePlugin | Registers MarbleWidget, MarbleRunnerManager and MarbleThemeManager as QQml extensions for use in QML |
►CQDesignerCustomWidgetInterface | |
CLatLonEditPlugin | |
CMarbleNavigatorPlugin | |
CMarbleWidgetPlugin | |
►CQDialog | |
CMarble::BookmarkManagerDialog | |
CMarble::CloudRoutesDialog | |
CMarble::ConflictDialog | |
CMarble::DownloadRegionDialog | |
CMarble::EditBookmarkDialog | |
CMarble::ExternalEditorDialog | |
CMarble::GoToDialog | A dialog that provides a list of targets to go to: The current location, route start, destination and via points and bookmarks |
CMarble::MapThemeDownloadDialog | |
CMarble::MarbleAboutDialog | |
CMarble::NewBookmarkFolderDialog | |
CMarble::PluginAboutDialog | |
CMarble::QtMarbleConfigDialog | |
CMarble::RoutingProfileSettingsDialog | |
CMarble::SatellitesConfigDialog | |
CMarble::SunControlWidget | |
CMarble::TileCreatorDialog | |
CMarble::TimeControlWidget | |
►CQGraphicsProxyWidget | |
►CMarbleWidget | Wraps a Marble::MarbleWidget, providing access to important properties and methods |
CDynamicLayer | |
CStaticLayer | |
►CQLineEdit | |
►CMarble::MarbleLineEdit | A QLineEdit with an embedded clear button |
CMarble::SearchInputWidget | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CMarble::MainWindow | |
CMarble::MainWindow | |
CMarble::StackableWindow | A main window that sets the WA_Maemo5StackedWindow attribute to serve as a stackable window on Maemo |
►CQObject | |
CBookmarks | |
CCloudSync | |
CCoordinate | Represents a coordinate with the properties of a name and coordinates |
CGeoCute::MasterClient | |
►CGeoCute::Provider | |
CGeoCute::PositionProvider | |
CGeoCute::VelocityProvider | |
CGeoCute::SimpleDBusInterface | |
CJob | |
CJobManager | |
CJobQueue | |
CKineticModel | |
CLatLonEditPlugin | |
CLogger | |
CMapThemeManager | Provides access to all map themes installed locally |
CMarble::AbstractDataPluginItem | |
►CMarble::AbstractDataPluginModel | An abstract data model (not based on QAbstractModel) for a AbstractDataPlugin |
CMarble::DeclarativeDataPluginModel | |
CMarble::EarthquakeModel | |
CMarble::FoursquareModel | |
CMarble::OpenCachingComModel | |
CMarble::OpenCachingModel | Model that manages cache information |
CMarble::OpenDesktopModel | |
CMarble::PanoramioModel | |
CMarble::PhotoPluginModel | |
CMarble::PostalCodeModel | |
CMarble::WeatherModel | |
CMarble::WikipediaModel | |
►CMarble::AbstractWeatherService | |
CMarble::BBCWeatherService | |
CMarble::FakeWeatherService | |
CMarble::GeoNamesWeatherService | |
CMarble::AudioOutput | Audio (mainly voice) output of driving instructions |
CMarble::AutoNavigation | |
CMarble::BookmarkManager | This class is responsible for loading the book mark objects from the files and various book mark operations |
CMarble::BookmarkSyncManager | |
CMarble::CarWorker | |
CMarble::CloudSyncManager | |
CMarble::DataMigration | |
CMarble::DeferredFlag | |
CMarble::DownloadQueueSet |
CMarble::DownloadRegion | |
CMarble::ElevationModel | |
CMarble::ElevationProfilePlotAxis | A helper class handling a plot axis for the Elevation Profile |
CMarble::FileManager | This class is responsible for loading the different files into Geodata model |
CMarble::FileStorageWatcherThread | |
CMarble::GeoGraphicsScene | This is the home of all GeoGraphicsItems to be shown on the map |
CMarble::GeometryLayer | |
CMarble::GeoSceneDocument | A container for features parsed from the DGML file |
CMarble::GeoSceneGroup | Group inside the settings of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneProperty | Settings property within a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GeoSceneSettings | Settings of a GeoScene document |
CMarble::GpsdConnection | |
CMarble::HttpDownloadManager | This class manages scheduled downloads |
CMarble::HttpJob | |
CMarble::LayerManager | Handles rendering of all active layers in the correct order |
CMarble::MapThemeManager | The class that handles map themes that are locally available |
CMarble::MarbleClock | |
CMarble::MarbleMap | A class that can paint a view of the earth |
CMarble::MarbleModel | The data model (not based on QAbstractModel) for a MarbleWidget |
CMarble::MarblePhysics | |
►CMarble::MarbleWidgetInputHandler | |
CMarble::MarbleWidgetDefaultInputHandler | |
CMarble::MarbleWidgetPopupMenu | The MarbleWidgetPopupMenu handles context menus |
CMarble::MergeItem | |
►CMarble::OsmParser | |
CMarble::XmlParser | |
CPbfParser | |
CMarble::OwncloudSyncBackend | |
CMarble::ParseRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a parsing task |
►CMarble::ParsingRunner | |
CMarble::CacheRunner | |
CMarble::GpxRunner | |
CMarble::JsonRunner | |
CMarble::KmlRunner | |
CMarble::LogRunner | |
CMarble::OsmRunner | |
CMarble::Pn2Runner | |
CMarble::PntRunner | |
CMarble::ShpRunner | |
CMarble::ParsingRunnerManager | |
CMarble::ParsingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a file Parsing |
CMarble::PlacemarkLayer | |
CMarble::PlacemarkLayout | Layouts the place marks with a passed QPainter |
CMarble::PluginManager | The class that handles Marble's plugins |
CMarble::PntMap | |
CMarble::PopupItem | The PopupItem Class |
CMarble::PopupLayer | The PopupLayer class |
CMarble::PositionProviderPlugin | The abstract class that provides position information |
CMarble::PositionTracking | |
CMarble::RenderPlugin | The abstract class that creates a renderable item |
►CMarble::ReverseGeocodingRunner | |
CMarble::GosmoreRunner | |
CMarble::OsmNominatimRunner | |
CMarble::ReverseGeocodingRunnerManager | |
CMarble::ReverseGeocodingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a reverse geocoding task |
CMarble::ReverseGeocodingTask | A RunnerTask that executes reverse geocoding |
CMarble::RouteRequest | Points to be included in a route |
CMarble::RouteSyncManager | |
CMarble::RoutingLayer | A paint layer that serves as a view on a route model |
CMarble::RoutingManager | Delegates data retrieval and model updates to the appropriate routing provider |
►CMarble::RoutingRunner | |
CMarble::GosmoreRunner | |
CMarble::MapQuestRunner | |
CMarble::MonavRunner | |
CMarble::OpenRouteServiceRunner | |
CMarble::OSRMRunner | |
CMarble::RoutinoRunner | |
CMarble::YoursRunner | |
CMarble::RoutingRunnerManager | |
CMarble::RoutingRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a routing task |
CMarble::RoutingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a route calculation |
►CMarble::SearchRunner | |
CMarble::HostipRunner | |
CMarble::LatLonRunner | |
CMarble::LocalDatabaseRunner | |
CMarble::LocalOsmSearchRunner | |
CMarble::OsmNominatimRunner | |
CMarble::SearchRunnerManager | |
CMarble::SearchRunnerPlugin | A plugin for Marble to execute a placemark search |
CMarble::SearchTask | A RunnerTask that executes a placemark search |
CMarble::StackedTileLoader | Tile loading from a quad tree |
►CMarble::StoragePolicy | |
CMarble::CacheStoragePolicy | |
CMarble::FileStoragePolicy | |
CMarble::SunLocator | |
CMarble::TextureLayer | |
CMarble::TileLoader | |
CMarble::TileRunner | |
CMarble::TileScalingTextureMapper | |
►CMarble::TrackerPluginItem | Subclass this to represent items in your TrackerPluginModel |
CMarble::SatellitesMSCItem | An instance of SatellitesMSCItem represents an item of a Marble satellites catalog |
CMarble::SatellitesTLEItem | An instance SatellitesTLEItem represents an item of a two-line-elements set catalog |
►CMarble::TrackerPluginModel | A model used to download, store and update items |
CMarble::SatellitesModel | The model for satellites |
CMarble::VectorComposer | |
CMarble::VectorTileLayer | |
CMarble::VectorTileModel | |
CMarble::VoiceNavigationModel | |
►CMarble::Writer | |
CMarble::SqlWriter | |
CMarbleDeclarativeObject | Provides access to global Marble related properties and methods to QML (intended to be registered as a global QML object) |
CMarbleNavigatorPlugin | |
CMarbleWidgetPlugin | |
CNasaWorldWindToOpenStreetMapConverter | |
CNavigation | |
COsmTileClusterRenderer | |
CPlacemark | Wraps a GeoDataPlacemark for QML access |
CPositionSource | |
CRouting | |
CSearch | |
CSettings | |
CTracking | |
CUpload | |
CZoomButtonInterceptor | |
►CQPainter | |
►CMarble::ClipPainter | |
CMarble::GeoPainter | A painter that allows to draw geometric primitives on the map |
►CQQuickImageProvider | |
CMapThemeImageProvider | |
►CQRunnable | |
CJob | |
CMarble::ParsingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a file Parsing |
CMarble::ReverseGeocodingTask | A RunnerTask that executes reverse geocoding |
CMarble::RoutingTask | A RunnerTask that executes a route calculation |
CMarble::SearchTask | A RunnerTask that executes a placemark search |
CMarble::TileRunner | |
►CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CMarble::RouteItemDelegate | |
►CQThread | |
►CMarble::AbstractWorkerThread | The AbstractWorkerThread is a class written for small tasks that have to run multiple times on different data asynchronously |
CMarble::BBCItemGetter | |
CMarble::BBCParser | |
CMarble::AprsGatherer | |
CMarble::FileLoader | |
CMarble::FileStorageWatcher | |
CMarble::GpsdThread | |
CMarble::PntMapLoader | |
CMarble::StationListParser | |
CMarble::TileCreator | |
CThread | |
►CQToolBox | |
CMarble::MarbleControlBox | A widget class that contains advanced controls for a MarbleWidget |
CMarble::Quaternion | |
►CQWebView | |
CMarble::TinyWebBrowser | This class provides a tiny web browser based on QWebView (WebKit) |
►CMarbleWebView | |
CMarble::MarbleLegendBrowser | |
►CQWidget | |
CMarble::ArrowDiscWidget | |
CMarble::ControlView | |
CMarble::CurrentLocationWidget | |
CMarble::FileViewWidget | |
CMarble::LatLonBoxWidget | |
CMarble::LatLonEdit | |
CMarble::LegendWidget | |
CMarble::MapViewWidget | |
CMarble::MarbleNavigator | A widget class that contains simple controls for a MarbleWidget |
CMarble::MarblePluginSettingsWidget | |
CMarble::MarbleWidget | A widget class that displays a view of the earth |
CMarble::NavigationWidget | |
CMarble::PrintOptionsWidget | |
CMarble::RoutingInputWidget | Combines a line edit for input and a couple of buttons to let the user type in a search term, find according placemarks using the marble runner manager and store one of them as the current selection (target position) |
CMarble::RoutingProfilesWidget | |
►CMarble::RoutingRunnerPlugin::ConfigWidget | |
CMarble::MonavConfigWidget | |
CMarble::RoutingWidget | A widget consisting of input fields for places / routing destinations, a list view showing routing instructions and a interactive paint layer showing placemarks and the route |
CMarble::SearchWidget | |
CMarble::TextEditor | |
CMarble::TileLevelRangeWidget | |
CMarble::Window | |
►CQWizard | |
CMarble::MapWizard | |
►CQXmlDefaultHandler | |
CMarble::XmlParser | |
CSVGXmlHandler | |
CSVGXmlHandler | |
►CQXmlStreamReader | |
CMarble::BBCParser | |
CMarble::CoordinatesParser | |
CMarble::FlickrParser | |
CMarble::GeonamesParser | |
►CMarble::GeoParser | |
CMarble::GeoDataParser | |
CMarble::GeoSceneParser | |
CMarble::GpxParser | |
CMarble::KmlParser | |
CMarble::OsmParser | |
CMarble::StationListParser | |
►CQXmlStreamWriter | |
CMarble::GeoWriter | Standard Marble way of writing XML This class is intended to be a standardised way of writing XML for marble |
CReadOnlyMapDefinition | |
►CReadOnlyMapImage | |
CNwwMapImage | |
CSimpleMapImage | |
►CReadOnlyPart | |
CMarble::MarblePart | |
►CRectangle | |
CButton | |
CButton | |
Ccloudsync | |
Cexplore | |
CFloatButton | |
CFloatButton | |
CInputField | |
Csearch | |
Cthat | |
CToggle | |
Ctracking | |
CRegion | |
CMarble::Route | |
CMarble::RouteItem | |
CMarble::RouteSegment | |
CMoNav::RoutingCommand | |
CMarble::RoutingInstruction | Stores data related to one instruction: Road name, angle to predecessor, associated waypoints etc |
CMarble::RoutingPoint | There are many Point classes, but this is mine |
CMarble::RoutingProfile | |
CMoNav::RoutingResult | |
CMarble::RoutingWaypoint | Stores one line of gosmore/routino output |
►CRunnerPlugin | |
CMarble::TravelingSalesmanPlugin | |
►CMarble::SatellitesConfigAbstractItem | |
CMarble::SatellitesConfigLeafItem | |
CMarble::SatellitesConfigNodeItem | |
CMarble::ScanlineTextureMapperContext | |
CMarble::ScheduleEntry | |
►CMarble::Serializable | |
CMarble::GeoDataObject | A base class for all geodata objects |
►CMarble::ServerLayout | |
CMarble::CustomServerLayout | |
CMarble::MarbleServerLayout | |
CMarble::OsmServerLayout | |
CMarble::QuadTreeServerLayout | |
CMarble::TmsServerLayout | |
CMarble::WmsServerLayout | |
►CSheet | |
►CFileDialog | |
CFileOpenDialog | |
CFileSaveDialog | |
CMarble::StarPoint | |
CMarble::Statistic | |
CSun200 | |
►CSwitch | |
CMenuItemSwitch | |
CMarble::TemplateDocument | The Template Document |
►CTextField | |
CSearchField | |
CMarble::TextureColorizer | |
►CMarble::TextureMapperInterface | |
CMarble::EquirectScanlineTextureMapper | |
CMarble::MercatorScanlineTextureMapper | |
CMarble::SphericalScanlineTextureMapper | |
CMarble::TileScalingTextureMapper | |
►CMarble::Tile | A class that resembles a tile (then it is extended to TextureTile or Vectortile) |
CMarble::StackedTile | A single tile that consists of a stack of Tile layers |
CMarble::TextureTile | A class that resembles an image tile (extends Tile) |
CMarble::TileCoordsPyramid | |
CMarble::TileCreatorSource | Base Class for custom tile source |
CMarble::TileId | |
►CToolButton | |
CMarbleToolIcon | |
►CToolIcon | |
CMarbleToolIcon | |
CtwitterDataStructure | This is a generic class built up for parsing Json that is JavaScript Object Notification FIXME: the class presently has no sanity checking mechanism, it just can't check whether the input given to it is only JSON or Javascript ; a point of potential breach for the software |
CMarble::twitterStructure | The class that specifies the a simple panormaio plugin |
►CUiBookmarkManagerDialog | |
CMarble::BookmarkManagerDialog | |
►CUiNewBookmarkFolderDialog | |
CMarble::NewBookmarkFolderDialog | |
CMoNav::UnpackCommand | |
CMoNav::UnpackResult | |
CVec3 | |
►CVector | |
CMarble::GeoPolygon | |
CMarble::VectorMap | |
CGeoCute::Velocity | |
CMarble::ViewParams | A public class that controls the painting of a MarbleWidget |
CMarble::ViewportParams | A public class that controls what is visible in the viewport of a Marble map |
CMarble::VisiblePlacemark | A class which represents the visible place marks on a map |
CMarble::WayMerger | |
CMarble::WaypointParser | |
CMarble::WeatherData | |
CMarble::WidgetGraphicsItemPrivate | |
►CXmlListModel | |
CEarthquakesModel | |
CQHash< T, U > | |
CQHash< U, T > | |
►CQMap< QString, QString > | |
CMarble::GeoDataStyleMap | Class to map different styles to one style |
CQMap< U, T > | |
►CQPointF | |
CMarble::GeoDataVec2 | |
►CQPolygonF | |
CMarble::ScreenPolygon | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CBookmarksModel | |
CMapThemeModel | |
CMarble::BranchFilterProxyModel | |
CMarble::MapThemeSortFilterProxyModel | |
COfflineDataModel | |
►CQStandardItemModel | |
CMarble::RenderPluginModel | Provides common access to various kinds of plugins without having to know about their details |