Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
►NKAccelGen | Provides functions that, given a collection of QStrings, will automatically and intelligently assign menu accelerators to the QStrings in the collection |
►NKColorSpaces | |
►NKDEPrivate | |
►NKGlobalShortcutsEditor | |
►NKWallet | |
►NSonnet | Dialog.cpp |
CKAboutApplicationDialog | Standard "About Application" dialog box |
CKAbstractWidgetJobTracker | The base class for widget based job trackers |
CKAcceleratorManager | KDE Accelerator manager |
CKAccelManagerAlgorithm | This class encapsulates the algorithm finding the 'best' distribution of accelerators in a hierarchy of widgets |
CKAccelString | A string class handling accelerators |
CKAction | Class to encapsulate user-driven action or event |
CKActionCategory | Categorize actions for KShortcutsEditor |
CKActionCollection | A container for a set of QAction objects |
CKActionMenu | A KActionMenu is an action that has several properties specific to holding a sub-menu of other actions |
CKActionSelector | A widget for selecting and arranging actions/objects |
CKAnimatedButton | An extended version of QToolButton which can display an animated icon |
CKApplication | Controls and provides information to all KDE applications |
CKArrowButton | Draws a button with an arrow |
CKAssistantDialog | This class provides a framework for assistant dialogs |
CKBreadcrumbSelectionModel | Selects the parents of selected items to create breadcrumbs |
CKBugReport | A dialog box for sending bug reports |
CKButtonGroup | Group box with index of the selected button KButtonGroup is a simple group box that can keep track of the current selected button of the ones added to it |
CKCapacityBar | This widget shows a bar which is filled to show the level of usage of a certain device |
CKCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel | This class lets you categorize a view |
CKCategorizedView | Item view for listing items in a categorized fashion optionally |
CKCategoryDrawer | |
CKCategoryDrawerV2 | |
CKCategoryDrawerV3 | |
CKCharSelect | Character selection widget |
CKCheckableProxyModel | Adds a checkable capability to a source model |
CKCheckAccelerators | |
CKClipboardSynchronizer | This class is only for internal use |
CKCModule | The base class for configuration modules |
CKCodecAction | Action for selecting one of several QTextCodec |
CKColorButton | A pushbutton to display or allow user selection of a color |
CKColorCells | A table of editable color cells |
CKColorCollection | Class for handling color collections ("palettes") |
CKColorCombo | Combobox for colors |
CKColorDialog | A color selection dialog |
CKColorPatch | A color displayer |
CKColorScheme | A set of methods used to work with colors |
CKColorValueSelector | |
CKComboBox | An enhanced combo box |
CKCompletion | A generic class for completing QStrings |
CKCompletionBase | An abstract base class for adding a completion feature into widgets |
CKCompletionBox | A helper widget for "completion-widgets" (KLineEdit, KComboBox)) |
CKCompletionMatches | This structure is returned by KCompletion::allWeightedMatches |
CKConfigDialog | Standard KDE configuration dialog class |
CKConfigDialogManager | Provides a means of automatically retrieving, saving and resetting KConfigSkeleton based settings in a dialog |
►CKConfigSkeleton | Class for handling preferences settings for an application |
CKCursor | Extends QCursor with the ability to create an arbitrary named cursor from the cursor theme, and provides a set of static convenience methods for auto-hiding cursors on widgets |
CKDateComboBox | |
CKDatePicker | A date selection widget |
CKDateTable | Date selection table |
CKDateTimeEdit | |
CKDateTimeWidget | A combination of a date and a time selection widget |
CKDateValidator | Validates user-entered dates |
CKDateWidget | A date selection widget |
CKDescendantsProxyModel | Proxy Model for restructuring a Tree into a list |
CKDialog | A dialog base class with standard buttons and predefined layouts |
CKDialogButtonBox | Container widget for buttons |
CKDialogJobUiDelegate | A UI delegate using KMessageBox for interaction (showing errors and warnings) |
CKDoubleNumInput | An input control for real numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider |
CKDoubleValidator | A locale-aware QDoubleValidator |
CKDualAction | An action which can alternate between two texts/icons when triggered |
►CKEditListBox | An editable listbox |
►CKEditListWidget | An editable listbox |
CKEditToolBar | A dialog used to customize or configure toolbars |
CKExtendableItemDelegate | |
CKFadeWidgetEffect | Animates changes fading the new UI over the old look |
CKFilterProxySearchLine | Responsible for the quick search when you are using a QSortFilterProxyModel |
CKFind | A generic implementation of the "find" function |
CKFindDialog | A generic "find" dialog |
CKFloatValidator | QValidator for floating point entry (Obsolete) |
CKFontAction | An action to select a font family |
CKFontChooser | A font selection widget |
CKFontComboBox | A lightweight font selection widget |
CKFontDialog | A font selection dialog |
CKFontRequester | This class provides a widget with a lineedit and a button, which invokes a font dialog (KFontDialog) |
CKFontSizeAction | An action to allow changing of the font size |
CKGestureMap | |
CKGlobalAccel | Configurable global shortcut support |
►CKGlobalSettings | Access the KDE global configuration |
CKGlobalShortcutInfo | |
CKGradientSelector | Allows the user to choose from a one-dimensional range of colors which is given as a gradient between two colors provided by the programmer |
CKGuiItem | An abstract class for GUI data such as ToolTip and Icon |
CKHBox | A container widget which arranges its children horizontally |
CKHelpMenu | Standard KDE help menu with dialog boxes |
CKHistoryComboBox | A combobox for offering a history and completion |
CKHueSaturationSelector | |
CKIcon | A wrapper around QIcon that provides KDE icon features |
CKIconCache | Icon cache for KDE |
CKIconEffect | Applies effects to icons |
CKIconLoader | Iconloader for KDE |
CKIconTheme | |
CKIdentityProxyModel | Proxies its source model unmodified |
CKImageCache | A simple wrapping layer over KSharedDataCache to support caching images and pixmaps |
CKIntNumInput | An input widget for integer numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider |
CKIntSpinBox | A QSpinBox with support for arbitrary base numbers |
CKIntValidator | QValidator for integers |
CKKeySequenceWidget | A widget to input a QKeySequence |
CKLanguageButton | KLanguageButton is a pushbutton which allows a language to be selected from a popup list |
CKLed | An LED widget |
CKLineEdit | An enhanced QLineEdit widget for inputting text |
CKLinkItemSelectionModel | Makes it possible to share a selection in multiple views which do not have the same source model |
CKListWidget | A variant of QListWidget that honors KDE's system-wide settings |
CKListWidgetSearchLine | This class makes it easy to add a search line for filtering the items in a listwidget based on a simple text search |
CKMainWindow | KDE top level main window |
CKMenu | A menu with keyboard searching |
CKMenuBar | KDE Style-able menubar |
CKMessageBox | Easy message dialog box |
CKMessageBoxMessageHandler | This is a convience KMessageHandler that use KMessageBox |
CKMessageWidget | A widget to provide feedback or propose opportunistic interactions |
CKMimeTypeValidator | A QValidator for mime types |
CKModelIndexProxyMapper | This class facilitates easy mapping of indexes and selections through proxy models |
CKModifierKeyInfo | Get information about the state of the keyboard's modifier keys |
CKMultiTabBar | A Widget for horizontal and vertical tabs |
CKMultiTabBarButton | Use KMultiTabBar::appendButton to append a button, which creates a KMultiTabBarButton instance |
CKMultiTabBarTab | Use KMultiTabBar::appendTab to append a tab, which creates a KMultiTabBarTab instance |
CKNewPasswordDialog | A password input dialog |
CKNotification | KNotification is used to notify the user of an event |
CKNotificationRestrictions | KNotificationRestrictions provides a simple mechanism to avoid disruptions during full screen presentations or other use cases where the screensaver or desktop notifcations are inappropriate |
CKNumInput | You need to inherit from this class if you want to implement K*NumInput for a different variable type |
CKPageDialog | A dialog base class which can handle multiple pages |
CKPageModel | A base class for a model used by KPageView |
CKPageView | A base class which can handle multiple pages |
CKPageWidget | Page widget with many layouts (faces) |
CKPageWidgetItem | KPageWidgetItem is used by KPageWidget and represents a page |
CKPageWidgetModel | This page model is used by |
CKPassivePopup | A dialog-like popup that displays messages without interrupting the user |
CKPassivePopupMessageHandler | This is a convenience KMessageHandler that uses KPassivePopup |
CKPasswordDialog | A dialog for requesting a password and optionaly a login from the end user |
CKPasteTextAction | An action for pasting text from the clipboard |
CKPixmapCache | General-purpose pixmap cache for KDE |
CKPixmapProvider | A tiny abstract class with just one method: pixmapFor() |
CKPixmapRegionSelectorDialog | A dialog that uses a KPixmapRegionSelectorWidget to allow the user to select a region of an image |
CKPixmapRegionSelectorWidget | KPixmapRegionSelectorWidget is a widget that shows a picture and provides the user with a friendly way to select a rectangular subregion of the pixmap |
CKPixmapSequence | Loads and gives access to the frames of a typical multi-row pixmap as often used for spinners |
CKPixmapSequenceOverlayPainter | Paints a KPixmapSequence on top of any widget at any position |
CKPixmapSequenceWidget | A simple widget showing a fixed size pixmap sequence |
CKPlotAxis | Axis for KPlotWidget |
CKPlotObject | Encapsulates a data set to be plotted in a KPlotWidget |
CKPlotPoint | Encapsulates a point in the plot |
CKPlotWidget | Generic data plotting widget |
CKPopupAccelManager | This class manages a popup menu |
CKPopupFrame | Frame with popup menu behavior |
CKProgressDialog | A dialog with a progress bar |
CKPushButton | A QPushButton with drag-support and KGuiItem support |
CKRatingPainter | Utility class that draws a row of stars for a rating value |
CKRatingWidget | Displays a rating value as a row of pixmaps |
CKRecentFilesAction | Recent files action |
CKRecursiveFilterProxyModel | Implements recursive filtering of models |
CKReplace | A generic implementation of the "replace" function |
CKReplaceDialog | A generic "replace" dialog |
CKRestrictedLine | A line editor for restricted character sets |
CKRichTextEdit | Widget to edit and display rich text |
CKRichTextWidget | A KRichTextEdit with common actions |
CKRockerGesture | |
CKRuler | A ruler widget |
CKSelectAction | Action for selecting one of several items |
CKSelectionOwner | This class implements claiming and owning manager selections, as described in the ICCCM, section 2.8 |
CKSelectionProxyModel | A Proxy Model which presents a subset of its source model to observers |
CKSelectionWatcher | This class implements watching manager selections, as described in the ICCCM section 2.8 |
CKSelector | KSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a one-dimensional range of values |
CKSeparator | Standard horizontal or vertical separator |
CKSessionManager | Provides highlevel access to session management on a per-object base |
CKShapeGesture | |
CKShortcut | Represents a keyboard shortcut |
CKShortcutsDialog | Dialog for configuration of KActionCollection and KGlobalAccel |
CKShortcutsEditor | Widget for configuration of KAccel and KGlobalAccel |
CKShortcutWidget | |
CKSplashScreen | KDE splash screen |
CKSqueezedTextLabel | A replacement for QLabel that squeezes its text |
CKStartupInfo | Class for manipulating the application startup notification |
CKStartupInfoData | Class representing data about an application startup notification |
CKStartupInfoId | Class representing an identification of application startup notification |
CKStatefulBrush | A container for a "state-aware" brush |
CKStatusBar | KDE statusbar widget |
CKStatusBarJobTracker | This class implements a job tracker with a widget suited for embedding in a status bar |
CKStatusNotifierItem | KDE Status notifier Item protocol implementation |
CKStringListValidator | A QValidator to (dis)allow certain strings |
►CKStyle | Makes style coding more convenient |
CKStyleFactory | Template class which helps implementing the widget style plugin interface |
CKSvgRenderer | Thin wrapper around QSvgRenderer with SVGZ support |
CKSystemTrayIcon | KDE System Tray Window class |
CKTabBar | A QTabBar with extended features |
CKTabWidget | A widget containing multiple tabs |
CKTextBrowser | Extended QTextBrowser |
CKTextEdit | A KDE'ified QTextEdit |
CKTextEditSpellInterface | This interface is a workaround to keep binary compatibility in KDE4, because adding the virtual keyword to functions is not BC |
CKTimeComboBox | |
CKTimeZoneWidget | A time zone selection widget |
CKTipDatabase | A database for tips-of-the-day |
CKTipDialog | A Tip-of-the-Day dialog |
CKTitleWidget | Standard title widget with a white background and round border |
CKToggleAction | Checkbox like action |
CKToggleFullScreenAction | An action for switching between to/from full screen mode |
CKToggleToolBarAction | An action that takes care of everything associated with showing or hiding a toolbar by a menu action |
CKToolBar | Floatable toolbar with auto resize |
CKToolBarLabelAction | Class to display a label in a toolbar |
CKToolBarPopupAction | This action is a normal action everywhere, except in a toolbar where it also has a popupmenu (optionally delayed) |
CKToolBarSpacerAction | An extension to KAction which allows for adding a spacer item into a QToolBar / KToolBar |
CKTreeWidgetSearchLine | This class makes it easy to add a search line for filtering the items in listviews based on a simple text search |
CKTreeWidgetSearchLineWidget | Creates a widget featuring a KTreeWidgetSearchLine, a label with the text "Search" and a button to clear the search |
CKUiServerJobTracker | The interface to implement to track the progresses of a job |
CKUndoStack | Extends QUndoStack with functions that creates actions with KDE's default icons and shortcuts |
CKUniqueApplication | KUniqueApplication is a KApplication which only uses a single process |
CKUrlLabel | A drop-in replacement for QLabel that displays hyperlinks |
CKVBox | A container widget which arranges its children vertically |
CKViewStateMaintainer | Encapsulates the maintenance of state between resets of QAbstractItemModel |
CKViewStateMaintainerBase | |
CKViewStateSaver | Object for saving and restoring state in QTreeViews and QItemSelectionModels |
CKWidgetItemDelegate | This class allows to create item delegates embedding simple widgets to interact with items |
CKWidgetJobTracker | This class implements a job tracker with a widget suited for use as a progress dialog |
CKWindowInfo | Information about a window |
CKWindowSystem | Convenience access to certain properties and features of the window manager |
CKWordWrap | Word-wrap algorithm that takes into account beautifulness ;) |
CKXErrorHandler | This class simplifies handling of X errors |
CKXMessages | Sending string messages to other applications using the X Client Messages |
CKXMLGUIBuilder | Implements the creation of the GUI (menubar, menus and toolbars) as requested by the GUI factory |
►CKXMLGUIClient | A KXMLGUIClient can be used with KXMLGUIFactory to create a GUI from actions and an XML document, and can be dynamically merged with other KXMLGUIClients |
CKXMLGUIFactory | KXMLGUIFactory, together with KXMLGUIClient objects, can be used to create a GUI of container widgets (like menus, toolbars, etc.) and container items (menu items, toolbar buttons, etc.) from an XML document and action objects |
CKXmlGuiWindow | KDE top level main window with predefined action layout |
CKXYSelector | KXYSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a two-dimensional range of values |
CNET | Base namespace class |
CNETExtendedStrut | Partial strut class for NET classes |
CNETFullscreenMonitors | Simple multiple monitor topology class for NET classes |
CNETIcon | Simple icon class for NET classes |
CNETPoint | Simple point class for NET classes |
CNETRArray | |
CNETRect | Simple rectangle class for NET classes |
CNETRootInfo | Common API for root window properties/protocols |
CNETSize | Simple size class for NET classes |
CNETStrut | |
CNETWinInfo | Common API for application window properties/protocols |
CNETWinInfo2 | This class is an extension of the NETWinInfo class, and exists solely for binary compatibility reasons (adds new virtual methods) until KDE5 |
CQAbstractItemModel | |
CQAbstractProxyModel | |
CQAction | |
CQApplication | |
CQComboBox | |
CQCommonStyle | |
CQCursor | |
CQDialog | |
CQDialogButtonBox | |
CQDoubleValidator | |
CQFrame | |
CQGroupBox | |
CQItemSelectionModel | |
CQLabel | |
CQLineEdit | |
CQListView | |
CQListWidget | |
CQMainWindow | |
CQMenu | |
CQMenuBar | |
CQPushButton | |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CQSpinBox | |
CQSplashScreen | |
CQStatusBar | |
CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CQStylePlugin | |
CQSvgRenderer | |
CQSyntaxHighlighter | |
CQSystemTrayIcon | |
CQTabBar | |
CQTableWidget | |
CQTabWidget | |
CQTextBrowser | |
CQTextEdit | |
CQToolBar | |
CQToolButton | |
CQTreeWidget | |
CQUndoStack | |
CQValidator | |
CQWidget | |
CQWidgetAction | |
CQWidgetStackAccelManager |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:49:19 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 22:49:19 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.