QCA Namespace Reference


class  AbstractLogDevice
class  Algorithm
class  AuthTag
class  Base64
class  BasicContext
class  BigInteger
class  BufferedComputation
class  CAContext
class  CertBase
class  CertCollectionContext
class  CertContext
class  CertContextProps
class  Certificate
class  CertificateAuthority
class  CertificateChain
class  CertificateCollection
class  CertificateInfoOrdered
class  CertificateInfoPair
class  CertificateInfoType
class  CertificateOptions
class  CertificateRequest
class  Cipher
class  CipherContext
class  CMS
class  Console
class  ConsolePrompt
class  ConsoleReference
class  ConstraintType
class  CRL
class  CRLContext
class  CRLContextProps
class  CRLEntry
class  CSRContext
class  DHContext
class  DHPrivateKey
class  DHPublicKey
class  DirWatch
class  DLGroup
class  DLGroupContext
class  DSAContext
class  DSAPrivateKey
class  DSAPublicKey
class  Event
class  EventHandler
class  FileWatch
class  Filter
class  Hash
class  HashContext
class  Hex
class  HKDF
class  HKDFContext
class  InfoContext
class  InitializationVector
class  Initializer
class  KDFContext
class  KeyBundle
class  KeyDerivationFunction
class  KeyGenerator
class  KeyLength
class  KeyLoader
class  KeyStore
class  KeyStoreEntry
class  KeyStoreEntryContext
class  KeyStoreEntryWatcher
class  KeyStoreInfo
class  KeyStoreListContext
class  KeyStoreManager
class  Logger
class  MACContext
class  MemoryRegion
class  MessageAuthenticationCode
class  MessageContext
class  OpenPGP
class  PasswordAsker
class  PBKDF1
class  PBKDF2
class  PGPKey
class  PGPKeyContext
class  PGPKeyContextProps
class  PKCS12Context
class  PKey
class  PKeyBase
class  PKeyContext
class  PrivateKey
class  Provider
class  PublicKey
class  QPipe
class  QPipeDevice
class  QPipeEnd
class  Random
class  RandomContext
class  RSAContext
class  RSAPrivateKey
class  RSAPublicKey
class  SASL
class  SASLContext
class  SecureArray
class  SecureLayer
class  SecureMessage
class  SecureMessageKey
class  SecureMessageSignature
class  SecureMessageSystem
class  SMSContext
class  SymmetricKey
class  Synchronizer
class  SyncThread
class  TextFilter
class  TLS
class  TLSContext
class  TLSSession
class  TLSSessionContext
class  TokenAsker


typedef QMultiMap< CertificateInfoType, QStringCertificateInfo
typedef QList< ConstraintTypeConstraints
typedef QList< Provider * > ProviderList
typedef QList< SecureMessageKeySecureMessageKeyList
typedef QList< SecureMessageSignatureSecureMessageSignatureList


enum  CertificateInfoTypeKnown {
  CommonName , Email , EmailLegacy , Organization ,
  OrganizationalUnit , Locality , IncorporationLocality , State ,
  IncorporationState , Country , IncorporationCountry , URI ,
  DNS , IPAddress , XMPP
enum  CertificateRequestFormat { PKCS10 , SPKAC }
enum  ConstraintTypeKnown {
  DigitalSignature , NonRepudiation , KeyEncipherment , DataEncipherment ,
  KeyAgreement , KeyCertificateSign , CRLSign , EncipherOnly ,
  DecipherOnly , ServerAuth , ClientAuth , CodeSigning ,
  EmailProtection , IPSecEndSystem , IPSecTunnel , IPSecUser ,
  TimeStamping , OCSPSigning
enum  ConvertResult { ConvertGood , ErrorDecode , ErrorPassphrase , ErrorFile }
enum  Direction { Encode , Decode }
enum  DLGroupSet {
  DSA_512 , DSA_768 , DSA_1024 , IETF_768 ,
  IETF_1024 , IETF_1536 , IETF_2048 , IETF_3072 ,
  IETF_4096 , IETF_6144 , IETF_8192
enum  EncryptionAlgorithm { EME_PKCS1v15 , EME_PKCS1_OAEP , EME_PKCS1v15_SSL , EME_NO_PADDING }
enum  MemoryMode { Practical , Locking , LockingKeepPrivileges }
enum  PBEAlgorithm {
  PBEDefault , PBES2_DES_SHA1 , PBES2_TripleDES_SHA1 , PBES2_AES128_SHA1 ,
enum  SecurityLevel {
  SL_None , SL_Integrity , SL_Export , SL_Baseline ,
  SL_High , SL_Highest
enum  SignatureAlgorithm {
  SignatureUnknown , EMSA1_SHA1 , EMSA3_SHA1 , EMSA3_MD5 ,
  EMSA3_MD2 , EMSA3_RIPEMD160 , EMSA3_Raw , EMSA3_SHA224 ,
  EMSA3_SHA256 , EMSA3_SHA384 , EMSA3_SHA512
enum  SignatureFormat { DefaultFormat , IEEE_1363 , DERSequence }
enum  UsageMode {
  UsageAny = 0x00 , UsageTLSServer = 0x01 , UsageTLSClient = 0x02 , UsageCodeSigning = 0x04 ,
  UsageEmailProtection = 0x08 , UsageTimeStamping = 0x10 , UsageCRLSigning = 0x20
enum  ValidateFlags { ValidateAll = 0x00 , ValidateRevoked = 0x01 , ValidateExpired = 0x02 , ValidatePolicy = 0x04 }
enum  Validity {
  ValidityGood , ErrorRejected , ErrorUntrusted , ErrorSignatureFailed ,
  ErrorInvalidCA , ErrorInvalidPurpose , ErrorSelfSigned , ErrorRevoked ,
  ErrorPathLengthExceeded , ErrorExpired , ErrorExpiredCA , ErrorValidityUnknown = 64


QCA_EXPORT void appendPluginDiagnosticText (const QString &text)
QCA_EXPORT QString appName ()
QCA_EXPORT QString arrayToBase64 (const QByteArray &array)
QCA_EXPORT QString arrayToHex (const QByteArray &array)
QCA_EXPORT QByteArray base64ToArray (const QString &base64String)
QCA_EXPORT void clearPluginDiagnosticText ()
QCA_EXPORT QStringList defaultFeatures ()
QCA_EXPORT ProviderdefaultProvider ()
QCA_EXPORT void deinit ()
QCA_EXPORT QByteArray emsa3Encode (const QString &hashName, const QByteArray &digest, int size=-1)
QCA_EXPORT ProviderfindProvider (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT QVariant getProperty (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT QVariantMap getProviderConfig (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT QString globalRandomProvider ()
QCA_EXPORT bool haveSecureMemory ()
QCA_EXPORT bool haveSecureRandom ()
QCA_EXPORT bool haveSystemStore ()
QCA_EXPORT QByteArray hexToArray (const QString &hexString)
QCA_EXPORT void init ()
QCA_EXPORT void init (MemoryMode m, int prealloc)
QCA_EXPORT bool insertProvider (Provider *p, int priority=0)
QCA_EXPORT bool invokeMethodWithVariants (QObject *obj, const QByteArray &method, const QVariantList &args, QVariant *ret, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection)
QCA_EXPORT bool isSupported (const char *features, const QString &provider=QString())
QCA_EXPORT bool isSupported (const QStringList &features, const QString &provider=QString())
QCA_EXPORT Loggerlogger ()
QCA_EXPORT QStringList makeFriendlyNames (const QList< Certificate > &list)
QCA_EXPORT int methodReturnType (const QMetaObject *obj, const QByteArray &method, const QList< QByteArray > &argTypes)
QCA_EXPORT const SecureArray operator+ (const SecureArray &a, const SecureArray &b)
QCA_EXPORT QTextStreamoperator<< (QTextStream &stream, const BigInteger &b)
QCA_EXPORT CertificateInfoOrdered orderedDNOnly (const CertificateInfoOrdered &in)
QCA_EXPORT QString orderedToDNString (const CertificateInfoOrdered &in)
QCA_EXPORT QString pluginDiagnosticText ()
QCA_EXPORT QStringList pluginPaths ()
QCA_EXPORT int providerPriority (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT ProviderList providers ()
QCA_EXPORT void saveProviderConfig (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT void scanForPlugins ()
QCA_EXPORT void setAppName (const QString &name)
QCA_EXPORT void setGlobalRandomProvider (const QString &provider)
QCA_EXPORT void setProperty (const QString &name, const QVariant &value)
QCA_EXPORT void setProviderConfig (const QString &name, const QVariantMap &config)
QCA_EXPORT void setProviderPriority (const QString &name, int priority)
QCA_EXPORT QStringList supportedFeatures ()
QCA_EXPORT CertificateCollection systemStore ()
QCA_EXPORT void unloadAllPlugins ()
QCA_EXPORT bool unloadProvider (const QString &name)

Detailed Description

QCA - the Qt Cryptographic Architecture.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CertificateInfo

Certificate properties type.

With this container, the information is not necessarily stored in the same sequence as the certificate format itself. Use this container if the order the information is/was stored does not matter for you (this is the case with most applications).

Additionally, the EmailLegacy type should not be used with this container. Use Email instead.

Definition at line 535 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ Constraints

Certificate constraints type

Definition at line 590 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ ProviderList

Convenience representation for the plugin providers.

You can get a list of providers using the providers() function

See also

Definition at line 111 of file qca_core.h.

◆ SecureMessageKeyList

A list of message keys.

Definition at line 175 of file qca_securemessage.h.

◆ SecureMessageSignatureList

A list of signatures.

Definition at line 263 of file qca_securemessage.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CertificateInfoTypeKnown

Known types of information stored in certificates.

This enumerator offers a convenient way to work with common types.


The common name (eg person), id = "".


Email address, id = "GeneralName.rfc822Name".


PKCS#9 Email field, id = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1".


An organisation (eg company), id = "".


An part of an organisation (eg a division or branch), id = "".


The locality (eg city, a shire, or part of a state), id = "".


The locality of incorporation (EV certificates), id = "".


The state within the country, id = "".


The state of incorporation (EV certificates), id = "".


The country, id = "".


The country of incorporation (EV certificates), id = "".


Uniform Resource Identifier, id = "GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier".


DNS name, id = "GeneralName.dNSName".


IP address, id = "GeneralName.iPAddress".


XMPP address (see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3920.txt), id = "".

Definition at line 64 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ CertificateRequestFormat

Certificate Request Format.


standard PKCS#10 format


Signed Public Key and Challenge (Netscape) format.

Definition at line 53 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ ConstraintTypeKnown

Known types of certificate constraints.

This enumerator offers a convenient way to work with common types.


Certificate can be used to create digital signatures, id = "KeyUsage.digitalSignature"


Certificate can be used for non-repudiation, id = "KeyUsage.nonRepudiation"


Certificate can be used for encrypting / decrypting keys, id = "KeyUsage.keyEncipherment"


Certificate can be used for encrypting / decrypting data, id = "KeyUsage.dataEncipherment"


Certificate can be used for key agreement, id = "KeyUsage.keyAgreement"


Certificate can be used for key certificate signing, id = "KeyUsage.keyCertSign"


Certificate can be used to sign Certificate Revocation Lists, id = "KeyUsage.crlSign"


Certificate can only be used for encryption, id = "KeyUsage.encipherOnly"


Certificate can only be used for decryption, id = "KeyUsage.decipherOnly"


Certificate can be used for server authentication (e.g.

web server), id = "". This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used for client authentication (e.g.

web browser), id = "". This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to sign code, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to sign / encrypt email, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to authenticate a endpoint in IPSEC, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to authenticate a tunnel in IPSEC, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to authenticate a user in IPSEC, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to create a "time stamp" signature, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.


Certificate can be used to sign an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) assertion, id = "".

This is an extended usage constraint.

Definition at line 316 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ ConvertResult

Return value from a format conversion.

Note that if you are checking for any result other than ConvertGood, then you may be introducing a provider specific dependency.


Conversion succeeded, results should be valid.


General failure in the decode stage.


Failure because of incorrect passphrase.


Failure because of incorrect file.

Definition at line 118 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ Direction

Direction settings for symmetric algorithms.

For some algorithms, it makes sense to have a "direction", such as Cipher algorithms which can be used to encrypt or decrypt.


Operate in the "forward" direction; for example, encrypting.


Operate in the "reverse" direction; for example, decrypting.

Definition at line 140 of file qca_core.h.

◆ DLGroupSet

Well known discrete logarithm group sets.

These sets are derived from three main sources: Java Cryptographic Extensions, RFC2412 and RFC3526.


512 bit group, for compatibility with JCE


768 bit group, for compatibility with JCE


1024 bit group, for compatibility with JCE


Group 1 from RFC 2412, Section E.1.


Group 2 from RFC 2412, Section E.2.


1536-bit MODP Group ("group 5") from RFC3526 Section 2.


2048-bit MODP Group ("group 14") from RFC3526 Section 3.


3072-bit MODP Group ("group 15") from RFC3526 Section 4.


4096-bit MODP Group ("group 16") from RFC3526 Section 5.


6144-bit MODP Group ("group 17") from RFC3526 Section 6.


8192-bit MODP Group ("group 18") from RFC3526 Section 7.

Definition at line 134 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ EncryptionAlgorithm

Encryption algorithms.


Block type 2 (PKCS#1, Version 1.5)


Optimal asymmetric encryption padding (PKCS#1, Version 2.0)


PKCS#1, Version 1.5 with an SSL-specific modification.


Raw RSA encryption.

Definition at line 54 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ MemoryMode

Mode settings for memory allocation.

QCA can use secure memory, however most operating systems restrict the amount of memory that can be pinned by user applications, to prevent a denial-of-service attack.

QCA supports two approaches to getting memory - the mlock method, which generally requires root (administrator) level privileges, and the mmap method which is not as secure, but which should be able to be used by any process.

See also

mlock and drop root if available, else mmap


mlock and drop root


mlock, retaining root privileges

Definition at line 127 of file qca_core.h.

◆ PBEAlgorithm

Password-based encryption.


Use modern default (same as PBES2_TripleDES_SHA1)




PKCS#5 v2.0 TripleDES/CBC,SHA1.


PKCS#5 v2.0 AES-128/CBC,SHA1.


PKCS#5 v2.0 AES-192/CBC,SHA1.


PKCS#5 v2.0 AES-256/CBC,SHA1.

Definition at line 102 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ SecurityLevel

Specify the lower-bound for acceptable TLS/SASL security layers.

For TLS, the interpretation of these levels is:

  • Any cipher suite that provides non-authenticated communications (usually anonymous Diffie-Hellman) is SL_Integrity.
  • Any cipher suite that is limited to 40 bits (export-version crippled forms of RC2, RC4 or DES) is SL_Export. Standard DES (56 bits) and some forms of RC4 (64 bits) are also SL_Export.
  • Any normal cipher (AES, Camellia, RC4 or similar) with 128 bits, or Elliptic Curve Ciphers with 283 bits, is SL_Baseline
  • AES or Camellia at least 192 bits, triple-DES and similar ciphers are SL_High. ECC with 409 or more bits is also SL_High.
  • Highest does not have an equivalent strength. It indicates that the provider should use the strongest ciphers available (but not less than SL_High).

indicates that no security is ok


must at least get integrity protection


must be export level bits or more


must be 128 bit or more


must be more than 128 bit


SL_High or max possible, whichever is greater.

Definition at line 59 of file qca_securelayer.h.

◆ SignatureAlgorithm

Signature algorithm variants.

Note that most signature algorithms follow a process of first hashing the plaintext data to be signed, creating a payload format that wraps the hash value (among other things), and then signing the payload with the private key. So, for example, an EMSA3(SHA1) signature outputted by QCA cannot be verified by merely performing RSA and SHA1 operations (e.g. "openssl rsautl -verify" and comparing with sha1sum), because that would not take the EMSA3 payload format into consideration.


Unknown signing algorithm.


SHA1, with EMSA1 (IEEE1363-2000) encoding (this is the usual DSA algorithm - FIPS186)


SHA1, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


MD5, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding (this is the usual RSA algorithm)


MD2, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


RIPEMD160, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


EMSA3 without computing a message digest or a DigestInfo encoding (identical to PKCS#11's CKM_RSA_PKCS mechanism)


SHA224, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


SHA256, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


SHA384, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.


SHA512, with EMSA3 (ie PKCS#1 Version 1.5) encoding.

Definition at line 73 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ SignatureFormat

Signature formats (DSA only)


For DSA, this is the same as IEEE_1363.


40-byte format from IEEE 1363 (Botan/.NET)


Signature wrapped in DER formatting (OpenSSL/Java)

Definition at line 92 of file qca_publickey.h.

◆ UsageMode

Specify the intended usage of a certificate.


Any application, or unspecified.


server side of a TLS or SSL connection


client side of a TLS or SSL connection


code signing certificate


email (S/MIME) certificate


time stamping certificate


certificate revocation list signing certificate

Definition at line 482 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ ValidateFlags

The conditions to validate for a certificate.

Definition at line 516 of file qca_cert.h.

◆ Validity

The validity (or otherwise) of a certificate.


The certificate is valid.


The root CA rejected the certificate purpose.


The certificate is not trusted.


The signature does not match.


The Certificate Authority is invalid.


The purpose does not match the intended usage.


The certificate is self-signed, and is not found in the list of trusted certificates.


The certificate has been revoked.


The path length from the root CA to this certificate is too long.


The certificate has expired, or is not yet valid (e.g.

current time is earlier than notBefore time)


The Certificate Authority has expired.


Validity is unknown.

Definition at line 496 of file qca_cert.h.

Function Documentation

◆ appendPluginDiagnosticText()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::appendPluginDiagnosticText ( const QString & text)

Add plugin diagnostic text.

This function should only be called by providers.

textthe diagnostic message to append

◆ appName()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::appName ( )

Get the application name that will be used by SASL server mode.

The application name is used by SASL in server mode, as some systems might have different security policies depending on the app. The default application name is 'qca'

◆ arrayToBase64()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::arrayToBase64 ( const QByteArray & array)

Convert a byte array to printable base64 representation.

This is a convenience function to convert an arbitrary QByteArray to a printable representation.

arraythe array to be converted
a printable representation

◆ arrayToHex()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::arrayToHex ( const QByteArray & array)

Convert a byte array to printable hexadecimal representation.

This is a convenience function to convert an arbitrary QByteArray to a printable representation.

QByteArray test(10);
// 0x61 is 'a' in ASCII
if (QString("61616161616161616161") == QCA::arrayToHex(test) )
printf ("arrayToHex passed\n");
QCA_EXPORT QString arrayToHex(const QByteArray &array)
Convert a byte array to printable hexadecimal representation.
arraythe array to be converted
a printable representation
aes-cmac.cpp, hashtest.cpp, mactest.cpp, and rsatest.cpp.

◆ base64ToArray()

QCA_EXPORT QByteArray QCA::base64ToArray ( const QString & base64String)

Convert a QString containing a base64 representation of a byte array into a QByteArray.

This is a convenience function to convert a printable representation into a QByteArray - effectively the inverse of QCA::arrayToBase64.

base64Stringthe string containing a printable representation to be converted
the equivalent QByteArray

◆ clearPluginDiagnosticText()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::clearPluginDiagnosticText ( )

Clear plugin diagnostic text.

◆ defaultFeatures()

QCA_EXPORT QStringList QCA::defaultFeatures ( )

Generate a list of the built in features.

This differs from supportedFeatures() in that it does not include features provided by plugins.

a list containing the names of the features

The following code writes a list of features to standard out

QStringList capabilities;
capabilities = QCA::defaultFeatures();
std::cout << "Default:" << capabilities.join(",") << std::endl;
QCA_EXPORT QStringList defaultFeatures()
Generate a list of the built in features.
See also

◆ defaultProvider()

QCA_EXPORT Provider * QCA::defaultProvider ( )

Return the default provider.

◆ deinit()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::deinit ( )

Clean up routine.

This routine cleans up QCA, including memory allocations This call is not normally required, because it is cleaner to use an Initializer

◆ emsa3Encode()

QCA_EXPORT QByteArray QCA::emsa3Encode ( const QString & hashName,
const QByteArray & digest,
int size = -1 )

Encode a hash result in EMSA3 (PKCS#1) format.

This is a convenience function for providers that only have access to raw RSA signing (mainly smartcard providers). This is a built-in function of QCA and does not utilize a provider. SHA1, MD5, MD2, and RIPEMD160 are supported.

hashNamethe hash type used to create the digest
digestthe digest to encode in EMSA3 format
sizethe desired size of the encoding output (-1 for automatic size)

◆ findProvider()

QCA_EXPORT Provider * QCA::findProvider ( const QString & name)

Return the named provider, or 0 if not found.

namethe name of the provider to search for.

◆ getProperty()

QCA_EXPORT QVariant QCA::getProperty ( const QString & name)

Retrieve a global property.

namethe name of the property to look up
See also

◆ getProviderConfig()

QCA_EXPORT QVariantMap QCA::getProviderConfig ( const QString & name)

Retrieve provider configuration.

namethe name of the provider to retrieve the configuration of

◆ globalRandomProvider()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::globalRandomProvider ( )

Return the name of the global random number provider.

◆ haveSecureMemory()

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::haveSecureMemory ( )

Test if secure storage memory is available.

true if secure storage memory is available

◆ haveSecureRandom()

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::haveSecureRandom ( )

Test if secure random is available.

Secure random is considered available if the global random provider is not the default provider.

true if secure random is available

◆ haveSystemStore()

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::haveSystemStore ( )

Test if QCA can access the root CA certificates.

If root certificates are available, this function returns true, otherwise it returns false.

See also

◆ hexToArray()

QCA_EXPORT QByteArray QCA::hexToArray ( const QString & hexString)

Convert a QString containing a hexadecimal representation of a byte array into a QByteArray.

This is a convenience function to convert a printable representation into a QByteArray - effectively the inverse of QCA::arrayToHex.

QByteArray test(10);
test.fill('b'); // 0x62 in hexadecimal
test[7] = 0x00; // can handle strings with nulls
if (QCA::hexToArray(QString("62626262626262006262") ) == test )
printf ("hexToArray passed\n");
QCA_EXPORT void init()
Initialise QCA.
QCA_EXPORT QByteArray hexToArray(const QString &hexString)
Convert a QString containing a hexadecimal representation of a byte array into a QByteArray.
hexStringthe string containing a printable representation to be converted
the equivalent QByteArray

◆ init() [1/2]

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::init ( )

Initialise QCA.

This call is not normally required, because it is cleaner to use an Initializer.

◆ init() [2/2]

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::init ( MemoryMode m,
int prealloc )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

mthe MemoryMode to use
preallocthe amount of memory in kilobytes to allocate for secure storage

◆ insertProvider()

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::insertProvider ( Provider * p,
int priority = 0 )

Add a provider to the current list of providers.

This function allows you to add a provider to the current plugin providers at a specified priority. If a provider with the name already exists, this call fails.

QCA takes ownership of the provider.

pa pointer to a Provider object, which must be set up.
prioritythe priority level to set the provider to
true if the provider is added, and false if the provider is not added (failure)
See also
unloadProvider for unloading specified providers
setProviderPriority for a description of the provider priority system

◆ isSupported() [1/2]

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::isSupported ( const char * features,
const QString & provider = QString() )

Test if a capability (algorithm) is available.

Since capabilities are made available at runtime, you should always check before using a capability the first time, as shown below.

printf("SHA1 not supported!\n");
QString result = QCA::SHA1::hashToString(myString);
printf("sha1(\"%s\") = [%s]\n", myString.data(), qPrintable(result));
QCA_EXPORT bool isSupported(const char *features, const QString &provider=QString())
Test if a capability (algorithm) is available.
featuresthe name of the capability to test for
providerif specified, only check for the capability in that specific provider. If not provided, or provided as an empty string, then check for capabilities in all available providers
true if the capability is available, otherwise false

Note that you can test for a combination of capabilities, using a comma delimited list:


which will return true if all of the capabilities listed are present.

◆ isSupported() [2/2]

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::isSupported ( const QStringList & features,
const QString & provider = QString() )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

featuresa list of features to test for
providerif specified, only check for the capability in that specific provider. If not provided, or provided as an empty string, then check for capabilities in all available providers

◆ logger()

QCA_EXPORT Logger * QCA::logger ( )

Return a reference to the QCA Logger, which is used for diagnostics and error recording.

The system Logger is automatically created for you on start.

◆ makeFriendlyNames()

QCA_EXPORT QStringList QCA::makeFriendlyNames ( const QList< Certificate > & list)

Create a list of unique friendly names among a list of certificates.

listthe list of certificates for which a friendly name is required.

◆ operator+()

QCA_EXPORT const SecureArray QCA::operator+ ( const SecureArray & a,
const SecureArray & b )

Returns an array that is the result of concatenating a and b.

athe string to put at the start of the result
bthe string to put at the end of the result

◆ orderedDNOnly()

QCA_EXPORT CertificateInfoOrdered QCA::orderedDNOnly ( const CertificateInfoOrdered & in)

Return a new CertificateInfoOrdered that only contains the Distinguished Name (DN) types found in the input object.

inthe certificate info to extract from

◆ orderedToDNString()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::orderedToDNString ( const CertificateInfoOrdered & in)

Convert to RFC 1779 string format.

inthe certificate info to convert

◆ pluginDiagnosticText()

QCA_EXPORT QString QCA::pluginDiagnosticText ( )

Retrieve plugin diagnostic text.

◆ pluginPaths()

QCA_EXPORT QStringList QCA::pluginPaths ( )

Retrieve plugin paths.

It consists of:

  1. QCA_PLUGIN_PATH environment if set.
  2. QCoreApplication::libraryPaths() .
  3. Directory where plugins were installed.

QCA_PLUGIN_PATH is paths list like PATH or QT_PLUGIN_PATH. It uses system path separator. ";" on Windows and ":" on Unix.

This function was introduced in QCA 2.1.

◆ providerPriority()

QCA_EXPORT int QCA::providerPriority ( const QString & name)

Return the priority of a specified provider.

The name of the provider (eg "qca-ossl") is used to look up the current priority associated with that provider. If the provider is not found (or something else went wrong), -1 is returned.

namethe name of the provider
the current priority level
See also
setProviderPriority for a description of the provider priority system

◆ providers()

QCA_EXPORT ProviderList QCA::providers ( )

Return a list of the current providers.

The current plugin providers are provided as a list, which you can iterate over using ProviderListIterator.

See also

◆ saveProviderConfig()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::saveProviderConfig ( const QString & name)

Save provider configuration to persistent storage.

namethe name of the provider to have its configuration saved

◆ scanForPlugins()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::scanForPlugins ( )

Scan for new plugins.


◆ setAppName()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::setAppName ( const QString & name)

Set the application name that will be used by SASL server mode.

The application name is used by SASL in server mode, as some systems might have different security policies depending on the app. This should be set before using SASL objects, and it cannot be changed later.

namethe name string to use for SASL server mode

◆ setGlobalRandomProvider()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::setGlobalRandomProvider ( const QString & provider)

Change the global random number provider.

The Random capabilities of QCA are provided as part of the built in capabilities, however the generator can be changed if required.

providerthe name of the provider to use as the global random provider.

◆ setProperty()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::setProperty ( const QString & name,
const QVariant & value )

Set a global property.

namethe name of the property
valuethe value to set the property to
See also

◆ setProviderConfig()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::setProviderConfig ( const QString & name,
const QVariantMap & config )

Set provider configuration.

Allowed value types: QString, int, bool

namethe name of the provider to set the configuration to
configthe configuration

◆ setProviderPriority()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::setProviderPriority ( const QString & name,
int priority )

Change the priority of a specified provider.

QCA supports a number of providers, and if a number of providers support the same algorithm, it needs to choose between them. You can do this at object instantiation time (by specifying the name of the provider that should be used). Alternatively, you can provide a relative priority level at an application level, using this call.

Priority is used at object instantiation time. The provider is selected according to the following logic:

  • if a particular provider is nominated, and that provider supports the required algorithm, then the nominated provider is used
  • if no provider is nominated, or it doesn't support the required algorithm, then the provider with the lowest priority number will be used, if that provider supports the algorithm.
  • if the provider with the lowest priority number doesn't support the required algorithm, the provider with the next lowest priority number will be tried, and so on through to the provider with the largest priority number
  • if none of the plugin providers support the required algorithm, then the default (built-in) provider will be tried.
namethe name of the provider
prioritythe new priority of the provider. As a special case, if you pass in -1, then this provider gets the same priority as the the last provider that was added or had its priority set using this call.
See also

◆ supportedFeatures()

QCA_EXPORT QStringList QCA::supportedFeatures ( )

Generate a list of all the supported features in plugins, and in built in capabilities.

a list containing the names of the features

The following code writes a list of features to standard out

QStringList capabilities;
capabilities = QCA::supportedFeatures();
std::cout << "Supported:" << capabilities.join(",") << std::endl;
QCA_EXPORT QStringList supportedFeatures()
Generate a list of all the supported features in plugins, and in built in capabilities.
See also
isSupported(const char *features)
isSupported(const QStringList &features)

◆ systemStore()

QCA_EXPORT CertificateCollection QCA::systemStore ( )

Get system-wide root Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.

Many operating systems (or distributions, on Linux-type systems) come with some trusted certificates. Typically, these include the root certificates for major Certificate Authorities (for example, Verisign, Comodo) and some additional certificates that are used for system updates. They are provided in different ways for different systems.

This function provides an common way to access the system certificates. There are other ways to access certificates - see the various I/O methods (such as fromDER() and fromPEM()) in the Certificate and CertificateCollection classes.

Availability of the system certificates depends on how QCA was built. You can test whether the system certificates are available using the haveSystemStore() function.
certtest.cpp, and ssltest.cpp.

◆ unloadAllPlugins()

QCA_EXPORT void QCA::unloadAllPlugins ( )

Unload the current plugins.

◆ unloadProvider()

QCA_EXPORT bool QCA::unloadProvider ( const QString & name)

Unload specified provider.

The specified provider is removed from the list of providers and deleted. If no provider with the name is found, this call fails.

namethe name of the provider
true if the provider is unloaded, and false if the provider cannot be found
See also
insertProvider for adding providers
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Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:48:18 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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