KURLComboBox::_KURLComboItem | |
KNotify::Application | |
KNotify::ApplicationList | |
KNTLM::Auth | The NTLM Type 3 structure |
KIO::AuthInfo | This class is intended to make it easier to prompt for, cache and retrieve authorization information |
KPasswdServer::AuthInfo | |
KPasswdServer::AuthInfoList | |
KIO::NetRC::AutoLogin | Contains auto login information |
KNTLM::Blob | |
BugMailer | |
KNTLM::Challenge | The NTLM Type 2 structure |
KIO::ChmodJob | This job changes permissions on a list of files or directories, optionally in a recursive manner |
KIO::Connection | This class provides a simple means for IPC between two applications via a pipe |
KIO::CopyInfo | |
KIO::CopyJob | CopyJob is used to move, copy or symlink files and directories |
KIO::DataProtocol | This kioslave provides support of data urls as specified by rfc 2397 |
KIO::DataSlave | This class provides a high performance implementation for the data url scheme (rfc2397) |
KIO::DavJob | The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave |
DCOPObject | |
DCOPStub | |
KIO::DefaultProgress | |
KIO::DeleteJob | A more complex Job to delete files and directories |
des_key | |
dhcp_msg | |
KIO::DirectCopyJob | |
KPAC::Discovery | |
KPAC::Downloader | |
dPtrTemplate< Instance, PrivateData > | |
KBookmarkMenu::DynMenuInfo | Structure used for storing information about the dynamic menu setting |
KPAC::Script::Error | |
KNotify::Event | |
KProtocolInfo::ExtraField | Definition of an extra field in the UDS entries, returned by a listDir operation |
KIO::FileCopyJob | The FileCopyJob copies data from one place to another |
KIOExec::fileInfo | |
FileProps | |
KMimeType::Format | |
KIO::ForwardingSlaveBase | This class should be used as a base for ioslaves acting as a forwarder to other ioslaves |
KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo | Information about a meta information group |
KIO::Slave::HoldParams | |
HTTPFilterBase | |
HTTPFilterChain | |
HTTPFilterDeflate | |
HTTPFilterGZip | |
HTTPFilterMD5 | |
KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo | This is the class for one item of a KFileMimeTypeInfo |
KIO::Job | The base class for all jobs |
KACL | The KCAL class encapsulates a POSIX Access Control List |
KAction | |
KApplicationPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] Type=Application |
KAr | KAr is a class for reading archives in ar format |
KArchive | KArchive is a base class for reading and writing archives |
KArchiveDirectory | Represents a directory entry in a KArchive |
KArchiveEntry | A base class for entries in an KArchive |
KArchiveFile | Represents a file entry in a KArchive |
KAutoMount | This class implements synchronous mounting of devices, as well as showing a file-manager window after mounting a device, optionally |
KAutoUnmount | This class implements synchronous unmounting of devices, It is a wrapper around the asychronous KIO::special() call for unmount, used by KMimeType |
KBindingPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] Type=MimeType |
KBookmark | |
KBookmarkBar | This class provides a bookmark toolbar |
KBookmarkDomBuilder | |
KBookmarkDrag | |
KBookmarkExporterBase | |
KBookmarkGroup | A group of bookmarks |
KBookmarkGroupTraverser | |
KBookmarkImporter | A class for importing the previous bookmarks (desktop files) Separated from KBookmarkManager to save memory (we throw this one out once the import is done) |
KBookmarkImporterBase | A class for importing NS bookmarks KEditBookmarks uses it to insert bookmarks into its DOM tree, and KActionMenu uses it to create actions directly |
KBookmarkManager | This class implements the reading/writing of bookmarks in XML |
KBookmarkMenu | This class provides a bookmark menu |
KBookmarkMenuNSImporter | A class connected to KNSBookmarkImporter, to fill KActionMenus |
KBookmarkNotifier | DCOP interface for a bookmark notifier (an object which emits signals upon changes to the bookmarks) |
KBookmarkOwner | The KBookmarkMenu and KBookmarkBar classes gives the user the ability to either edit bookmarks or add their own |
KCombiView | This view is designed to combine two KFileViews into one widget, to show directories on the left side and files on the right side |
KComboBox | |
KCrashBookmarkImporter | A class for importing all crash sessions as bookmarks |
KCrashBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing all crash sessions as bookmarks |
KCustomMenuEditor | |
KDataTool | A generic tool that processes data |
KDataToolAction | This class helps applications implement support for KDataTool |
KDataToolInfo | This is a convenience class for KService |
KDCOPServiceStarter | A generic DCOP service starter, using KTrader |
KDEDesktopMimeType | Mime type for desktop files |
KDEDModule | |
KDESasl | This library can create responses for SASL authentication for a given challenge and a given secret |
KDesktopPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] Type=Application |
KDevicePropsPlugin | Properties plugin for device .desktop files |
KDialog | |
KDialogBase | |
KDirLister | The dir lister deals with the kiojob used to list and update a directory and has signals for the user of this class (e.g |
KDirNotify | An abstract class that receives notifications of added and removed files in any directory, local or remote |
KDirNotify_stub | |
KDirOperator | This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser |
KDirSelectDialog | A pretty dialog for a KDirSelect control for selecting directories |
KDirSize | Computes a directory size (similar to "du", but doesn't give the same results since we simply sum up the dir and file sizes, whereas du speaks disk blocks) |
KDirWatch | Watch directories and files for changes |
KDiskFreeSp | This class parses the output of "df" to find the disk usage information for a given partition (mount point) |
KEMailSettings | This is just a small class to facilitate accessing e-mail settings in a sane way, and allowing any program to manage multiple e-mail profiles effortlessly |
KEncodingFileDialog | Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to select files with support for choosing encoding |
KExecMimeType | The mime type for executable files |
KExecPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] Type=Application |
KExtendedBookmarkOwner | |
KFile | KFile is a class which provides a namespace for some enumerated values associated with the kfile library |
KFileBookmarkHandler | |
KFileDetailView | A list-view capable of showing KFileItem' |
KFileDialog | Provides a user (and developer) friendly way to select files and directories |
KFileFilter | A KFileFilter is a simple base class for file filters |
KFileFilterCombo | |
KFileIconView | An icon-view capable of showing KFileItem's |
KFileIconViewItem | An item for the iconview, that has a reference to its corresponding KFileItem |
KFileItem | A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote |
KFileListViewItem | An item for the listiew, that has a reference to its corresponding KFileItem |
KFileMetaInfo | Meta Information about a file |
KFileMetaInfoGroup | A group of meta information items about a file |
KFileMetaInfoItem | A meta information item about a file |
KFileMetaInfoProvider | |
KFileMetaInfoWidget | |
KFileMetaPreview | |
KFileMetaPropsPlugin | |
KFileMimeTypeInfo | Represents the capabilities of a KFilePlugin for a given mimetype |
KFileOpenWithHandler | This class handles the displayOpenWithDialog call, made by KRun when it has no idea what to do with a URL |
KFilePermissionsPropsPlugin | 'Permissions' plugin In this plugin you can modify permissions and change the owner of a file |
KFilePlugin | Base class for a meta information plugin |
KFilePreview | |
KFilePropsPlugin | 'General' plugin This plugin displays the name of the file, its size and access times |
KFileShare | Common functionality for the file sharing (communication with the backend) |
KFileSharePrivate | |
KFileSharePropsPlugin | This plugin provides a page to KPropsDlg, showing the "file sharing" options |
KFileSpeedBar | |
KFileTreeBranch | This is the branch class of the KFileTreeView, which represents one branch in the treeview |
KFileTreeView | The filetreeview offers a treeview on the file system which behaves like a QTreeView showing files and/or directories in the file system |
KFileTreeViewItem | An item for a KFileTreeView that knows about its own KFileItem |
KFileTreeViewToolTip | |
KFileView | This class defines an interface to all file views |
KFileViewSignaler | Internal class to make easier to use signals possible |
KFilterBase | This is the base class for compression filters such as gzip and bzip2 |
KFilterDev | A class for reading and writing compressed data onto a device (e.g |
KFolderType | Folder mime type |
KIconButton | A pushbutton for choosing an icon |
KIconCanvas | Icon canvas for KIconDialog |
KIconDialog | Dialog for interactive selection of icons |
KIconView | |
KIconViewItem | |
KIEBookmarkExporterImpl | |
KIEBookmarkImporter | A class for importing IE bookmarks |
KIEBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing IE bookmarks |
KImageFilePreview | Image preview widget for the file dialog |
KImageIO | Interface to the KDE Image IO plugin architecture |
KImageIOFactory | |
KImageIOFormat | |
KImageIOFormatList | |
KIOExec | |
KLibFactory | |
KLimitedIODevice | A readonly device that reads from an underlying device from a given point to another (e.g |
KListBox | |
KListView | |
KListViewItem | |
KMainWindow | |
KMessageBox | |
KMessageBoxWrapper | |
KMimeMagic | |
KMimeMagicResult | |
KMimeType | Represent a mime type, like "text/plain", and the data that is associated with it |
KMimeTypeChooser | This widget provides a checkable list of all available mimetypes, and a list of selected ones, as well as a corresponding list of file extensions, an optional text and an optional edit button (not working yet) |
KMimeTypeChooserDialog | A Dialog to choose some mimetypes |
KMimeTypeResolver< IconItem, Parent > | This class implements the "delayed-mimetype-determination" feature, for konqueror's directory views (and KFileDialog's :) |
KMimeTypeResolverBase | |
KMimeTypeResolverHelper | |
KMozillaBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing Mozilla bookmarks utf8 defaults to on |
KNFSShare | Similar functionality like KFileShare, but works only for NFS and do not need any suid script |
KNotifyDialog | KNotifyDialog presents an interface for configuring an application's KNotify events |
KNotify::KNotifyWidget | |
KNotifyWidgetBase | |
KNSBookmarkExporter | A class that exports all the current bookmarks to Netscape/Mozilla bookmarks Warning, it overwrites the existing bookmarks.html file ! |
KNSBookmarkExporterImpl | |
KNSBookmarkImporter | A class for importing NS bookmarks |
KNSBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing NS bookmarks utf8 defaults to off |
KNTLM | KNTLM class implements the NTLM authentication protocol |
KOCRDialog | Base class for OCR Dialogs |
KOCRDialogFactory | A factory for creating a KOCRDialog |
KOpenSSLProxy | Dynamically load and wrap OpenSSL |
KOpenWithDlg | "Open with" dialog box |
KOpenWithHandler | |
KOperaBookmarkExporterImpl | |
KOperaBookmarkImporter | A class for importing Opera bookmarks |
KOperaBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing Opera bookmarks |
KPasswdServer | |
KPixmapProvider | |
KPreviewPropsPlugin | |
KPreviewWidgetBase | Abstract baseclass for all preview widgets which shall be used via KFileDialog::setPreviewWidget(const KPreviewWidgetBase *) |
KProcessRunner | |
KPropertiesDialog | The main properties dialog class |
KPropsDlgPlugin | A Plugin in the Properties dialog This is an abstract class |
KProtocolInfo | Information about I/O (Internet, etc |
KProtocolManager | Provides information about I/O (Internet, etc |
KRecentDirs | The goal of this class is to make sure that, when the user needs to specify a file via the file selection dialog, this dialog will start in the directory most likely to contain the desired files |
KRecentDocument | Manage the "Recent Document Menu" entries displayed by applications such as Kicker and Konqueror |
KRemoteEncoding | Allows encoding and decoding properly remote filenames into Unicode |
KRun | To open files with their associated applications in KDE, use KRun |
KSambaShare | Similar functionality like KFileShare, but works only for Samba and do not need any suid script |
KScanDialog | This is a base class for scanning dialogs |
KScanDialogFactory | A factory for creating a KScanDialog |
KService | Represent a service, i.e |
KServiceFactory | |
KServiceGroup | KServiceGroup represents a group of service, for example screensavers |
KServiceGroupFactory | |
KServiceOffer | This class holds the user-specific preferences of a service (whether it can be a default offer or not, how big is the preference for this offer, |
KServiceSeparator | |
KServiceType | A service type is the generic notion for a mimetype, a type of service instead of a type of file |
KServiceTypeFactory | |
KServiceTypeProfile | KServiceTypeProfile represents the user's preferences for services of a service type |
KShared | |
KShellCompletion | This class does shell-like completion of file names |
KShred | |
KSimpleFileFilter | A simple file filter that can filter hidden dot files, by name, by mime type and by mode |
KSMIMECrypto | |
KSSL | KDE SSL Wrapper Class |
KSSLCertBox | KDE SSL Certificate Box |
KSSLCertChain | KDE Certificate Chain Representation Class |
KSSLCertDlg | KDE X.509 Certificate Dialog |
KSSLCertDlgRet | |
KSSLCertificate | KDE X.509 Certificate |
KSSLCertificateCache | |
KSSLCertificateFactory | |
KSSLCertificateHome | |
KSSLConnectionInfo | KDE SSL Connection Information |
KSSLCSessionCache | |
KSSLInfoDlg | KDE SSL Information Dialog |
KSSLKeyGen | KDE Key Generation dialog |
KSSLPeerInfo | KDE SSL Peer Data |
KSSLPKCS12 | KDE PKCS#12 Certificate |
KSSLPKCS7 | KDE PKCS#7 Certificate |
KSSLSession | KDE SSL Session Information |
KSSLSettings | KDE SSL Settings |
KSSLSigners | KDE SSL Signer Database |
KSSLX509Map | X.509 Map Parsing Class |
KSSLX509V3 | KDE X509v3 Flag Class |
KSycocaEntry | |
KSycocaFactory | |
KTar | A class for reading / writing (optionally compressed) tar archives |
KTimeout | |
KTrader | A Trader interface, similar to the CORBA Trader |
KURIFilter | Manages the filtering of URIs |
KURIFilterData | A basic message object used for exchanging filtering information between the filter plugins and the application requesting the filtering service |
KURIFilterPlugin | Base class for URI filter plugins |
KURIFilterPluginList | A list of filter plugins |
KURLBar | KURLBar is a widget that displays icons together with a description |
KURLBarItem | An item to be used in KURLBar / KURLBarListBox |
KURLBarItemDialog | A dialog that allows editing entries of a KURLBar ( KURLBarItem) |
KURLBarListBox | This is the listbox used in KURLBar |
KURLComboBox | This combobox shows a number of recent URLs/directories, as well as some default directories |
KURLComboRequester | URL requester with a combo box, for use in Designer |
KURLCompletion | This class does completion of URLs including user directories (~user) and environment variables |
KURLPixmapProvider | Implementation of KPixmapProvider |
KURLPropsPlugin | Used to edit the files containing [Desktop Entry] URL= |
KURLRequester | This class is a widget showing a lineedit and a button, which invokes a filedialog |
KURLRequesterDlg | Dialog in which a user can enter a filename or url |
KWalletD | |
KWizard | |
KXBELBookmarkImporterImpl | A class for importing XBEL files |
KZip | This class implements a kioslave to access zip files from KDE |
KZipFileEntry | |
KIO::ListJob | A ListJob is allows you to get the get the content of a directory |
ListProgress | List view in the UIServer |
ListProgressColumnConfig | |
KNotify::ListViewItem | |
KIO::MetaData | MetaData is a simple map of key/value strings |
KIO::MetaInfoJob | MetaInfoJob is a KIO Job to retrieve meta information from files |
KIO::MimetypeJob | A MimetypeJob is a TransferJob that allows you to get the mime type of an URL |
KIO::MkdirJob | A KIO job that creates a directory |
KIO::MultiGetJob | The MultiGetJob is a TransferJob that allows you to get several files from a single server |
KNTLM::Negotiate | The NTLM Type 1 structure |
KIO::NetAccess | Net Transparency |
KIO::NetRC | A Singleton class that provides access to passwords stored in .netrc files for automatic login purposes |
Observer | Observer for KIO::Job progress information |
KIO::ParseContext | |
KIO::ParseTreeAND | |
KIO::ParseTreeBase | |
KIO::ParseTreeBOOL | |
KIO::ParseTreeBRACKETS | |
KIO::ParseTreeCALC | |
KIO::ParseTreeCMP | |
KIO::ParseTreeDOUBLE | |
KIO::ParseTreeEXIST | |
KIO::ParseTreeID | |
KIO::ParseTreeIN | |
KIO::ParseTreeMATCH | |
KIO::ParseTreeMAX2 | |
KIO::ParseTreeMIN2 | |
KIO::ParseTreeNOT | |
KIO::ParseTreeNUM | |
KIO::ParseTreeOR | |
KIO::ParseTreeSTRING | |
KIO::PasswordDialog | A dialog for requesting a login and a password from the end user |
KIO::PasteDialog | |
KIO::PreferencesMaxima | |
KIO::PreferencesReturn | |
KArchive::PrepareWritingParams | |
KIO::PreviewJob | KIO Job to get a thumbnail picture |
KIO::ProgressBase | This class does all initialization stuff for progress, like connecting signals to slots |
ProgressItem | One item in the ListProgress |
KPAC::ProxyScout | |
KIO::DataSlave::QueueStruct | Structure for queueing |
KIO::RenameDlg | A dialog for the options to rename two files |
RenameDlgPlugin | This is the base class for all RenameDlg plugins |
KPasswdServer::Request | |
KEncodingFileDialog::Result | |
KIO::Scheduler | The KIO::Scheduler manages io-slaves for the application |
KPAC::Script | |
KNTLM::SecBuf | |
KIO::Slave::SendParams | |
KDEDesktopMimeType::Service | Structure representing a service, in the list of services returned by builtinServices and userDefinedServices |
KIO::SessionData | |
KIO::Slave::SetConfigParams | |
KIO::Slave::SetHostParams | |
KIO::SimpleJob | A simple job (one url and one command) |
KIO::SkipDlg | |
KIO::Slave | Attention developers: If you change the implementation of KIO::Slave, do *not* use connection() or slaveconn but the respective KIO::Slave accessor methods |
KIO::SlaveBase | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave |
KIO::SlaveConfig | SlaveConfig |
KIO::SlaveInterface | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (KIO::Job) and kioslave |
SMTP | |
KIO::StatJob | A KIO job that retrieves information about a file or directory |
KIO::StatusbarProgress | This is a special IO progress widget |
KIO::StoredTransferJob | StoredTransferJob is a TransferJob (for downloading or uploading data) that also stores a QByteArray with the data, making it simpler to use than the standard TransferJob |
KIO::Slave::SuspendedParams | |
KIO::Task | |
KIO::TCPSlaveBase | There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave |
ThumbCreator | This is the baseclass for "thumbnail-plugins" in KDE |
KIO::TransferJob | The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave |
KIO::UDSAtom | |
UIServer | It's purpose is to show progress of IO operations |
KArchive::WriteDataParams | |
KArchive::WriteDirParams | |
KArchive::WriteFileParams | |
KArchive::WriteSymlinkParams | |