Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- KSAlmanac() : KSAlmanac
- KSAsteroid() : KSAsteroid
- KSComet() : KSComet
- KSConjunct() : KSConjunct
- KSDssDownloader() : KSDssDownloader
- KSDssImage() : KSDssImage
- KSEarthShadow() : KSEarthShadow
- KSFileReader() : KSFileReader
- KSHelpLabel() : KSHelpLabel
- KSMoon() : KSMoon
- KSNumbers() : KSNumbers
- KSPlanet() : KSPlanet
- KSPlanetBase() : KSPlanetBase
- KSPluto() : KSPluto
- KSPopupMenu() : KSPopupMenu
- KSSun() : KSSun
- KStarsData() : KStarsData
- KStarsDateTime() : KStarsDateTime
- KStarsDocument() : KStarsDocument
- KStarsSplash() : KStarsSplash
- KSWizard() : KSWizard
- sanitizedForLinScale() : QCPRange
- sanitizedForLogScale() : QCPRange
- Satellite() : Satellite
- SatelliteGroup() : SatelliteGroup
- SatelliteNode() : SatelliteNode
- SatellitesComponent() : SatellitesComponent
- SatellitesItem() : SatellitesItem
- Save() : rapidcsv::Document
- save() : ColorScheme, FOVManager, QCPPainter, SkyMapViewManager
- save_gp_data() : GaussianProcessGuider
- saveBmp() : QCustomPlot
- saveCurrentImage() : ISD::Camera
- saveCurrentList() : ObservingList
- saveCurrentUserLog() : ObservingList
- saveDisplayImage() : ClientManagerLite
- saveFile() : Ekos::Scheduler
- saveImage() : ObservingList
- saveJob() : Ekos::Scheduler
- saveJpg() : QCustomPlot
- saveLimits() : Ekos::Mount
- saveLogData() : DetailDialog
- savePdf() : QCustomPlot
- savePng() : QCustomPlot
- saveRastered() : QCustomPlot
- saveScheduler() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- saveSequenceQueue() : Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Capture
- saveSession() : Execute
- saveThumbImage() : ObservingList
- saveToConfig() : ColorScheme
- saveToFile() : FlagComponent
- scale() : SimClock
- scaleChanged() : KStarsLite, SimClock
- scaleRange() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- scaleTypeChanged() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- Scheduler() : Ekos::Scheduler
- schedulerStopped() : Ekos::Scheduler
- SchemeManager() : SchemeManager
- scriptFinished() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- second() : dms
- secondary() : PoleAxis
- segmentsIntersect() : QCPGraph
- selectableChanged() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- selectActiveJob() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- selectCamera() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- selected() : AsteroidsComponent, CatalogsComponent, CometsComponent, ConstellationLines, ConstellationNamesComponent, CoordinateGrid, DeepStarComponent, EarthShadowComponent, Ecliptic, Equator, EquatorialCoordinateGrid, FlagComponent, HIPSComponent, HorizonComponent, HorizontalCoordinateGrid, ImageOverlayComponent, LocalMeridianComponent, MilkyWay, MosaicComponent, PlanetMoonsComponent, QCPAbstractPlottable, Satellite, SatellitesComponent, SkyComponent, SolarSystemComposite, SolarSystemSingleComponent, StarComponent, SupernovaeComponent, TerrainComponent
- selectedAxes() : QCustomPlot
- selectedCity() : LocationDialog
- selectedCityName() : LocationDialog
- selectedCountryName() : LocationDialog
- selectedDate() : TimeDialog
- selectedDateTime() : TimeDialog
- selectedGraphs() : QCustomPlot
- selectedItems() : QCPLegend, QCustomPlot
- selectedLegends() : QCustomPlot
- selectedObject() : FindDialog
- selectedPlottables() : QCustomPlot
- selectedProvinceName() : LocationDialog
- selectedTime() : TimeDialog
- selectEvent() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis, QCPLayerable, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisRadial, QCPPolarGraph, QCPTextElement
- selectFITS() : Ekos::Scheduler
- selectFocusStarFraction() : Ekos::Focus
- selectImageMask() : Ekos::Focus
- selection() : QCPAbstractPlottable
- selectionCategory() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis, QCPLayerable, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial, QCPPolarGraph
- selectionChanged() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisRadial, QCPTextElement
- selectionChangedByUser() : QCustomPlot
- selectionDecorator() : QCPAbstractPlottable
- selectionHitBox() : QCPFinancial
- selectionRect() : QCustomPlot
- selectObject() : Ekos::Scheduler, FindDialogLite, ObservingList
- selectResponse() : KSMessageBox
- selectSequence() : Ekos::Scheduler
- selectShutdownScript() : Ekos::Scheduler
- selectStartupScript() : Ekos::Scheduler
- selectTest() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType >, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPAxis, QCPBars, QCPColorMap, QCPCurve, QCPErrorBars, QCPFinancial, QCPGraph, QCPItemBracket, QCPItemCurve, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemLine, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemRect, QCPItemStraightLine, QCPItemText, QCPItemTracer, QCPLayerable, QCPLayoutElement, QCPLayoutInset, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial, QCPPolarGraph, QCPStatisticalBox, QCPTextElement
- selectTestRect() : QCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType >, QCPBars, QCPErrorBars, QCPFinancial, QCPPlottableInterface1D, QCPStatisticalBox
- sendCoords() : ISD::Mount
- sendNewNumber() : ISD::GenericDevice
- sendNewProperty() : ISD::ConcreteDevice
- sendNewSwitch() : ISD::GenericDevice
- sendNewText() : ISD::GenericDevice
- sendProperty() : INDIDBus
- SeparatorParams() : rapidcsv::SeparatorParams
- sessionList() : ObservingList
- set() : QCPDataContainer< DataType >, SkyPoint, SpatialVector
- set_catalog_enabled() : CatalogsDB::DBManager
- set_size() : TrixelCache< content >
- setAdaptiveOptics() : Ekos::Guide
- setAdaptiveSampling() : QCPGraph
- setAlbedo() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setAlpha() : QCPColorMapData
- setAlt() : SkyPoint
- setAltAz() : KStars
- setAltitudeAxis() : AVTPlotWidget
- setAltitudeLimits() : Ekos::Mount
- setAltitudeLimitsEnabled() : Ekos::Mount
- setAltRefracted() : SkyPoint
- setAngularPen() : QCPPolarGrid
- setAngularSize() : KSPlanetBase
- setAngularSubGridPen() : QCPPolarGrid
- setAnimationDelay() : QProgressIndicator
- setAntialiased() : QCPLayerable
- setAntialiasedElement() : QCustomPlot
- setAntialiasedElements() : QCustomPlot
- setAntialiasedFill() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph
- setAntialiasedScatters() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph
- setAntialiasedSubGrid() : QCPGrid, QCPPolarGrid
- setAntialiasedZeroLine() : QCPGrid, QCPPolarGrid
- setAntialiasing() : QCPPainter
- setAperture() : WIEquipSettings
- setApproxFOV() : KStars
- setAstrometryDevice() : Ekos::Align
- setAutoAddPlottableToLegend() : QCustomPlot
- setAutoFocusParameters() : Ekos::Focus
- setAutoMargins() : QCPLayoutElement
- setAutomaticMode() : SkyMapLite
- setAutoParkDailyEnabled() : Ekos::Mount
- setAutoParkEnabled() : Ekos::Mount
- setAutoParkStartup() : Ekos::Mount
- setAutoSqueeze() : QCPDataContainer< DataType >
- setAutoStarEnabled() : Ekos::Focus, Ekos::Guide
- setAutoSubFrameEnabled() : Ekos::Focus
- setAxes() : QCPItemPosition
- setAxisRect() : QCPItemPosition
- setAz() : SkyPoint
- setBackground() : QCPAxisRect, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCustomPlot
- setBackgroundScaled() : QCPAxisRect, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCustomPlot
- setBackgroundScaledMode() : QCPAxisRect, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCustomPlot
- setBarsGroup() : QCPBars
- setBarStyle() : QRoundProgressBar
- setBarWidth() : QCPColorScale
- setBasePen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setBaseValue() : QCPBars
- setBegin() : QCPDataRange
- setBeginObject() : PWizFovShUI
- setBinning() : Ekos::Focus
- setBinningIndex() : Ekos::Align
- setBorderPen() : QCPLegend
- setBracketBrush() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setBracketHeight() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setBracketPen() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setBracketStyle() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setBracketWidth() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setBrightness() : ISD::LightBox
- setBrush() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemRect, QCPItemText, QCPItemTracer, QCPLegend, QCPPolarGraph, QCPScatterStyle, QCPSelectionDecorator, QCPSelectionRect, SkyPainter, SkyQPainter
- setBrushNegative() : QCPFinancial
- setBrushPositive() : QCPFinancial
- setBufferDevicePixelRatio() : QCustomPlot
- setCamera() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Focus, Ekos::Guide
- setCapturedFramesMap() : Ekos::Capture
- setCatalogIdentifier() : CatalogObject
- SetCell() : rapidcsv::Document
- setCell() : QCPColorMapData
- setCenterLocked() : SkyMapLite
- setCentralPoint() : FovSnapshot
- setChannelFillGraph() : QCPGraph
- setChartStyle() : QCPFinancial
- setClickedObject() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setClickedPoint() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setClipAxisRect() : QCPAbstractItem
- setClipToAxisRect() : QCPAbstractItem
- setClockScale() : SimClock
- setClockStopping() : SimpleFovExporter
- setColor() : ColorScheme, DeepSkyNode, KSPlanetBase, KStars, QCPItemText, QProgressIndicator, RectNode
- setColorInterpolation() : QCPColorGradient
- setColorScale() : QCPColorMap
- setColorStopAt() : QCPColorGradient
- setColorStops() : QCPColorGradient
- SetColumn() : rapidcsv::Document
- SetColumnName() : rapidcsv::Document
- setColumnSpacing() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setColumnStretchFactor() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setColumnStretchFactors() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setComaAngSize() : KSComet
- setCoolerControl() : Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Capture
- setCoords() : QCPItemPosition
- setCountry() : GeoLocation
- setCurrent() : CultureList
- setCurrentImage() : ObservingList
- setCurrentLayer() : QCustomPlot
- setCurrentLink() : DetailDialog
- setCustomPath() : QCPScatterStyle
- setD() : CachingDms, dms
- setDarkFrameEnabled() : Ekos::Guide
- setDarkPalette() : ColorScheme
- setData() : QCPBars, QCPColorMap, QCPColorMapData, QCPCurve, QCPErrorBars, QCPFinancial, QCPGraph, QCPPolarGraph, QCPStatisticalBox
- setDataColors() : QRoundProgressBar
- setDataPenWidth() : QRoundProgressBar
- setDataPlottable() : QCPErrorBars
- setDataRange() : QCPColorMap, QCPColorScale
- setDataScaleType() : QCPColorMap, QCPColorScale
- setDate() : GenericCalendarWidget, KSAlmanac, KStarsDateTime
- setDateTimeFormat() : QCPAxisTickerDateTime
- setDateTimeSpec() : QCPAxisTickerDateTime
- setDebug() : HTMesh
- setDec() : SkyPoint
- setDec0() : SkyPoint
- setDecimals() : QRoundProgressBar
- setDECSwap() : Ekos::Guide
- setDefaultImage() : ObservingList
- setDesc() : AddLinkDialog
- setDescription() : FovSnapshot
- setDestination() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setDestinationAltAz() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setDevicePixelRatio() : QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
- setDiameter() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setDimensions() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setDirty() : Ekos::Scheduler
- setDisplayedWhenStopped() : QProgressIndicator
- setDJD() : KStarsDateTime
- setDome() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Capture
- setDownloadProgress() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- setDrawLock() : SkyMapDrawAbstract
- setDST() : TimeZoneRule
- setDustCap() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- setEarthMOID() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setEcLat() : KSPlanetBase
- setEcLong() : KSPlanetBase
- setElevation() : GeoLocation
- setEllipsoid() : GeoLocation
- setEnabled() : UnitSpinBoxWidget
- setEnd() : QCPDataRange
- setEquipment() : ObsConditions
- setErrorHandlingStrategy() : Ekos::Scheduler
- setErrorType() : QCPErrorBars
- setExposure() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Focus, Ekos::Guide
- setExposureProgress() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- setFieldWidth() : QCPAxisTickerTime
- setFilled() : RectNode
- setFillOrder() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setFilter() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Capture, Ekos::Focus
- setFilterWheel() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Focus
- setFlux() : CatalogObject
- setFocus() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setFocusAltAz() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setFocuser() : Ekos::Focus
- setFocusObject() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setFocusPoint() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setFocusStatus() : Ekos::Capture
- setFocusTemperatureDelta() : Ekos::Capture
- setFont() : QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPItemText, QCPLegend, QCPTextElement, SkyLabeler
- setFormat() : QRoundProgressBar
- setFov() : FovSnapshot
- setFovShapeOverriden() : SimpleFovExporter
- setFovSymbolDrawn() : SimpleFovExporter
- setFOVVisible() : SkyMapLite
- setFractionStyle() : QCPAxisTickerPi
- setFromEcliptic() : SkyPoint
- setFromEpoch() : KStarsDateTime
- setFromOther() : QCPScatterStyle
- setFromString() : CachingDms, dms
- setFullTimeUpdate() : KStarsData
- setGeoLocation() : ApproachSolver, AVTPlotWidget, KStars
- setGeometry() : MapCanvas
- setGPSLocation() : KStars
- setGradient() : QCPColorMap, QCPColorScale
- setGraph() : QCPItemTracer
- setGraphKey() : QCPItemTracer
- setGuideDeviation() : Ekos::Capture
- setGuider() : Ekos::Guide
- setGuiderType() : Ekos::Guide
- setH() : CachingDms, dms
- setHead() : QCPItemCurve, QCPItemLine
- setHFR() : Ekos::Capture
- setHorizonComp() : HorizonItem
- setHostName() : qMDNS
- setHourAngleLimit() : Ekos::Mount
- setHourAngleLimitEnabled() : Ekos::Mount
- setIconBorderPen() : QCPLegend
- setIconSize() : QCPLegend
- setIconTextPadding() : QCPLegend
- setImageLink() : AddLinkDialog
- setIndexTime() : HighPMStarList
- setIndiControlPage() : ClientManagerLite
- setInSequenceFocus() : Ekos::Capture
- setInsetAlignment() : QCPLayoutInset
- setInsetPlacement() : QCPLayoutInset
- setInsetRect() : QCPLayoutInset
- setInteraction() : QCustomPlot
- setInteractions() : QCustomPlot
- setInterpolate() : QCPColorMap
- setInterpolating() : QCPItemTracer
- setInvalidated() : QCPAbstractPaintBuffer
- setInverted() : QCPLineEnding
- setIsResolveEnabled() : FindDialogLite
- setItemNameCharFormat() : DetailsTable
- setItemValueCharFormat() : DetailsTable
- setJobAddApply() : Ekos::Scheduler
- setJobManipulation() : Ekos::Scheduler
- setKeyAxis() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph
- setKeyRange() : QCPColorMapData
- setKeySize() : QCPColorMapData
- setKSNumbers() : SkyMesh
- setLabel() : QCPAxis, QCPColorScale, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setLabelColor() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setLabelFont() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setLabelPadding() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setLabelPos() : GuideLabelNode, LabelNode
- setLat() : GeoLocation
- setLayer() : QCPLayerable
- SetLearningRate() : GaussianProcessGuider
- setLegendAlpha() : ImageExporter
- setLegendProperties() : ImageExporter
- setLength() : QCPItemBracket, QCPLineEnding
- setLevelCount() : QCPColorGradient
- setLightBox() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- setLightEnabled() : ISD::LightBox
- setLimMagnitude() : ObsConditions
- setLineStyle() : QCPCurve, QCPGraph, QCPPolarGraph
- setLineWidth() : PolyNode
- setLMMap() : ObsConditions
- setLocalTime() : KStars
- setLocation() : KSAlmanac, KStarsData
- setLocationDialog() : MapCanvas
- setLocationFromOptions() : KStarsData
- setLogBase() : QCPAxisTickerLog
- setLong() : GeoLocation
- setLongName() : SkyObject
- setLowerEnding() : QCPAxis
- setLSTLimits() : AltVsTime
- setMag() : CatalogObject, SkyObject
- setMagLim() : SkyMapLite
- setMaj() : CatalogObject
- setManualMode() : SimClock
- setMarginGroup() : QCPLayoutElement
- setMargins() : QCPLayoutElement
- setMaximum() : QRoundProgressBar, TimeUnitBox
- setMaximumGuidingDeviation() : Ekos::Capture
- setMaximumSize() : QCPLayoutElement
- setMaximumValue() : ctk3Slider, ctkRangeSlider
- setMaxSeparation() : ApproachSolver
- setMedianPen() : QCPStatisticalBox
- setMeridianFlipValues() : Ekos::Mount
- setMessage() : KStarsSplash
- setMidValue() : ctk3Slider
- setMin() : CatalogObject
- setMinimum() : QRoundProgressBar, TimeUnitBox
- setMinimumMargins() : QCPLayoutElement
- setMinimumSize() : QCPLayoutElement
- setMinimumValue() : ctk3Slider, ctkRangeSlider
- setMode() : QCPLayer, QCPPainter
- setModes() : QCPPainter
- setMonth() : GenericCalendarWidget
- setMoonIllum() : AVTPlotWidget
- setMoonRiseSetTimes() : AVTPlotWidget
- setMount() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::CameraProcess, Ekos::Guide, Ekos::Mount
- setMountCoords() : Ekos::ManualPulse
- setMouseCursorShape() : SkyMap
- setMultiple() : StarObject
- setMultiSelectModifier() : QCustomPlot
- setName() : GeoLocation, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph, SkyObject
- setName2() : SkyObject
- setNames() : StarObject
- setNanColor() : QCPColorGradient
- setNanHandling() : QCPColorGradient
- setNEO() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setNextDSTChange() : KStarsData
- setNoAntialiasingOnDrag() : QCustomPlot
- setNotAntialiasedElement() : QCustomPlot
- setNotAntialiasedElements() : QCustomPlot
- setNow() : SimClock, TimeDialog
- setNullPosition() : QRoundProgressBar
- setNumber() : INDIDBus
- setNumberFormat() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setNumberPrecision() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setObject() : SkyObjectLite
- setObsConditions() : ObsConditions
- setObserverName() : Ekos::Capture
- setOffset() : QCPAxis
- setOpenGl() : QCustomPlot
- setOpticalTrainID() : Ekos::OpticalTrainSettings
- setOrbitClass() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setOrbitID() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setOuterRect() : QCPLayoutElement
- setOutlierStyle() : QCPStatisticalBox
- setOutlinePenWidth() : QRoundProgressBar
- setPA() : CatalogObject, KSPlanetBase
- setPadding() : QCPAxis, QCPItemText
- setParallax() : StarObject
- setParameters() : covariance_functions::CovFunc, covariance_functions::PeriodicSquareExponential2, covariance_functions::PeriodicSquareExponential
- setParentAnchor() : QCPItemPosition
- setParentAnchorX() : QCPItemPosition
- setParentAnchorY() : QCPItemPosition
- setParentLayerable() : QCPLayerable
- setPaused() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- setPen() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPGrid, QCPItemBracket, QCPItemCurve, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemLine, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemRect, QCPItemStraightLine, QCPItemText, QCPItemTracer, QCPPainter, QCPPolarGraph, QCPScatterStyle, QCPSelectionDecorator, QCPSelectionRect, SkyLabeler, SkyPainter, SkyQPainter
- setPenNegative() : QCPFinancial
- setPenPositive() : QCPFinancial
- setPerihelion() : KSAsteroid
- setPeriod() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setPeriodic() : QCPColorGradient
- setPeriodicity() : QCPAxisTickerPi
- setPhysicalSize() : KSPlanetBase
- setPiSymbol() : QCPAxisTickerPi
- setPiValue() : QCPAxisTickerPi
- setPixelPosition() : QCPItemPosition
- setPixmap() : FovSnapshot, QCPItemPixmap, QCPScatterStyle
- setPlanetPicSize() : PlanetNode
- setPlotExtent() : AVTPlotWidget
- setPlottingHint() : QCustomPlot
- setPlottingHints() : QCustomPlot
- setPoint() : SkyLine, SkyPointLite
- setPointSize() : PlanetNode
- setPosition() : ISD::Dome, SkyObjItem
- setPositionAlignment() : QCPItemText
- setPositionAngle() : ConstellationsArt
- setPositions() : ctk3Slider, ctkRangeSlider
- setProgress() : KSFileReader
- setProjection() : KStarsLite
- setProperMotion() : StarObject
- setProvince() : GeoLocation
- setRA() : SkyPoint
- setRA0() : SkyPoint
- setRaDec() : KStars
- setRaDecJ2000() : KStars
- setRadians() : CachingDms, dms
- setRange() : QCPAxis, QCPColorMapData, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial, QRoundProgressBar
- setRangeDrag() : QCPAxisRect, QCPColorScale
- setRangeDragAxes() : QCPAxisRect
- setRangeLower() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setRangeReversed() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setRangeUpper() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setRangeZoom() : QCPAxisRect, QCPColorScale
- setRangeZoomAxes() : QCPAxisRect
- setRangeZoomFactor() : QCPAxisRect
- setRasterOutputSize() : ImageExporter
- setRealTime() : SimClock
- setRearth() : KSPlanetBase
- setRecordSize() : BinFileHelper
- setRect() : RectNode
- setResourceFile() : KStars
- setRootNode() : LabelsItem
- setRotation() : QCPItemText
- setRotationPeriod() : KSAsteroid, KSComet
- setRotator() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::CameraProcess
- SetRow() : rapidcsv::Document
- SetRowName() : rapidcsv::Document
- setRowSpacing() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setRowStretchFactor() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setRowStretchFactors() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setRsun() : KSPlanetBase
- setRunTutorial() : KStarsLite
- setSatelliteTLEandTrack() : ISD::Mount
- setSaveImagesButton() : ObservingList
- setScaled() : QCPItemPixmap
- setScaleRatio() : QCPAxis
- setScaleStrategy() : QCPAxisTickerFixed
- setScaleType() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setScatterSkip() : QCPCurve, QCPGraph
- setScatterStyle() : QCPCurve, QCPGraph, QCPPolarGraph, QCPSelectionDecorator
- setScope() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- setSelectable() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph, QCPTextElement
- setSelectableParts() : QCPAxis, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelected() : QCPAbstractItem, QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPTextElement, Satellite
- setSelectedBasePen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedBorderPen() : QCPLegend
- setSelectedBrush() : QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemRect, QCPItemText, QCPItemTracer, QCPLegend
- setSelectedColor() : QCPItemText
- setSelectedFont() : QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPItemText, QCPLegend, QCPTextElement
- setSelectedIconBorderPen() : QCPLegend
- setSelectedLabelColor() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedLabelFont() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedParts() : QCPAxis, QCPLegend, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedPen() : QCPItemBracket, QCPItemCurve, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemLine, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemRect, QCPItemStraightLine, QCPItemText, QCPItemTracer
- setSelectedSubTickPen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedTextColor() : QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPLegend, QCPTextElement
- setSelectedTickLabelColor() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedTickLabelFont() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelectedTickPen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSelection() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph
- setSelectionDecorator() : QCPAbstractPlottable
- setSelectionRect() : QCustomPlot
- setSelectionRectMode() : QCustomPlot
- setSelectionTolerance() : QCustomPlot
- setSequence() : Ekos::Scheduler, Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- setShape() : QCPScatterStyle
- setShBeginObject() : PrintingWizard
- setSize() : PointNode, QCPAbstractPaintBuffer, QCPColorMapData, QCPItemTracer, QCPScatterStyle
- setSizeConstraintRect() : QCPLayoutElement
- setSizeMagLim() : SkyMapLite
- setSkyObject() : PrintingWizard, PWizObjectSelectionUI
- setSlewing() : SkyMapLite
- setSnapNextFocus() : KStarsData
- setSolverAction() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- setSolverMode() : Ekos::Align
- setSpacing() : QCPBarsGroup
- setSpacingType() : QCPBarsGroup
- setStackingGap() : QCPBars
- setStarColorIntensity() : ColorScheme
- setStarColorMode() : ColorScheme
- setStarColorModeIntensity() : ColorScheme
- setStaticBlock() : StarBlockList
- setStyle() : QCPItemBracket, QCPItemTracer, QCPLineEnding
- setSubFrameEnabled() : Ekos::Guide
- setSubGridPen() : QCPGrid
- setSubGridVisible() : QCPGrid
- setSubTickCount() : QCPAxisTickerLog, QCPAxisTickerText
- setSubTickLength() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSubTickLengthIn() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSubTickLengthOut() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSubTickPen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSubTicks() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setSunRiseSetTimes() : AVTPlotWidget
- setSwitch() : INDIDBus
- setSymbolGap() : QCPErrorBars
- setTableFormat() : DetailsTable
- setTableTitleCharFormat() : DetailsTable
- setTail() : QCPItemCurve, QCPItemLine
- setTailSize() : KSComet
- setTangentAverage() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setTangentToData() : QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- setTarget() : Ekos::Align
- setTargetCoords() : Ekos::Align
- setTargetName() : Ekos::Capture, Ekos::Mount
- setTelescopeCoordinates() : Ekos::Align
- setTelescopeType() : ObsConditions
- setText() : INDIDBus, QCPItemText, QCPTextElement
- setTextAlignment() : QCPItemText
- setTextColor() : QCPAbstractLegendItem, QCPLegend, QCPTextElement
- setTextFlags() : QCPTextElement
- setTickCount() : QCPAxisTicker
- setTicker() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabelColor() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabelFont() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabelPadding() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabelRotation() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabels() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLabelSide() : QCPAxis
- setTickLength() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLengthIn() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickLengthOut() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickOrigin() : QCPAxisTicker, QCPAxisTickerDateTime
- setTickPen() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTicks() : QCPAxis, QCPAxisTickerText, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setTickStep() : QCPAxisTickerFixed
- setTickStepStrategy() : QCPAxisTicker
- setTightBoundary() : QCPColorMap
- setTime() : KStarsDateTime
- setTimeDirection() : KStarsData
- setTimeFormat() : QCPAxisTickerTime
- setTimeToNow() : KStars
- setTimeZone() : QCPAxisTickerDateTime
- setTitle() : Ekos::Focus
- settleSettings() : Ekos::Align
- setTrackEnabled() : Ekos::Mount
- setTracking() : KStars
- setTrackingStar() : Ekos::Guide
- setTTL() : qMDNS
- setTwoColored() : QCPFinancial
- setType() : QCPColorScale, QCPItemPosition, SkyObject
- setTypeX() : QCPItemPosition
- setTypeY() : QCPItemPosition
- setTZ0() : GeoLocation
- setTZRule() : GeoLocation
- setUnits() : dmsBox
- setupFullAxesBox() : QCPAxisRect
- setupOpenGl() : QCustomPlot
- setupPaintBuffers() : QCustomPlot
- setUpperEnding() : QCPAxis
- setupProjector() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setupSetButton() : INDI_P
- setupTickVectors() : QCPAxis, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPPolarAxisRadial
- setURL() : AddLinkDialog
- setUsedScatterProperties() : QCPSelectionDecorator
- setUsing_acos() : CachingDms
- setUsing_asin() : CachingDms
- setUsing_atan2() : CachingDms
- setUTC() : SimClock
- setValue() : QRoundProgressBar, TimeUnitBox, UnitSpinBoxWidget
- setValueAxis() : QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPPolarGraph
- setValueRange() : QCPColorMapData
- setValues() : ctk3Slider, ctkRangeSlider
- setValueSize() : QCPColorMapData
- setVariable() : StarObject
- setVectorStars() : SkyQPainter
- setVideoLimits() : Ekos::Capture
- setViewParams() : Projector
- setViewport() : QCustomPlot
- setVisible() : QCPLayer, QCPLayerable
- setWhiskerAntialiased() : QCPStatisticalBox
- setWhiskerBarPen() : QCPStatisticalBox
- setWhiskerPen() : QCPStatisticalBox
- setWhiskerWidth() : QCPErrorBars, QCPStatisticalBox
- setWidth() : QCPBars, QCPFinancial, QCPLineEnding, QCPStatisticalBox
- setWidthType() : QCPBars, QCPFinancial
- setWrap() : QCPLayoutGrid
- setX() : QCPVector2D
- setXPos() : GeoLocation
- setY() : QCPVector2D
- setYear() : GenericCalendarWidget
- setYPos() : GeoLocation
- setZeroLinePen() : QCPGrid
- setZoomFactor() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- setZoomFont() : SkyLabeler
- setZPos() : GeoLocation
- sgp4ErrorString() : Satellite
- shade() : SchemeManager
- shaded() : InfoBoxWidget
- ShFovExporter() : ShFovExporter
- shouldSchedulerSleep() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- shouldUpdate() : KSEarthShadow
- show() : dmsBox, DSOIndexNode, PlanetsItem, SkyItem, SkyNode, SkyOpacityNode, TrixelNode
- showCurrentDate() : AltVsTime
- showFITSPreview() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- showFocusCoords() : SkyMap
- showLabels() : LabelsItem
- showList() : ConstellationArtComponent
- showPlanetPic() : PlanetNode
- showPoint() : PlanetNode
- showPopupMenu() : SkyObject
- showProgress() : KSFileReader
- showSplash() : KStarsLite
- showThumbnail() : DetailDialog
- shrinkFont() : SkyLabeler
- signalComputationFinished() : EclipseHandler
- signalEventFound() : EclipseHandler
- signalProgress() : EclipseHandler
- SimClock() : SimClock
- SimpleFovExporter() : SimpleFovExporter
- simplify() : QCPDataSelection, QCPLayout, QCPLayoutGrid, QCPLayoutInset, RangeConvex
- simplifyFraction() : QCPAxisTickerPi
- sin() : CachingDms, dms
- SinCos() : CachingDms, dms
- size() : CaptureProcessOverlay::CaptureHistory, FlagComponent, HighPMStarList, HTMesh, MeshBuffer, MeshIterator, QCPAxisPainterPrivate, QCPAxisRect, QCPBarsGroup, QCPDataContainer< DataType >, QCPDataRange, QCPPolarAxisAngular, QCPRange, StarBlock, TrixelCache< content >
- sizeConstraintsChanged() : QCPLayout
- sizeHint() : AstroCalc, FocusDialog, QCustomPlot
- sizeMagLim() : SkyMapLite
- sizeX() : FOV
- skipList() : LineListIndex, MilkyWay
- SkyComponent() : SkyComponent
- SkyComposite() : SkyComposite
- skyComposite() : KStarsData
- SkyItem() : SkyItem
- SkyMap() : SkyMap
- SkyMapComposite() : SkyMapComposite
- SkyMapDrawAbstract() : SkyMapDrawAbstract
- SkyMapGLDraw() : SkyMapGLDraw
- SkyMapQDraw() : SkyMapQDraw
- skyMesh() : LineListIndex
- SkyNode() : SkyNode
- SkyObjDescription() : SkyObjDescription
- SkyObject() : SkyObject
- skyObject() : SkyNode
- SkyObjectLite() : SkyObjectLite
- SkyObjItem() : SkyObjItem
- SkyObjListModel() : SkyObjListModel
- SkyPoint() : SkyPoint
- skyPoint() : PoleAxis
- SkyPointLite() : SkyPointLite
- SkyPolygonNode() : SkyPolygonNode
- SkyQPainter() : SkyQPainter
- skyRegion() : SkyMesh
- skyRotationChanged() : SkyMapLite
- skyUpdate() : KStarsData
- slen() : SpatialException
- Slew() : Ekos::Align
- slew() : Ekos::Mount
- slewDefined() : ISD::Mount
- slewFocus() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slewingChanged() : SkyMapLite
- slewRate() : Ekos::Mount
- slewStatus() : Ekos::Mount
- SlewToTarget() : Ekos::Align
- slotAddEclipse() : EclipseModel
- slotAddFlag() : FlagManager, SkyMap
- slotAddFlagRaw() : SkyMap
- slotAddObject() : ObservingList
- slotAddObjectLabel() : SkyMap
- slotAddPlanetTrail() : SkyMap
- slotAddRegion() : HorizonManager
- slotAddSource() : AltVsTime
- slotAddToEkosScheduler() : ObservingList
- slotAddToSession() : ObservingList
- slotAdvanceFocus() : AltVsTime
- slotApplyConfigChanges() : KStars
- slotApplyWIConfigChanges() : KStars
- slotAVT() : ObservingList
- slotBatchAdd() : ObservingList
- slotBeginAngularDistance() : SkyMap
- slotBrowseObject() : AltVsTime
- slotCancelRulerMode() : SkyMap
- slotCenter() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slotCenterFlag() : FlagManager
- slotCenterObject() : ObservingList
- slotCenterTelescope() : FlagManager
- slotChangeTab() : ObservingList
- slotChooseCity() : AltVsTime
- slotClear() : AltVsTime
- slotClearAllTrails() : KStars
- slotClearBoxes() : AltVsTime
- slotClearList() : ObservingList
- slotClockSlewing() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slotComputeAltitudeByTime() : AltVsTime
- slotConsoleMessage() : KStarsData
- slotCopyCoordinates() : SkyMap
- slotCopyTLE() : SkyMap
- slotCustomDSS() : ObservingList
- slotDeleteAllImages() : ObservingList
- slotDeleteCurrentImage() : ObservingList
- slotDeleteFlag() : FlagManager, SkyMap
- slotDetail() : SkyMap
- slotDetails() : ObservingList
- slotDisplayFadingText() : SkyMap
- slotDownload() : KStars
- slotDSOCatalogGUI() : KStars
- slotDSS() : ObservingList, SkyMap
- slotEditFlag() : SkyMap
- slotEndRulerMode() : SkyMap
- slotEndSession() : Execute
- slotFind() : ObservingList
- slotFlagManager() : KStars
- slotGeoChanged() : InfoBoxWidget
- slotGeoLocator() : KStars
- slotGetImage() : ObservingList
- slotHighlight() : AltVsTime
- slotImage() : SkyMap
- slotImageViewer() : ObservingList
- slotInfo() : SkyMap
- slotItemSelection() : AstroCalc
- slotLoadWishList() : ObservingList
- slotLocation() : Execute, ObservingList
- slotMarkRiseTime() : AltVsTime
- slotMarkSetTime() : AltVsTime
- slotMarkTransitTime() : AltVsTime
- slotNewSelection() : ObservingList
- slotNext() : Execute
- slotOALExport() : ObservingList
- slotObjectChanged() : InfoBoxWidget
- slotObjectSelected() : SkyMap
- slotOk() : FindDialog
- slotOpenList() : ObservingList
- slotPointChanged() : InfoBoxWidget
- slotPrint() : AltVsTime
- slotRemoveCustomObject() : SkyMap
- slotRemoveObject() : ObservingList
- slotRemoveObjectLabel() : SkyMap
- slotRemovePlanetTrail() : SkyMap
- slotRemoveRegion() : HorizonManager
- slotRemoveSelectedObjects() : ObservingList
- slotResolve() : FindDialog
- slotSaveAllImages() : ObservingList
- slotSaveList() : ObservingList
- slotSaveSession() : ObservingList
- slotSaveSessionAs() : ObservingList
- slotSDSS() : SkyMap
- slotSelectObject() : SkyMapLite
- slotSetDomeEnabled() : KStars
- slotSetSkyRotation() : SkyMap
- slotSetTarget() : Execute
- slotSetTelescopeEnabled() : KStars
- slotSetTime() : KStarsLite, ObservingList
- slotSetTimeToNow() : KStars
- slotSetZoom() : KStars
- slotShowDetails() : EclipseEvent
- slotShowPositionBar() : KStars
- slotSlewToObject() : ObservingList
- slotStartXplanetViewer() : SkyMap
- slotStepBackward() : KStarsLite
- slotStepForward() : KStarsLite
- slotTimeChanged() : InfoBoxWidget
- slotToggleFocusBox() : SkyMap
- slotToggleGeoBox() : SkyMap
- slotToggleInfoboxes() : SkyMap
- slotToggleTimeBox() : SkyMap
- slotToggleTimer() : KStarsLite
- slotToggleWIView() : KStars
- slotTrack() : KStars, KStarsLite
- slotTriggerDataFileUpdate() : SupernovaeComponent
- slotUpdate() : ObservingList
- slotUpdateAltitudes() : ObservingList
- slotUpdateDateLoc() : AltVsTime
- slotUpdateSky() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slotWISettings() : KStars
- slotWizard() : KStars, ObservingList
- slotWUT() : ObservingList
- slotZoomChanged() : KStars
- slotZoomDefault() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slotZoomIn() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- slotZoomOut() : SkyMap, SkyMapLite
- snapNextFocus() : KStarsData
- SolarSystemSingleComponent() : SolarSystemSingleComponent
- solarsysUID() : KSPlanetBase
- solverFailed() : Ekos::Align
- solverFinished() : Ekos::Align
- solverMadeProgress() : ApproachSolver
- sort() : QCPDataContainer< DataType >
- sortJobsPerAltitude() : Ekos::Scheduler
- sortKey() : QCPBarsData, QCPCurveData, QCPFinancialData, QCPGraphData, QCPStatisticalBoxData
- sortKeyIsMainKey() : QCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType >, QCPBarsData, QCPCurveData, QCPErrorBars, QCPFinancialData, QCPGraphData, QCPPlottableInterface1D, QCPStatisticalBoxData
- sortTargetList() : Execute
- span() : QCPDataSelection
- SpatialBoundsError() : SpatialBoundsError
- SpatialConstraint() : SpatialConstraint
- SpatialException() : SpatialException
- SpatialFailure() : SpatialFailure
- SpatialIndex() : SpatialIndex
- SpatialInterfaceError() : SpatialInterfaceError
- SpatialUnimplemented() : SpatialUnimplemented
- SpatialVector() : SpatialVector
- spchar() : StarObject
- sptype() : StarObject
- squeeze() : QCPDataContainer< DataType >
- star() : StarBlock
- StarBlock() : StarBlock
- StarBlockList() : StarBlockList
- starColorIntensity() : ColorScheme
- starColorMode() : ColorScheme
- StarItem() : StarItem
- starNearest() : SkyMapComposite
- StarObject() : StarObject
- starsInAperture() : DeepStarComponent, StarComponent
- start() : Ekos::Capture, Ekos::Focus, Ekos::SchedulerProcess, INDIDBus, SimClock
- startAnimation() : QProgressIndicator
- startAstrometry() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- startCapture() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- started() : QCPSelectionRect
- startFocusing() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- startFraming() : Ekos::Focus
- startGuiding() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- startJob() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- startJobEvaluation() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- startNextExposure() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- startNextJob() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- startNextPendingJob() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- startPainting() : QCPAbstractPaintBuffer, QCPPaintBufferPixmap
- startSelection() : QCPSelectionRect
- startSingleDownload() : KSDssDownloader
- startSlew() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- startSolving() : Ekos::Align
- startWebManagerProfile() : ClientManagerLite
- starWidth() : PointSourceNode, SkyPainter
- stat() : SkipList
- stats() : HighPMStarList
- status() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Capture, Ekos::Focus, Ekos::Guide
- sticky() : InfoBoxWidget
- stop() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Capture, Ekos::DarkLibrary, Ekos::SchedulerProcess, INDIDBus, SimClock
- stopAnimation() : QProgressIndicator
- stopCapturing() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- stopCurrentJobAction() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- stopGuiding() : Ekos::SchedulerProcess
- stopsUseAlpha() : QCPColorGradient
- stopTimers() : Ekos::Mount, ISD::Mount
- stopTracking() : SkyMapLite
- stopWebManagerProfile() : ClientManagerLite
- stringToEpoch() : KStarsDateTime
- subtractEterms() : SkyPoint
- summary() : LineListIndex
- sunMeanAnomaly() : KSNumbers
- sunMeanLongitude() : KSNumbers
- sunTrueAnomaly() : KSNumbers
- sunTrueLongitude() : KSNumbers
- sunZenithAngleToTime() : KSAlmanac
- SupernovaeItem() : SupernovaeItem
- SupernovaNode() : SupernovaNode
- suspend() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Capture, Ekos::Guide
- suspendAltLimits() : Ekos::Mount
- symbolsFOVChanged() : SkyMapLite
- symmetricMoves() : ctkRangeSlider
- Sync() : Ekos::Align
- sync() : Ekos::Mount
- syncAxisReversed() : Ekos::Mount
- syncCameraControls() : Ekos::Align
- syncCameraInfo() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Focus
- syncCCDControls() : Ekos::Focus
- syncDSLRToTargetChip() : Ekos::CameraProcess
- SyncFilterRules() : KSUtils::Logging
- syncFOV() : KStarsData
- syncGUIToGeneralSettings() : Ekos::Scheduler
- syncGUIToJob() : Ekos::Scheduler
- syncLED() : ClientManagerLite
- syncLocationSource() : Ekos::Mount
- syncLST() : KStarsData
- syncOps() : KStars
- syncTarget() : Ekos::Mount
- syncTelescopeInfo() : Ekos::Align, Ekos::Mount
- syncTimeSource() : Ekos::Mount
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Sat Dec 21 2024 17:04:48 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Sat Dec 21 2024 17:04:48 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.